Boss, your master has disappeared again

Chapter 11 The Boss and Feng Er had a great time eating together

Chapter 11 The Boss and Feng Er had a great time eating together
"Did you understand what I said? I said you have to obey me in the future until you pay back my money."

"Well, I understand, I understand very well."

"Then why are you so happy?"

"Oh, you don't understand. For poor people like us, being able to serve as cows and horses for the rich young master is something we wish for. Of course I am happy."

"This woman's thinking is really..."

"Brother, where will I sleep in the future?"

Feng'er turned to look at Tianyi's bedroom: "I sleep here right?"

Feng'er was about to run in.

"Stop, who told you to sleep here? This is my bedroom, you sleep on the sofa, or make the floor by yourself."

"Then, I'll go out and sleep well at night. We are alone, man and widow, sharing the same room. What if your lovers see and misunderstand you?"

"Who said I have a lover? Still 'we'?"

"Oh man, who has a lover, which one would dare to admit it?"

"No, you must stay with me at night and you are not allowed to go anywhere."

"Why? I have relatives at home who need my care."

"You are here to help me drive away my lovers."

"Oh, admit it, you scumbag."

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing, then can I go home first and move some of my things?"

"Aren't you poor? Is there anything to move? Don't move here and dirty my house."

"Tch, I still think you are dirty. Can you wash your own clothes? No. Can you do housework? You can't. If you don't have a servant, you will be the dirtiest man in the world, hmph."

Feng'er can be regarded as a reminder to him.

"My servant has been fired by me. From now on, you will be my servant."

"What? I haven't cleaned up my house very much. I came here to help you clean up the house and serve you?"

"I don't want to wait, pay back the money."

"Okay, you're ruthless. It's okay to help you with the work. I want wages, so I will deduct from the 5 yuan, and we will settle the matter after deducting it."

"no problem."

Feng'er thought: It's only 5 yuan, and it will be deducted soon.

Unexpectedly, Tian Yi said, "I usually pay my servants very low wages. Seeing how unprofessional you are, it's even lower, 50 yuan per day."

"What? 50 yuan? Then don't I want to be your servant for more than two years?"

"The arithmetic is not bad, plus the interest, I guess you will have to work with me for three years."

"You are oppressing the bottom laborers, and I want to sue you."

Tianyi smiled wickedly.

Feng'er thought: Forget it, maybe, soon I will become Mrs. Xing. For the sake of a better future, I have to endure the pain for a while.

After a while, Tianyi said, "I'm hungry, let's go cook."

"No problem, just wait, I'll be fine soon."

Tianyi didn't expect her to be so obedient.

Feng'er went to the kitchen, thinking: Let me cook, okay, I'll cook a dark meal, I promise you will regret it.

So she made braised pork, deliberately put a lot of soy sauce, made hot and sour cabbage, put a lot of chili and vinegar, and made tomato and egg soup with a lot of sugar.And a green salad with a lot of salt...

"Alright, Master Tianyi, let's eat."

Xing Tian took a look, what the hell is this?

"This, can I eat it?"

"It's just that it doesn't look good. Cooking at home doesn't look as good as a chef's cooking. Aren't you hungry? Eat quickly."

"Why don't you eat?"

"I'm a servant. Have you ever seen a servant dining with a master? I dare not."

Tianyi picked up the chopsticks and put some hot and sour cabbage into his mouth, and immediately spit it out.

"How do you do it? Is this edible?"

"Isn't it delicious? Why don't you try something else, how about some soup?"

Tianyi took another sip of the soup, but couldn't swallow it.

"You... you did it on purpose, right?"

"I didn't say I could cook."


"Oh, I haven't told you my name yet, my name is Feng'er."

"Forget it, go out and eat."

"Really? Let me tell you earlier, I don't have to work hard to make these. If you can't eat it, it will be a waste. Let's go then."

Feng'er followed behind him.

"Did I say I would take you with me?"

"Ah? But, if you don't take me with you, if your lover finds them, who will help you send them away?"

Tian Yi took a look at her clothes: "You just dress like this and go to dinner with me? You look like a crow."

"You are the crow. Aren't you also dressed in black? Besides, how can I change clothes? You won't let me go back to get my luggage."

"Forget it, what does it have to do with me, let's go."

They arrive at a restaurant.

Looking at the restaurant, Feng'er knew it was so high-end, so he knew that the dishes on the facade must be delicious.

"Brother Yi, you are really willing. Rich people are different. Do you often come to this kind of place to eat? Hehe, thank you for treating me to a big meal."

"Who said I want a treat? You pay for this meal."

"What? Are you kidding me? How can I have any money?"

"If you don't have money, you owe it. Anyway, you owe me fifty thousand. You just need to work a little longer."

Feng'er pointed at him: "I really misjudged you, you said you look like...but why are you so stingy?"

"Don't point fingers at me, is this the behavior that a servant should have?"

Feng'er patted the table: "Waiter, order."

The waiter came over, seeing that she was dressed like a killer, she felt a little palpitated: "Ma'am, what do you need?"

"Bring me all the best dishes and wines in your restaurant."

The waiter was very surprised.

"Don't worry, he has money, he pays for me, and I will pay back by working."

The waiter was still puzzled: "That's not what I mean. If you order so much, can you finish it?"

"I can't finish eating, pack it up."

Xing Tian glared at her, he was really ashamed, when did he pack for dinner?

They both folded their arms across their chests, waiting for the food to be served.

Soon, the dishes came up one after another, and Feng'er started eating.

"What are you looking at? This is the standard way of eating. Look at your quiet way of eating. Are you still a man?"

Xing Tianyi immediately let go, and began to eat in big mouthfuls, drinking while eating.

Unexpectedly, this feeling is quite happy...

After they were full, there was still a lot left, and Feng'er really packed all the leftovers.

Tianyi had a contemptuous expression.

"What look? I'll pack it up and eat it myself, not for you."

When they came out of the restaurant, as soon as Tian approached his car, a man hiding beside his car pointed a gun at the top of his head...

(End of this chapter)

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