Chapter 528 Level 17 Thug ([-])

Ning Xia took a breath, and suddenly opened her eyes wide. She almost forgot that Shi Jiu was too...

But, she really can't do anything now.

Qi Chen used hypnosis to keep everyone in his hands. If she went to the police, he might know about it.

Suddenly, she looked at Xia Ye with firm eyes: "I can! I guarantee that your arrest warrant will be cancelled!"

Xia Ye looked at Ning Xia playfully, she naturally knew Ning Xia's identity, and it would be difficult for her to marry Qi Chen if her background was not strong.

But it was surprising that Ningxia really wanted to deal with Qi Chen.

The hero and heroine don't need her to tear it down at all, they have already fallen in love and killed each other.

Xia Ye didn't ask her why, and said a word indifferently: "You and Qi Chen are husband and wife, but you want to deal with him, tsk tsk tsk..."

The corners of her lips curled into a smile, she took a sip of water, and the words behind her were self-evident.

But Ning Xia's eyes widened in shock, as if she had heard something unbelievable. At the same time, she also ignored that she just didn't say how Xia Ye knew that she was going to deal with Qi Chen.

"What did you say?! How could Qi Chen and I be husband and wife?!"

Xia Ye made an arc in an unclear manner, then took out another water glass, filled it with water, and pushed it in front of Ning Xia.

"You didn't even read the name on your marriage certificate, did you?"

Ning Xia was taken aback, and wanted to ask something but was interrupted by an impatient male voice: "Enough talking to insignificant people!"

That's right, someone is upset!

This woman is so patient with others, why does she order him every day when she is so savage.

Ning Xia turned her head subconsciously, and saw the door of the room inside was wide open, and the handsome man with a tall figure exuding an astonishing aura was looking at this side with a face full of displeasure.

There is still someone here.

She was startled by his appearance for a moment, and then looked at Xia Ye again.

Xia Ye curled her lips and rolled her eyes, obviously speechless.

From the corner of Xia Ye's eyes, he suddenly saw Ning Xia's dazed look, and then he curled his lips jokingly: "Why, it's strange, I have a pretty face, don't you?"

Nan Sihan: "..."

Damn woman!

Ningxia instantly felt a sense of chaos in the wind.

Little...white face...

Ningxia was in a trance after Xia Ye, and then took out her mobile phone and dialed the number of the old house.

After Ningxia left, Xia Ye glanced at Nan Sihan, folded her arms around her chest: "Little white face, go, wash the clothes in the bedroom for me."

Nan Sihan gritted his teeth: "My little boy is really aggrieved."

Not only did he not get any benefits, but he also had to be bullied by this woman all day long.

Xia Ye smiled: "I'm aggrieved, well, I'll give you a chance, you can do well, how about I allow you to go to bed today?"

There was a flash of light in Nan Si's cold eyes: "All ears."

"Locate and find all the thugs, provoke them to riot, and it is best to attract the attention of the international police."

Nan Sihan narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, and didn't ask any more questions after a long while, just said: "Prepare well tonight."

Xia Ye has no doubts about Nan Sihan's ability, this is just a trivial matter, it's just her laziness.

Besides, she was talking about letting him sleep with her today, and she had no other intention.

He didn't blame her for thinking wrong.

As for why she deliberately provoked a riot, it was just to deal with those restless thugs in one go.

It will save you trouble in the future, and the police will...

(End of this chapter)

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