Chapter 709

Ye Sang glanced at Jing Mo suddenly, and found that his expression was a bit strange, as if he was a little frightened?
Scared with her? !

Ye Sang immediately pulled his face down: "What are you doing with me!?"

Shocked, Mo regained consciousness and raised a smiling face, "Of course I came to apologize and ask for forgiveness, so do you want my wife to forgive me?"

Jing Mo took out a small flower and placed it in front of her.

The corners of Ye Sang's eyes twitched, the petals of the flowers he took out still persisted.

"Bring me with a flower that I don't know what it is, are you stupid?"

Jing Mo hooked her lips: "This flower is not an ordinary flower."

"What kind of flower is that?"

"This flower is full of my love and carries my heart~"

Ye Sang: "..." Did she have a brain twitch for asking such a question?

Ye Sang turned her head and left, Jing Mo hurriedly grabbed her: "Sang Sang, don't make trouble."

"What's wrong with me?"

"I know you like me too, don't be petty." Jing Mo said helplessly and dotingly.

He didn't mean to say that. He clearly felt that Ye Sang liked him in his heart, but he just refused to admit it.

Ye Sang frowned, and raised her voice slightly: "I'm not making trouble! Get out of here!"

Jing Mo also frowned, the strength of his hand holding her wrist increased, his tone suddenly became dignified and deep, his voice seemed to come out from the tip of his tongue, and he called her name: "Ye Sang."

Ye Sang's heart skipped a beat, and she stared at him blankly with her eyes open. That Ye Sang's call seemed to enter her heart, and she was caught off guard.

He had never called her name so solemnly...

But after too long, Jing Mo spoke slowly again, his tone full of frustration and helplessness: "What are you rejecting?"

This not-so-difficult question suddenly exploded in Ye Sang's mind. What was she rejecting?
How can she refuse anything, she just doesn't like it...

Thinking of this, she stopped suddenly, because she found that she didn't have the confidence to say the word dislike.

Ye Sang turned his eyes, then settled on his face, and said, "What about you, you like me, so what do you like about me?"

Jingmo looked at her with burning eyes, as if he wanted to see through her.

He said: "I like you, there is no reason, if you say I like you, do you like your heartbeat by my side?"

Ye Sang's heart seemed to be brushed by something, causing circles of ripples.

"Do you like the mental calculation when you are by my side..."

Ye Sang was absent-minded for a moment, her eyes had no fixed focus, and she stared blankly ahead.

Jing Mo was not in a hurry, no matter how anxious he was, he would never be in such a hurry.

He knew that Ye Sang was confused, struggling, and thinking, and he was sure that Ye Sang liked him.

Ye Sang was also really thinking about liking, she never thought that she would fall in love so early, let alone fall in love, but she never thought that the identity of the man chasing her would be like this...

The breeze gradually cools down this night, the willows sway slightly, and the water ripples, as if someone's mood is so restless.

The figures of the two are reflected in the water, as if a picture scroll is vividly written.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Sang's eyes finally trembled slightly, and slowly turned upwards to Jing Mo's face.

Jing Mo took a breath, as if expecting something, stared at her without blinking.

Ye Sang moved her lips, her face was a little tangled, and then she said, "What do you look like?"

Jing Mo: "Ah?!"

(End of this chapter)

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