Chapter 517 Level 4 Thug ([-])

As for the hero and heroine, she didn't mention it.

Xia Ye has almost convinced the original owner, she wants to have power and power, how can she spend her life peacefully!
Also, you are a first-level thug, why do you still want to be the savior!
He also has the attributes of the Virgin Mary, so he really thinks that he can save all living beings.

So the original owner is really contradictory to the extreme.

Suddenly, she felt as if there was a second person in the helicopter, and before she could react, someone went around her neck and grabbed her from behind.

The slender fingers covered her arteries with the coldness of a poisonous snake.

But he didn't use all his strength to lay down his hands, as if he was stroking her neck.

The corners of Xia Ye's eyes suddenly twitched...

What should she say?

It actually appeared so soon, this idiot is really as stupid as ever, she just wanted to find out who this guy is here, after all, she finally got the authority to check this guy.

Xia Ye wasn't worried that his life would be in danger at all, because he wouldn't kill her at all.

Suddenly the corner of her lips hooked into a smile, she wanted to see what this idiot was trying to do.

Something furry suddenly stuck to the back of her neck, and Xia Ye thought it must be that guy's head.

A gloomy and cool voice slowly sounded in her ears, beating on her heart: "Shi Jiu, I never thought that you would be the one who got on this helicopter, and I was still thinking about what kind of person I should use to get on this helicopter. It would be better to kill him the other way.”

The corner of Xia Ye's mouth twitched, snake spirit disease!
"So, how are you thinking about killing me now?"

Suddenly there was a deep and pleasant chuckle from the person behind him: "How about dying?"

Fuck!You cheated, didn't you!

When you come up, you will drive on the small train in a dirty way, why not go to the sky!

"Go away, you are paralyzed!"

The people behind seemed to be very happy, just about to stick to her neck, but they didn't expect Xia Ye to make an unexpected move.

Xia Ye also felt that his posture was too aggrieved, and he couldn't do anything about it, and it was sick to keep pinching her neck!
So Xia Ye didn't care about the hand holding her life gate at all, turned around and threw him down, and blocked his lips when he went up.

He seemed to be shocked, his eyes widened for a moment, his pupils shrunk, as if he didn't react.

Xia Ye suddenly felt a wicked joy in his heart when he looked at him.

Then imitating his previous movements, slowly caressing the outside of his lips.

But after a few seconds, the man's eyes gradually darkened, and he clasped the back of her head with one hand, and lowered her.

Xia Ye frowned, wanting to take back the initiative unwillingly, but when it comes to men and women, it should be said that there seems to be a difference between her and him, as he has been leading him away for a long time.

[Ahem... master... is about to land...] God knows that disturbing these two at this time is undoubtedly courting death!Xiaoliangliang, if I am formatted, you must remember to collect my body!

[…] I think it is more realistic for you to hurry up and format, I will not mourn you!
[…] Tongsheng is so desperate!

A voice sounded in his head, Xia Ye frowned, and then pushed him away displeased.

The man licked his lips with a contented look, and looked at her with deep eyes, like a flame, and full of oppression like a lion seeing its prey.

Xia Ye was already upset, but when she looked up, she saw this guy's eyes, she immediately stared back, and yelled, "Look at that! Why do you want to go to heaven! Get off and find a place for my aunt to land !"

 In fact... this chapter should be chapter 553, but I haven't changed the chapters locked in the little black room, so I haven't been released, so sad/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
(End of this chapter)

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