star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 432 Angels and Demons

Chapter 432 Angels and Demons

Zhou Liqian remained unmoved.

Shen Zhixin was a little discouraged, because the Jinjiang apartment was too far away from the amusement park, if there was no Zhou Liqian as a substitute driver, if he called a car by himself, Shen Zhixin's purse would be at least half flat.

"There are many beauties in the amusement park." Shen Zhixin thought about it for a while, and said in his ear in a mysterious way, "Really, there are all kinds of beauties, Mr. Bao is satisfied."

She blinked, as if she had said something extraordinary.

"Aren't you afraid that Secretary Lin will kill you?" Zhou Liqian frowned playfully, and took her son to the amusement park to see all kinds of beauties. Are you sure they are thinking about the same place?

Shen Zhixin couldn't help complaining in his heart, Zhou Motou smiled inexplicably, and thought he was a young man thinking of spring without knowing it.

Oh no, he is at most an odd-tempered uncle.

The so-called beauties that Ms. Shen talks about are actually the young ladies of those cosplay princesses.

From Cinderella to Princess Moana, apart from the clothes and hair crowns, even the skin color is different, so there are all kinds of them.

Shen Zhixin couldn't help being soft and hard, and finally Zhou Liqian went out with one big and one small.

Chatting with each other, complaining, and laughing constantly, Zhou Liqian sat in the driver's seat with the corners of his mouth bent, looking at the smiling faces of Shen Zhixin and Xiao Nian in the mirror, he suddenly felt that having a child is also a good thing.

When reading a book before, he once read a sentence: Children are not only the product of the combination of sex and love, but the best definition of them is the crystallization of love and the continuation of life.

The original Zhou Liqian scoffed at this sentence, at least in this marriage between Zhou's mother and Zhou's father, he only occupied the first congenital condition.


After entering the amusement park, Shen Zhixin and Xiao Nian turned directly into a shop selling headgear.

"Would you like a frog or a whale?"

Xiao Nian's skin is very fair, and she is very cute in whatever she wears.However, the little milk bag has been seen a lot in Sea World recently, so I just took the one on the left.

"It's so cute." Shen Zhixin couldn't help but boasted again.

Xiao Nian smiled happily: "I'll pick one for my sister."

"Okay." Shen Zhixin squatted down obediently, letting Xiao Nian pick up a bunch of colorful headbands and put them on her head.

In the end, she chose an angel shape with two white circles on it, which matched her white coat today, and the effect was still very good.

Ms. Shen stared at the mirror in front of the mirror for a long time, and even took out her mobile phone and Xiao Nian started a crazy selfie mode.

Zhou Liqian had black lines all over his face, expressing that he didn't want to admit that this middle school girl was his wife.

He was about to buy two bottles of water, but when he turned around, someone put a headband on his head.

"Angels and Demons."

Xiao Nian cried out excitedly, before Zhou Liqian could react, he heard a "click".

This is their first photo together.

Shen Zhixin had already gone to Xiao Nian's place to get her mobile phone, Zhou Liqian lowered her eyes slightly, the side of her right hand was still warm with the warmth she just leaned on her.

"Xiao Nian is very good at taking pictures." Shen Zhixin praised him almost all the time, she blinked, "When I grow up and have a girlfriend, I have to make her look as good as my sister."

Zhou Liqian suddenly laughed.


"To each other." Shen Zhixin stuck out her tongue, and suddenly stretched out her hand and said, "Wallet."

She is going to the counter to pay.

Zhou Liqian didn't say a word, and handed it to her obediently.

Shen Zhixin opened the wallet and immediately swallowed.

With so much cash, aren't you afraid of being robbed halfway?

Xiao Nian took Shen Zhixin and Zhou Liqian to play Gumu Youlong, after a round, she had a satisfied smile on her face.

"Is Xiao Nian afraid?"

This kind of game is not very exciting to her.

Xiao Nian shook her head obediently, and said excitedly, "Sister, it's very exciting and fun."

Zhou Liqian was not very comfortable being transferred. It was his first time playing this kind of entertainment facility, and he was much more incompetent than Shen Zhixin, and the screams of the people sitting behind him almost pierced his eardrums.

Shen Zhixin's face was neither red nor out of breath, and when she turned her head, she suddenly found that he was holding on to the railing in discomfort, and there was still a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

"What's wrong with you?" She walked over worriedly, and gently stroked Zhou Liqian's back.

The man next to him remained silent.

Shen Zhixin's expression gradually became anxious, she was at a loss and said: "Why didn't you tell me earlier if you couldn't play, why do you want to vomit, do you want to see a doctor?"

Thinking of the symptoms of his stomach trouble, Shen Zhixin did not dare to neglect him at all.

Xiao Nian's small face also wrinkled instantly, it could be seen that he was very worried about Zhou Liqian's body.

After a while, after his body recovered a bit, Zhou Liqian raised his hand and patted Shen Zhixin's head: "Don't make a fuss, just go and buy me a bottle of water."

"Do you really not need to go to the hospital?"

"No need." The corners of Zhou Liqian's mouth twitched, fear of heights and motion sickness are similar in nature, they are just self-suggestions imposed on the body by both physiology and psychology.

