Boss, your master has disappeared again

Chapter 137 Finally Came to Your World

Chapter 137 Finally Came to Your World
Feng'er was bleeding and lying in her university dormitory. The door of the dormitory was locked, and no one would find out.

She felt so much pain that she didn't even have the strength to shout, and before she could return to Xing Tianyi's side, she passed out...

As soon as Xing Tian was in the same place, suddenly there was no wind in his arms, he stood there motionless, and Ah Mao Ah Zhen guarded him beside him, preventing him from being hit by the fleeing people.

As soon as Xing Tian knew, she must have gone back.Moreover, once she leaves, she may never come back...

The principal immediately ordered the staff at the venue to block the exit. He thought, the murderer must be mixed in the crowd, and he must not let anyone go.

Jiao Liyan arrived quickly with other police officers to help investigate suspicious persons and appease the panicked escapees.

Tian Tian saw Feng'er was shot and disappeared, and stayed where he was, crying silently...

Jiao Liyan finally found her, and immediately hugged her in his arms.

"Tian'er, are you okay?"

Tian Tian shook his head: "I'm fine, but Feng'er has something to do with her. She was shot and left here. I don't know how she is now. I'm worried about her..."

"She...has she returned to your world?"

"Well, I'm worried that if she goes back, no one cares about her injuries, she will bleed too much, and then..."

Tian Tian didn't dare to continue, she kept praying in her heart, kept talking about going back to see her, but she just couldn't go back...

Soon, the shooter was caught. Everyone was shocked when they saw that it was Ah Bao, and he was taken to the police station.

At this time, they didn't care about why he did this, but they were all worried about Feng'er, wondering whether she would live or die when she returned to that world...

Everyone else dispersed, and the principal came over to talk to Xing Tianyi.

"Tian'er, since girl Luo is not from this world, will she be okay after being shot?"

"I'm not sure. She was shot once before and then disappeared. Then she came back and was fine. I don't know if she will be fine this time."

"According to what you said, she is probably fine. Let's go back first."

"Grandpa, you go back first, I will wait for her here."

Xing Zhen was stunned for a moment, Xing Tianyi said "Grandpa", so natural and kind, he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

He knew Xing Tianyi's temper, so he left without saying anything.

Jiao Liyan also had to go back to the police station to handle the case, and Tian Tian and Ah Mao Ah Zhen were left to accompany Xing Tianyi.

Everyone was silent, feeling very heavy.

A Mao suddenly said: "Boss, let's go back to school first, maybe grandma has gone back to school."

Xing Tian glanced at him and said nothing, he had a strange feeling that Feng'er would not come back this time.

After a while, he said: "Tian Tian, ​​you are her best friend, you and she are both from that world, so you must know how to go back, right? You take me there, to your world, I want to find her. She must be injured and no one cares, I'm going to save her, you take me there quickly, you take me there..."

Xing Tianyi was suddenly emotional.

"Xing Tianyi, calm down. Although I belong to that world with her, I was brought in by her. I will never go back to my own world alone, so I don't know how to go back. .”

Xing Tian was extremely depressed and helpless to the extreme.

Ah Zhen said: "Boss, in the past, when Miss Feng'er came back, was there any sign? Or, is it because she came back every time you missed her very much?"

"Almost, but this time I miss her more than ever before, and I've been thinking about her all the time. Why doesn't she come back? She must have fainted and lost consciousness, so she can't come back, right?"

A Mao: "Boss, don't think badly, maybe she hasn't seen her family for a long time, so she went to visit her family, and it was delayed."

Ah Zhen: "Yes, Boss, Miss Fenger must have many relatives and friends in her world. She may have just met them, so she will not be able to come back for the time being."

No matter how they tried to comfort Xing Tianyi, it was useless, because he seemed to be able to sense that Feng'er was not delayed for any reason, but passed out, and her life was in danger.

As he thought about it, he shed tears. He had never been so sad. Even losing his parents was not as sad as it is now.Seeing his sad look, Tian Tian also shed tears.She reached out to pat his shoulder, trying to comfort him, but unexpectedly, the moment her hand touched Xing Tianyi, the two of them disappeared instantly...

Ah Mao Ah Zhen was dumbfounded, and glanced around. Apart from the two of them, there was no third person at the competition scene.They determined that their boss and Tian Tian went to her world.

Indeed, as soon as Tian Tian and Xing Tian appeared in her university dormitory, they saw Feng Er lying on the ground.

Xing Tianyi immediately helped her up, held her in his arms and shouted softly: "Girl Feng, wake up, you have nothing to do, how can you leave me?"

Tian Tian immediately called the emergency call, and Feng'er was quickly sent to the hospital.

The people at the school were very puzzled when they saw the ambulance coming suddenly. Tian Tian had to explain to them that her roommate suddenly fainted and seemed to be out of breath, so an ambulance was called.

Xing Tianyi and Tian Tian were waiting anxiously outside the emergency room.

He clearly knew that he had come to Feng'er's world, which was actually no different from his world.At this moment, he didn't have the heart to think about whether he could go back, he just hoped that Feng'er would be safe and sound, even if he couldn't go back from now on, it didn't matter.

They waited like this, the time really passed too long, and I don't know how long it took, anyway, the doctor came out after a long time.

Xing Tianyi hurriedly asked: "Doctor, how is she?"

"Although the bullet missed her heart, why did you send it so late? Her life was saved, but she may be in a coma for a long time due to excessive blood loss. When she wakes up depends on her fate."

The doctor's words struck Xing Tianyi hard like thunder from the sky.

Tian Tian hurriedly comforted him: "Don't worry, Feng'er will definitely wake up. She said that she still has a lot of beautiful things that she hasn't enjoyed. She definitely doesn't want to see this world again, especially don't want to see it. Without you, she will definitely wake up soon."

Xing Tianyi didn't say anything, he went to the ward to guard Feng'er, holding her hand, hoping that she could feel that there was a man who needed her very much, especially her company...

After a while, Tian Tian came to the ward.

"Xing Tianyi, just now I went to go through the formalities, and I need to pay a lot of money, but Feng'er and I are both students, and I dare not tell my family about this matter, the money problem will be difficult to solve."

"It's okay, I have..."

But he suddenly realized that although he came to this world, his money probably didn't exist here.

(End of this chapter)

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