Boss, your master has disappeared again

Chapter 52 Brother Jiao Is Mine

Chapter 52 Brother Jiao Is Mine
Tang Gu helplessly supported his forehead, his expression was very painful.Feng'er saw this scene. "What's the matter? Sweet and sour pork ribs seem to be in a relationship? Seeing how serious and serious he was in class, he treated us so submissively, so there were times when he was punished, hahaha..."

Xing Tian saw her smirking, and asked, "The training is so hard, can you still laugh?"

"none of your business?"

"Well, what were you laughing at just now?"

"Secret, I won't tell you."

Feng'er dragged her tired body and walked on her sore legs, and this time she was also limping.She went back to the dormitory, lay down on the bed in the bedroom, and didn't want to go to the cafeteria to eat.

Xing Tianyi stood at the door: "Get up, I'm hungry, cook me something to eat."

"What? Don't you go to the cafeteria to eat by yourself?"

"I don't want to eat from the cafeteria, so I want you to do it."

"You...then you can ask Ah Mao Ah Zhen to bring it to you. I really can't move, so please forgive me."

"Excuse me? During training today, I saw that you worked harder than anyone else. Don't forget, you are my servant, cook for me quickly."

Feng'er beat the bed hard, got up reluctantly, gave him a vicious look, and went to the kitchen, leaving Xing Tianyi smirking on the spot.

"Cook, cook, hmph, let me poison you to death. But if I poison you to death, won't all the plots go on?"

Alas, I'm exhausted, I was tortured by the teacher in class, and I will be tortured by this guy after class, when will this day end?
Thinking of this, she appeared in the real university dormitory.

"Ah, that's great, little cute pig teammate, you're finally back, do you know that I've been waiting so hard for you."

"Oh, it turned out to be back again. This is terrible. I lied to the principal just now, saying that I jumped out of the wall and climbed out of the wall. If I go back this time, what story will I make up?"

"What are you talking about? Tell me quickly, the story that happened to you inside."

"Hey, why are you still so tired when you come back here?"

"what happened to you?"

"We start class today."

"Just go to class, why are you so tired?"

"Do you think the classes in the Martial Arts Academy are the same as those in ordinary universities like ours? In addition to cultural classes, there is also physical training. I have been training for a whole day today, and I am almost exhausted. That bastard actually wants me to give He cooks, he is simply not human..."

"Are you talking about the hero? Or Officer Jiao?"

"Nonsense, of course it's Xing Tianyi's [-]. Brother Pepper and Salt is the best and most considerate man in the world, so he wouldn't treat me like this."

"I want to go in with you right away. I want to see Officer Jiao. I want to pursue him and be with him."

Feng'er squinted at her.

"What look? Anyway, Police Officer Jiao is the number two male, and you are the number one female. Your destiny is destined to be Xing Tianyi. No matter how nice Officer Jiao treats you, you can't be with him. Why don't you just leave it to me?" ,right."

"You said, the plot has been changed, why can't I get rid of the bastard Xing Tianyi?"

"Has he really become that messy? In my novel, he is the husband that all women dream of."

"Dream? What I dream of now is to leave him. I also miss Brother Pepper. I hope to appear in front of him when I go back this time."

Feng'er thought of Jiao Liyan, and smiled like a nympho.

"Hey, brother Jiao belongs to me, don't get his idea."

"Oh, don't let me touch it, it's okay to fantasize about it?"

"Tell me, how can I go in with you? I'm thinking about this all the time now, why can't I get in? Hasn't the plot changed? In the original novel, the heroine and the hero are together. Eldest brother is alone in the end, so pitiful and lonely, I have to rescue him."

"How would I know, I'm not some shit system written by someone else, who do I ask if you ask me?"

"Then I will hold you tightly from now on, maybe I will go in with you."

"I think, you can do this, you massage me, rub my legs, maybe you can come in with me."


"Try it."

"Okay, I'll rub it for you."

Feng'er comfortably enjoys the massage service given to her by her roommate.

"Why haven't you gone in yet?"

"Oh, why are you in a hurry? Be patient, okay?"

As soon as Xing Tian was in the dormitory, he found that Feng'er had disappeared again. This time, instead of asking Ah Mao to help him find it, he planned to wait at the school gate.

As soon as he opened the door, Ah Mao happened to buy food and bring it to him.

"Boss, do you want to go out?"

"Well, put the food on the table, no, you can take it back and eat it yourself."

"Aren't you going to eat? What about Miss Feng'er?"

"She doesn't eat either."

"Okay, by the way, boss, I sent you so many messages today, why didn't you reply to any of them? Are you satisfied with my suggestions, have you adopted them and put them into practice?"

"Leave me quickly."

"Boss, you look like this. Could it be that you quarreled with Miss Feng'er? I didn't say you, why are you always hard-hearted and soft-hearted? You won't lose any face if you let Miss Feng'er..."

"Didn't you hear me? Get lost."

Seeing his fierce eyes, Ah Mao shuddered, and quickly ran away with the food.

Sitting on the ground outside the student dormitory, he muttered: "What's the matter, let me deliver the food, and I don't want it anymore, do you know that it is not easy for me to queue up to buy food? Sigh, why am I so miserable? But now It seems that Miss Feng'er's life is even more miserable when she meets our boss. Sigh, I'd better eat these meals first."

Ah Zhen came over and patted him from behind: "What are you talking about here?"

Ah Mao was so frightened that he almost choked.

"I mean, what a hero, can you move a little while walking? Are you trying to scare me to death?"

"What did you do wrong?"

"Things with a bad heart? Hmph, I've done too many good things. In the future, I should stop meddling in my own business."

"What? Did you get scolded by the boss? Let me just say, you should change your character. It's like a chatterbox. The boss has tolerated you for a long time."

"Has he tolerated me for a long time? I've tolerated him for a long time. It's almost the same. He often turns his face faster than turning a book. Who can bear it."

"I can't bear it, you have been with the boss for so long?"

"Boss was not like this before. Ever since he met Miss Feng'er, he has been insane. Alas, it seems that men really can't be tempted. Once they are emotional, it's like suffering from insanity. There is no cure."

"What are you talking about? So, you want to be a bachelor for the rest of your life?"

"I... No one wants me, do you want me?"

"I want it, you can carry my shoes, hehe..."

Ah Zhen sneered and left.

(End of this chapter)

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