Koi host is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 183 When Two People in the Darkness Meet 2

Chapter 183 When Two People in the Darkness Meet 1
On the streets of the city center, street lamps emit dim light, and flies are flying around below.

June in the south was extremely hot and unbearably hot, but a six or seven-year-old girl seemed unable to feel the heat around her. She sat alone on the street, waiting for someone to come.

She didn't wait for that person until late at night.

"Little friend, are you waiting for mom?" A mature man's voice came into Chi Xiaoyu's ears.

She raised her head, "Yeah." Chi Xiaoyu whispered shyly.

"Your mother won't be coming, do you want to go with uncle?" The man on the opposite side rubbed Chi Xiaoyu's hair with his generous palm.

Chi Xiaoyu lowered her head and shook, "Mom said you can't just go with strangers."

"Did your mother ask you to wait here for an uncle?" The man said patiently, "I am the one my mother said. Look, is this your mother's thing?" The man opened his palm, and inside was a necklace.

Chi Xiaoyu picked up the necklace and rubbed it for a while, then nodded lightly.It was indeed her mother's. Although it was worthless, she always carried it with her.Before mom leaves, tell her that an uncle with this necklace will come to her
"Mom doesn't want me?" Chi Xiaoyu didn't have any sad expression, she seemed to be asking a question seriously.

The man was taken aback, "Yes, but uncle wants you, and uncle will treat you well." He thought, maybe this child has already noticed his mother's attitude.

"Then are you willing to leave with Uncle now?" Gu Yue knelt down and whispered to her, "Uncle has an elder brother who is older than you, and he will protect you."

"Won't uncle hate me?" Chi Xiaoyu whispered.

"Of course not. Uncle likes Xiaoyu the most, how could he hate you." He lovingly stroked the broken hair on the little girl's face.

"Then let's go?" Gu Yue stretched out his hand to hold Chi Xiaoyu's little hand.

Chi Xiaoyu smiled shyly and nodded, then walked out of the street with him——

"Well, what are the names of uncle and brother?"

"My uncle's name is Gu Yue, and my brother's name is Gu Siyuan. His temper may not be very good. If he bullies you, tell me, and I will teach him a lesson for you."


The Gu family's bungalow in the city center is not far from the street just now. After a while, Gu Yue returned home with Chi Xiaoyu in his arms.

The Gu family was much colder than Chi Xiaoyu imagined, and the nanny at home warmly welcomed her.She seemed to like Chi Xiaoyu very much, and gave her a lot of sugar and freshly made bagels as soon as she entered the door.

"This one belongs to you, and this one belongs to brother. Can you help Aunt Su deliver these?" Aunt Su put the bagels in a small tray and handed them to her carefully.

Hearing this, Chi Xiaoyu looked up a little helplessly.
Gu Yue at the side seemed to have thought of something, and gave Aunt Su a wink——

Only then did she slap her head and realize, "Look at my memory. In this case, my aunt will take you up, and you can go and say hello to my brother, okay?" She said softly.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded while holding the tray.

Seeing this, Aunt Su smiled and took her hand, leading her up the stairs.

When they came to the door of a room, Aunt Su knocked on the door, "Master, your father and sister are back, why don't you come and see?"

After a while, seeing no one answering inside, Chi Xiaoyu opened the door and walked in under Aunt Su's signal.

The light in the house was very dim, but this had no effect on Chi Xiaoyu.She walked slowly inside and stood still, only to find that there seemed to be no sign of Gu Siyuan around.

"What's your name?" At this moment, Gu Siyuan suddenly appeared behind her, and put his hand on her shoulder——

Chi Xiaoyu was stunned, "My name is Chi Xiaoyu," he said, turning around and lifting the tray in his hand, "Do you want to eat?"

Seeing this, Gu Siyuan raised his eyebrows, but did not answer her question.He actually intended to scare this little girl who had just arrived, but she didn't seem to be scared?
Gu Siyuan took off the horror mask with ghosts drawn on his face, and threw it on the bed casually. "Aren't you afraid?" He sat down on the edge of the bed.

Chi Xiaoyu was taken aback when he heard the sound, then shook his head silently.

Gu Siyuan hooked his lips, he thought this little girl was quite amusing, "How old are you this year?" Like many elders, Gu Siyuan asked Chi Xiaoyu's basic information as usual.

"Eight years old." Chi Xiaoyu pursed his lips and said.

"Huh?" To be honest, if she didn't tell, Gu Siyuan really wouldn't be able to tell that she was eight years old.

It may be that he didn't eat much since childhood, and because of genetic problems, Chi Xiaoyu was born thinner and smaller than his peers.

Gu Siyuan is sixteen this year, eight years older than Chi Xiaoyu.

At the age of eight, he looked up and thought about it, and it seemed that he was still far behind.

"I know I'm short, but I'll grow taller in the future." As if hearing Gu Siyuan's disbelief, Chi Xiaoyu clenched his small fist and said back.In terms of height, Chi Xiaoyu absolutely cannot admit defeat!

Gu Siyuan nodded amusedly, "Oh~ then I'll just wait and see?" It's rare that he is still friendly to a person.

"Do you want to eat?" Chi Xiaoyu raised the tray in his hand again and asked again.

"Well," Gu Siyuan rubbed his chin and looked at her for a moment, then took a bagel at random, "Eat." After speaking, he took a bite.

With the tray in his hand, Chi Xiaoyu could only wait for him to finish eating.Gu Siyuan looked at her, then reluctantly took what was in her hand, and casually placed it on the small table next to her.

"Go, sit there and eat." Gu Siyuan raised his chin.

Chi Xiaoyu didn't answer, just kept looking at him, then raised his hand and held his hand——

"Don't want to go?" Gu Siyuan raised his eyebrows and looked at his little hand.

"." Chi Xiaoyu lowered his head and was silent for a while, then he walked slowly over to sit down, and began to eat in small bites.

Gu Siyuan observed for a while, then walked out of the room without saying a word, holding bagels in his mouth.

"." Chi Xiaoyu heard the sound of closing the door, raised his head and looked towards the door
When Aunt Su saw Gu Siyuan walking out of the room, she froze.It was the first time she saw the young master walk out of the room spontaneously except when necessary.

Since Gu's mother passed away, Gu Siyuan locked himself in the room and never said a word to anyone else
"Is there any milk?" Gu Siyuan lazily raised his eyelids and looked at Aunt Su.Just now when he saw Chi Xiaoyu eating bread, he always felt very dry, so he thought of getting her a glass of milk.

"Ah? Oh, milk, there is some." Aunt Su didn't realize it at first. This may be the first time Gu Siyuan has spoken to her in this period of time.

"I'll get it." As she said that, she turned and walked into the kitchen, and brought out a cup of hot milk——

When Gu Siyuan reached out to take it, he found it was hot, and he was quite satisfied, "Thank you." After speaking, he went upstairs.

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(End of this chapter)

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