Koi host is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 62 His Highness the Crown Prince's Gold Medal Queen's Stick 2

Chapter 62 His Highness the Crown Prince's Gold Medal Queen's Stick 2
"Wait a minute, you, are you leaving?" Seeing her acting like this, the young lady asked anxiously.

"Yes, I am waiting here for a destined person. Since the destined person is already waiting, it is not convenient for me to stay longer." Chi Xiaoyu smiled with his eyebrows creasing.

"Please wait a moment longer," the young lady said in a soft voice.

When Chi Xiaoyu heard this, he stopped.

Seeing her stop, the young lady continued: "How can I find you next time?"

Hearing this, Chi Xiaoyu thought for a while, "How about this, I'll give you another talisman and put it under your father's pillow, it will keep his life safe for ten days. If you still want to find me, then ten days Then come here to look for me again, and I will wait for you here." Chi Xiaoyu smiled and reached out and handed out a piece of talisman paper.

The lady hurriedly reached out to take it, and put away this talisman and the life-saving talisman just now.

"Then we'll meet again later?" Seeing her putting things away, Chi Xiaoyu put on the curtain aside and stood up to leave.

"Dare to ask the master's name?" the girl asked again.

Chi Xiaoyu looked back, smiled, winked and said, "My name is Chi Xiaoyu. I don't dare to be a master, so just call me Xiaoyu." Her voice was sweet and sweet, making people yearn for it.

It's strange to say that no matter her appearance, figure or manner of speaking, she looks like she is young, but she is very convincing.

"Okay, thank you." The girl nodded with a smile, a streamer flashed in her eyes.

She stood where she was, watching the red figure gradually disappear into the crowd
Chi Xiaoyu walked into an alley, raised his hand and took off the curtain above his head.

[Mom, it's too troublesome to carry this thing, it really isn't easy to be a magic stick...]

The system couldn't help but twitch the corner of its mouth when looking at someone's three-layered outfit.

【Then why are you wearing it all the time? 】

[Maybe. This looks more mysterious?Easy to deceive.Moreover, if someone comes to the door later, I can run away. 】It's definitely not because she thinks it's fun.


[How about it, does what I just acted taste like that? ] Chi Xiaoyu blinked.

【.】This kid, does he have any wrong perceptions about fortune tellers?

Chi Xiaoyu walked on the street with the curtain fence, attracting the attention of everyone around him.

Not only because her temperament is so unique, but also because——

It's midsummer at this time, who wraps himself up so tightly in the hot weather?

Nowadays, the national style of Daxia is simple and simple, and it will not be too restrictive in women's clothing.

Therefore, Chi Xiaoyu became the prettiest kid on the street.

Of course, how could Chi Xiaoyu treat herself badly?

If someone put their hand into her curtain at this time, they would know that the temperature under her curtain is much lower than the outside world.

A certain fish had an idea and used his spiritual power to make a portable air conditioner for himself, not to mention how comfortable it is.

The system finally understood Chi Xiaoyu's intention of wearing this obstructive hat
Chi Xiaoyu walked slowly forward while eating the candied haws he bought from the roadside.

Facing him, came a group of people.

The person in charge should be sitting in the carriage, the curtain on the side of the carriage was lifted from the inside, and the face of that person slowly appeared——

It was someone Chi Xiaoyu knew well.

He was wearing a black jade crown, the broken hair in front of his forehead was neatly bundled up, his jawline was sharp and angular, his starry eyes were cold, touching people's hearts, and his face was resolute and cold.Surrounded by the majesty of the superior, people can't help but want to kneel down and surrender to him.

When people around him saw that the visitor was either rich or noble, they hurriedly gave in.

Chi Xiaoyu smiled when he saw him.

The eyes of the two faced each other through a layer of scarlet gauze——

Gu Siyuan was suddenly stunned.

For some reason, he spotted her at a glance among the crowd.

Although he couldn't see her face clearly, his eyes couldn't help being attracted to him.

He didn't like this feeling, just for a moment, the car curtain was closed again.

Chi Xiaoyu was not affected by him, but continued to walk forward.

Cars and people just passed each other.

Seeing someone walking by, Gu Siyuan couldn't help raising the car curtain again, glanced sideways at her back, and then slowly looked away.

However, what he didn't know was that the moment he looked away, Chi Xiaoyu stopped and looked back with a smile.

When Gu Siyuan sat back in the carriage, he found that a note suddenly appeared beside him.

He paused and slowly picked it up——

"There may be changes in the palace banquet tonight, so you need to be careful." This paragraph is written smoothly, with an elegant, unrestrained feeling, but it is not as rough as a man, but very delicate.

For some reason, Gu Siyuan suddenly thought of the woman in red wearing a curtain just now, or rather, a girl?
Gu Siyuan raised his eyebrows, moved his knuckled hands slightly, and slowly put the note into his collar.

Chi Xiaoyu sat on a tall tree beside the road, watching the carriage slowly drive into the Prince's Mansion.
She swayed her legs, and a small bell on her feet rang along with her movements——

【Why don't you go find him yourself? 】The system does not understand.

【He doesn't trust me, so I have to find a way to gain his trust. 】Chi Xiaoyu smiled.

At night, at the palace banquet.

The guests were all toasting each other and saying compliments.

Gu Siyuan sat upright on the side of the head, with his eyes slightly lowered, and one hand casually playing with the wine glass on the table, as if he didn't care much about everything around him.

The noisy environment did not affect Gu Siyuan, thinking of the red figure, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth inadvertently...

Under the stage, a group of dancers were dancing gracefully, with their sleeves flying as the music flowed...

Suddenly, a burst of cold air came!
Suddenly, the atmosphere at the palace banquet suddenly tensed——

In the next moment, a dark arrow flew out from the long sleeves of the leading dancer, approaching the emperor sitting at the top who was talking with the ministers——

The fifth prince on the side was about to quickly step forward to escort him when he was intercepted by a wine glass that suddenly flew past his eyes.

The person who threw out the wine glass used his internal strength, and his speed was so fast that he collided with the flying arrow in the dark.The arrow was forced off course and inserted into a vase next to the emperor's seat!

All of this happened in an instant, and most people hadn't reacted yet.

With the sound of the vase shattering——

"There are assassins! Escort!"

"Protect the Emperor!"

"." There were bursts of sharp voices one after another.

The fifth prince, who had just stood up, was shocked into a cold sweat by the wine glass flying straight past.

The wine glass was full of strength, if he had just stepped forward one more step, even if he didn't get hurt, he would be disfigured!

He looked in the direction where the wine glass flew, and saw that the prince was still sitting at the table as before, unaffected by the chaotic situation around him.

As if sensing his gaze, Gu Siyuan looked up at him——

The two looked at each other, and within a second, Gu Siyuan looked away again.

Gu Jinrong was taken aback by seeing it, and froze in place.

He knows it all!
 Remember to vote for recommendation~

(End of this chapter)

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