He rarely played such stimulating accounts when he was a child, so his adaptability is relatively poor.

After Shen Zhixin repeatedly confirmed that he was fine, he walked over to the snack cart not far away with confidence.

Before leaving, he specially told Xiao Nian to take good care of him.

As soon as Miss Shen withdrew, Xiao Nian blinked and stared at him.Zhou Liqian frowned, to be honest, he didn't particularly enjoy this feeling.

After staring wide-eyed for a minute, the Mad Hatter spinning cup next to him suddenly played music.There were not many people in line, Zhou Liqian pointed his finger: "Do you want to play this?"

Xiao Nian subconsciously nodded, and two seconds later, she suddenly shook her head: "You can play the next level of the game. Uncle is not feeling well. Xiao Nian will stay with you first."

Zhou Liqian raised his eyebrows, does this little baby really think he can take care of him, and after listening to Shen Zhixin's words, a glimpse suddenly flashed in his mind.

If future children also listen to Shen Zhixin like this, Zhou Liqian feels that his family status will be very dangerous.

He raised his hand and glanced at his watch. The park has only opened for a while now. If we play again later, there may be more people.And this kind of game is not very exciting, Xiao Nian can play it by himself.

Thinking of this, Zhou Liqian got up suddenly, took Xiao Nian's hand and walked to the waiting area.

After putting him in a cup car, Zhou Liqian checked the seat belt himself before pulling out.

He stood by the railing and watched Xiao Nian twirling wildly in a pile of cup carts, the smile on the child's mouth was clean and beautiful.

When the cup turned to this side, Xiao Nian specially waved at him, Zhou Liqian's iceberg face rarely showed a smile, and he waved his hand, which was regarded as a response to the little milk bag.

The time to spin the cup was very short, after 1 minute, Xiao Nian walked out from the exit line.

Zhou Liqian frowned, he didn't realize that the entrance and exit are in different places.From here, he had to walk more than half a circle around the venue, Zhou Liqian made a gesture to signal Xiao Nian to wait for him there.

Most of the exits are parents with their children, watching the people coming and going, Xiao Nian's eyes flashed a trace of sadness.

Uncle Zhou asked himself to wait for him here. Thinking of this, Xiao Nian sat quietly on the bench beside him, looking calmly at the carousel opposite.

"Xu Nianlin." Suddenly, Xiao Nian found someone calling her.

He tilted his head slightly and saw Feng Zihao in the crowd at a glance.

"It's really you, I thought I was wrong..." Feng Zihao walked over holding the ice cream he just bought, holding his father's hand.

Xiao Nian greeted them lightly, and just about to get up, Feng Zihao quickly glanced behind him, and said narrowly: "Are you coming to the playground alone, this is so boring."

He took a sip of the ice cream, with a hint of joy and show off on his face: "By the way, I asked Lin Hanhan to come to play at home tomorrow, are you coming?"

Father Feng pushed his glasses and invited Xiao Nian very friendly.

Xiao Naibao's expression seemed a bit dignified, and he shook his head politely: "My house is too far away from Uncle Lin's house, please go again next time you have a chance."

"City is not big, so your father can drive it over." Father Feng smiled.

Xiao Nian's face froze.

his father...

Ever since I was born, I haven't even heard my father's voice.

Feng Zihao's mouth that was eating suddenly stopped, a smile flashed across his eyes, and he blurted out: "Xu Nianlin doesn't have a father."

Xiao Nian's subconscious mind tightened up, this sentence was not loud, but it attracted the attention of the people who just came out of the exit.

Father Feng was slightly startled, and reprimanded a few words in a low voice, to the effect that he was blaming his son for his unscrupulous words.

It's just... that admonishing look is not sincere at all.

He suddenly spoke, his voice was low and stubborn: "I have a father, and he is very handsome and excellent."

At this time, Father Feng's cell phone rang.

He took a look at it, his face darkened, he let go of Feng Zihao and walked to the other side.

Without the restraint of an adult, Feng Zihao gradually intensified: "Don't pretend, I have been classmates with you for two years, and I have never seen your father. If there really was, why did the parents' meeting and parent-child games never appear?"

"He's just busy with work." Xiao Nian's eyes were already red.

It would be uncomfortable for an adult to be sprinkled salt in the wound, let alone a child.

Feng Zihao snorted coldly: "Do you know what Lin Hanhan's mother told her, she told her not to play with you, saying that you are a child with a dysfunctional family..."

These words fell into Zhou Liqian's ears verbatim, he frowned, and looked at Xiao Nian standing there straight without turning his head.

"I didn't!" Xiao Nian murmured and shook her head, Lin Hanhan was his good friend in kindergarten.

She can play the piano, wears two braids, and has cute dimples on her cheeks when she smiles.

They are great friends.

Of course, this had to be established before Feng Zihao appeared.

Seeing Xiao Nian's eyes full of tears, Feng Zihao sneered disdainfully: "A boy doesn't cry lightly, didn't your father teach that? It's really embarrassing for a big boy to cry."

Zhou Liqian frowned. He originally thought it was just a quarrel between children, but now it seems that someone has risen to the point of personal attack.


Xiao Nian's psychological defense had obviously collapsed, and he suddenly burst into tears with a "wow".

(End of this chapter)

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