Quickly Transmigrate Female Supporting Boss Don't make trouble

Chapter 20 Ex-Girlfriend's Routine (20)

Chapter 20 Ex-Girlfriend's Routine (20)

"No, no, I'm in a mess too, let me postpone the meeting."

The whispers of the people below did not affect the domineering Jianzhang of the four people standing in the middle. At this time, the director also came over.

After seeing Rong Lihan appearing, An Qiuye's gloomy eyes settled down, and he changed into an official smile, "I didn't know Mr. Rong is here, but please don't meddle in our private affairs."

He has heard of Rong Lihan. This person is very unique and has a great influence in this city. It can be said that the current business in this city is basically dominated by Ye's, Moshi Group and An's. state.

An's and Mo Shi naturally have cooperation, but basically every time they talk about cooperation, Rong Lihan will not appear directly, or they will talk in the other party's company. So far no one knows where Mo Shirong and Lihan's office is.

There is also a rumor that Rong Lihan is rather strange, he never looks at anyone's face, and only cares about his mood.

And An Qiuye thinks that Rong Lihan's talking is because he is bored and looking for fun.

Rongli Hanniao didn't like An Qiuye, surrounded Xia Ye, and made a movement - squeezed Xia Ye's white and tender face hard.

Everyone: o((⊙﹏⊙))o.
Xia Ye: ('д') Come on, come on, what is this snake spirit doing!
"Let go!" Xia Ye gritted her teeth, grabbing Rong Lihan's arm and was about to grab it down.

In the end, it was her face that hurt more and more, because Rong Lihan had no intention of letting go.

Rong Lihan smiled lightly, narrowed his eyes half-bent, and kept pinching Xia Ye's face with his hands.

It would be nice if there was more meat, it will be more interesting when pinched, so let's raise it well.

If Xia Ye knew what was in this guy's heart, he would definitely yell at her, and I feel sorry for your sister.

The neglected An Qiuye's face darkened instantly, it seemed that Rong Lihan took his words as deaf ears.

"Mr. Rong! If you want to flirt, you have to at least separate the occasions. This is the crew!"

Rong Lihan smiled, let go of his hand, still ignoring An Qiuye, just said to Xia Ye, "Xiao Yeye, why didn't you know to find me when you were bullied, so I've been chasing you for so long, so it's okay to refuse me." Forget it, give me a chance to be courteous.”

Xia Ye "..." Since when did he chase her, he must be sick.

Your uncle, she can guarantee that her face must be pinched red!
Before Xia Ye could speak, the people around exploded again.

"Oh! What did Mr. Rong say! He even said that he was chasing An Xiaye!"

"Yes, you heard that right! Besides, after listening to Mr. Rong, An Xiaye actually rejected Mr. Rong several times. You must be out of your mind!"

Shen Feifei gritted her teeth, An Xiaye!
Rong Lihan turned his head to look at Shen Feifei, and smiled gently and treacherously, Shen Feifei's mind was dazed while watching.

Xia Ye was speechless, it's definitely not a good thing for Rong Lihan to laugh like this, but seeing if Shen Feifei is fascinated, is there something wrong, the heroine of the world only has this concentration?
I have to say that if Rong Lihan were to make a duck, he would definitely be a [-]-year-old woman and an eight-year-old child, both male and female.


Xia Ye was thinking like this, and when she raised her head, she suddenly met Rong Lihan's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. In just a split second, Rong Lihan withdrew his gaze and continued to look at Shen Feifei.

"Miss Shen just said that you didn't rely on any background and relied on your own strength?" Rong Lihan asked casually as he took a step closer to Shen Feifei.

Xia Ye trembled, didn't she, why did she feel like her mind was being spied on...

 Reminder: All kinds of collapsed characters in this article, the male and female protagonists collapsed especially violently, be careful in the pit~
  (However, it will be explained later that Mao will collapse~)

  besides! ! !I accidentally checked the ratings just now, and the average score of 6.8 people is [-] points! !

  As an obsessive-compulsive disorder, my heart is stuck to a certain extent (although I don't make a rating, what can I do...)
  But I still hope that the five stars can move, move, move, move~
  Finally, thank you little goblins for your comments, I highly recommend it with five stars, you will have good luck, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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