star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 53 Arrangement

Chapter 53 Arrangement
Neither of them said anything more, and Shen Zhixin was worried all the way. After arriving at the destination, she saw a European-style villa standing not far away.

What exactly does this do?A trace of doubt flashed in Shen Zhixin's eyes, Zhou Liqian took her away for a long time, did he want to come to this villa?What is the mystery of this villa? "Get out of the car, we're here."

Zhou Liqian got out of the car first, then went to the other side to open the door, and said to Shen Zhixin.

Yiyan got out of the car and came to the gate of the villa, only then did Shen Zhixin discover that the gate of the villa was covered with pink roses.

When she saw the villa from a distance just now, she thought there were some strange decorations on the door, but when she looked closely, she found that it was pink roses.

What a surprise!Shen Zhixin stretched out her fingers and gently stroked the delicate petals, with surprise in her eyes, and when she looked back at Zhou Liqian, the smile on her face was obviously joyful.

Pink roses, Zhou Liqian didn't reject her look just now, could it be that the other party thought... Thinking of Shen Zhixin's heart disease, he couldn't help but thump, as if he had already seen what might happen.

Zhou Liqian's face remained calm, he gently pushed open the door of the villa, and continued to walk forward, while Shen Zhixin followed behind him.


Shen Zhixin was lowering her head and thinking about what might happen, when she heard a low and pleasant voice in her ear, there was a trace of magnetism in this voice, which shocked Shen Zhixin's heart.

She raised her head and looked around, her eyes were gradually stained with surprise, her mouth was opened wide, and her expression was even exaggerated.

But in Zhou Liqian's eyes, these are admiration for his busy day and night works.

"My God, this is too beautiful!"

Shen Zhixin couldn't help but exclaimed, "What kind of place is this? It's like a fairyland!"

Shen Zhixin couldn't help the throbbing in her heart, she took two steps forward and looked at the surrounding roses, she didn't even know if she broke into this place, whether it was the owner or just an accidental passerby.

Looking down at some simple clothes on her body, Shen Zhixin suddenly felt a little inferior.

With her current attire, even if she breaks into such an environment, she is just a passer-by. Only a real princess is worthy of such a beautiful sea of ​​roses.

Zhou Liqian seemed to be aware of what Shen Zhixin was thinking, he waved his hand, and a group of people came out of the next room and invited Shen Zhixin in.

Shen Zhixin was still very nervous at first, because she didn't know what she might meet, so she kept praying in her heart, hoping that nothing that would scare her would happen, but she didn't expect that the person who came was actually a stylist. To dress her up as something else.

Seeing the makeup brushes sweeping quickly across the face and the hands that kept making this hairstyle on the head, Shen Zhixin suddenly felt a sense of stability in his heart.

As an artist, modeling is what she is most used to, and she has gradually calmed down in this habit.

Zhou Liqian asked her to talk about something today, but he still wanted to talk about something serious, but in the end he brought her here. This made Shen Zhixin look forward to what would happen next.

Looking at the completed makeup and intact hairstyle, Shen Zhixin slowly got up under the signal of others, and then went to the dressing room next to her, where someone helped her put on a very beautiful long dress.

This long skirt has a gradient color as a whole, which is a very soft pink. Unlike other gradients, the gradient of this skirt gradually becomes darker from the hem upwards, and finally condenses into a very delicate flower on Shen Zhixin's left shoulder. Shape of pink rose flower.

The right shoulder of the skirt is not decorated with anything, the overall cut is very smooth, and there is not too much fabric to embellish the skirt, but while walking, Shen Zhixin can vaguely see under the first layer of yarn, The layered skirts glowing with stars and stars.

Shen Zhixin couldn't help but lift up the first layer of gauze, only to find that the skirt on the next layer was inlaid with tiny diamonds, like dewdrops shining in a sea of ​​roses.

Putting on a pair of white high heels, Shen Zhixin was led by the designer to the mirror, looking at the woman inside who looked like a rose princess, Shen Zhixin couldn't believe that she would transform into a Someone else.

It's an amazing feeling.

"Miss Shen, please go this way."

The modeling has been done, Shen Zhixin naturally wanted to go out to meet Zhou Liqian, instead of staying here, she swallowed nervously, but still mustered up the courage to go out.

