Koi host is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 23 The actor is my husband 16

Chapter 23 The actor is my husband 16
So, throughout the morning, Chi Xiaoyu felt like a giant baby: when walking, Gu Siyuan would hug her, if he wanted to drink water, Gu Siyuan would pour water for her, when he ate, Gu Siyuan would feed her...

She wanted to do it herself, but just as she said she wanted to do it by herself, the man had a look of guilt and grievance, his eyes just stared at her, and he didn't speak.

Chi Xiaoyu instantly felt as if she had raised a big dog that kept wagging its tail at her.

After hearing her words, his tail and ears immediately drooped in disappointment.

Then, Chi Xiaoyu had no choice but to accept Gu Siyuan's 360-degree nanny-style care.

Looking at someone's smiling, harmless face, she suddenly wondered if this person did it on purpose...

After these two months, the two songs that Chi Xiaoyu promised Wang Shan have been written and published.

The two capitals are quiet and slow songs with a good melody and poetry-like lyrics. Coupled with Chi Xiaoyu's first-class singing skills, they have received constant praise.

[Ah ah ah!The voice of the female goose is so nice!I've listened to the single on loop for a long time, but I don't feel like I can't listen enough. 】

[I really like this kind of quiet song, it makes people feel very comfortable. 】

[Listening to it can make people calm down, and it feels very suitable to listen to before going to bed. 】

[The lyrics are well written, but I feel like I don’t quite understand them.The first song "Pond Fish" is written as if the fish in the pond are like a person, and the second song "Chi Xiaoyu" is written about the fish himself? 】

With the arrival of June, Chi Xiaoyu will also join the filming group.

When Wang Shan took Guo Qi to send her to the crew, everyone had already started filming and everyone was busy.

Chi Xiaoyu didn't disturb the others, just stood in the open space and watched their filming.

She looked at the moving cameras and the directors sitting in front of the screen directing, she curled her lips, and a look of interest flashed in her eyes.

Now we are filming a scene of the hero and heroine, so Chi Xiaoyu saw two old acquaintances: Fang Yizhou and Liu Jiaqi

The director of this show, Li Minghui, is a big director who is very strict in all aspects, so the leading male and leading female, including many supporting roles, are all powerful actors.

Chi Xiaoyu knew beforehand that the heroine of this drama was Liu Jiaqi, and she played the role of Chu Mingyu, the daughter of the prime minister.

Both of them have each other's WeChat, so they also chatted.They also discussed to play against each other before.

"Stuck! OK, passed." Director Li said into the intercom.

At this time, everyone relaxed. This scene was the last scene in the morning. Everyone began to pack their things and prepare for lunch.

When Liu Jiaqi saw Chi Xiaoyu standing not far away, her eyes lit up, "Xiaoyu!" She called her name and rushed over, giving her a bear hug.

Chi Xiaoyu watched the people not far away getting closer to her, smiled and reached out to hug Liu Jiaqi.

"How is it, baby~ Do you miss me?" Chi Xiaoyu raised Liu Jiaqi's chin with his fingers with a smile, and said with a lazily smirk.

"Of course!" Liu Jiaqi smiled and winked at her.

The two haven't known each other for long, but they are very familiar with each other.

This is also due to Chi Xiaoyu's provocative skills and her strong and confident temperament, which makes Liu Jiaqi, who is clearly her senior, or others can't help but want to get close to her.

Director Li and Fang Yizhou also came to greet her when they saw her.

Because both Chi Xiaoyu and Fang Yizhou are going to participate in the "Escape Room" variety show, everyone has discussed before that we must first focus on the filming of Chi Xiaoyu and Fang Yizhou, so there will be Chi Xiaoyu and Fang Yizhou in these few days. Shots of Xiaoyu and Fang Yizhou.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the princess will disappear in the imperial capital in the first half of this drama. Although this role will run through, but the second half exists in memory, so Chi Xiaoyu doesn't have many roles.

For the next period of time, Chi Xiaoyu was filming on the set every day like this, and participated in the live recording of "Escape Room" once a week.

However, such days did not last long, because Chi Xiaoyu was soon finished.

Director Li found that Chi Xiaoyu's acting skills are really good. At the beginning, she might be a little rusty because she is not familiar with it or can't find the sense of the camera, but she has improved so fast that she has been acting smoothly since then.If there is no problem with the person playing with her in each scene, she can basically pass it at one time.

During this period, Gu Siyuan also came to visit the crew, but the two of them just chatted and didn't do anything blatantly in front of others. (Aren't you two blatant enough?)

Chi Xiaoyu stood in several seats, his head turned to the east, and his eyes looked into the distance.

Today was the day when he proclaimed himself emperor. She heard a voice coming from the gust of wind over there: "Long live my emperor! Long live my emperor! Long live my emperor..." She smiled unconsciously.

Mingchu closed his eyes and took a deep breath.She raised her hands, clasped them in front of her head, and bowed several times to the east.

"Long live, long live my emperor! Long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, my emperor..." Each sound became louder and more excited, Ming Chu couldn't hold it back, and a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

She hastily wiped the tears off her face, trying to force a smile.

