Koi host is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 1 Strategies for Fiance President 1

Chapter 1 Strategies for Fiance President 1
In a coffee shop at the corner of Imperial Street, Chi Xiaoyu was sitting by the glass window, sipping the Frappuccino he had just ordered, looking out the window from time to time.

【Qiqi, this is delicious! 】Chi Xiaoyu looked at the Frappuccino in his hand, his eyes were amazed.

[Cub, it’s delicious, there are better things to drink!
As long as you do the task well, after you complete it, you can turn into a human and eat and drink! ] System [-] vigorously promoted the benefits of doing tasks.

【Oh well. 】Chi Xiaoyu nodded without interest.

Chi Xiaoyu, Chi Xiaoyu——

As the name suggests, she was originally a koi that has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years in the pond of Qiushan Temple.

Because she received the baptism of Buddha's light every day, she cultivated human form very early, but she couldn't go down the mountain because of the enchantment in the temple.

She remembered that it was the barrier set by the first abbot for her.

He had made a divination for her before his death.Strangely though, he didn't figure anything out.
The abbot specially looked for her before he died.He told her that in 8 years, someone would take her away from here, and told her to try to listen to the voices in her head.
Originally, she didn't quite understand the meaning of his words until one day after 8 years...

That day, she was swimming in the pond boredly, when she suddenly heard a voice in her head asking her to agree to the "Plan to Capture the Male God"; she also said that she would take her out of here, travel across three thousand worlds to do tasks, and complete the mission. later become human
Chi Xiaoyu has no interest in becoming a human.

However, she remembered the abbot's words, calculated that the time would be up, and readily agreed.

In fact, it was mainly because she had been trapped in the temple and was really bored, so she wanted to come out and have some fun (ˉ▽ˉ;)
Time goes back to the present.

The system is selling the benefits of being human.

After Chi Xiaoyu listened carefully,

[Um, but I still think it’s better to be a koi. 】Except for food...

She has never eaten such delicious food when cooking koi, after all, the taste and eating habits of fish are not the same as those of humans.

Mr. System wiped his sweat helplessly.

Its host is good in every way, but it has no interest in being a human being.

[Host, host, mission target has appeared! 】The system said excitedly.

Chi Xiaoyu turned his head and saw a handsome man in a suit and leather shoes walking across the road.She hurriedly drank the Frappuccino in her hand, got up and followed out.

She is so cold that her head hurts ≡(▔﹏▔)≡.
[Qiqi, what should I do? 】Chi Xiaoyu is doing a task for the first time and is not very familiar with the business.


The system is very convenient.

It's just a system, and it doesn't know what to do!
【Forget it, I'll figure it out myself. 】Chi Xiaoyu said helplessly.

[Baby, I knew you were the smartest. Dad wouldn’t know what to do without you. 】

The system shed tears of relief for the old father.

Obviously, it didn't notice a trace of disgust in a certain fish's words.

Chi Xiaoyu touched his chin, and began to think about how to get close to Gu Siyuan...

She inherited the memory of the original owner, so she knew that the original owner had something to do with Gu Siyuan, that is, her lovely mission goal——

The original owner and Gu Siyuan's family is a well-known business family in China, and it also occupies a leading position in the imperial capital.The two go hand in hand, compete with each other, support each other for many years, and forged a profound friendship.

The original owner and the two were inexplicably betrothed by their parents when they were very young.

It's just that the original owner only met Gu Siyuan a few times in a few gatherings when he was a child, and the friendship between the two was not deep.Later, after the original owner went abroad to study, the two had no contact at all.

So much so that the two parties to this marriage contract almost forgot that they still have a marriage contract.

It wasn't until the original owner returned to China recently, and this old matter was brought up by his parents, that the original owner remembered that he wanted to meet his mysterious fiancé...

[Love value +5, current love value: 5]

When Chi Xiaoyu heard the system sound ringing in his ears, he seemed to be aware of it, and looked in Gu Siyuan's direction——

Let's talk about Gu Siyuan's side.

He held a new Pear brand mobile phone from country F in his hand, and his eyes were fixed on Chi Xiaoyu.Looking at the screen on his mobile phone, it was the profile of a certain fish.

Gu Siyuan has always known that he has a fiancée.

Recently, when he learned that his fiancée had just returned to China, he thought about going to meet her first, before considering whether the engagement should be cancelled.

Today, he learned from his assistant that his fiancée was in a coffee shop downstairs in his company, so he temporarily decided to secretly take a look at her outside...

At this moment, he noticed that Chi Xiaoyu's gaze had turned, so he immediately shifted his gaze elsewhere.

