star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 51 Surprised

Chapter 51 Surprised
Shen Zhixin didn't know that Lin Meiling was instigated by someone behind this matter. She just took out her mobile phone and wanted to see how serious the entanglements on the Internet were, so that people like Lin Meiling would be willing to show shame to her. Pleading, when she saw the overwhelming attacks on Lin Meiling on the Internet, she finally understood why Lin Meiling, who had always been proud and arrogant, would suddenly call.

"These netizens are really scary."

Although the netizens seem to be talking to her, Shen Zhixin knows in her heart that most of the netizens are just using this to attack others and have no position. If she is the one who makes a mistake next time, these people will use the same way to attack her.

This is the scariest part.

"Don't think too much about it. We're going to shoot a variety show soon. Take your medicine and keep your throat healthy these two days."

Seeing that Shen Zhixin seemed to have sympathy for Lin Meiling because of those words on the Internet, Xiao Yuting quickly snatched the mobile phone from her hand, and then handed over the Chinese medicine bowl.

Looking at the dark potion with a slightly bitter taste in the bowl, Shen Zhixin sighed. During this period of time, she really smelled the smell and was about to throw up, but thinking of her throat, she took a deep breath, and then put the whole bowl of potion drank it down.

This throat-raising medicine is a traditional Chinese medicine, and it tastes extremely bitter. Although the effect is very good, two bowls a day is like mental torture to her.

Fortunately, after drinking for two more days, the medicine can be stopped, otherwise Shen Zhixin will really find a way to change to another pharmacy for herself.

"I just think this kind of online violence is not good. She did something wrong and should be held accountable, but it has nothing to do with those netizens."

Shen Zhixin's idea is very simple, but Xiao Yuting knows very well that Shen Zhixin's idea cannot become a reality.

"Okay, don't think about these things, just take a good rest."

In the past, artists only needed to be evaluated in newspapers or magazines, and only those media or journalists would speak out, but now in this era of information globalization, no one can escape being evaluated online fate, especially these stars.

Even an ordinary netizen who shows some flaws in his speech will be attacked by others, not to mention a celebrity who has done wrong things, in their opinion, should be attacked.

Although Xiao Yuting would not easily cause trouble because of her family background, she felt a little scary seeing these people crazy. Fortunately, the object of these people's madness was not Shen Zhixin, otherwise she would definitely make these people suffer.

"If your voice is almost recovered, you can also go to see your aunt."

In the past two days, she would visit Shen Zhixin's mother when she had time. Now that Shen Zhixin's body is recovering well, she can go there in person and let the mother and daughter meet to resolve the worries of Shen Zhixin's mother.

"How is my mother recently?"

Because her voice hadn't recovered, Shen Zhixin didn't dare to appear in front of her mother easily. After finally regaining her health, she also wanted to visit her mother.

"Very good. The initial treatment went very well. I believe that my aunt will be able to recover."

Xiao Yuting went to the hospital frequently in the past few days, so she naturally knew what kind of illness Shen Zhixin's mother was suffering from, so she felt even more distressed about Shen Zhixin.

If it were her, she would absolutely not be able to support a family under such family conditions. She had no savings, even had debts, and her mother was seriously ill, requiring a high surgical fee to be treated. on a person.

"Then if I have time, I can go tomorrow."

Shen Zhixin's voice has recovered well, and she will probably be able to speak normally tomorrow, and mother will not have anything to worry about by then.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Before Shen Zhixin agreed to Xiao Yuting's words, the phone rang, she picked up the phone, and found that the person on the other end of the phone turned out to be Zhou Liqian.

"How are you feeling today?"

Zhou Liqian's question was as concise as he usually is.

"It's recovering pretty well."

Shen Zhixin was a little excited in her heart, but thinking of other things, she still suppressed the excitement.

Xiao Yuting on the side looked at Shen Zhixin on the phone, and felt something was wrong in her heart. She could clearly feel the joy and depression in her calm tone, which made Xiao Yuting very puzzled.

Although she doesn't know who the person on the other side of the phone is for the time being, Shen Zhixin's tone obviously has a good impression of the other party, so where does this depression come from? "Well, what are your plans for tomorrow?"

Shen Zhixin was about to hang up the phone after a few pleasantries, but she didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to invite her.

