Chapter 526 Level 15 Thug ([-])

The bullet missed its target, but managed to hit the man's shoulder.

At this time, they had already exposed themselves, and the faces of the two men were stained with anger. They obviously didn't expect that there would be guns here.

The two spat, then raised their guns and shot at Ningxia.

Ningxia also reacted quickly, directly using the people in front as a meat pad, and the screams suddenly became one after another.

After all, there were two people on the opposite side, but after a few minutes Ningxia already felt exhausted.

Knowing that a shot hit her in the shoulder, the gun fell out of her hand, and a man had come over and dragged her forward by her hair, without any sympathy.

Ning Xia bit her lip and didn't make a sound, but in her heart she was looking forward to the police coming soon.

"Stinky bitch, son! You still dare to resist, are you a police officer? I'll taste what it's like to be a police officer today!"

Despair almost rose in Ningxia's heart, but her education and her beliefs did not allow her to just give in like this!

She finally closed her eyes until she was beaten so weak that the police did not arrive.

The disgusting temperature approached her, and there was only a strong sense of ridicule in her heart.

Is she going to die here before she becomes a full-time police officer?

It is impossible to be insulted by them, she would rather die!
But for a long time, she didn't feel any discomfort, and when she opened her eyes, she found that the two men were all clothed and their eyes were wide open.

She looked subconsciously, and only vaguely saw two figures flashing past outside.

Then someone screamed that they had been saved, and someone came over to thank her tearfully.

She frowned, one of the two people outside just now was... Shi Jiu?
The police arrived late, but at this time, no one cared about it, it was all the joy of the rest of the life after the catastrophe.

But Ning Xia had a different thought in his heart.

She looked thoughtfully at the man who exuded a righteous aura.


"Why bother with that, huh?"

The man's deep and magnetic voice rang in her ears, and her fingers played with her hair carelessly.

Xia Ye smiled: "Life is boring and needs some additives. Don't you become a terrorist because your life is boring?"

Nan Si coldly hooked her lips: "It was indeed boring before, but now I have found something that is not boring, and I don't mind bringing this kind of thing with you."

The corner of Xia Ye's eyes twitched. The non-boring thing he said was making sauce on the bed, right?

Looking at the expression on his face, you can tell that it is almost inseparable.

"You can go back and cook. I want to eat sweet and sour short ribs and braised tenderloin tonight!"

Nan Sihan: "..." The reason he followed her was to find abuse.

And he always gets on top of it by himself!

"Then do you want to eat bear's paw!"

Xia Ye smiled sweetly: "If you can make it, I can eat it."

Nan Sihan: "..." I always feel that I have raised an ancestor.

The bank robbery was reported elegantly afterward, because three thugs were captured in one fell swoop, a feat that almost moves one up a notch.

But when the report was made to the superiors, it was said that these people were all arrested by Qi Chen, and all the credit for Ningxia was attributed to Qi Chen, and there was still no objection.

And Ning Xia only mentioned it a little bit, saying that she played a little role.

It has to be said that Qi Chen's hypnotism is powerful, and his spiritual power should not be underestimated.

(End of this chapter)

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