Chi Xiaoyu stood by the street and raised his eyebrows.

——She thought it was her beauty that attracted someone's favor.
However, when she lowered her eyes slightly and continued to think about how to get close to Gu Siyuan, she realized that this man was walking straight in her direction.

She felt a little strange and was thinking about whether to say hello to him.

Unexpectedly, the person in front of him suddenly closed his eyes and was about to fall straight back to the ground——



Chi Xiaoyu watched the person in front of him fall slowly with a dazed expression, and then remembered to help him.

"Are you okay?" Chi Xiaoyu gently shook the person in his arms and said.

At this time, someone who was in a coma finally woke up.

"It's okay, I'm just a little hypoglycemic. Maybe it's because I haven't had a good rest these days." Gu Siyuan pretended to raise his hand and rub his head.

Chi Xiaoyu's mouth twitched as he watched someone's clumsy performance.

She secretly expressed her disdain for his poor acting skills in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. She just raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled softly.

She took out the candy from her pocket and gave it to him: "You might feel better after eating this."

Gu Siyuan picked up the strawberry-flavored candy in his hand, removed the candy wrapper with his hand, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Chi Xiaoyu said with a smile.

Gu Siyuan looked at the bright smile in front of him, his eyes flashed, and his heart palpitated.

[Love value +10, current love value: 15]

Looking at someone's poor acting from the sidelines, the system couldn't bear to look directly at it.

She thought to herself that only her host would believe him if he was pure-hearted.

A simple-minded certain fish slowly helped Gu Siyuan up, and began to think secretly in his heart.

"Are you still feeling unwell? If it's okay, I'll leave first?" Chi Xiaoyu smiled kindly.

Gu Siyuan was not willing to let her go, so he hurriedly said: "I'm still a little dizzy." After speaking, he raised his hand and rubbed the eyebrows in a serious manner.

"Ah? Then what should we do?" Chi Xiaoyu was very cooperative, pretending to be a little worried.

"There is a restaurant in front, it tastes good, can you send me there? I'll treat you to a meal by the way, thank you for helping me a lot." Gu Siyuan asked tentatively.

After hearing what he said, Chi Xiaoyu understood in his heart, and agreed with embarrassment.

[Love value +5, current love value: 20]

Chi Xiaoyu's mouth twitched as he listened to the system sound.

Aren't you talking about conquering male gods?Why didn't she do anything, and this male god just attacked himself?

"Get in the car, I'll drive you there." Chi Xiaoyu said as he took out a few more candies from his pocket, put them in Gu Siyuan's hand, and said with a smile, "Here's the candy for you. If you still feel dizzy, eat it." Sugar might be better ~ sweet and delicious."

Gu Siyuan suddenly looked at the sweetly smiling little girl in front of him, and foolishly put a few pieces of candy carefully into his pocket.

[Love value +5, current love value: 25]

Chi Xiaoyu looked at someone who was smirking in front of him, and thought this person was a little cute?
She was taken aback by her own thoughts.

The car started and arrived at the restaurant Gu Siyuan mentioned in a short while.

This is a Japanese restaurant with good taste. It was recommended by Gu Siyuan's assistant.

Chi Xiaoyu was very happy when he heard that he was going to eat, but when he saw the sashimi on the table, his mood was not so good.
Although there are also fish of the weak and the strong, the big fish eat the small fish, but she has never eaten it!
She is a beautiful koi, how can she eat the same kind?
But when she took a sip—

Comrades, I'm sorry...

Really fragrant.

The system originally thought that its host would not like to eat seafood, but saw a certain fish that tasted delicious bit by bit.


It really underestimates how much someone loves food.

Gu Siyuan originally saw the little girl's not-so-beautiful face, and thought she didn't like it, so he was a little uneasy.

But seeing her eyes brighten immediately after taking a sip, the heart that raised it was gradually relaxed.

He had just investigated her preferences with someone, and knew that she liked Japanese food very much, so he brought her to this shop.
Although the person in front of him moved quickly, he ate without any indecentness.

She just ate food in small bites, her cheeks puffed up, like a little hamster being fed.

His heart seemed to be filled.

Can't help but secretly said: Grass!What kind of fairy cutie is this, I want to kiss!
[Love value +5, current love value: 30]

Chi Xiaoyu was earnestly cleaning up the food, when he suddenly heard the system prompt sound in his head, he was stunned for a moment.

She couldn't help but secretly thought: Grass!What kind of magical little mission goal is this, I think!

