Host special pet

Chapter 12 Failed to Activate

Chapter 12 Failed to Activate

"Your Majesty—" just as the thunder rang out, before the queen could argue with the instigation of the three, a thin figure rushed in in the pouring rain outside, and the maids behind couldn't keep up.

"Your Majesty—Mo'er is afraid—"

Jun Ye, who was originally covered in smog, had a headache even more from their quarrel. He suddenly heard this voice, and when he looked up, he saw a little man throwing himself wet into his arms, trembling non-stop.

He was so frightened that he subconsciously picked him up and hugged him into his arms. As soon as he hugged him, he saw that he was not wearing any shoes. Because the way to the dormitory was a bit far away, and there was a section of stone pavement. When she came here, her feet were blistered. , scraped out the blood.

"You!" Jun Ye was so angry that he wanted to swear a few words, seeing that she was trembling, but he really couldn't bear it, so he glanced at the queen with a cold face: "If the queen can't manage the harem well, then don't worry about it. Go back and copy the Buddhist scriptures, if you don't want to leave the palace!" After finishing speaking, she didn't wait for her to explain, and left with her arms in her arms, and a group of melon-eating crowd who watched the empress in distress.

The emperor lost face to the empress on the spot, such a thing was unprecedented.But now, for a low-status beauty, in front of all the concubines in the harem, she said that she didn't care about the harem.

This is no less than slapping the queen in the face. At the same time, the emperor still has the idea of ​​abolishing the queen.

It is a virtue of human beings to love to watch live action, and it is also natural to be afraid of death.After watching the excitement, they returned to their respective palaces surrounded by court ladies.

All that was left was the cold queen who collapsed to the ground.

She didn't understand why things had become like this.

Obviously she loves him so much, and they grew up together, why can't she walk into his heart?

Now for a low-ranking beauty, humiliating her like this, and even abolishing himself.

How can this be!She is the queen that the emperor is marrying, and she is the only one who is by the emperor's side!

Yang Mo was carried back to the dormitory by Jun Ye, and cried in his arms again.

Jun Ye asked someone to bring ointment to her foot injury. At this time, he did not have the honor of an emperor, but was just an ignorant young boy who was tempted by the woman he loved.

【Host!The system clearly feels that the male protagonist's heartbeat value has reached 90. Why is the favorability degree better than 15?It shouldn't be!Is there a bug in the system?Can check everything is normal.Host, I don't understand this system. 】

Yang Mo's brain wave: "I want to open it up a little bit, it's not just once or twice that gets stuck in the plot."

"The small world in the palace always takes a long time. I have only been here for two months, so how can it be so fast?"

"Tear~ It hurts!" After teasing with Qiuqiu, Yang Mo let out a soft cry, and tears seemed to fall from the pain.

[Host, don’t cry, this system will immediately open a 365-day shielding pain membership for you. 】As Qiuqiu said, he wanted to spend his own small coffers.

"Warning! Item violation!" ×3
【How can it be!This system has been used before.The host is so afraid of pain, how can he live without this?Don't it hurt this time? 】Qiuqiu directly exploded, and poked the activation button violently, and every time it was a reminder.

Props violation!

"It hurts and deserves it!" Jun Ye scratched her nose helplessly, subconsciously, the force on his hand was much lighter.

"If you want these feet to be destroyed, I will never look at you again."

"Okay..." Yang Mo really cried now, it was in pain: "Mo'er listens to whatever His Majesty says."

"Next month will be the Mid-Autumn Festival. If you get better, how about I let you go to bed?" Jun Ye picked him up, walked towards the bathtub, put him in the bathtub, and realized that he had just taken the medicine. Now it's all for nothing.

"I'm going to deal with the affairs of the court, so I can't run around these days, otherwise it will be a rebellion, and I will punish you to go to the cold palace to contemplate your mistakes behind closed doors. There is nothing delicious..."

There was a splash of water, and before he finished speaking, a pair of small hands grabbed his neck, and his lips were softly wrapped.

The strange and stiff touch was common to other concubines, but it was true that it just made him feel disgusted.Because that kind of persistence is just a pretend, and then it will show its true colors and lose interest.

" you know what you are doing?" Slightly separated, his eyes were blurred and he looked at the crying girl.

"There is no delicious food in the cold palace, and Mo'er wants to eat His Majesty." Yang Motian said in a daze, but he was wondering in his heart.

This male protagonist is obviously just a black-bellied person, it doesn't look like a black-bellied person at all.And it's not the abstinence department, why are you so young about this aspect?

It's like... thousands of horses are galloping past, and the grass on the grassland is not injured.

She went to bed once before, and then...

Are those concubines too?This male protagonist is still a...

If this is the case, a lot of things can be explained clearly, and [-]% of my favorability is stuck here.

This is embarrassing. Although I am greedy for beauty, I can still feast my eyes. If this is true, this 15's body may be unreliable and violate my principles...

No matter, when the time comes, use the old method.

Jun Ye saw that she had already slept with her and was still so naive and ignorant, so he could only sigh, suppress the anger in his heart, and nodded on his forehead: "I really have to go, my concubine, be good!" Take good care of yourself, how about this king taking you to meet an old friend on the Dragon Boat Festival?"

"Then will Your Majesty come back tomorrow? I will cook for Your Majesty." Yang Mo looked at him with a look of girlish expectation on his face.

Looking at such a harmless girl, I just feel that a heart is not my own, so I turned my head unnaturally: so cute.

