Chapter 38
Feng'er is in the dormitory, preparing to change clothes
"Which one should I wear? For the opening ceremony, I have to dress grandly, no, should I be more formal? I wanted to wear my red dress, but forget it. If I wear it, no one else will think about it." Listen to the principal's speech, haha."

"Speaking of the principal, I haven't finished my task of secretly filming him. By the way, isn't the opening ceremony a good opportunity? I can find a secret place to secretly film him while he is giving a speech."

When Feng'er thought that he was about to get the 1 yuan, he was immediately overjoyed.

"What's the smirk?"

It was Xing Tianyi again.

"Are you really lingering? Find out, you are my apprentice, but not my follower. No, even the apprentice is lying. Is our relationship so hypocritical?"

"What did you say? You said I was hypocritical?"

"I didn't mention you. I'm going to change clothes, sorry I'm closed."

Xing Tianyi immediately stretched out his big hand and pressed against the door, preventing her from closing it.

"What are you doing? I need to change clothes."

"Change, I didn't let you change."

"You... You stand here like this, and you still don't let me close the door, how can I change it?"

"Don't worry, I won't look at you. Your figure still doesn't interest me."

"That's not okay, you rascal, I don't believe your nonsense. You probably haven't seen a woman's body for several days, so you're hungry, right?"

"Are you trying to say, I'm hungry? Well, actually, if you look carefully, you're not bad looking, and you can barely quench your thirst."

Xing Tian approached her step by step, put his hands on the door, wrapped her around her, lowered his head, and approached her mouth, as if he wanted to kiss her.

Feng'er was stunned for a moment, confused by him, and wanted to close his eyes unconsciously, but quickly recovered and pushed him away.

"Hey, are you crazy? Get up and drive."

Xing Tianyi smirked: "Is your face blushing and your heart beating?"

"Jump your head."

"Did you really think I was going to kiss you just now? You almost closed your eyes."

"Smelly man! Smelly rascal."

"Oh, even if I'm not a hooligan, I'm probably going to be called a hooligan by you."

Xing Tianyi entered her bedroom.

"This room is really messier than mine."

"You want to care? Get out!"

Xing Tianyi had no intention of going out.

"I told you to go out, did you hear that, men can't just enter a woman's bedroom, don't you know?"

Xing Tianyi still didn't respond, he opened the wardrobe door, looked at the clothes inside, and then took out a plaid shirt and a pair of cropped white pants that he bought for her.

"I'm worried that you have difficulty choosing, so I'm here to pick out clothes for you. Let's change."

"I won't change it, I will choose it myself."

"Can you change it?"


"Then you want me to change it for you?"

"You... you go out for me, I will come by myself."

"It's not worth it."

Xing Tian went out with a smirk and closed the door.

Feng'er was inside, changing clothes while cursing: Scumbag, he even cares about what clothes he wears, does he have a habit of controlling others?Originally, I wanted to wear a suit of black so that I could play it by ear and secretly take pictures of the principal, but this time the plan was over.

But having said that, if you wear all black, it will be very conspicuous. On the contrary, it is more convenient to wear this kind of ordinary clothes.

"Are you ready?"

This guy, don't you change your clothes?What are you doing outside?It seemed as if he was waiting for his bride to change the wedding dress for him.

Feng'er opened the door and walked out.

Xing Tian glanced at it and thought: Such ordinary clothes seem to look good on her.Those boys can't move their eyes when they see it, can they?
"Why are you in a daze? What expression, is it ugly?"

"It's really average."

"Tch, you didn't buy it. I have poor eyesight. Who is to blame? It's ugly and I didn't let you see it."

Feng'er walked towards the door and touched him on purpose.

At nine o'clock, the opening ceremony began.The playground was covered in darkness, and the principal, wearing a Chinese-style costume, walked onto the stage slowly.

"Students, welcome to this school. You have passed the assessment and become a member of this school. You are all excellent. The school rules are relatively strict, but they are all for the benefit of the students. When you just came in, someone You may not be able to bear it, but I believe that after a period of study, you will gradually get used to it. If you really can’t get used to it, the school doesn’t force you to stay, so let’s go back to where we came from…”

Feng'er was in the crowd, thinking: This Xing Tianyi, why are you so close to me, I don't even have a chance to sneak out to take pictures.The same goes for the students in this school, why are they all so serious?How come no one took out their phones to take pictures?The principal is so powerful, isn't there anyone who admires him?
As soon as Xing Tian realized that Feng'er wasn't listening carefully, he asked, "What's the wrong idea?"

"I don't have any crooked ideas. That's right... I adore your grandfather... the principal, can you take out your phone and take some photos of him?"

"It's not that I don't allow it, it's that the principal doesn't allow it."

"Then you are his confidant, if you shoot him, he won't blame you?"

"You want me to help you take pictures of the principal?"

"Can I? I promise I will listen to you in the future."

"You'd better not listen to me, I like to bicker with you."

"You...Okay, you don't want to shoot, don't regret it."

Feng'er left the crowd.

"Feng girl, what are you doing?"

The principal's speech continued: "... I hope you will study hard and train hard, so that everyone can become a useful talent for the country..."

At this time, Feng Er blatantly ran to the front of the stage, and slapped the principal.

The crowd suddenly boiled: "Who is that person? You are too brave, dare to take a picture of the principal."

"Yeah, it's not easy to shoot in full view, it's a character."

"Could it be arranged by the principal?"

"So bold, is it the principal's granddaughter? But the principal doesn't have a granddaughter. Could it be a granddaughter?"

The principal was also very surprised. At this moment, Ah Jin immediately went to Feng'er and said, "Student, the school forbids taking pictures. Please delete the pictures you took."

"I don't want it. I took it for Xing Tianyi. He doesn't have any photos of his grandfather in his phone. He wants me to take some photos for him. If you don't allow it, be careful the principal will blame you."

Ah Jin didn't dare to do anything to her.

Xing Tianyi just arrived.

"Master, this..."

"give it to me."

Xing Tian pulled Feng'er away.

The crowd exploded again. After all, your handsome boy dragged a girl away, and the other girls didn't like it, and they were so jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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