Chapter 269 All kinds of life


This abnormal-looking woman talked to herself for two hours, and the only voice in the entire space was her own.

The rest, those who can come here are not ordinary executors.In the previous examination room, they had already deeply realized what madness is. Compared with the chattering voice at this time, they didn't need to put it in their hearts at all.

Yang Mo has no experience, so after listening to it for a long time, it is actually a bit annoying.Seeing that she was still talking to herself, she rummaged through the storage bag at her waist again.

After searching for a while, I saw a jar of wine in the corner.After thinking about it for a while, I remembered that this was the altar given by the village chief when I was in Quanshui Village. It hadn't been used for a long time, and I almost forgot.

Remember, it seems it can be used elsewhere.It was she who moved the hands in the first few examination rooms, and I don't know if she used them in the front.

However, now that it's here, she thinks it's useless, she might as well just drink it to relieve the irritability caused by this lunatic.

After looking through it, seeing that I didn't have a cup in this storage bag, and I didn't want to drink from such a big jar, I asked, "Sorry, please give me a cup."

"Oh? Haha?" The lunatic stopped chattering when she heard the voice, and shrank herself back a little with curiosity and fear on her face, biting the tip of her pen, looking back and forth in the 12 bubbles with erratic eyes.Because the voice was processed, it seemed that she didn't know who it was coming from.

However, she didn't seem to care.Hehe laughed a few times: "Cup? Oh! Haha...that's really a good thing that can create an atmosphere.

Under the very dim light, there are still flashing neon lights, hehe...the dance floor, women, men, hugs, kisses, hehe...there are also cups and cups intertwined and making a pleasant sound.

Hehe... Isn't it very similar to the intimate murmur of a pair of lovers? "

"Do the other executors have cups?" Yang Mo saw her talking to himself again, intoxicated in her world, and asked the other executors.

"This lunatic is making a lot of noise! ​​Also, this is an examination room, do you think it's the grocery department? Cups? Why didn't you say you want a man?" The executor in another bubble was obviously a little annoyed. Seeing someone taking the lead, he couldn't help but Live and scold together.

"Oh! Hehe... Crazy? It's a good character, living in his own world, and he doesn't fit in with those fools..."

"Give it to me! One, one, cup, cup!" Yang Mo had almost exhausted his patience, and the fan in his hand slammed into the air bubble. The vibration made the air bubble unbearable, and it immediately burst and shattered.And it didn't stop when one bubble was broken, and the remaining 11 bubbles were also scattered as the airflow hit.

If she hadn't found the entrance to the ninth floor, she would have killed these flies!

With the bursting of the bubbles, some executors were exposed to the public's sight, and the executors outside immediately turned upside down.

"Yang Mo! Has she reached the eighth floor?"

"What Yang Mo? Who?"

"It's her! That's right, it's her! The third floor tore up the examination room! The main department is too biased! It's like this, it's still not a violation! Also, there is a lunatic bombing the city in the branch line North City! Crazy! They're all crazy!"

"Master! It's her! My last life was on the third floor! Fake death as soon as I entered! It's still shameless!"

"So? On the fourth floor... the crack in the sky and the mutated spots that kept popping up inside were caused by her, right? I died on the fourth floor!
Uncle!Usually zombies are a big deal!A little stronger, a little ugly!
Winged ones!Breathe flames!Have you seen it? "

"I bought her to die with 9 success virtues!"


The main monitoring space.

"Are you all gamblers here?" Tiandao shook his head and looked at the group of irrational executors on the screen: "It's a big breath to use the nine levels of merit."

"Life is always about fun." The main department glanced at the executor, and went through all the information that the executor had in his mind, chuckling: "White fan, one thousand merits. I gambled fifty before the assessment, and I died." In the hands of the gamblers, it will be reduced by five hundred. Ninety percent of it is only 450."

"Aren't you worried about the person he bought?" He looked at him sideways and asked curiously.

"What is there to worry about? Do you have you?" The main department said, and clicked on the screen: "Let them start the game."

[Yes, the main department. 】


examination room.

"Huh? It's broken." The lunatic woman looked around and didn't get angry when she saw that the bubble was broken.Just glanced at it and smiled while biting the tip of the pen.

Suddenly, she seemed to have received some information, and the smile on her face became even crazier.

"You are like this, I am very troubled." She said, put down the pen, leaned back, and sat on the air: "Then we will let everyone choose, haha..."

"Modern! Ancient! I only like these two themes. Let me see how you choose."

As she spoke, two options, modern and ancient, appeared on the huge screen behind her.

Yang Mo didn't even look at it, and glanced sideways at the other 11 executors. Unexpectedly, they were all old acquaintances.

But it was just an old acquaintance to herself.

She walked up to an executor, stretched out her hand and said, "Cup."

Sure enough, the bubble burst, and the sound somewhat recovered.

The executor froze for a moment, then began to search in his own storage bag.After a while, he took out a glass to her and asked cautiously, "I didn't see you on the previous floors, so I thought..." He scratched his own neck to show that he was dead.

Yang Mo chuckled, took the glass, opened the jar and poured a glass.

The smell of wine, which others could not smell at first, is now more or less wrapped up in this space.

Sweet but not greasy, fragrant but not spicy.

The few people who were seeing her all walked over, An Zhe looked at her quietly, took her a drink and said, "How are you?"

"Aren't you angry?" Yang Mo raised his cup to him: "Is there any cup? I'll give you a cup. It tastes good."

"Of course, I have it ready." An Zhe took out a wine glass from his storage bag, and he usually takes a few steps to drink when he has nothing to do.I have always had such gadgets on my body.

In addition, Quanshui Village sent another altar, and he kept it on his body all the time.The previous examination room was also useless. I thought it might be useless, but I didn't expect it to be useful here.

Yang Mo handed the cup to Jin Yu who gave him the cup in front, and smiled sideways: "Don't be so nervous, you can try it too, it's really good."

Jin Yu blushed, feeling a little embarrassed holding the cup he drank from.

An Zhe took it and took a sip, the fragrance remained on his lips and teeth.Although the mouth is slightly bitter, but soon there is a touch of sweetness, and I can't help but admire in my heart: drink.

"Wine is good wine, but still angry."

Yang Mo shrugged, expressing that he didn't care, turned around, and saw No. 6 behind her, raised his eyes slightly and didn't speak.

Number 6 looked at her, moved his lips, but didn't speak.

"Is there a cup? Sit down and have a drink?" In the end, it was Yang Mo who spoke.

He nodded, and also took out a cup from the storage bag.

Yang Mo poured him a glass, and he took a sip.The entrance is pungent, like a knife piercing the stomach, even if there is a hint of sweetness, it is still difficult to swallow.

"so spicy!"

(End of this chapter)

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