Koi host is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 186 When Two People in the Darkness Meet 2

Chapter 186 When Two People in the Darkness Meet 4
Chi Xiaoyu was immediately discouraged by his look. Although she couldn't see Gu Siyuan's expression, she clearly felt that the situation on the other side was not right——

"I didn't try hard," Chi Xiaoyu said honestly, "And I'm afraid I'm too quiet so you can't hear me."

"...Am I deaf?" Although Gu Siyuan didn't show it on his face, Chi Xiaoyu could still feel the coldness around him.

Chi Xiaoyu complained in his heart: I don’t know if you are deaf or not, but I must be blind
Of course, she never dared to really say it.

"I didn't mean that, I'm sorry." A certain fish had to be cowardly when it should be cowardly.

"I told you that you don't need to be so polite to me, and I don't need your apology." Gu Siyuan said as he took out an ice pack and applied it to Chi Xiaoyu's little feet.

"Oh," Chi Xiaoyu nodded, "Thank you."

Gu Siyuan glanced at her, "Can't understand what I'm saying?"

"Oh oh oh," Chi Xiaoyu finally realized, "Yes—no, uh." Just as he was about to apologize, he choked again.

Gu Siyuan helped his forehead helplessly, "Forget it, you can do whatever you want." He felt that her problem could not be corrected.

"Oh, thank you." Chi Xiaoyu nodded gratefully to him.

"." Gu Siyuan began to wonder if she did it on purpose.

In fact, Chi Xiaoyu did it on purpose. After all, how could someone like her be polite to Gu Siyuan?She just wanted to choke him with words, and it was fun to watch someone deflate.

Oh no, it's a pity she can't see it now.

"Okay." Gu Siyuan looked at the time, and it was almost done, otherwise it would be bad if it took too long.

He carefully put on socks for Chi Xiaoyu, his feet were covered with ice, it would be bad if he caught a cold.

"Brother, why are you so nice to me?" Chi Xiaoyu said with a smile.

Originally thought that Gu Siyuan would reject her when she first came, but he didn't expect to be so kind to her right after he came?
"." Gu Siyuan looked at her, "Because you are more pitiful than me." He was telling the truth.

Gu Siyuan originally thought that he would reject this new sister, but when he saw her, he couldn't help but speak harshly to her.He attributed this feeling naturally to the fact that he was pitying her
Chi Xiaoyu was stunned, "Do I look pitiful?" Is she that miserable?

"No, you look cute." Gu Siyuan raised his hand and snorted hard on her head.

"Thank you." After all, it was a compliment. Chi Xiaoyu politely thanked him, "But I don't think I'm pitiful. I have a brother." She counted on her fingers.

Originally, Gu Siyuan was quite happy to hear this——

"There's Uncle, and Aunt Su!"

Hearing the two people behind, Gu Siyuan's face suddenly collapsed.Just talk about him in front of him, and the people behind don't have to duck.

Of course, Chi Xiaoyu couldn't see his expression, so he was quite happy when he said it.Finally, I told the servants in the house and the children in the next door
The more Gu Siyuan listened, the expression on his face became more and more frozen, and finally he directly covered Chi Xiaoyu's mouth with his hand——

"Hmm--Swollen Mushroom?" Chi Xiaoyu said in horror.What did she say wrong?

"So, my status in your heart is so low? Can I even be compared to the brat next door?" Gu Siyuan was afraid that if she said that her status would become even lower.

"Ah? No," Chi Xiaoyu pulled his hand off, she was about to die of injustice, "I clearly ranked your name first!"

Gu Siyuan was taken aback, "Huh?" Is that what it meant? "So I'm the most important thing in your heart?" He raised his eyebrows.

"That's right!" Chi Xiaoyu nodded solemnly, "But don't tell Uncle Gu, he will be upset." She put her index finger on her lips with a smile, and quietly approached Gu Siyuan and whispered.

"." Gu Siyuan smiled and said nothing.It doesn't matter if he is happy or not, as long as he is happy!
"Promise me quickly." Chi Xiaoyu shook his arm when he saw the man smiling without saying anything.

"Well, I promise you." Gu Siyuan nodded lovingly.

Chi Xiaoyu is still a primary school student, so she must not fail in her studies.However, since she couldn't see things, Gu Yue directly hired a tutor for her, which was more convenient for teaching.

Ever since Gu Siyuan was autistic, oh no, he started lamenting about life, he never went to school again, so this time Gu Yue also found a teacher for him by the way.

The two of them had classes directly in their own rooms. I have to say that it felt quite strange, as if their home had become a school.

Probably because Gu Siyuan himself was bored without Chi Xiaoyu, so he was unusually cooperative.

Every time Chi Xiaoyu finished class, she would go to the next door to find Gu Siyuan.Of course, she wouldn't let Gu Siyuan into her room, otherwise when he saw the pile of Braille books inside, wouldn't things she couldn't see be revealed?
Chi Xiaoyu doesn't like people treating her like a blind person, especially Gu Siyuan, then she may be treated as a disabled person for the rest of her life, no, she is a disabled person herself now.

Aunt Su and Gu Yue were also very careful to help her guard this secret.In normal life, they try to let Chi Xiaoyu do things by herself.

It's not that they don't care about Chi Xiaoyu, it's just that they are protecting the children's self-esteem.They also hope that when they get old, Chi Xiaoyu will be able to take care of herself
It was raining today, and when Chi Xiaoyu was playing in the garden with the bear boy from the next door, he accidentally fell, and his arm was unfortunately scratched by a stone on the side of the road.

In fact, this is nothing unusual, after all, she can't see the way.It's just that the wound was a little more serious this time, and it almost scared Lulu to tears.

——Lulu is the brat from the house next door, about her age.But because she has to go to school every day, they don't have much time to play together.

Chi Xiaoyu found that since she became a child, her mind seemed to have become childish.She actually started to get the joy of the eagle catching the chicken.?

So after playing, she had a good time; after having a good time, she accidentally tripped over;If you want to blame, you have to blame the stone on the side of the road
Even though he said so, a certain fish still felt a little guilty.

After returning home, Aunt Su was startled by the blood on her arm——

"How did this happen, huh? Does it hurt?" She was so distressed, she managed to raise the child fat and white, but she was always injured.
"I accidentally tripped over a stone." Chi Xiaoyu said awkwardly, "Where's brother?" She looked around frantically, for fear of being discovered by Gu Siyuan.

Aunt Su saw that the child had been scratched, but she didn't complain about the pain, she was still asking others, she was speechless
"You're not in pain, are you still in the mood to ask where your brother is?" She glanced at her and began to clean her wound.

(End of this chapter)

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