Chapter 3 Ex-Girlfriend's Routine (3)

When the two of them were in the best relationship, how could they lose their ex-girlfriend? Yes, the ex-girlfriend is back, and she has also won the actress in the entertainment industry and made a name for herself, but she has always been thinking about Ye Lanxi, she thought Ye Lanxi was still a poor boy, but he never expected to find out that Ye Lanxi was the heir of the Ye family when he came back.

She didn't know why Ye Lanxi wanted to lie to her, so she confronted her in various ways, and then she was cannon fodder anyway. In the end, her ex-girlfriend was ruined, forced to take drugs, and died in depression.

After accepting the plot, Xia Ye was really confused, what a routine!It's all a trick!

Her current identity is that unlucky ex-girlfriend An Xiaye.

Xia Ye held her forehead, why did she feel that it was not much different from the cannon fodder mission? Is it definitely upgraded?
An Xiaye has two wishes, the first is that she will never have anything to do with Ye Lanxi again, and the second is that she will flourish in the entertainment industry, and after reaching the peak of the entertainment industry, she will retire and spend the rest of her life in peace.

Xia Ye was a little worried after knowing the original owner's wish, why didn't he break up Ye Lanxi and Shen Feifei and let Ye Lanxi fall from power.

【…】Who can tell it why the host has such a mentality.

She felt that Ye Lanxi was a good scumbag. He turned a blind eye to An Xiaye when he clearly had the ability to keep her from being bullied in the entertainment industry. Even if he didn't want to reveal his identity, he could do it secretly, but what did he do? Didn't do anything, just enjoy the feeling brought to him by the original owner.

But when it comes to Shen Feifei, she has all kinds of escorts, and she is different and disagrees with the unspoken rules. Nonsense, with Ye Lanxi's thigh, there is still a woolen unspoken rule!

The current timeline is when Ye Lanxi and Shen Feifei's emotional entanglement was the most intense, and it was also when An Xiaye returned to China.

She returned to China yesterday, and she met Ye Lanxi today. The content of the conversation today was that she wanted to ask why she kept it from her in the first place. It had no other meaning, but was humiliated by Ye Lanxi. , saying that if you knew his identity in the first place, you would be able to act unscrupulously.

Xia Ye was speechless. Couldn't she have come here one day earlier? Her first wish would have been fulfilled one day earlier.

Forget it, let it be at ease when it comes, let's do it for now, she needs to rest now, as for the tasks and so on, don't worry, it's useless to worry.

[...] If you are so passive and slow in your work, you will most likely have your points deducted!

As for why she is in the warehouse now, this memory is a bit fuzzy, and she can't even remember it.

Xia Ye shook her head, dragged her aching body back to An Xia Ye's house according to her memory, and fell into bed directly to sleep.

When she woke up early the next morning, Xia Ye stretched and yawned.

What should I do today...

[Master, it’s time for you to do your mission. 】Friendly reminder from the system.

Xia Ye curled her lips and sneered, "Don't call me master, your real master should be sad."

[I don't know what the master is talking about. 】

Xia Ye hehe, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes, "Come on, don't pretend to be here with me, I know some things well."

【…】Master, what kind of host did you arrange for it, why is it so difficult to handle.

While washing up, Xia Ye thought of something and asked, "By the way, what's your name?"

Each system will have a name that belongs to them, which is a code name, and more advanced systems will simulate human emotions.

[Charm. 】

(End of this chapter)

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