Host special pet

Chapter 283 Before Dawn

Chapter 283 Before Dawn
Jiejing didn't go to see An Zhe for Yang Mola and the quilt. He walked out of the ward with a dark face, found a place, and smoked a few cigarettes in succession.

His eyes kept falling on the screen of the mobile phone in his hand. A number had been entered on it, and he almost pressed the dial button to dial out.

The hand on the phone was trembling steadily, until the cigarette butts on the other hand were burned to the flesh, and then it became agitated, and accidentally clicked the dial button.

He subconsciously wants to hang up, but those who have already connected, a somewhat tired and pleasant voice came out: "Who is there?"

Jiejing was silent for a while, but when he was about to hang up over there, he said, "It's me."

Just two words, in exchange for a silence over there, both sides seemed to be waiting for the other to continue speaking.

"Lend me 1000 million." Jie Jing was silent for a few minutes and stated his purpose. As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of objects falling on the other side of the phone, and his voice was a bit louder than before.

"What happened to you? Is 1000 million enough?"

"It's okay, thank you." He explained, and hung up the phone after saying that. He hugged his knees and stayed there for a long time before leaving.

January 5 at 21:06.

Qingliu didn't know where to get the news of Anzhe's injury, so she ran over in a hurry, crying and blaming herself at Anzhe's bedside.

"Zhe, this is the soup I made for you. It's very nourishing. You can drink it." After crying for a long time, as for remembering, what she brought.

At this time, Yang Mo was also woken up by her. He sniffed his nose while doing it. The air was full of oil. He couldn't hold it back anymore, so he crawled on the edge of the bed and vomited.

An Zhe originally drank a little loudly, but he gave you Yang Mo such a slap, thinking it was intentional, he lost his appetite for a moment, threw the spoon and turned to look at her: "Who do you want to be disgusted with?"

"Sister Mo'er? Why are you here? Why are you also injured?" Qing Liu covered her mouth with her hands, her face full of horror.

"Morning sickness, didn't you see it?" Yang Mo vomited for a while, took out a few tissues to wipe his mouth, didn't even look at their couple, got off the ground, and left the ward directly.

"Morning sickness?" Anzhe and Qingliu's expressions changed at the same time. Anzhe didn't think about it, so he chased her directly, and grabbed her against the wall in the corridor: "Tell me clearly, whose is it?"

Yang Mo had already lost a lot of blood and was suffering from advanced gastric cancer, so giving him such a slap in the face almost cost her half her life.

Looking at An Zhe's eyes full of doubts, she was sore, but her face was as calm as death. Qingliu, who caught a glimpse of her eyes, had something in her heart. Anyway, she was going to die, so she would have to fight this couple to death.

Without hesitation, she tiptoed, kissed, and occupied Anzhe Chi Guoguo in front of Qingliu.

At the other end of the corridor, Jiejing held a food box in his hand, stared at them blankly, and finally turned and left in frustration.

An Zhe's lust was aroused by Yang Mo, and he couldn't help responding.

Just as he responded, Yang Mo left suddenly, and whispered in his ear: "Go back, I'll tell you when I go back."

Anzhe didn't even think about it, he just picked it up and strode outside.

Qingliu was thrown in the hospital just like that, and she didn't react for a long time.

Jingshui Mansion, villa.


Along the way, An Zhe held this breath in his heart.For five years, Yang Mo was like an unkillable weed. No matter how he treated her, she never lowered her head once.

To know her answer directly from her mouth, her request must be fulfilled.

Standing on the pool of blood on the ground, Yang Mo turned to look at him: "I'm not pregnant, I lied to you." After that, he picked up the landline on the side and made a call: "Let the cleaning come over."

"Yang Mo! You lied to me again! There is not a single word of truth in your mouth! You are really a bitch who talks lies." An Zhe felt like he was being played like a fool and looked at her viciously.

Yang Mozuo fell on the sofa, shaking her heavy head due to excessive blood loss: "Yes, I lost it." After a pause, he added: "I won't conceive your child. I didn't like it before. It’s also very famous now.”

Her words were like, your suit fits you well today.Even when the child was dropped, there was no mood swing.

"You still want to be pregnant with someone else? You forgot! Whose woman are you! We haven't divorced yet! If you dare to do anything like cheating on me, I will kill you." Anzhe missed the point. All I heard was that she didn't want to be pregnant with her own child, but someone else's.

"Whatever you want, it doesn't matter." Yang Mo slumped on the sofa and closed his eyes. After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth: "Anyway, I'm going to get a divorce tomorrow. You move out of here. I'll get what I want. You and I will go our separate ways." , we will meet again later, you and I are in the relationship of killing our mother!"

An Zhe went to the Guozijian on the wine rack and poured a glass of wine and drank it with his head up. He sat on a chair beside him and quietly looked at Yang Mo in the distance. Feeling inexplicably uncomfortable, he suppressed the irritability in his heart and said: "The shares can't be given to you."

"That's your business. You have to give it to me anyway, or I'll turn against you." Yang Mo put his hands on his stomach, and suddenly changed the subject: "Do you know how to cook? There are dumplings in the refrigerator. Make me some." Even if it’s a breakup meal.”

When An Zhe heard that the meal was over, he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart. He strode over and raised his hand to pull Yang Mo up.

But the hand stopped halfway up. Yang Mo closed his eyes slightly and seemed to have fallen asleep.

An Zhe stood quietly on the spot, and the expression on the sleeping Yang Mo's face was much softer, without the calmness of a dead man, and without an aggressive tone.

She looks like this, like a fairy who has mistakenly entered the world.

I don't know why, but my anger gradually subsided, and I walked into the kitchen to start tinkering.

It seemed that he really didn't know how to do it, and he didn't turn on the fire after working for a long time.

The assistant came in with a file bag, saw An Zhe from the kitchen walking over, and pointed outside in a low voice: "Boss, Madam's 1000 million has been credited to Madam's card."

An Zhe pinched the bridge of his nose, put the pot in his hand, a little impatiently: "Where did the housekeeper and servants die?"

"Boss..." The assistant coughed in embarrassment, and glanced at Yang Mo outside: "Once you quarreled with your wife and fired all the servants at home."

An Zhe was stunned for a moment, remembering that there was indeed such a thing.

Although forcing Yang Mo to marry him to torture her, Yang Mo's temper has always been tepid, and he will not fight back if he hits or scolds.

At the beginning, she just got up to eat, went back to sleep after eating, came down to eat when it was time to eat, and went back to the room after eating.I have always turned a blind eye to my own dislike.

Once he scolded him for a long time, and she didn't take a look at him until she raised her hand. At that time, she pointed at her and said some nasty words, asked her to pick up the food on the ground and eat it, and dismissed all the servants casually .

At that time, I just wanted to give her a small punishment, just to make her more superior head bow down.

"Hire a new one tomorrow." He said and pointed to the kitchen: "Can you cook dumplings?"

The assistant didn't say anything, didn't ask anything, opened the fire skillfully, and found the dumplings in the refrigerator.

At this time, Yang Mo's voice came from the living room: "My own blood, you clean it up and ask my husband to get the money. Keep your voice down, don't disturb me."

Hearing the voice, An Zhe turned his head and took a look. Seeing that she was still lying on the sofa, the cleaning staff had already started to get busy.

Go out and tell the cleaning: "All the blood-stained carpets are lost."

(End of this chapter)

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