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Chapter 120 I Was Wrong

Chapter 120 I Was Wrong
Everyone who came here wanted to have a word or two with that Jiuye who made Jincheng fearful.

However, everyone knew that although this Jiu Ye was young, he was notoriously unpredictable.

Even the elders of Jin Lao's generation, they only met each other when they were young, during the full moon wine, and everyone was busy in the back, so they didn't see each other very often.

In addition, Jin Jiu has been different from ordinary people since he was a child, and he can't talk to anyone, which makes the things he does later make people even more frightened. On many occasions, even if they know that he will appear, few people can see it. Not to mention talking.

Until the dinner began, everyone took their seats.

Yang Mo appeared with a sleepy look. After looking for Jin Yu all afternoon, he turned from angry to worried, thinking that she ran away and ended up in the back forest.Until now when he saw the person, he was inexplicably relieved. Master Kuaibu pulled the person aside, suppressed the rising anger, and said: "Who told you to run around! You..." Halfway through the words, he saw him holding his hand His hands were wrapped in gauze, and he felt irritated again. He was so angry that he picked him up and walked to a room. He took the medicine box off a shelf and took out a new gauze. He carefully untied the original gauze and spoke impatiently.

"Although we are divorced, you are still my wife in name, although not everyone here knows that we have been married. But don't embarrass me! It seems that the Jin family has treated you badly. "

Yang Mo stared blankly at her hand, and after a long time, said in a dull voice: "That night..." Just as she opened her mouth, before she finished speaking, she felt Jin Yu's hand slap hard, and she continued: "That night... At night, it was me who was drugged.”

"So, why do you think it's me who used means? Three years! The wedding day! You're with my sister! You insulted me, why can you feel that I won't be uncomfortable?"


This incident was like Jin Yu's reverse scale, which exploded when touched, and with a black face, he waved over the medicine box on the side, and the medicine inside was scattered on the ground.

"So! The person you like! The person you love! The person you care about is always me, right? So you turn a blind eye to me and others, don't you? So! Even though I am now the most responsible person in the family What a skill! Do you think I am inferior to a dead man?"

Jin Yu's face was distorted by something called jealousy, his handsome face was so ugly at the moment!
Yang Mo pursed his lips and said nothing. With this look, Jin Yu felt even more that he was right.

Because I don't like it!So don't care!Since he is now the most promising person among the younger generation to succeed the family head, the person in her heart is still the dead person!Why, even though I have worked so hard, am I still not as good as a dead person in everyone’s eyes?
"I'm telling you! Without that damn marriage certificate! You are also wanted to escape from my grasp!"

"So?" Yang Mo looked up at him, and asked him with a confused face: "So? What did I do wrong? Are you going to punish me?"

"What did you do, what's wrong with you! You know better than anyone else! Don't show such a pitiful appearance, who is disgusting!" Jin Yu pinched her chin and said condescendingly.

Seeing that she was unwilling to bow her head to death, she couldn't say what she wanted to care about.

At the door, Yang Jing just saw Jin Yu holding Yang Mo coming from the seat in front of her. She thought she would see Yang Mo being insulted, so she secretly followed.

But she didn't expect that Yang Mo knew about the two of them a long time ago, and it's not that Jin Yu doesn't like Yang Mo at all!In time, the two of them were divorced, and they didn't tell themselves!
Why?Could it be that Jin Yu has been using himself to anger Yang Mo?

And at the same time.

The lobby was also a mess, and everyone who was originally chatting happily was waiting for the banquet to start.At this moment, I don't know who turned on the stereo in the lobby, and the sentence "I tell you! You don't have that damned marriage certificate! You are also wanted to escape from my hands!" spread in the lobby.

Because there are a lot of people invited today, I specially set up a speaker.It's just that I didn't expect that the old man Jin hadn't got the microphone, these words came out of the microphone, and what happened next was confusing.

But the Jin family couldn't tell who these two belonged to.Mr. Jin was just stunned for a moment, then asked someone to turn off the sound, stood up and said with a smile: "I'm really sorry, the couple in charge of the broadcasting studio usually love to quarrel, I'm old, and I want to hear the sound, it's so embarrassing." Spoiled and made such a joke, I'm really sorry."

"Xiao Jiu will be there in a while, let's start the table first."

A person who was in charge of broadcasting was so incomparable with Jincheng's Master Jiu, the guests all expressed their understanding, and just regarded it as a small mistake.

However, when Jin Jiu was about to step into the lobby, his face turned cold and he turned around and walked straight over with a group of bodyguards.

Yang Jing, who was fascinated by listening, didn't even see anyone coming from behind, until she was directly detained, she screamed in terror, but!How can there be so many guests outside?She was covered tightly by the bodyguard, and she couldn't make a sound.

The half-closed door was kicked open by a bodyguard, and a dozen bodyguards rushed in and stood in two rows inside.

Jin Jiu left with a cold air, and the terrifying air pressure made the crazy Yang Mo's body tremble.Jin Yu shrank his neck. In this family, he can be afraid of no one, except the man in front of him. The fear he brings to people is not superficial, but even his soul is trembling with fear.

It was the first time he saw such an angry appearance.It happened so suddenly, he didn't know what happened, until he saw a gagged woman coming up from the bodyguard behind him, he seemed to understand something for a while.

"Little..." He let go of Yang Mo's chin, not sure what to say, but seeing the man's suffocating expression, he still didn't say anything, stood up and lowered his head, not daring to look at each other.

Jin Yu couldn't figure it out, and he wasn't even sure if Yang Jing called his uncle over.

In short, things today are not so easy!

Jin Jiu glanced in front of the two of them, pointed at Yang Mo, motioned her to go out, turned around and left.

The two left, and the bodyguards guarded the two of them.Looking at Yang Mo who left, Jin Yu didn't know for a moment whether Yang Jing did it or Yang Mo did it, and looked at Yang Jing with a chill.

And Yang Mo looked like Jin Yu at this time, Yang Mo was like the victim from the beginning to the end.

The uncle who has always been reasonable will naturally not embarrass Yang Mo.


Jin Jiu raised her chin to look, and found that her chin was red on her pale face, as if her things had been touched by someone, and the air pressure around her sank even more.

"Eat!" Jin Jiu didn't want to argue with her now, so he asked her to eat first. He let go of his chin and let out a cold voice in his mouth. Yang Mo's heart tightened inadvertently, and he felt a little dazed, as if he hadn't felt this way for a long time.

Back at the seat, she was seated at the table of the granddaughter-in-law. After she sat down, someone came over to bring her food, and she also quietly ate.

The eldest lady seat, the eldest lady of the eldest room saw Yang Mo appearing, but did not see Jin Yu frowning slightly, his face remained calm, she felt uneasy in her heart, glanced at the position of the young master, she became even more uneasy, and wanted to go over and ask what happened, What is the situation now.

Can!no!Now that the banquet is over, if she walks around indiscriminately, my father will be angry.

The eldest lady of the second room put a piece of crystal shrimp here, and said with a smile: "Today's food is really good, the eldest lady should eat more."

(End of this chapter)

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