Chapter 328 Roll over carp (25)

"You look happy?"

Xia Ye raised her eyebrows: "I can't be happy?"

Ming Han smiled: "Of course not, but I remember Feng Yang and Ling Yuan are just a couple."

"Hehe, I didn't expect the Buddha to gossip."

Ming Han smiled slightly, he couldn't deny it, he naturally wanted to know more about the person who took Xiao Yu'er away.

He also knew about the fish in his family's vicious way of inducing Fengyang to eat Wangqing Pill and Dingqing Pill.


Ming Han's eyes flashed with light, and the female war goddess seemed to have no elixir aura.

Xia Ye picked up a flat peach and took a bite, sure enough the taste was perfect.

Suddenly remembered something, turned around and asked Ming Han: "What do you think Ling Yuan will really do?"

Just now she didn't look into Ling Yuan's heart, but she almost knew that he was going to do something by looking at his last look.

"I'm afraid he will be demonized."

"Demonization? Is this demonization?" Is the hero's will like this?
However, Minghan is a Buddha, and he is particularly sensitive to demonization, so he is not far behind.

"By the way, what will happen if you take something like the Forgettable Pill or lose your memory in the future?"

It is blasphemy to ask a question like this to a Buddha, but if this Buddha is a scum Buddha, then he will not say anything.

Ming Han raised his eyebrows: "This kind of question doesn't exist at all, Xiao Yu'er, it's not like you would ask this kind of question."

Xia Ye naturally knew that with her character, this kind of question was a bit girly, but in fact, it can be said that he has amnesia now, so she still wanted to hear how he answered.

Seeing Xia Ye leisurely eating a peach and looking at him, Ming Han's heart moved, and his emotions were involved.

So he spoke slowly, not in a very serious tone, but not in a joking tone either, as if he was speaking in a normal tone.

"If that day comes, I think I will make preparations in advance. What belongs to me is mine. I will find a way to carve your soul into my soul. If your soul is immortal, you will be mine for the rest of my life. of."

Xia Ye's heart was shocked, his eyes flickered slightly, and he took another bite of the peach, pretending not to care, turning his head to watch the fairy dance over there.

This is really something he can do.

So he really did something wrong.

Heh, is it life after life that the soul is immortal...

Inadvertently, there was a slight arc on Xia Ye's lips.

This plane is the plane of immortals and Buddhas. Xia Ye is not sure how long she can stay here, nor is she sure to what extent Ming Han will leave this plane. Moreover, there is another Qian Shanmo in this plane. Purpose.

But what Xia Ye didn't expect was that leaving here would be so unexpected, so... aggrieved?
Ming Han used a concealment technique, so the immortals only saw him once at the beginning of the Pantao Festival, and few people paid attention to him when Xia Ye reappeared later.

Since Xia Ye figured it out, she didn't hold back anymore, said hello to Feng Yang, and then 'eloped' with Ming Han.

When Fengyang learned about the relationship between Xia Ye and Ming Han, her jaw was almost shocked. This fish of hers... was so courageous that even the Buddha dared to hook up with her.

But Fengyang was worried that Heaven would punish him, so he advised Xia Ye, because after all, Buddhas and immortals are not the same.

Xia Ye said she should take care of herself first and then talk.

Before leaving, Xia Ye gave Fengyang a magic weapon, and she said that the power of this magic weapon can destroy an entire heaven, so use it with caution.

(End of this chapter)

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