It can only be touched for a moment, but in this position, he knows deeply that he cannot and cannot have such things as feelings.Immediately, the face that had just softened became cold again, and the two emotions mixed together, which made him a little irritable, and he felt unconsciously, if she hadn't entered the palace, and hadn't seen it in the imperial study that day, would all these things have happened? occur?
However, she can not enter the palace.Then she would be someone else!
The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the way he looked at the girl became strange.After realizing that I am a ninety-five supreme being, when I bathe for a woman, I am inviolable and noble, and I have been offended by a woman and became angry and took over my liking for her. I said coldly: "You are really getting more and more ignorant No, there is no respect in the eyes, and Meiren Yang is punished to be grounded to speak at the palace banquet, and there is no order, and she is not allowed to take a step out of Wangyouxuan!"

"Jun Ye favorability -10.

Jun Ye's heart rate: 0. "

Yang Mo watched the man fling his sleeves away, his face turned dark all of a sudden.

Bengong still couldn't escape the hero's pursuit of his wife.

Seeing the hero leave angrily and the system reminding him, Qiuqiu flew in quickly.As soon as he came in, he saw its wise and mighty host, standing in the bathtub in a cold body, full of water, and an excellent body, even a single data of it was unreliable, obviously he had known him for so long.

Qiuqiu flew onto one of the racks, took down a bag of bubbles, and put it on her body.

It has been a long time, it has not seen the host get angry for a long time, what happened just now?Make the host so emotionally unstable?

And goodwill...

【……Host? 】

Yang Mo pulled up his robe, stepped out of the barrel, the piercing pain spread from the soles of his feet all over his body, and he, who had always been afraid of pain more than death, just frowned slightly, crawled back to bed and fell asleep.

Qiuqiu looked at the bloody soles of her feet, took out a bottle of ointment from the system's small vault, carefully applied it on her, and said to herself: [It's not a strategy for this system. Have such treatment? 】

Yang Mo was grounded, and the endless battles in the palace did not stop. Either this one was spreading rumors, or that one was poisoned, or whoever was punished by whom.

Yang Mo couldn't go out, and the person who was usually active and lively became quiet all of a sudden. The whole person was not doing embroidery, reading, playing the piano every day, practicing skills in her square inch.

Qiuqiu looked at the host who was different from the chicken blood before, feeling vaguely uneasy. After all, the host always valued the merit points obtained after completing each small world.

Now such a host who doesn't do anything, it always feels a little passive and lazy.

Yue'er saw that her temperament had changed drastically, as if she was a different person, so she tried to coax her every day, and talked about gossip outside.But Yang Mo just didn't say a word, didn't make a sound, so eight days passed.

Royal study.

Jun Ye chatted with the minister, what they said was.

The treasury was empty, and there was a wealthy businessman who wanted to send his daughter to the palace, and was willing to give half of his wealth.

There was no point in doing something like this that could replenish the national treasury, so Jun Ye accepted it.

After the minister left, he glanced at the sky and heard from the dark guard that these girls were depressed and had not spoken for several days, and they were a little worried, so they changed their identities and talked about the boudoir late at night.

late at night.

At this time, Yang Mo is still gaining experience in rhythm, and he is still close to mastering it.

She has always worshiped, and she does not overwhelm her body with too many skills.

Suddenly, the window creaked, and Jun Ye, who was wearing a mask and a black robe, appeared in her room.Seeing the girl bowing her head playing the piano by the candlelight, he really wanted to hold her in his arms and love her dearly.

However, he is not the emperor now, so no way.

"Little guy? It's good that you haven't slept this late." A slightly soft voice spoke from the man's mouth.

Yang Mo's hand playing the piano paused slightly, not as fearful as Jun Ye expected, he just stood up slightly, walked to the coffee table a little lamely, poured him a cup of tea, poured it himself, took a sip, and then lowered his head Head, not talking.

Jun Ye didn't expect that he didn't scare her this time, and he seemed to want him to sit down and have a long talk, which made him feel a great sense of crisis in his heart!

Sense of crisis?Why does he feel this way.

"Little guy, you are suddenly not afraid of me, I am not used to it." He suppressed the discomfort in his heart and sat aside.

Yang Mo didn't speak, just looked down at the rippling tea in the cup.Jun Ye thought that she didn't speak because he had killed her before, and he was still unhappy. After thinking about it, he said, "The emperor plans to recruit a rich businesswoman into the palace. What do you think?"

This topic, no accident, made Yang Momeng raise his head with a look of disbelief, and then his eyes dimmed when he thought of something, he pursed his lips and remained silent for a while, but couldn't help asking: "Does Your Majesty like her?" The voice changed, sadly: "Actually, it's not important anymore."

"My palace no longer loves His Majesty."

"What?" Jun Ye was startled, the teacup in his hand trembled, and half a cup of tea was spilled on the back of his hand: "Don't love? Just because he punished you for confinement?"

"How can you be so stingy?"

Yang Mo's body trembled, and tears fell out. He looked at the man with tears in his eyes, his voice choked up, and he shook his head in denial: "No, that's not the case. It's Mo'er who doesn't deserve it, even though the emperor doesn't like it. Otherwise, why did the emperor look at Mo'er with such terrifying eyes?"

"Mo'er doesn't dare anymore, the emperor is the Son of Heaven, and Mo'er is nothing." He stood up, grabbed his hand, and begged: "My lord, can you take Mo'er away? Mo'er..."


(End of this chapter)

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