Chapter 58
Shen Zhixin's question was so straightforward, but Xiao Yuting was at a loss for a while. She didn't go to discuss the contract with Shen Zhixin, so how would she know which variety show Shen Zhixin was going to participate in? "You will be very surprised when I say the name. The variety show is called "Life in January with Friends"."

After Shen Zhixin said this, she saw Xiao Yuting's surprised expression.

She opened her eyes wide in disbelief, and looked at Shen Zhixin with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"The variety show you are going to participate in is a show invested by my father."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yuting was still a little happy. If it was her own program, she could ask the staff of the program team to take care of Shen Zhixin.

"Do you know what another surprise thing is?"

Shen Zhixin looked at Xiao Yuting with a sly smile, full of joy.

"What surprise?"

"I invited you to go with me! The program team asked me which friend I want to invite. I want to invite you, so I have already reported to the program team."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yuting's eyes were filled with surprise.

"Really? You're going to invite me to this show, that is to say, you think I'm your best friend in the circle."

This is what makes Xiao Yuting happiest.

Although the two of them haven't known each other for a long time, Xiao Yuting has always been honest and sincere with Shen Zhixin. She naturally hopes to gain the same friendship.

Obviously, these decisions made by Shen Zhixin made her feel that what she was looking forward to had become a reality.

"Of course, how could I lie to you about this kind of thing? If you don't believe me, you will know when you get in touch in two days."

Shen Zhixin smiled slightly, stretched out her hands to give Xiao Yuting a big hug, and then said in a relaxed tone: "When the time comes, please take care of me on the show!"

Xiao Yuting hastily agreed to Shen Zhixin's request.

Just at this moment, Shen Zhixin's phone rang again, interrupting the happy chat atmosphere between the two.

Shen Zhixin glanced at the caller ID, picked up the phone and walked towards the balcony.

Seeing this, Xiao Yuting did not feel too much curiosity, but sat quietly where she was, and excitedly called her father to discuss the news she had just learned from Shen Zhixin.

Xiao Yuting knew that her father originally wanted to include her in this show, but due to Xiao Yuting's refusal, her father gave up in the end. She didn't expect Shen Zhixin to save the country here, but Xiao Yuting used another ways to participate in the show.

This may be fate!On the balcony, the phone Shen Zhixin picked up was exactly the one from Wen Bin who had just received the rejection message.

Wen Bin was a little angry when he learned from Zhao Mo that Shen Zhixin's development had been arranged by a special person and no one else needed to intervene.

Shen Zhixin is a person, not an item. In his opinion, how Shen Zhixin will develop in the future should be decided by herself, why should it be decided by others, so he simply called Shen Zhixin directly.

If Shen Zhixin agrees to act in the crew recommended by him, the agent will be more persuasive.

"Mr. Wen, what can you do on the phone?"

After Shen Zhixin picked up the phone, Wen Bin felt a little uneasy in his heart just by addressing him.

"Why do you call me such an unfamiliar name? Aren't we friends?"

Wen Bin intentionally tinged his words with a touch of ambiguity.

"Mr. Wen, rumors are the easiest to spread in the entertainment industry. One man and one woman, it's safer to be unfamiliar with each other."

Shen Zhixin's words are straightforward.

Hearing this, Wen Bin frowned slightly, and did not speak again.

"Mr. Wen, what can I do for you?"

Seeing that the other party did not respond, Shen Zhixin asked for the second time.

Wen Bin heard what Shen Zhixin said, so he quickly explained the reason for his call, hoping that Shen Zhixin would seriously consider coming to the filming crew.

Shen Zhixin also thought that Wen Bin contacted her because of work, but most of her work was handled by Zhao Mo. Zhao Mo's professional ability convinced her enough, so she would not answer such things casually.

"Personally, I still have things to do, and there will be variety shows in the future, so let's forget it."

"But this is a good opportunity!"

Wen Bin's tone was a bit fierce, Shen Zhixin couldn't shirk it, so he could only put the blame on Zhao Mo, "Why don't you go to my manager to discuss it, if he agrees, I don't have any opinions."

When Shen Zhixin said this, there was a silence on the phone.

"Mr. Wen, Mr. Wen?"

After calling several times in a row, without any response from the other party, Shen Zhixin was about to hang up the phone, but just before she was about to hang up, Wen Bin finally had a response.

"Why did you refuse? This is a good opportunity, if you can seize this opportunity! You will be known by everyone for this role!"