"Tomorrow I want to visit my mother. I have been in poor health before, and I have no chance to visit her in the hospital. I am quite worried. Now I finally have some time, so..." As soon as Shen Zhixin said this, he heard the words from the other side Make a decision directly, "Okay, I will go to the hospital with you tomorrow."

"Mr. Zhou, this is not good."

Shen Zhixin opened her mouth, but in the end she only uttered this weak objection.

After all, Zhou Liqian is the president of the company where her studio is named. Even if Shen Zhixin wanted to refuse, she was too embarrassed to speak up at this time.

What's more, the other party has helped her so many times, so it's fine if she can't fulfill this small request. If she refuses without knowing what is good or bad, she always feels a little disregarding others' face.

"It's okay, what are you worried about?"

What Zhou Liqian wanted to do has never allowed others to refuse. Hearing Shen Zhixin's objection, Zhou Liqian was a little puzzled. What is wrong with what Shen Zhixin said? "I... You are the president after all. If you just go to visit my mother like this, if you are caught on camera, it may cause some disputes. I don't want to make any other news."

Shen Zhixin originally wanted to say that the other party has a fiancee, and she should keep a distance from other women, but when she said this, Shen Zhixin felt really sad in her heart, so she simply found another excuse, as long as she could prevaricate the other party, the rest would be fine. never mind.

"So it's like this, it's okay, since you're worried, I'll make arrangements over there."

After saying this, the other person hung up the phone, as if not waiting for Shen Zhixin to express any objection.

Staring at the phone with the screen turned off in her hand, Shen Zhixin showed a trace of helplessness in her eyes, but she couldn't help but feel a little excited in her heart. This complicated mood made her complexion very ugly.

"Who called? What happened to you? Mr. Zhou? Zhou Liqian?"

If Xiao Yuting couldn't guess who the person on the other side of the phone was at first, the moment Shen Zhixin called Mr. Zhou, she already had the answer in her heart.

Seeing the inquiry in Xiao Yuting's eyes, Shen Zhixin nodded hesitantly, not knowing how to reply, this phone call really made her bump like a deer as if seeing Zhou Liqian himself.

"You have a crush on him?"

A blush floated on Shen Zhixin's cheeks, if she still didn't notice Shen Zhixin's thoughts, Xiao Yuting felt that she was too stupid.

It's just... let's not talk about how strict the Zhou family is in selecting a daughter-in-law. With Ge Xiao alone, Shen Zhixin wouldn't even think about stepping into the Zhou family.

Who in this high society doesn't know that Ge Xiao from the Ge family has long regarded Zhou Liqian as a treasure in his hands, and has even successfully negotiated a marriage contract. If Shen Zhixin is so focused on bumping into him now, wouldn't he be hurt? "No, no, don't talk nonsense, he helped me a few times, I am very grateful to him."

Shen Zhixin waved her hand, blushing and denying what Xiao Yuting said just now, denying her favor towards Zhou Liqian.

But if the matter of feelings can be denied so easily, no one will notice it.

"It's not the best. He already has a fiancée. If you rush forward recklessly, you will only get hurt."

Pretending not to see the dodge and struggle in Shen Zhixin's eyes, Xiao Yuting lowered her eyes, but said a cruel thing in a gentle tone.

She could feel that Shen Zhixin's face turned pale immediately, and her lips trembled slightly, as if she had been hit.

Xiao Yuting knew that what she did was cruel, but she had no choice. Shen Zhixin was her good friend, the most sincere friend she had known since she was a child, and she didn't want to see him get hurt.

"You, you think too much, I don't have those thoughts, I just want to repay my favor."

Shen Zhixin gave a weak explanation again, Xiao Yuting just nodded, turned around and sent the medicine bowl to the kitchen, without continuing to speak.

Shen Zhixin was already shocked by what she said just now, if she continued to speak, Shen Zhixin might become angry from embarrassment.

Seeing Xiao Yuting leave, Shen Zhixin covered her face with her hands and tried to adjust her mental state.

What Xiao Yuting said was right, the other party already had a fiancée, so even if she was tempted now, she was just a villain with the name of mistress, so why would she do such a thing.

"I just want to repay the favor, there is no other meaning."

Shen Zhixin muttered this sentence in a low voice, as if she wanted to let her let go of that relationship through psychological suggestion.

