Koi host is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 4 Strategies for Fiance President 4

Chapter 4 Strategies for Fiance President 4
A few days later, when Mr. Xu received the news that Gu Siyuan and Chi Xiaoyu had bid for a piece of land, he realized that his bad premonition might be true.

It turned out that Gu Siyuan had already suspected Shen Yi's undercover identity before, but he could not confirm it.

So Chi Xiaoyu came up with a plan.

They lured Shen Yi to read a fake plan, and sure enough, Shen Yi fell into their trap.

A few days after that day's bidding, the two bid on another piece of land that they really wanted.

This piece of land was better than that one, and the auction price was a good deal.

Mr. Xu suffered a big loss. The piece of land he bid for was not worth that much money at all, which directly cost him billions.

He hurried to find Shen Yi to ask for clarification.

Shen Yi was also confused.He had never heard of Gu Siyuan participating in the bidding before, and he only knew about it when Mr. Xu told him about it.

Originally, I wanted to say that it was normal for the two of Gu Siyuan to bid for another land after they failed to bid for the previous land.But when he heard that the indicators of the land they took later were better than the one he took, Shen Yi became uneasy.

This fact is so coincidental that it is difficult for people not to think that it is Gu Siyuan's scheme.

Let's talk about Gu Siyuan and Chi Xiaoyu.

Chi Xiaoyu stayed with Gu Siyuan every day in order to do tasks to increase his love value, but his love value did not change much until it reached 70.

Because Chi Xiaoyu is in charge of the cooperation project with Gu's, so it's no problem staying in Gu's.

At this time, the two had finished their day's work, and Chi Xiaoyu was lying on the sofa like a salted fish, playing with his mobile phone.

She glanced at someone who was still sitting at the desk looking at the documents, and pouted.

This person is really a veritable workaholic. Sometimes he may forget to eat and sleep when he is devoted to work, which makes him have no time to date her.

[Cub, why hasn't your love value moved much recently? Has your charm value dropped? 】

[I don't know, before, it was obvious that a casual flirt could add love value.Could it be that after a long time, he has become immune to me? 】

Chi Xiaoyu is also at a loss, although she is very provocative, but it is completely put on airs, after all, a certain fish has zero love experience.

[Possibly, I think you need to create something new. 】

Chi Xiaoyu touched his chin and thought for a while, suddenly, his eyes lit up.

She looked at Gu Siyuan in front of her, and the corners of her mouth curled up in an arc that seemed to be there.

The system looked at Chi Xiaoyu who was smirking, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

Someone who was sorting out the files suddenly felt a chill down his spine, he raised his head suspiciously, and heard a charming voice of a certain fish.

"Xiao Yuanyuan~~ Let's go have dinner!"

After speaking, without waiting for anyone to answer, he was dragged from the chair and walked out of the office.

Looking at the back of the little girl, Gu Siyuan felt an ominous premonition inexplicably.

Chi Xiaoyu found a delicious barbecue restaurant near the company, quickly ordered a few favorite dishes, and then ordered a bunch of beer.

"Uh, little fish, why are you ordering so much wine?"

To get you drunk, of course, and then...

"Of course it's to celebrate our successful bidding!" Chi Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"It's been so many days before you celebrate?"

Gu Siyuan looked at her suspiciously.

"Oh, didn't I see that you were very busy a few days ago, so I took you out to relax."

After a while, all the dishes were served. Chi Xiaoyu had just eaten a few mouthfuls before he excitedly started pouring wine for the two of them.

Before he drank two cups and did not get Gu Siyuan drunk, someone poured himself out.

Gu Siyuan looked helplessly at the drunken person in front of him.

Doesn't this person know how to pour himself a cup?Also ordered so many bottles of wine.

The system watching from the side was also very speechless.

It was wrong, it shouldn't let its host mess around.In the end, before she even started to toss, she was tossed down by herself.

Gu Siyuan got up, and carefully picked up a certain fish lying on the table.

He looked at the little girl's little flushed face, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously curled up slightly.

After a while, he couldn't help it and kissed Chi Xiaoyu's moist red lips.

Chi Xiaoyu was obviously disturbed by Gu Siyuan's relatives, and he opened his eyes with a whimper.

She looked at someone who was driving beside her in a daze, with thick black eyebrows, deep black eyes, a tall nose bridge and thin red lips, every part of her face was just right.

How could this man be so good-looking?

Chi Xiaoyu smiled and looked at him with blurred eyes.

After a while, we arrived at Chi Xiaoyu's house. Gu Siyuan stopped the car and looked at a certain fish who had been looking at him.

The little girl just sat there obediently, she smiled slightly, her face was slightly flushed, and her eyes were all about him.

Damn, so cute!
[Love value +2, current love value: 72]

He leaned against the car door and kissed Chi Xiaoyu deeply.

