Chapter 286
Anzhe had been leisurely watching his wife change clothes, but in the blink of an eye, his eyes darkened, and his neck was strangled by a translucent self.

His eyes were caught off guard by those cold eyes, which were bottomless, as if he wanted to see him fall into the bottomless abyss.

'who!Allow you!hurt her! '

The body was thrown out violently, hit the ground and rolled several times, crawled on the ground for a long time before getting up with difficulty: "Split personality? Sleepwalking? Hallucinations? Really crazy! You dreamed that you were beaten by yourself?"

"How much do I hate myself to have such an outrageous dream?"

(An Zhe) Floating in the air and looking at him coldly, the murderous intent in his eyes is ready to come out: "You can't handle the matter of An's Group, can you?Now that the property is held by the wife again, the funds will soon be overwhelmed, right? '

'When the time comes, you won't even be able to pay your salary. Tell me, will your Bai Yueguang stay with you? '

His tone was full of sarcasm.

who is he!He is Anzhe!Back then, Daoxiu covered the sky with one hand, and the mall was a person who shocked the situation.

Afterwards, there was No.1 in the stability assessment, even if it took less than a day to receive it, he had already stripped his bottoms clean.

When Anzhe heard the words of the person in front of him who looked exactly like him, his body froze in place and stared at him blankly.

Even the board of directors didn't know about this matter. How could the man in front of him who looked like him know?

Is he dreaming or is he in the dark, his own destiny?
"You... what are you going to do..."

'Stop the divorce!If you want to bring the group back to life, you can only listen to me! 'After that, he snorted coldly and disappeared into the darkness.

An Zhe secretly yelled to the reader: "She can't agree! How much she hates me! I don't think you don't know!"

All that answered him was darkness, endless fear and uneasiness.

But he didn't know that (An Zhe) in the dark was close to collapse.In An Zhe's body, he watched as he pushed Yang Mo down with his own hands, and watched as he fell to the ground bleeding.

That's his girl!How could he...

Look at the screen in front of you.

[Task 1: Connect the 12 exam stories in series.

Task 2: Abusive target, Yang Mo. ]
——"Yang Mo! If! I said if! If you give me another chance! Will you love me again? Even once?"

——"Yes, I will..."

Yang Mo, this is not what I want...

He rummages in the storage bag, he has to give his girl a message, at least if it's manageable, tell her, be careful.

Lens transitions.

The green willow that appeared this time.

Qing Liu was thrown behind the living room by An Zhe, so she lost her temper, went back to the room and smashed the things in the room.

Before she could think of how to deal with Yang Mo, she appeared in a strange place, and there was another person exactly like herself, which frightened her to the point of turning pale.

(Qing Liu)'s hatred for (Yang Mo) is no longer as simple as wanting to kill her.

Let her trample off her body and head in front of so many executors, and make her so ashamed, she must avenge this revenge.

Looking at the submissive woman in front of her, she thought of Yang Mo's delicate and contrived appearance, and felt nauseous: "What a waste, even a person who loves you can't catch it." '

If it were her, just because An Zhe had her in his heart, she could kill that bitch.

Qingliu's eyes suddenly became fierce, and his eyes were full of hatred: "You are a waste, what are you, and what right do you have to say about me? Don't take my appearance, talk to me like that bitch Yang Mo .

You are just not my substitute, so what if you marry An Zhe?I'm not the only one in Anzhe's heart?

You deserve to be trampled on by An Zhe like a dog for me. "

(Qing Liu) froze for a moment, then disappeared into the darkness.

[Task 1: Connect the 12 exam stories in series.

Task 2: Abusing Value Objects**
screen transition.

Jie Jing stood in the darkness, and there was darkness in all directions.

The situation in the center also stunned the executives outside, because there was no prompt from the system, so they could only wait and see what happened.

(Jie Jing) appeared in the darkness and floated slowly to his side. He looked at her quietly for half an hour before slowly speaking: 'Like it?If you like her, go for it and be gentle, don't make her hate her like I did. '

'It's okay. The worst that can happen is that I'll lose my soul. I've had enough. '

After that, he disappeared into the darkness. During the process, Anzhe didn't say a word.

[Task 1: Connect the 12 exam stories in series.

Task 2: Abuse the object of abuse**]

[The remaining candidates have not reached the link and cannot view it. ] A line of subtitles appears on the screen, and the picture resumes flowing.

Yang Mo had already finished taking a shower, and she was sitting on the edge of the bed by herself, and she was the only one in the room.

The words of the person who looks exactly like her are still ringing in her mind over and over again, she is right, why should she give up her seat when she comes back?What about the injury of my own hand, my mother, and the Yang family?
Can't divorce!Can't divorce!
——'You can't just say that you have to find a way to let this matter go. '

Her appetite suddenly hurt, and she staggered to open the side drawer to take out painkillers.

Outside, inside the screen.

The screen suddenly moved, and on one side was the picture of Yang Mo taking medicine;

Because the screen is at different angles, it is exactly the same as the real naked eye.

It was so, under the fine sweat on her forehead, every pore in her pale skin was trembling with pain.

Shouting helplessly in his mouth: 'Old Immortal...Old Immortal...'

Surveillance space, the main system clenched its teeth and clenched its hands into fists, as if trying to hold back.

Tiandao looked at him with his head down, his face still expressionless: "Want to go in? I can turn your plan into a mess."

The main system gritted its teeth tightly and remained silent.

examination room.

The pain in Yang Mo's body came from her soul. Her soul was incomplete, and it was not strengthened in the examination room. Now the pain in her body has become tens of thousands of times in her soul.

She gritted her teeth and murmured the words old and immortal.

waiting space.

This scene suddenly appeared on the screen, which scared all the executors. The male swiped frequently and stood up at different positions to count people.

In the darkness, their pair of eyes that seemed to be the same bottomless stared at (Yang Mo) inside.


'Ahem! '

On the screen, Yang Mo pouted, spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, and fell into a coma.

The screen was replaced by darkness, and then returned to Yang Mo's reality.


The door of the room was opened, An Zhe walked in and turned on the light.

An Zhe held a contract in his hand and saw Yang Mo falling to the ground. He was stunned for a moment. The dream flashed through his mind. He weighed the pros and cons in the shortest world, picked up Yang Mo and rushed to the hospital.

Along the way, he thought a lot.

think!Just kill her like this, so nothing will happen.

think!Threat her with the grace of saving her life, and tell her not to do anything fearless.



"Doctor! Help my wife! She's unconscious for some reason, and she can't wake up."

Of all the thoughts, at the moment when he fell into the hospital, there was only one sentence in his mind.

Save his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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