When the system heard what Chi Xiaoyu was thinking, it was suddenly struck by lightning. When it reacted, it just wanted to say: No, you don't want to.

But it can't say ah!

I thought that my host was just a pure and cute system with a simple mind, and she shed tears of regret.

How could it have thought that her mind was pure?
Knowing that his thoughts were heard by a certain system, Chi Xiaoyu touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment.

[After all, I have been a fish for tens of thousands of years, how could I still not understand anything? 】

The system felt that its IQ was being questioned, and almost burst into tears.

Chi Xiaoyu ate while chatting with the system, and cleaned up the food in front of him in a short while.

A certain fish was in a good mood after eating the delicious food, so he looked at the person opposite.

After a pause, she said with a half-smile, "Sir, what should I call you? Gu Siyuan? Mr. Gu? Or fiance?"

After seeing someone finish eating, a certain fiancé who had just wanted to get close to the little girl heard this, and his eyebrows suddenly jumped.

He only told her his surname just now, but didn't say his name.

"'President, how are you getting along with your fiancée?'" Chi Xiaoyu paused, "Here, when you went to the bathroom, your phone was on, and I accidentally saw it." She raised her eyebrows and pointed Opposite cell phone.

After Gu Siyuan came to his senses, he was like a discouraged ball, "You know..." There was a little grievance in his words. (?)
It's just that a certain person was wronged on the face, but he scolded his assistant hundreds of times in his heart, and immediately decided to increase his workload for the next period of time.

At this time, a certain assistant didn’t know that his good days were coming to an end...

"Yeah." Chi Xiaoyu laughed when he saw someone's appearance.

Why is this person so...cute?

"like me?"

When Gu Siyuan heard these three words, he raised his head in surprise, then lowered his head and nodded his head up and down in a dull voice.

"When?" Chi Xiaoyu looked at the narrow-minded person and asked leisurely.

"From the first time I saw you."

"So, do you think you fell in love with me at first sight?" Chi Xiaoyu leaned on the table with one hand, approached Gu Siyuan and asked with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

"Don't you believe it?"

In fact, Gu Siyuan himself felt a little unbelievable.

When he saw the little girl for the first time, he knew it was her.

He likes her, he wants her.

This is a feeling he has never had in all these years.

"I believe it, why not."

Although Chi Xiaoyu is an emotional novice, she is very sensitive to this aspect of perception, oh no, it's Yu. She can clearly feel Gu Siyuan's liking for her.

She suddenly felt that this feeling was very good.

[Love value +10, current love value: 40]

"Then, can I pursue you?" Gu Siyuan asked carefully and seriously.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded with a serious smile on the surface.

In fact, she was actually thinking secretly in her heart——

What are you chasing after?Go directly!
[Love value +10, current love value: 50]

The system was shocked when it saw the scene in front of it.

what just happened?
Water Basin?
Originally thought that her host was a pure and cute girl, but in fact she is a domineering lady?Originally thought that the target of the mission was a domineering president, but in fact he is a loyal little milk dog?
This setting. Why does it feel so exciting and a little bit good?
In fact, it's not because the system misunderstood, it's just because Chi Xiaoyu's appearance is too deceptive.

She looks so pure and lovely.

Moreover, she doesn't show off much, and she always smiles and looks very kind to people.

In fact, it is a dramatist.

The most important thing is that she had always been very obedient and listened to the system.

How does the system know the real reason why a certain fish is obedient...

Chi Xiaoyu didn't care what a certain system was thinking.

She looked at the foolish person in front of her and asked, "Then why did you hide your identity just now?"

"Aren't I afraid that you don't like our engagement?" Gu Siyuan touched his nose.

He had some resistance to the fact that he had a marriage contract early in the morning.

Including the second before seeing her, he was still thinking about breaking off the engagement.

He is now very glad that he did not implement this idea of ​​​​his own.

"Well... I actually had no idea about this engagement before. But now I'm starting to like it a little bit." Chi Xiaoyu thought about it seriously and curled his lips.

[Love value +5, current love value: 55]

Chi Xiaoyu listened to the system prompts coming one after another, and immediately felt that the silly people in front of him were more pleasing to the eye.

【Qiqi, I think we can lie down and win, it doesn't take any effort at all. 】

Chi Xiaoyu said to the system proudly with a kingly attitude.

When the system heard a certain fish's words, it gradually had an ominous premonition.

It seems to see that the flag in the distance is slowly standing up...

 Newcomer writing, please support me a lot~
  I just discovered now that there seems to be no way to blank lines here. I can only use symbols to separate paragraphs, right?Can anyone give me an answer?
(End of this chapter)

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