It's just that only Shen Zhixin can know whether he has let go or not.

"Okay, okay, don't think about those things, I will go with you tomorrow, even if he is here, it won't hinder the big things."

It's better for three people to appear together than two people to be rumored to be scandalous, at least there is room for explanation.


Shen Zhixin hesitated in her heart, and in the end she only said these two words. She was really grateful to Xiao Yuting for making this decision for her.

"It's enough to protect yourself. If you want to repay your kindness, you have to do well to repay your kindness, right?"

Xiao Yuting smiled, and didn't expose the little tricks Shen Zhi had in mind, but hoped that the other party would be more calm and not do stupid things.

Early the next morning, Shen Zhixin and the others were having breakfast when they received a call from Zhou Liqian.

Shen Zhixin raised her head subconsciously to glance at Xiao Yuting, but found that the other person's eyes were calm, even with a hint of bewilderment and innocence.

"What are you looking at me for? Since he came to pick him up, let's go down."

Xiao Yuting didn't think there was any problem with Zhou Liqian's coming to pick them up, but she felt that Shen Zhixin's performance was a bit fussy, and she obviously took it seriously.

It seems that she really needs to pay attention to her sense of proportion, she must find a way to dispel the thoughts in Shen Zhixin's mind.

It's not that Xiao Yuting has any thoughts about Zhou Liqian, but because she happens to be in the social circle of the upper class, so she knows exactly what Ge Xiao might do.

Ge Xiao has dealt with those girls who have thoughts about Zhou Liqian more than once. If Shen Zhixin is not sober at this moment, then Shen Zhixin will be next.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou, I made an appointment with Shen's mother to go there two days ago, so I will take a car today, don't you mind?"

Xiao Yuting had a bright smile on her face, just like the summer sun with scorching enthusiasm. After seeing it, Shen Zhixin unconsciously showed a smile on her face.

But Zhou Liqian didn't seem to be affected in any way, he just glanced at Xiao Yuting, then nodded and told the driver to drive without saying a word.

If Shen Zhixin was the only one in this car, maybe he and she would have exchanged some other topics, but now that there is more Xiao Yuting in this car, the communication between Shen Zhixin and Zhou Liqian was limited to a glass of water.

After getting off the car, Shen Zhixin planned to go directly upstairs, but suddenly heard Xiao Yuting talking about Shen's mother's thoughts two days ago.

It turned out that my mother wanted to eat some sweet fruits for the past two days, but because of the doctor's advice, she couldn't eat casually, so she endured it.

But today was just outside the time prescribed by the doctor, so Xiao Yuting asked Shen Zhixin to choose some juicy, sweet and good-looking fruits to bring to her mother.

After all, Shen's mother is Shen Zhixin's mother, she must know her mother's taste best.

"Go, I'll wait for you here."

Xiao Yuting smiled and waved her hands, watching Shen Zhixin walking towards the fruit shop across the street, she felt relieved.

"You deliberately."

Zhou Liqian's calm voice came from beside him, the driver had already parked the car, and Zhou Liqian was here waiting for Shen Zhixin to come back.

"That's right! Mr. Zhou, of course I did it on purpose. Now that you've seen it clearly, you should also know why I did it!"

Xiao Yuting's tone was calm, and she was not at all anxious after being exposed as a trick. Zhou Liqian could tell that Xiao Yuting didn't think there was anything wrong with her behavior at all, even if she was trying to interrupt other people's feelings.

"Do you think your obstruction is of any use?"

Zhou Liqian's words are full of domineering, it seems that Shen Zhixin is bound to win, no matter what others say, he will win the other party.

Xiao Yuting stared intently at the determination in the other party's eyes, stretched out her hand and applauded pretendingly, as if affirming the other party's confidence.

"I have to admit, what you said, Mr. Zhou, even me, who doesn't understand love, will be tempted by it."

Although the words were compliments, but the expression on her face... Xiao Yuting didn't look like she was praising Zhou Liqian.

Zhou Liqian's face was a little ugly, and he looked at Xiao Yuting with a hint of unkindness in his eyes.

"Mr. Zhou, when Shen Zhixin comes over, you'd better keep your eyes away, so that no one will find out. If something happens to me, you will be suspected."

(End of this chapter)

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