How could she cry when it was the day of his enthronement?She wants to laugh for him!Be happy for him, be happy for yourself!I am happier than anyone else!
She remembered that he had said to her that he would give her the position of queen, but he would never give her favor...

Mingchu knew that because his love can only be given to one person, the person who occupies his eyes and heart, the person who is inferior to her in everything and cannot help him get the throne he wants like her, but can always occupy his heart. .

How she answered him then, oh, she refused him.

She also has the pride of a princess in the early Ming Dynasty in front of him.

She told him that what she, Xuanyuan Mingchu, wanted was a man who could love and protect her wholeheartedly, not a fool like him who hypocritically accepted a woman's kindness and then told her that he would protect another woman!

Yes, that's what she told him.

So, she will help him ascend the throne and leave him.

She won't regret it... She shouldn't have regretted it, but why, her tears can't stop flowing down?
Ming Chu suppressed tears and wiped them dry. The breeze picked up the long hair around her ears. She reached out to pin them behind her ears and smiled confidently.

She, Xuanyuan Mingchu!Never shed tears for a man who doesn't love her!
She glanced resolutely in the direction of that person, and then disappeared in the capital...

After taking a long shot to the end, Director Li stared at the screen in front of him in a daze, obviously he hadn't come out of the scene yet.

"Director?" Chi Xiaoyu turned to look at him inquiringly.

"Okay! Okay! Card! Call it a day!" Director Li finally realized that he stood up excitedly and clapped his hands.

"Your scenes have already been filmed." After speaking, he turned his head and said to everyone, "Well, everyone, listen to me! Our classmate Chi Xiaoyu has finished filming!"

After hearing this, everyone applauded and congratulated.

Chi Xiaoyu bowed to everyone: "Thank you for your company this month!" After speaking, he smiled and shared the cake that Gu Siyuan bought for her.

In less than a month, Chi Xiaoyu finished all her shots, and then it was done.

Of course, there may be some revisions or reshoots of her shots in the later stage.

At this moment, Gu Siyuan knew that the little girl was finished, so he couldn't wait to pack the little girl and go home.

However, Gu Siyuan didn't know that Chi Xiaoyu was going to join the team again early the next morning.

This time she participated in a low-budget TV series of the criminal investigation type. After reading the script, she liked it very much. The plot design is in place and the professional knowledge is also OK.

The director is a very experienced director in the industry, but because criminal investigation TV series have a relatively small audience, the investment cost is not high.

Chi Xiaoyu plays the heroine in this play, she is a psychological profiler, responsible for cooperating with the police in investigating cases, and profiling the basic information and behavioral characteristics of criminals.

She is a very rational and responsible person, with a personality that is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and she will show a kind of contrast from time to time.

The most important thing is that she is very strong, not inferior to men, and will never hold back the police captain who is a colleague, that is, the hero.

Such a character design will please the audience very much.

It is also for this reason that although this drama is filmed from the perspective of the male protagonist and the female protagonist does not have many roles, it will be more brilliant than the male protagonist.

What is more special is that the TV series "Criminal Profile" is broadcast in the form of a unit drama, so it will be broadcast while filming.

It has six units in total, and each unit only has two episodes, which is very short.

But as the saying goes, what is concentrated is the essence. (Just like Chi Xiaoyu's height :P)

Chi Xiaoyu: "Ah Choo!" Looking left and right, "Who is talking about me?"

After Chi Xiaoyu joined the group, the shooting was still so smooth, every time he strived for a pass.It is also because of this that the shooting progress of the entire crew has become very fast.

However, Chi Xiaoyu was not idle when she was filming. In addition to participating in "Escape Room" once a week, she would also learn shooting skills from the director and cameramen when she was on the crew.

She has been very interested in this aspect since she was in "The World", and she has been very attentive to ask the directors for advice, so this habit has also been brought to this crew.

With the broadcast of the first unit of "Crime Profile", the show has aroused a good response from the audience.

Chi Xiaoyu released a single "Guyuan" on the same day. This song has a strong melody, and the lyrics are well written. In addition, she sings well, so it has attracted the attention of netizens from all walks of life. Forward.

She took advantage of this song release to promote "Criminal Profiles" because she sang both the opening and ending songs in this drama.

After listening to these two songs, many interested netizens and fans went to watch this drama one after another...

Although the ratings at the beginning were not very high, but because of the conscientiousness of the production, the ratings have been rising in the later period, obviously to form a form of driving high and low.

And the live broadcast on the side of "Escape Room" has also come to an end.

Therefore, Gu Siyuan and Chi Xiaoyu completely lost the chance to meet each other.

Although Gu Siyuan sometimes came to visit the crew, Chi Xiaoyu has been busy recently, because she not only has to film, but also accepts a lot of commercial endorsements and some small program guests.He wanted to keep being active in the public eye, so he didn't have time to pay attention to Gu Siyuan.

So the poor actor was left out in the cold for a long time...

 Come, come, come~
(End of this chapter)

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