When Wen Bin spoke, his tone trembled a little because of excitement. The reason why he recommended this role was indeed because he was satisfied with Shen Zhixin's current state.

But Shen Zhixin didn't want this. Shen Zhixin knew why Wen Bin would help her. Now that she knew it, it was even less likely that she would accept the other party's help.

Shen Zhixin admitted that in order to be able to treat her mother, she did agree to some things that she hated the most, but now that those things have passed, she also has a boyfriend, and when she finds out that other men have a good impression of her Now, she naturally wants to evade, alienate her relationship with the other party, and avoid any scandals that will make her beloved man sad.

So this refusal became a matter of course.

"This role is really suitable for you. After I got the script, the first person I thought of when I saw this role was you. If you can play it, you will definitely be able to..." "No need."

Before Wen Bin finished speaking, Shen Zhixin directly interrupted the other party's words.

She had repeated her reluctance over and over again, but the other party was still so aggressive, which made her feel a little offended.

Although Shen Zhixin knew that the other party was doing it for her own good, she had repeatedly reiterated that she was unwilling to accept this kindness, and also expressed her gratitude to the other party, but the other party was still persecuting her like this, feeling as if she was manipulating her life .

"Is it true that Zhou Liqian has already arranged your future development as your agent said?"

Shen Zhixin didn't expect to hear this suddenly, and felt a chill in his heart, "The studio I signed belongs to Mr. Zhou, and it's not normal for him to plan my development."

"Okay, let's take it as my self-indulgence."

The other party obviously couldn't hide the anger in his heart, so he hung up the phone directly.

Shen Zhixin sighed helplessly, Wen Bin obviously helped her win the public opinion victory last time, but the two of them got into such a mess because of a trivial matter, which actually made Shen Zhixin feel a little embarrassed.

It's just that those who shouldn't be provoked should not be provoked, and the emotions that should be broken should be broken in time, this is what Shen Zhixin has always asked of herself.

Wei Wei clenched the phone tightly, Shen Zhixin walked towards the living room, intending to discuss with Xiao Yuting how to have an eye-catching performance on the show.

She called Xiao Yuting to her home today to discuss this matter. At the same time, Shen Zhixin also informed Zhou Liqian of Wen Bin's phone call just now.

Zhou Liqian had no reservations in front of her, so she naturally had to tell everything that happened without any concealment.

He was busy with work, so after checking the information, Zhou Liqian casually replied "Got it" to Shen Zhixin, so he didn't continue to worry about this matter.

Shen Zhixin knew it well, so he didn't have to worry too much.

Next, Zhou Liqian, who was devoting himself to work, received a call from his mother, telling him to go home quickly, but he refused to say what it was. Zhou Liqian could only listen to her and rushed home, but saw him sitting on the sofa at home Ge Xiao, who was crying, frowned to react.

"What are you doing here?"

Before the others could say anything, Zhou Liqian frowned, showing his rejection of the other party.

He was naturally repulsive, he had clearly explained his attitude towards her, but now he still pestered her, what if it wasn't intentionally provoking humiliation?Could it be that Ge Xiao's face is so thick that he can swallow all the humiliation of the three without any other reaction?This is too ridiculous! "How do you talk?"

Mrs. Zhou glanced at Zhou Liqian, although there was a little reprimand in her tone, it did not appear to be overly complaining.

After all, she was sued by Ge Xiao all afternoon, which embarrassed her as a mother. Do you want to criticize your own son?But she already knew what state her son was in. If he could listen to criticism, he wouldn't be in this situation.

"I've made it clear to her before that she wants to humiliate herself, so don't you want me to persuade her?"

Zhou Liqian's tone was very indifferent, and his eyes were full of sternness when he looked at Ge Xiao.

"I came here today just to ask you in front of my aunt, do you want to break off the engagement with me?"

Seeing Zhou Liqian come back, Ge Xiao stood up suddenly, his expression was full of determination.

Seeing her like this, Zhou Liqian couldn't help frowning, it seemed that this woman was much more difficult than she imagined, and she used her mother to suppress him.

"Without a marriage contract, how can we talk about fulfilling the marriage contract!"

Zhou Liqian's tone was indifferent, and he approached Ge Xiao step by step, as if he didn't want to bear it any longer.

Mrs. Zhou didn't expect her son to make such a move as soon as he came back, and she didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

"What is this for? Say it well!"