Holding the hem of the skirt slightly with both hands to avoid tripping over the hem of the skirt, Shen Zhixin walked forward slowly, stepping firmly step by step, as if stepping on the road to the future.

When she walked to the living room and saw Zhou Liqian who had already changed his clothes and was sitting there, Shen Zhixin's eyes could not help being a little surprised.

Although Zhou Liqian hasn't changed much, he can clearly feel that he seems to have changed into a suit and changed his hairstyle, Shen Zhixin is a little moved by his intentions.

When Zhou Liqian raised his head to look at Shen Zhixin, he was unconsciously attracted by his shy expression.

This skirt was designed by him a long time ago, but no suitable person was able to wear it, so he kept burying it.

After seeing Shen Zhixin, he wanted to make this skirt to see what Shen Zhixin would look like in it, but he didn't expect it to be so stunning.

"Like it?"

Zhou Liqian stood up and walked towards Shen Zhixin firmly step by step.

Shen Zhixin stood there blankly, holding the hem of the skirt with both hands until Zhou Liqian came in front of him, but she didn't realize that she hadn't answered Zhou Liqian's question just now.

Stared at by Zhou Liqian's affectionate eyes, Shen Zhixin remembered what question he had missed, and then answered quickly, fearing that he would not be able to express his eagerness if he answered slowly.


"The roses here are brought here overnight, and all of them are your favorite pink roses."

Zhou Liqian introduced these varieties of pink roses to Shen Zhixin.

Shen Zhixin, on the other hand, was listening and observing Zhou Liqian's movements. Although Zhou Liqian's introduction was simple, he introduced each variety very well.

Shen Zhixin also has a lot of research on these things. She has always liked roses, and pink roses are her favorite. Now that she has the opportunity, she naturally wants to study hard.

The moment after introducing Rose, melodious music suddenly sounded in the villa.

Zhou Liqian led Shen Zhixin through the sea of ​​flowers to a small heart-shaped open space, which Zhou Liqian specially arranged for people to surround it with roses.

"Let's dance."

Zhou Liqian made a gentleman's move, inviting Shen Zhixin to dance with her, but Shen Zhixin put his hand on Zhou Liqian's after he couldn't evade it, and then danced with him.

Looking at the dance partner opposite, Shen Zhixin was attracted by the other's eyes. Zhou Liqian's eyes contained affection, which seemed to flow into Shen Zhixin's heart in the next second. She suddenly felt a little shy, and hurriedly lowered her head. The hand was torn away from the opponent's.

She really didn't know how to express this anxiety, but she really felt embarrassed, and she just hoped that Zhou Liqian would not worry about her slightly rude gesture just now, because she really couldn't restrain the emotion in her heart. Feelings are surging.

"Why didn't you jump all of a sudden?"

The dance just now was very intimate, even Zhou Liqian did not expect that Shen Zhixin would accept it so calmly, but he did not ignore that the other party's face was getting redder and redder during the dance.

"It's okay, can you rest for a while?"

Shen Zhixin turned her face sideways to avoid Zhou Liqian's focused gaze, but was startled by the kiss after the other party held hands.

Zhou Liqian's expression was so shocked that Shen Zhixin had no time to resist, so she was pulled aside.

It was a set of rattan chairs, and on the small table in the middle was a white vase and a few pink roses at different heights. Next to it was a three-tiered shelf full of snacks, as well as teapots and teapots placed in tea trays. two cups.

"Just take a good rest here."

Let Shen Zhixin sit on one of the chairs, Zhou Liqian sat opposite her, picked up the teapot and refilled a cup of tea for the two of them.

Smelling the rich aroma of the black tea in the cup, Shen Zhixin pursed her lips, not knowing how to bring up the words in her heart.

"Do you like it here?"

Zhou Liqian looked at Shen Zhixin with a touch of tenderness in his eyes, and when Shen Zhixin raised his head when he heard this, he was immersed in the other's eyes.


Lowering her head in embarrassment, Shen Zhixin wanted to ask why the other party made such an arrangement, but she didn't know how to say it.

