Koi host is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 136 Boss, lend me your thigh to hug 1 hug 8

Chapter 136 Boss, lend me your thigh for a hug 8
Chi Xiaoyu saw seriousness in his eyes, "I won't do it next time," she pursed her lips.

"Well, good boy." Gu Siyuan hugged Chi Xiaoyu into his arms, "I love you, I can wait." When you are ready.

"En." Chi Xiaoyu nodded.

Gu Siyuan smiled and kissed the corner of Chi Xiaoyu's eyes.

It seems that the marriage proposal has to be put on the agenda quickly.
Even Gu Siyuan didn't expect that after being single for more than 30 years, when his family and even himself thought he would die alone, he met Chi Xiaoyu.

She is like a treasure dropped to him from heaven, which he cherishes and even takes care of.
"Little Yu'er, I'm very glad that I can meet you." Gu Siyuan bowed his head and said meekly.

"I have accumulated more than 30 years of luck, probably just to meet you." He said with a smile.

Gu Siyuan thought that he lived a good life in the first 30 years, but he never felt such a happy feeling.

It was as if the water glass was suddenly filled with water, and the mobile phone was finally charged. Yu Boya met Zhong Ziqi
The bird in the cage flies back to the forest of the past, and the fish in the pond swims to the abyss of the past
And Gu Siyuan has Chi Xiaoyu.

"Master, my uncle asked you to go to Liuyun Cave to find him." A voice came from outside the barrier.

Chi Xiaoyu slowly opened his long and narrow eyes, "Okay, wait a minute."

"Master, please hurry up, otherwise I will be the one who will be scolded by my uncle!"

Chi Xiaoyu smiled upon hearing this, "Understood, right now."

This child doesn't necessarily listen to her words, but rather listens to her brother's words.

She changed her clothes, walked out of her small attic, and removed the barrier outside the house with a wave of her hand.

Chi Xiaoyu pursed his lips and glanced at the little apprentice beside him——

The girl was in the year of the golden hairpin, with big round eyes, a red crabapple flower painted between her eyebrows, and red crabapple flowers inserted on the two temples on the top of her head. Cute and smart.

"Let's go, little sugar bag?" She took Tang Dai's little hand and said with a smile.

Chi Xiaoyu deeply felt that her name was well chosen, Tangdai, sugar bag, it sounds sweet and delicious.

But a certain sugar bag doesn't seem to like this name very much. The reason is that the son of the peak master next door grew up with Tang Dai, and he often laughed at the childish and funny name of the little sugar bag.

"Master, I want a more domineering name, and it must be better than that of Ouyang Batian next door!" Tangbao made lofty ambitions.

"Hehe." Chi Xiaoyu's mouth twitched when he heard this.

In order not to hurt the innocent and lovely little apprentice's young heart, she had an idea, "How about giving you another domineering and revealing name as a teacher?"

"What's the name?" Little Sugar Bag looked expectant.

"It's called Dugu Tangyi! How about it?" Chi Xiaoyu thought the name was good.

"...Let's forget it." Xiao Tangbao no longer had any hope for his master's ability to name.

"I think the name Little Sugar Bag sounds nice," Chi Xiaoyu couldn't understand what these children were thinking, "It's so sweet, so cute."

"Master, you can no longer keep up with the trend of young people." Tang Dai poked Chi Xiaoyu's wound seriously.

"." The children nowadays can't afford to be provoked.

Although the two were chatting, the cranes under their feet did not stop.After a while, the two flew to Liuyun Cave.

"Master, why do you have to ride a crane when you can get there by walking two steps?" Tang Dai asked puzzledly.

"You don't understand, this is more attractive, and it can highlight the nobleness and beauty of your master and me." Chi Xiaoyu had a lot of inner drama.

"No, this will only make you look stupid." Tang Dai exposed without hesitation, "And don't you sit on the crane because you are lazy?"

"." Today's children cannot be offended.

Chi Xiaoyu couldn't say no to Tang Dai, so he had no choice but to flee into the cave.

Slipped away
Inside the barrier, a clear and handsome man was wearing a white robe with golden flowing cloud patterns embroidered on the hem and cuffs, and his black hair behind him was tied up casually with a ribbon.The thick sword eyebrows reveal a whole body of righteousness, and the eyes are clear, yet elegant and stable.

"Sect Master." Chi Xiaoyu bowed to Chi Qingsi according to the rules.

Seeing her, Chi Yuqing also nodded, "You're here."

"What do you want me, brother?" Chi Xiaoyu was serious for a second, then returned to her original form, and she sat on the low couch next to Chi Qingyu casually.

Chi Qingyu shook his head helplessly, but still reached out to pour her a cup of tea, and pushed it in front of Chi Xiaoyu.

"Master is about to leave the customs." He said, taking a sip of the tea in his hand.

"Really?! Master is going out?" Chi Xiaoyu just took a sip of tea, his eyes widened.

Chi Qingyu frowned, expressing his disapproval of Chi Xiaoyu's surprise.

Seeing her calm down, he nodded calmly, "Now that you have passed your [-]th birthday, it's time to go to Xuanbing Peak."

Chi Xiaoyu touched his chin and nodded.

Her master, that is, the patriarch of the Wufang sect, is a god-man who sees the dragon and never sees the tail. He only stays on his own Xuanbing Peak to practice in seclusion every day for 360 days a year.

100 years ago, Chi Xiaoyu was born, and for some reason attracted the crowd of this old immortal living in a dwelling place.I don't know if it's because of her beauty, or because of her innate bones, she was lucky enough to have this patriarch take her as his apprentice.

Unfortunately, since then, Chi Xiaoyu has never been able to see her cheap master again.

"Which master asked me to go?" Chi Xiaoyu asked sideways.

"Yes." Chi Qingyu nodded and admitted.

"Why haven't you seen me before and then asked me to go up the mountain to find him after 100 years?" Chi Xiaoyu rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then murmured in a low voice.

"Master's thoughts are not something you and I can fathom. When you go up the mountain, remember to put away your foolish temper. That temper is very weird. Don't make Master angry." Chi Qingyu said to him for the first time. Chi Xiaoyu spoke so seriously.

"Oh," Chi Xiaoyu nodded in agreement, then asked after a pause, "What about the little sugar bag? What should I do if I go to her?"

"The master ordered you to take Xiaotang up the mountain together."

"Little Sugar Bag, we are going to find your master on Xuanbing Peak." Chi Xiaoyu smiled and pinched Tang Dai's chubby face.

"I know, I have all the clothes ready." Tang Dai nodded, and the step shaker on her head made a crisp sound.

"Uh..." Chi Xiaoyu didn't expect this child to be so sensible, "Xuanbing Peak is no better than the main peak, the weather there is cold, and you are still young, so you should bring more warm clothes."

"Well, I know." Tang Dai opened a space ring, which contained the clothes she had prepared.

"." Chi Xiaoyu expressed her frustration, she never thought that she was no better than a child.
Chi Xiaoyu has only salted fish these days, and has nothing to prepare.

"I knew, Master, you didn't prepare anything." Xiaotangbag secretly rolled his eyes.

Although the contempt in her eyes was deeply hidden, Chi Xiaoyu was still keenly aware of it.

She was actually despised by an apprentice who was dozens of years younger than her?

(End of this chapter)

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