Host special pet

Chapter 113 pass by

Chapter 113 pass by
"Ah——" After Yang Mo and Jin Jiu fought each other, they saw that their palms were covered with scars. Although they were no longer bleeding, it was terrifying no matter how you looked at them!
Sitting up, he yelled, "It hurts! How did it hurt! What about the scars? Did you do it? Didn't you? Didn't you?"

Jin Jiu watched quietly for a while, seeing that she was not pretending, so she didn't mention what happened last night, but she still explained: "You passed out in the bathroom."

"I said hands! Hands! Hands!" Yang Mo was even more concerned about this matter, afraid that Jin Jiu would not be able to see him, so he almost put his eyes on him.

"I don't know." Jin Jiu opened the hand that almost gouged out his eyes, and cursed in a cold voice: "Stop my child, I'll kill you!"

"Threatening a pregnant woman, are you human? Thanks to the adult things we did before! You were really bitten by a dog." Yang Mo complained and withdrew his hand, turning his palm to check in front of him with great interest, the excitement in his eyes gradually rose "Why doesn't it bleed? If you wear a dress stained with blood, it will be stunning."

"Husband, shall we go shopping for clothes?" Suddenly, she changed the subject.If Jin Jiu hadn't been in Jincheng for many years, she wouldn't be able to pick it up. She was crying and hurting her hand, and she was going to stain her clothes with blood in the next sentence, but now she didn't care, and went out to buy it.

"Let the brand do it." In order to protect the child in her belly, Jin Jiu never thought about being with her in public or making their relationship public.

Besides, his time is so expensive, how could he go out with her!

If it wasn't for preventing the pregnant woman from having a happy mood, he would have put her in a cage long ago, so that he wouldn't have to worry about wasting time trying to control her life and death.

He didn't have a child before, except he didn't think about what to do with women, but now that he has a child, it's not in his life plan. Now that he has come, he can't let his child come to this world for nothing.

"No! I'm going out to buy clothes today." Yang Mo became self-willed. I don't know if it's because of this, but her palms started to bleed, but Yang Mo didn't feel the pain. He stared at the man with beautiful eyes. .

At this moment, the smell of blood didn't make Yang Mo sick to his stomach, but made Jin Jiu feel unwell!
I took the towel from last night to cover her wound, thinking that she couldn't eat every day, and now she was bleeding so much, would it affect the child, and I had to wait until something happened.

The loss outweighs the gain, and he is the one who is troubled.

"Eat first."

Seeing him give in, Yang Mo was instantly happy, and rushed over to hug him, as happy as a little beast.

There are less than ten months... Jin Jiu finally sighed in his heart. Facing his nominal wife who will be killed by him in ten months, he is not mean People's favor.

After eating downstairs, Jin Jiu was surprised to see the woman who had a good appetite today. She didn't vomit and didn't look ugly. She also ate three small bowls of rice, which made him, who always pays attention to table manners, couldn't help but say: "You To choke the child to death?"

Yang Mo was finally able to eat, and he gave him this, and almost put the bowl on his head, and finally gave him face in front of the servant, ignored him, and turned around and asked the servant to beat him again Bowl over here.

After eating and drinking enough, he had a physical examination, but Jin Jiu was still stopped by Yang Mo.

The two were fully armed, and after two hours of shopping in the shopping mall, the dozens of servants behind couldn't hold it anymore.

Finally, Yang Mo thought for a while, waved his hand, and told the servant to go back first, and now he is hanging out with Jin Jiu by himself.

Jin Jiu wore a mask, took off his usual suit and leather shoes, put on a tracksuit, and put a hat on his head. There were more than a dozen bodyguards behind him.But even so, he still didn't like to go shopping, his face behind the mask was extremely impatient, and Yang Mo led him away behind.

When passing by a famous luxury store in Beijing, a delicate voice came from inside: "This is so expensive!"

Yang Jing?

Hearing the voice, Yang Mo paused to look around, and saw a man who was also heavily armed standing beside Yang Mo. He didn't know if he still thought he was the star.

But he could tell at a glance that Jin Yu was at that time.

He took out his phone, took a picture, and turned around to go elsewhere.

Seeing him using his mobile phone, Jin Jiu wondered, didn't she cancel the calling card?Why are you still wearing it?
Immediately after seeing her going to apply for a phone card, Yang Mo pointed to a number followed by four 9s and asked for it.

Jin Jiu glanced sideways and said nothing, just applied for a phone card, and there was nothing to say.

But in the front, when they left, Jin Jiu looked at the back outside the store and was a little lost. He didn't seem to have visited or even bought anything with Yang Mo, even if they grew up together.

While thinking, I didn't hear Yang Jing speak, and asked the clerk to wrap up the things in his hand.

While leaving the store, his electronic system received an email.

He only glanced briefly, and froze for a moment when he saw the last content.



[This user has unlocked emergency contacts, and you do not have the authority to provide binding.The system will clear cached messages within 1 minute. If this reminder bothers you, please contact the official manual service to lodge a complaint. 】

Jin Yu was a little dazed about the emergency contact. There was no reminder when this function was activated.However, because Jincheng seems to be not very peaceful in recent years, in order to prevent irrationality during use, there will be email reminders when you leave it unlocked or change your number.

The people in their family are basically bound to their uncle, because only the uncle's system is different from theirs. Whenever there is danger, the system will automatically call their uncle.

Although there is no family affection in my uncle's eyes, as long as there is no mistake, my uncle will be dealt with or rescued.

I remember one time, Erfang Ershu went out to climb a mountain and fell into danger. It was also because he bound the uncle that he managed to lose his life.

And such a number, since she is binding herself...

Jin Yu's heart was occupied by unspeakable emotions for a moment.

In the past, she wondered if she needed herself, but now she doesn't need it anymore?
Therefore, he was not in the mood to accompany Yang Jing, and left after saying something about the group.

Yang Jing looked at the man who left without even handing over the gift, and tiptoed hard.I don't know why these days, he has become more and more ignorant of himself. Last night, he agreed to come to his place, but he didn't show up in the end. Today, he said to make up for himself, but he was also absent-minded!
hateful!Where did the problem arise! ! !Could it be that something happened with Yang Mo?Or is it about falling in love with that bitch for a long time?

After Jin Yu's elder brother died, all the properties of the Jin family belonged to him. It was impossible for him to let Xiaosan's daughter take away what belonged to him! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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