Zhou Liqian's arrangement naturally has his reasons. She knew that Zhou Liqian would not do useless things, but she couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking about, so she arranged this place like this.

"As long as you like it, these are specially prepared for you."

As soon as Zhou Liqian said these words, Shen Zhixin raised her head abruptly, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, she really did not expect that Zhou Liqian would say these words directly.

This... how should she reply? "Why, why did you..." Shen Zhixin hesitated to swallow the answer that blurted out, refusing to tell Zhou Liqian the judgment in her heart, she was afraid that she was being sentimental on her own, and that what she said would become a problem in the future joke.

"Because I'm pursuing you, not just asking you to be my girlfriend in name, I want your sincerity."

Zhou Liqian's straight ball directly collided with Shen Zhixin, and she sat there blankly, not at all like just now, and barely had the strength to parry.

"Am I being so subtle, so inconspicuous?"

Shen Zhixin came back to his senses after being questioned by the other party, looked at the seriousness in Zhou Liqian's eyes, then shook his head hard, but nodded again, not knowing what to say, he was in a hurry to give the other party A reply, but I don't know how to reply.

There was a hint of annoyance in Shen Zhixin's eyes, and even the blushing face gradually faded a little.

There was a rare smile on Zhou Liqian's face, as gentle as the cup of black tea in Shen Zhixin's hand, Shen Zhixin was stunned holding the teacup, she had never seen Zhou Liqian smiling so sincerely, so sincerely ... heart-pounding.

"Why do you want to pursue me?"

Shen Zhixin's tone was a little puzzled and anxious.

In fact, after seeing all the arrangements today, she had a vague hope in her heart. She hoped that the other party could tell his true feelings, so that she could give a response, but she didn't expect that Zhou Liqian How could he express his feelings so bluntly.

"You are so good and kind. Is it strange that I like you?"

Zhou Liqian's words became more and more clear.

"I...I..." Shen Zhixin didn't know how to pick up the next sentence and let the conversation continue.

Zhou Liqian's way of expressing his feelings was so direct that she didn't even have a chance to catch her breath, so she put these feelings in front of her in a straightforward manner.

She has only two ways now, to accept or not to accept, and she doesn't even have a chance to escape, but she can't nod her head no matter what.

It's not that Shen Zhixin doesn't want to agree, but because there are too many obstacles between them.

Even if Shen Zhixin wants to agree, she has to think carefully about whether she can bear the result after agreeing to this matter.

Wasn't the relationship between the two of them just a contract at the beginning?Why did it develop to the point where it is now? "Don't think about so many things, tell me, do you like me? Can I chase you?"

It is rare for Zhou Liqian to say so many gentle words in front of another person, just to let Shen Zhixin give him a chance to pursue her.

Obviously pursuing this kind of thing is Zhou Liqian's own business, but now he has transferred this kind of power to her and let her decide whether he can pursue her. This feeling... really makes Shen Zhixin unable to easily refuse.

"I, I have no objection."

Shen Zhixin hesitated for a while, and finally gave such an answer.

"Does your friend still know about us?"

With Shen Zhixin's reply, Zhou Liqian wished that everyone in the world would know that he and Shen Zhixin had been together for a long time, so as to dispel Xiao Yuting's petty thoughts of breaking up.

"I don't want to tell her yet, is that okay?"

Under such intense pressure, Shen Zhixin finally revealed her true thoughts.

How could she not want to be with Zhou Liqian?She could clearly feel that she was different in Zhou Liqian's heart. If the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend was just an agreement based on money, and now the other party is willing to pursue her, how could she be willing to reject the other party's intention.

"It's okay, if you don't want to say it now, then don't say it, and say it when you want to say it."

Zhou Liqian took out a rose from the side and handed it to Shen Zhixin. There was actually a necklace hidden in the stamen of the rose, and Shen Zhixin's initials were engraved on it.

Like it? "

Zhou Liqian handed the necklace forward a little bit, looking at Shen Zhixin with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

Shen Zhixin was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

Zhou Liqian smiled with his lips, took out the necklace from the stamen of the rose, and put it on her neck lightly, and Shen Zhixin finally knew why the stylist put on other jewelry for her when she was doing the styling just now , but the necklace is missing.

(End of this chapter)

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