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Chapter 116 Everyone's Grandmother

Chapter 116 Everyone's Grandmother
The voice over there is not high, and obviously there is no intention to lower it deliberately.Jin Yu and Yang Mo were not far away, and when they heard it clearly, Jin Yu's face darkened immediately.

It was because of the eldest brother that this woman married him back then. Three years have passed, and these people still come up with it!
Just as he was about to say something, he walked through an archway in the back garden and walked into a woman dressed in peacock blue embroidered narcissus. The woman frowned slightly at this moment, and the four servants behind her lowered their heads slightly, looking respectful and careful.



All the people who were watching and chatting in front stood up together and shouted.

Jin Yu paused, turned around, lowered his head slightly, and called out: "Mother."

The woman glanced at him indifferently, then glanced lightly at the crowd, and said softly after the servant helped her to sit on a European-style high-back chair, "Did Mo'er catch a cold? His face is so pale."

The woman is the eldest wife of Mr. Jin's eldest son. She is gentle and elegant, but there is no woman in this family who is not afraid of her.

"It's okay, I can't die." Yang Mo replied coldly, glanced sideways at her, and then looked away: "I said earlier, don't wear so little when it's cold, the elder won't feel bad."

"There are no rules." The eldest lady was still gentle when she said it so bluntly. She scolded her tepidly. Then she turned to look at the eldest lady of the second room and said casually: "Everyone is busy in the spring. The first family dinner of this year was not just the usual, where everyone sat down to have a meal. Your mother clan also went to post, and my father said that it had been a long time since the ancestors of several families had gathered together, so he invited them all this time.

Father doesn't like to gossip, don't talk about it in front of guests, and whoever makes the family lose face will have to figure out the consequences for himself. "

"My ninth brother sent an email a few days ago, but he hasn't responded yet. My mother is angry because of this. Everyone should be more alert."

"And..." After saying so many words in one breath, Bi Luochun took a sip and sighed after receiving the hand from the servant: "If my child is brought back, if he is not sensible and tramples on mother's flowerbed, he will inevitably be hit by a board. "

"Thank you, grandma, for your advice, I will look for my daughter-in-law first." Several young wives got up together, saluted in fear, and went out to look for their children together.

For a moment, there were only a few rooms left in the hall, the eldest lady and the two juniors, Yang Mo and Jin Yu.

The eldest lady of the second room stood up unnaturally, and tapped the stain on her lips with the handkerchief in her hand: "Madam, I seem to feel a little sleepy, so go back to the room first, so as not to be impolite later."

"Father has already woken up." The eldest lady of the big house said softly, neither arrogant nor impatient, with a gentle voice, "Since the second sibling is tired, let's go back and rest."

The Erfang lady froze and took out her father, how could she get away with this?Is it against the law?

As soon as the words were finished, the Second House Madam sat back silently. She was really not sure if the Madam heard what she said earlier, so she simply lowered her head to look at the beads on her clothes, not daring to look at the Madam's side.

At the same time, the wives of the several rooms were also silent, and no one dared to speak about the death of the young master in front of the eldest lady.

After a while of silence, the eldest lady raised her eyes to look at Yang Mo's place again, and saw Jin Yu holding a box in her hand, she lowered her eyes and blew the tea in the cup: "By the way, you have been married for three years, and you are both big and big, what are you going to do?" Do you want me to teach you?"

Yang Mo stroked the fan in his hand, knowing that he was telling them to have a child, after all, the eldest son only had Jin Yu as his son, if something happened to the eldest son, the eldest son would die.

Jin Yu pursed his lips, finally opened the box in his hand, put an exquisite necklace on Yang Mo's neck, turned and left.

Yang Mo lowered his head and glanced at the necklace of Taoxin dragging a radish on his neck, then retracted his gaze, and turned his head to look coldly at the scenery outside.

In her eyes, everything seemed to be dusty, with no color, no vitality. Not long after, a few children ran past outside the French windows playing and joking.

In her view, there is still no color, gray skin, gray clothes, gray background.

Suddenly, there was a light rain falling from the sky, and laughter was heard outside, soon the guests came, but Yang Mo was still sitting there alone, staring outside.

She didn't know how much time had passed, she only knew that it had changed from raining to pouring rain outside.

There was gray rain under the gray sky, and the oppressive feeling became more and more intense, making her almost out of breath.

The fan in her hand trembled, she regained consciousness suddenly, and a delicate and soft voice came close to her ear: "Sister? Sister? Sister?"

I don't know when the hall became more silent, and I don't know why there are more people. They seem to have seen each of them, but the gray faces made her feel irritated.

"Huh?" Yang Mo looked at Yang Jing in front of him, frowning slightly, wondering when she appeared here.

Yang Jing called her more than a dozen times before but didn't answer her. Seeing that she reacted again and pretended to be confused, she couldn't help but feel cruel: She didn't answer for so long, and she deliberately gave herself in front of the elders of the Jin family. embarrass yourself!It's really scheming.

But when Yang Mo turned his head, Yang Jing saw that the necklace on her neck was the one she and Jin Yu were looking at that day, it was always a limited edition, there were only three in the entire capital, and each one was unique.

There are so many luxury stores in Jincheng, these three are still sold in stores of different brands.

That day she fell in love with it immediately, but the price was so high that Jin Yu might not be willing to buy it for herself.It's just that she didn't say anything at the time, Jin Yu bought it, thinking it was for her, but he didn't expect that after so many days, he didn't mention it again, and he didn't feel embarrassed to ask in order to maintain his image.

only!only!Why is it on this woman's neck!Jin Yu obviously hated her so much, even on the night of the wedding...

hateful!This woman must have used some shameless trick to trick her!
really!The daughter born to Xiaosan is also a cheap child!Know how to steal other people's things!Shameless!

"My sister's necklace is really beautiful, is it a gift from my brother-in-law? My brother-in-law is so kind to my sister, I envy my sister and brother-in-law's love." Yang Jing was twisted with jealousy, but she still kept a good girl's smile on her face, and her heart was full of love. Start to figure out how to get this necklace.

Yang Mo didn't know what she was thinking, she really didn't like this necklace, so she took it off and threw it into her hand: "Take it if you like it."

When Yang Jing saw the necklace in her hand, she was pleasantly surprised at first, but then her heart twisted for a while.

What's the meaning?Should she throw the garbage she doesn't want to herself?Is she using herself as a trash can?
Well you bitch!It's fine to take away my father, but now I have to humiliate myself in public like this!
This rag, whoever wants it, whoever wants it!

Suddenly, Yang Jing forgot where she was for a moment, picked up the necklace and raised her hand to throw it at Yang Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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