Host special pet

Chapter 307 Give up the choice

Chapter 307 Give up the choice
waiting space.

"Oh my God! Crematorium! No! Shura Field!"

"An Zhe No. 1 in the assessment, I thought that Yang Mo himself was fierce enough, but I didn't expect that her companion hosts were all these awesome people, worthy of being the No. 2 of the main system! Unlike me... I have been here for more than 30 years , there is no companion..."

"Bohan! Isn't that the No. 1 executor of the Ghost King's department every year? No. 50 in the training ground has not been replaced for [-] years. He... since he is Yang Mo's companion host! This is also..."

"What's yours? Li Jun, have you seen it? It was the one who cleaned up the executors of a department within the scope of the rules on the first day. . Now ranked 13th on the overall list, only two places lower than Anzhe."

"What are you talking about? Didn't you see Jie Jing in the operation? At the same time, the first one to fight against An Zhe was almost 100 years ago. The scores of the two of them have always been tied, and they are the only public scores. What do you say? Isn't it scary?"

"Who is Yang Mo? How come the executors are all such terrifying characters?"

The executors were directly frightened by this scene, not because they had sharp eyes, they could tell who was whose host at a glance.

It's that these candidates look so much alike, so when they stand together, under the gaze of tens of thousands of pairs of executors, this guess becomes a reality.

And with Yang Mo's own performance, they were fools, so they guessed it right away.


examination room.

Ten hours passed.

"Whoever has a cigarette, give me one." Anzhe sat on a chair in the corridor, crossed his fingers on his legs, and lowered his head. Outside the silent operating room, he said the first time they gathered here. sentence.

"Are you still in the mood to smoke at this time?" Lijun looked sideways at him. They had met in the main system early, so naturally they all knew each other.But this was the first time they met in the examination room.

Jin Yu touched his pocket and said, "You don't smoke?"

In the main system, he did a lot of character work, and An Zhe's information was picked up the most by the executors, so he also knows some.

"No? I'll go out and buy." An Zhe didn't answer, his tone was cold, and he walked outside without any expression on his face.

Everyone watched him leave without stopping him.

Anzhe walked to the door of the lobby, did not press the elevator, and walked to the safe passage. He lowered his head and walked to the top of the building in silence. He stood in a corner and squatted down.

His head was still hanging down, and no one could see his already red eyes behind his lowered head.

Yang Mo... You said that you would not lie to me.

But he still broke his promise.

you are always like this……

You clearly know I don't like it.

As he spoke, he bit his own hand, took a blood test and dropped a prop on the ground.

"Replacement card."

[Warning, props are not allowed in the examination room, violations will directly result in failure of the examination. 】X3
"Use props, replace cards."

"Use props, replace cards."

[Warning, props are not allowed in the examination room, violations will directly result in failure of the examination. 】

"Effect: Replacement students..."

"What are you doing?" Jin Yu suddenly appeared from behind and patted him, his eyes fell on the pattern drawn on the ground: "Mo'er's operation was successful, I just woke up, I want to see you."

An Zhe froze for a moment, got up and ran downstairs, Jin Yu stopped him from behind: "Don't do anything stupid."

He paused and left without saying anything.

Jin Yu looked at the pattern on the ground, raised his foot to wipe it off, and turned to leave.

Sterile ward.

An Zhe came to Yang Mo wearing a sterile suit, Yang Mo's hands moved, his eyes were very tired.


He knelt directly in front of the hospital bed, held her hand in both hands and put it on his lips, tears still flowed from his eyes, and his voice trembled: "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

"I give up, I give up, I don't play anymore, I don't play anymore, I give up, I'm sorry, Mo'er, I'm sorry."

"I have no choice. I have no way to treat you like I did in my previous life. I'm sorry, Mo'er."


The anesthetic is partial, not general anesthesia. Seeing An Zhe like this made her feel uncomfortable, but she didn't expect that the eighth floor was them.

"An... Zhe..." He took out his hand and brushed away the tears from An Zhe's cheek, and his voice was as weak as when they first met: "I... I'm here."

As soon as I was there, An Zhe's emotions completely collapsed, kneeling beside the bed and crying like a child, the emotions that had been accumulated for a hundred years finally broke out at this moment.

In the previous life, she was like this at the last time in the previous life, dying in his arms, stroking his cheek with a cold hand, saying!

explain!Say she is here!
But at that time, her body disappeared one by one, and disappeared in his arms little by little.

He himself didn't know how he survived until the moment he saw him.

"Lie to me again! Why did you lie to me..."

Yang Mo listened to his murmurs. In fact, his brain didn't receive much. After the operation, he really didn't have much strength.

But he couldn't just ignore Anzhe like this, he stretched out his hand to caress his face, and sighed in his heart.

However, her goal is to go to the ninth floor, and she really doesn't want to give up here.

Nothing more...

——Yingsu: "Little things, do what you want, remember that you are just a spectator, desire, love, throw away as long as you can, take what you can, do what you think, and there are consequences, you yourself You have to endure it, do you understand?"

Just trust you for a while...


Yang Mo sat up with all his strength, found An Zhe's lips precisely, and blocked all his words in his throat.

Just accept it.

outside the window.

When several people saw such a result, they felt uncomfortable and turned their backs silently.

Jin Yu has the shortest qualifications here, and there are many things that he hasn't figured out yet, and there are many things that he hasn't understood.

The less he met, the lower his ability to bear. At this moment, he felt mixed feelings and couldn't accept it, so he left the ward in a daze.

Walking to a corner, he stood there in a daze for a long time, and began to think wildly.

He understood that Yang Mo was never his own, and he didn't need him. From the beginning, he pushed it away

Now even if he became an executor and met with another identity, he felt at first that this was a chance God gave him, a chance to start over, but now!
Now there are so many executors who like Yang Mo, each of them appeared earlier than himself.

And Anzhe!

Yang Mo has always been interested in him, whether it is on the first floor or here, she always chooses An Zhe.

So... what are you doing so much...

What am I...

Do you still want to continue to be stubborn...

"Boss... are you alright..." Jian Shushu followed from the beginning, and silently stayed by Jin Yu's side. Seeing him sad, she felt uncomfortable.

Jin Yu stared blankly at Jian Shushu in front of him, in a daze, it seemed that Yang Mo was standing in front of him.

He stared blankly for a long time, and then suddenly hugged her: "Mo'er... I can't bear it anymore..."

(End of this chapter)

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