Quickly Transmigrate Female Supporting Boss Don't make trouble

Chapter 242 Crossing the Waste Material Routine (38)

Chapter 242 Crossing the Waste Material Routine (38)

Long Qingjue saw Xia Ye from a distance, and walked over with only a slight pause.

"His Royal Highness, please sit down."

Long Qingjue didn't mince words and asked directly without sitting down: "Is Song Ran'er in the Prime Minister's Mansion?"

Xia Ye smiled: "Sister Ran'er, of course she is in the prime minister's mansion. By the way, I would like to thank His Highness for taking care of my sister Ran'er two days ago. Ran'er was so naughty that she openly wanted to have a relationship with the prime minister's mansion a few days ago." Severing ties, the angry father was sick for a few days, but fortunately my sister figured it out yesterday, and she has already spoken modestly to her father."

Long Qingjue clenched his fists tightly, staring at Xia Ye with anger in his heart, Song Ran'er was indeed sent by the Prime Minister's Mansion on purpose!
This concept has almost completely disbelieved Long Qing.

"However, I came back yesterday and told me that the mansion in the other suburbs of His Royal Highness is very nice, and I really want to see it when I have time."

Suddenly, Long Qingjue bent his fingers slightly, and brought a gust of wind towards Xia Ye, but was blocked by Mu Rui in front of Xia Ye.

Then he glanced at Murui, and darkly withdrew his hand.

Song Ran'er!He was being played around by a woman!

The courtyard in the other suburbs is his hidden guard, half of his power is there, and Song Ran'er has unknowingly checked there!very good!The people in the prime minister's mansion, he will not let off that trash Long Qinghan!

Long Qingjue waved his sleeves and left in a hurry. He wanted to see if there was anything wrong in Biejiao.

Seeing Long Qingjue's expression, Xia Ye almost knew what Long Qingjue was thinking, and didn't bother to use the system function area to listen. After Long Qingjue left, Xia Ye also stood up and went back to the room bored.

Looking at the blue sky, his eyes flashed, and he will be married tomorrow...

This seemed to be the first real marriage between her and him.

In the previous plane, because the two of them didn't care much about this aspect, they only announced their relationship to the outside world, but there was no wedding in fact.

She actually had nothing to look forward to in this wedding, but Long Qinghan was not like the previous one. This time, she felt that he was paying great attention to it, and it was not easy for her to dampen his enthusiasm.

She couldn't explain why she didn't look forward to it that much, she even felt that Long Qinghan was making a fuss over a molehill.

How can I live without it, hey.

Forget it, love to toss and go.

Before the wedding, it was very peaceful, Xia Ye hardly had to worry about anything, Long Qinghan had prepared everything.

Without Song Ran'er, Long Qingjue was too busy because of the destruction of the stronghold in the other suburbs.

There was no entertainment in ancient times, Xia Ye could only do boring things and wait to get married.

wedding day
There were actually not many people attending the wedding, and all the officials who wanted to attend the wedding were blocked by Long Qinghan. In fact, the ones who had some tricks in the wedding were the prime minister and his wife, plus the emperor.

During the worship, Xia Ye was brought out by the servant girl with her head covered, her eyes were all red and she couldn't see anything.

When he walked to the door, Long Qinghan stepped forward to hold her hand, and asked in her ear: "Are you nervous?"

Xia Ye rolled her eyes under the hijab speechlessly, she really regarded herself as an ancient person, it's just a wedding, what's there to be nervous about, I'm sorry she couldn't understand Long Qinghan's mood.

Xia Ye shook her head and said perfunctorily, "It's okay."

The purple light in Long Qinghan's eyes flashed quickly, and no one saw it clearly.

But if Xia Ye could see it, he would find that Long Qinghan is a little different today.

At night, the Mansion of Emperor Qian was decorated with lanterns and festoons, red all over, gorgeous and festive, but a bit too quiet.

Xia Ye pulled off the hijab by herself in the room, walked to the window, the stars at night were a little sparse...

 Thank you 'Si Zhulin Ye'*100 for the reward~~ little fairy~~
(End of this chapter)

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