Mrs. Zhou has always been strong in front of her family, but she has gained a reputation of being dignified and generous in front of outsiders. With outsiders around, she can't say anything to her son.

"Did I warn you not to appear in front of me again?"

Zhou Liqian stared at the woman in front of him coldly, with a cold light in his eyes, as if he wanted to turn his gaze into a blade and take Ge Xiao's life.

"What are you going to do? I can warn you, when I came here today, I greeted my father."

Unexpectedly, the other party's gaze was so sharp. Even if Ge Xiao was unwilling, he was a little timid at this moment.

Seeing the aura of the woman in front of him slipping downhill step by step, Zhou Liqian pressed harder and harder, refusing to back down, "For my mother's sake, I won't argue too much with you, but if you continue to make trouble..." Zhou Liqian didn't explain the result that will be there, but the coldness on the face and the spiritual power in the words have already made the other party understand what choice he will make.

"Okay, count yourself as ruthless! Just wait and see!"

Straightening his neck and uttering the last harsh words, Ge Xiao hastily pulled the handbag aside, shortened his body, and bumped into Zhou Liqian from the side, even if he lost his high-society demeanor, he didn't have time to worry too much.

Seeing Ge Xiao leave, Zhou Liqian looked at his mother, "Mom, how long has she been here today?"

Even if there is some estrangement with his mother, Zhou Liqian has never been ambiguous about the matters that should be concerned.

"It's been more than three o'clock until now, and it hasn't stopped."

Speaking of these, Mrs. Zhou couldn't help frowning. If it's anything else, that's all. The woman's family background is the most suitable for use, so it's a pity to give up like this.

"You might as well..." "No need!"

Before Mrs. Zhou explained what she meant, Zhou Liqian seemed to realize what his mother was thinking, but he never agreed.

"I said I would not marry her, and there is no need to talk about it."

After saying this, Zhou Liqian turned around and went back upstairs without any communication with Zhou's mother.

The mother-child relationship that had been slightly relaxed was frozen back at this moment.

Shen Zhixin didn't know about the relationship between them, she was discussing with Xiao Yuting about the program, when she received a call from Zhou Liqian, she gave Xiao Yuting a signal and hurriedly hid aside.

"It's so late, why haven't you rested yet?"

It was almost ten o'clock, Zhou Liqian had to go to work tomorrow, Shen Tian felt a little distressed.

"I can't sleep, so I want to see you."

As soon as Zhou Liqian said this, Shen Zhixin immediately stood up from the squatting posture, and hurriedly looked under the balcony window.

The floor was too high, Shen Zhixin couldn't see anything at all, only saw a vague figure below, and asked in surprise, "Are you downstairs?"

"Well, do you want to come down and walk with me?"

Zhou Liqian sent out an invitation.

Shen Zhixin responded without hesitation, said hello to Xiao Yuting, and went downstairs wrapped in thick pajamas.

Seeing Zhou Liqian standing aside in a neat suit, Shen Zhixin felt shy about the sloppy pajamas she was wearing, walked up to Zhou Liqian step by step, and covered the other's exposed hands in the pockets of the pajamas.

"Well... are you cold?"

A little shy, Shen Zhixin clumsily warmed his hands for the other party.

"I'm fine, I just miss you a little bit, so I want to see you."

Shen Zhixin always felt that something was wrong with Zhou Liqian's current state, and when he got closer to smell it, he realized that Zhou Liqian had actually drunk, and quickly looked in the direction of the driver's seat of the car.

Shen Zhixin was relieved to find that there was a driver sitting there. If he drank alcohol, he couldn't let Zhou Liqian drive back alone.

"Let's go for a walk in the garden."

In the dead of night, there was no sound in the garden of the community except for the occasional chirping of insects. Shen Zhixin held Zhou Liqian's hand, and the two walked forward quietly.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you come to me suddenly? What happened?"

Shen Zhixin was really curious about what happened that made Zhou Liqian, who had always been reserved, suddenly come to her in the middle of the night?The two had been together for so long, and it was the first time that the other party showed such emotions in front of her.

"Ge Xiao went to my house to make a fuss this afternoon. Fortunately, I went back to solve the matter. There is no way for her to continue like this. I am worried that she will come to trouble you."

With that woman's madness, it's normal to be able to do things like block Shen Zhixin. Zhou Liqian rushed here because he was worried about Shen Zhixin's safety.

(End of this chapter)

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