After a while, he let him go.

Gu Siyuan saw the little girl panting slightly in front of him, looking at him blankly, closed his eyes, sighed heavily, and murmured: "Xiao Yu'er, what should I do with you..."

He opened the car door, and Chi Xiaoyu stretched out her hand cooperatively, throwing herself into Gu Siyuan's arms, and she was carried upstairs like this.

So much so that Gu Siyuan didn't notice the slightly raised corners of a certain fish's mouth.

[Host, are you resurrected? 】

[Hmm~] Chi Xiaoyu said proudly.

Gu Siyuan arrived in front of Chi Xiaoyu's apartment.

"Xiao Yu'er, where is your key?" He asked.

As soon as the voice fell, the door suddenly opened.

"Little fish, why did you come back so late, where did you go crazy?" Chi Mu saw Gu Siyuan paused after speaking.

Gu Siyuan didn't expect Mother Chi to be here, so he smiled awkwardly and said, "Aunt Su, Xiao Yu'er is drunk, I'll take her back. Since you're here, I won't go in, please help take care of her."

After finishing speaking, he will put Chi Xiaoyu down and hand it over to Chi Mu.

How can a certain fish let him go?
She hugged his neck tightly, and said sarcastically, "I don't want it! I want you to carry me in!"

Seeing this situation, Mother Chi also smiled and said: "Little Gu, Aunt Su and I don't seem to be feeling well, why don't you send her in." She still supported her waist and pretended to be very weak look.

Gu Siyuan had no choice but to carry the little girl into the house, but as soon as he went in, he didn't come out.

Mother Chi secretly listened to the movement in the room, smiled, and silently went back to her room to pack her things.

You can't delay the two-person world of others.

The next day, early in the morning.

The sun shone through the window, and the warm feeling covered the bed.

Gu Siyuan opened his eyes, looked at the sleeping face who was pillowing in his arms, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He leaned over and kissed the corner of the little girl's eyes.

[Love value +15, current love value: 87]

Chi Xiaoyu's eyelashes fluttered slightly, he opened his eyes slightly, and rubbed his eyes.

Seeing the enlarged handsome face in front of her, she smiled and said, "Good morning."

"Good morning, my little fish." Gu Siyuan smiled and kissed the person in front of him.

The two hugged each other for a while before Gu Siyuan got up to make breakfast.

When passing by the restaurant, I found that breakfast had already been placed on the table.Only then did he realize that Mother Chi's room was empty and everything had been cleaned up.

"Xiao Yu'er, come out and have breakfast. Aunt Su prepared it. But Aunt Su seems to have left."


After hearing this, Chi Xiaoyu opened the door and went to Chi's mother's room to take a look, and found that her things had really been taken away.

She looked at her phone, and there was a wechat message from Chi's mother: [Xiao Yu, your mother, in order not to disturb the two-person world of you and Xiao Gu, I went back to live first.You have to get along well with Xiao Gu~]

She secretly gave her mother a thumbs up, this wave of assists is very good! (=`)person(`=)
Chi Xiaoyu looked at Gu Siyuan, and said with a smile: "Since someone has already cleared the land for you, I wonder if this young master will have the honor to live with the little girl?"

"It's an honor." Gu Siyuan pursed his lips.


After the two finished their breakfast, Gu Siyuan drove to the suburbs of the city with Chi Xiaoyu.

The land has already been called to start construction, and the two have to go to the site to supervise the work.

When they arrived at the scene, Assistant Xu was already waiting there.

He handed them two hard hats, smiled and said to them: "President, madam, the workers have already started construction."

Gu Siyuan was obviously very suitable for the madam he called, he nodded, took Chi Xiaoyu's hand and walked inside.

Chi Xiaoyu helped someone put on the helmet, looked at someone's smug expression and smiled, without saying a word.

[Oh, my male god is so cute. 】

[Yeah, it would be even cuter if the love value increased more. 】The three sentences of the system are inseparable from the increase in love value.

[Speaking of which, I've always been curious, Zai Zai, did you pretend to be drunk on purpose yesterday? 】

[Amount...] Chi Xiaoyu touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment.

Seeing her reaction, the system was overjoyed, this person also sometimes rushes to the street.

【How do I know that this body can be poured in just one glass? 】

[It's not because you didn't do your homework well, you still haven't read it seriously even though you have the memory of the original body. 】The system rolled its eyes.

[Um, that... Although the process was a bit twists and turns, the result is still very good.You see, didn't I help you increase your love value a lot? 】A certain fish tried her best to win respect.

While chatting with the system, Chi Xiaoyu supervised the work with his man.

Time passed quickly, and it was afternoon in a blink of an eye.

The two went to another meeting, and it was already late when they got home.

(End of this chapter)

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