Boss, your master has disappeared again

Chapter 91 Because of you, I drove away others

Chapter 91 Because of you, I drove away others

After class, Feng'er didn't stay to talk to Xing Tianyi, but went back to the dormitory quickly.

She was sulking and didn't want to talk to him.Sure enough, if you fall in love, you will become stingy. The previous Feng'er was not like this.

She picked up the phone to see if Xing Tianyi had sent a message, when Tian Tian called___

"Idol, is the road to becoming a handsome guy going well?"

"How should I put it, it seems to be going well, but it doesn't seem to go well."

"tell me the story."

"Brother Jiao has a good temper. He is not only easy-going, but also very helpful. Because I am your good friend, he always responds to my requests. However, he only treats me as a friend, and he still treats me in his heart. You never forget, Great God, tell me, what should I do?"

"Okay, let me give you a trick."

"Speak quickly."

"You should remember how Brother Jiao met me."

"Remember, didn't you know each other in the prison? You always got into trouble and got caught in order to earn money for others, and became a frequent visitor to the prison. Over time, Brother Jiao began to pay attention to you and became familiar with you. And listen Not only did he not embarrass you, but he also helped you get out of prison, and the most unexpected thing is that he actually fell in love with you, a female prisoner, hey, it's incredible."

"Unbelievable? Didn't you write the novel? You think so too?"

"Wait a minute, God, you don't want me to learn from you and intentionally cause trouble and go to prison to attract Brother Jiao's attention?"

"Well, your brain is still working very well, that's what I mean."

"No, the heroine Luo Feng'er knows martial arts, but I don't know anything. If I learn from you, I won't hurt others, but I will be beaten miserably by others. If you are unlucky, I'm afraid I haven't seen Big Brother Jiao yet, so I went to see Lord Yan."

"You're stupid, don't you know how to protect yourself? Besides, it's better to be injured, and it can win Brother Jiao's sympathy. Maybe Brother Jiao will give you medicine or something in person. Don't you look forward to it?" ?”

"That's right, well, in order to make Brother Jiao divert his feelings for you, I had to take a risk. For the sake of love, let me live vigorously once."

"Come on, I support you mentally."

"By the way, how far have you and Xing Tianyi developed?"

"That bastard of him is already my boyfriend, but he still can't change his shit. He is so close to other girls. It pissed me off."

"Haha, don't be angry, he's just playing on the occasion, he only likes you, only you."

"That's necessary, how attractive I am."

"Great God, congratulations, you have finally captured the rich man. If you have too much money to spend, just transfer some to me and support my career."

"Wonderful thinking, am I the kind of person who would ask my boyfriend for money? Hurry up and go chase after your Brother Jiao. If you catch him, you will become a rich woman. When the time comes, remember to still owe my family." That's 10 yuan."

"Hey, you really value sex over friends. Now you are only focusing on your boyfriend. Okay, hang up, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Feng'er looked at the call records, there were several missed calls, all of which were from Xing Tianyi, and he also sent a lot of text messages, but Feng'er didn't reply, so he became anxious.

Feng'er opened WeChat and received a transfer of 52013.14 yuan from Xing Tianyi.

"What's the situation? You did something sorry to me, and you want to use money to apologize? Isn't that too dishonest?"

"Wow, more than 5 yuan. With this money, I don't need to save in my life."

Feng'er was really happy in his heart, don't let it go for nothing, anyway, he has money, so don't be a pity, and this day feels like a dream, I don't know how long it will last, let's do it and cherish it.

At this time, Xing Tianyi called again, and Feng'er answered it.

"Feng girl, you finally answered the phone, what's the matter?"

"I was on the phone with someone just now, didn't you know that?"

"With whom? For so long?"

"My ex-boyfriend, it's only a few minutes, how long?"

"What? Ex-boyfriend? Where is he? You broke up with him, and you still have contact?"

"I can't help it. I deleted his number several times, and he changed the number to call me again. Hey, he really does not forget me."

"Hehe, don't lie to me, you don't have any ex-boyfriends at all, why are you angry?"

"Am I angry?"

"Do you think I can't feel it? Feng girl, what did I do wrong, tell me, don't ignore me, I'm very scared."

"Will you be afraid? The big deal is to break up with me. Anyway, there are plenty of women around you, and it's okay to lack one of me."

"I'll see you at the school Internet cafe in 10 minutes."

Xing Tianyi hung up the phone.

"What? Don't apologize to me properly. Besides, what time is it? It's not time for work. Also, you dare to hang up the phone first, and see how I settle accounts with you later, hum!"

Feng'er quickly went to the school Internet cafe, and when he went inside, there was no one there.

"It shouldn't be, isn't there usually a lot of students at this point?"

"They were all driven away by me."

Xing Tianyi's voice sounded from behind her.

Feng'er turned to look at him, with a look that deserved a beating: "Are you okay, you, how can you drive others away?"

"This is my family's school. I can drive away whoever I want. Why not?"

"Cut, what are you being arrogant, I can tell you that you are not allowed to do this in the future, otherwise, I will break up with you."

As soon as Xing Tian came over, he put Feng'er in his arms: "It's not because of you that I did this."

Feng'er was dumbfounded: "Because of me? Why?"

"Because you are jealous, because you are angry, in order to chat with you alone, comfort you, so that you will not be sullen anymore, so I had to drive everyone else away."

Feng'er wanted to laugh, but held back: "I'm not jealous, am I such a narrow-minded person?"

"Isn't it? Then explain why you didn't answer my call or reply to my message?"

"I told you, I'm on the phone with someone..."



Xing Tian kissed her one by one and blocked her mouth.

Feng'er reacted quickly and pushed him away: "No, although there is no one else, but there are surveillance."

"Don't worry, I have solved it."

"Solved? You won't smash all the surveillance cameras, will you?"

"Anyway, we won't be monitored."


"I haven't kissed enough."


Xing Tian pulled her back into his arms and hugged her tightly, the kiss continued.

Feng'er gradually changed from tense to relaxed, matching his passionate kiss.All the suffocation disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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