Chapter 425 The Ultimate Bug (2)

And her identity experimental product.

The original owner was Lu Yuanyuan, who grew up in a very ordinary family, but she was suddenly abducted and sold when she was ten years old. After many hands-on, she was finally bought back by a scientist.

Because Lu Yuanyuan was naive and simple, she was only ten years old when she was sold, and she didn't fully understand some things, so she started crying a few days after being adopted by this scientist, but after more than a year, The scientist also really treated her very well, and gradually she accepted the fact that she had a new father.

After all, the new father has a big house like a palace, servants and endless luxury, which is not much better than the previous life.

But she still thinks about her biological parents in her heart.

At first she told that scientist Lu Zhou that she wanted to see her biological parents, but she dared not say that she would go back to them, after all she was afraid that Lu Zhou would disagree.

It turned out that Lu Zhou agreed the first time, but after a few days he disagreed again, and severely rejected her the next few times.

So the original owner felt resentment towards Lu Zhou, why didn't she let her see her parents, and she didn't say she wanted to leave.

When she was 15 years old, the original owner took the money she had saved and lied that there was a summer camp at the school and went to her original home according to her memory.

But she never expected to overhear her parents' conversation while she was outside the door.

It turned out that her parents already had a new child, which was still a boy, and they even contemptuously said in a disdainful tone that when they found out that Lu Zhou had adopted her, they came to them. Not only did they not force her to come back, but instead He also laughed at Lu Zhou as a fool and let them blackmail 200 million for nothing.

Hearing this, the original owner immediately understood why Lu Zhou would not let her see her parents.

She didn't go in, didn't recognize them, but went back to Lu Zhou by herself, pretending that nothing happened.

In fact, Lu Yuanyuan was very lucky to be adopted by Lu Zhou, but why did she become an experimental product? This is a drama.

The original owner was still in the ignorant stage of youth after knowing all the reasons, and unexpectedly fell in love with Lu Zhou who was 25 years older than her!

When he knew that Lu Zhou was researching holographic online games, he even took the initiative to sign up as a volunteer experimenter without telling Lu Zhou.

Surprisingly, all the data checked by Lu Yuanyuan were the most consistent with this experiment.

So without Lu Zhou's knowledge, she became an experimenter.

Experimenters are at risk. After all, if you connect the human spirit to the game, if you are not careful, you may be trapped in the game for a lifetime or die in it, so this is a voluntary project.

After that, it was easy. After many trials, although she didn't reach the goal of transmigrating into the character, she was connected to the BOSS in the game.

It was too late when Lu Zhou knew about it. Lu Yuanyuan was the most successful experimenter, and it was impossible for other personnel involved in this research to give up because of Lu Zhou.

Although Lu Zhou was the main researcher, it didn't help at all.

Lu Zhou can only be more attentive and careful, so as not to let Lu Yuanyuan have any accidents.

As for how Lu Yuanyuan died, it must be attributed to the hero and heroine.

The male protagonist is rich and handsome, and the female protagonist Bai Fumei, under the combined attack of the two, the original protagonist died in the game and never came out.

(End of this chapter)

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