Chapter 420
"Mrs. Zhou, that's not what he meant..."

Shen Zhixin was just about to speak out to explain Zhou Liqian, but she was interrupted coldly by Zhou's mother, she raised her eyes, "Why are you dogs licking the door curtains and showing sharp mouths everywhere, let him say, I want to see you today How far can it push me!"

Shen Zhixin's hand landed in the air embarrassingly, a trace of annoyance flashed in her eyes.

Seriously, mind your own business.

Zhou Liqian Leng Xing's eyes flew a trace of complicated emotions very quickly, and disappeared after blinking.

He got up suddenly, opened the door and walked out.

Shen Zhixin's heart skipped a beat, before leaving, she still politely said goodbye to Zhou's mother.

"Zhou Liqian... Zhou..." After Shen Zhixin pushed open the door of the coffee shop, the figure in front of him was already separated by a long distance.

She trotted along and followed, and when she was about to grab Zhou Liqian's clothes, the man stopped suddenly.

"I'll send someone to take you back."

Shen Zhixin's face froze, and she threw her handbag on him, "What do you mean?"

He would rather close himself up alone than let others know his thoughts.

"Am I in your way?"

Zhou Liqian directly skipped her words, and picked up his cell phone to call his driver.


Shen Zhixin snatched it neatly and stuffed it into her handbag, "Follow me!"

She dragged Zhou Liqian involuntarily and walked to the parking place, "Go in."

Xiaobai Rabbit, who is usually calm and caring, suddenly lost his temper, and the people beside him were startled, but still did not move.

This man is really...

Shen Zhixin glared at him bitterly, and Zhou Liqian fell directly onto the passenger seat as soon as he exerted force on his hands.

She circled around, reached the other side of the car, skillfully took out the key from Zhou Liqian's pocket, and inserted it directly into the lock.

"You will learn when..." Zhou Liqian's cold eyes finally had some other emotions, he was a little at a loss, why didn't he know that she could drive.

Shen Zhixin turned her head and spit out two words angrily, "Just now!"

She didn't want to see some bloody news about a luxury car rear-ending on the news half an hour later because of Zhou Liqian's emotional ups and downs.

Ms. Shen's life creed is always the most important thing.

Fortunately, it was an automatic transmission. Shen Zhixin breathed a sigh of relief just after starting the car.

Because Hengfeng is far away from where he lives, and the subway is crowded, Father Shen feels sorry for his daughter who suffers from the inhuman torture of urban traffic every day, so he insists on buying a car for her. It came in handy.

After Shen Zhixin turned on the navigation, she began to hold the steering wheel tremblingly.

God knows how thrilling it is for a rookie to hit the road.

Zhou Liqian frowned, his originally uncertain mood was lifted into the air by Shen Zhixin's anxious driving skills.

After a while, after barely brushing past a large truck, he finally couldn't help but stroked his forehead and said, "Find a roadside stop, and I'll change it back with you."

"No need." Someone flatly refused, not daring to look away for a moment.

At this time, a modified car next to him suddenly rushed over.

Shocked by the loud engine sound, Shen Zhixin's body trembled, and he almost stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

"Change it back." Zhou Liqian's eyes fell on her nervous face, and her usual indifferent expression obviously sank.

If this continues, they are likely to be on the headlines of tomorrow.

Two lives in one car, directly to the west.

Ms. Shen's technique is really worrying. After 15 minutes of practice, she finally compromised with reality.

The car stopped in front of Wanxing Building.

After the two exchanged positions, Zhou Liqian looked at the navigation position and frowned, "Where do you want to go?"

"Just follow the navigation." Shen Zhixin pointed out, and Zhou Liqian looked along the screen.

There isn't a single landmark building around the destination, it's in the wilderness, what does she want to do.

Half an hour later, the car got on the Songyang Expressway.

Shen Zhixin started to stare at the road sign, and after walking for another 5 minutes, she finally saw a wooden sign beside the asphalt road. Shen Zhixin pointed excitedly, "Here, turn right."

The itinerary is getting more and more confusing.

Following Shen Zhixin's instructions, the two finally reached their destination.

Yunshan Farm.

When the four big characters came into Zhou Liqian's eyes, the corners of his eyes suddenly twitched. He had no interest in resorts, let alone this kind of farms.

Holidays here are the busiest. People who are used to being restrained in the city always want to take a quiet place in the noise and find a place to spend a few days in the countryside.

Shen Zhixin got out of the car with ease, and dragged Zhou Liqian into it.

The woman in the yard was drying the washed sheets when she heard the movement and suddenly turned her head.

"Xinxin." Su Peiqin's eyes flashed with surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Aunt Su doesn't welcome me?"

Shen Zhixin smiled and went forward to say hello, her words were a little more coquettish.

"My friend wanted to relax, so I brought him here."

Su Peiqin followed her figure and saw Zhou Liqian at a glance.

She joked with a smile: "What kind of friend, is it a boyfriend?"

Shen Zhixin lowered her head in embarrassment.

Su Peiqin patted the water drops on her body, "Since you're here, let's stay here for one night. It just so happens that your uncle Lu killed a pheasant today, and he will cook you a big dish later."

"Then I won't be polite." Shen Zhixin responded with a smile, said a few more words to Su Peiqin, and led Zhou Liqian around the small kitchen built of red bricks, and walked directly towards the path behind the mountain.

"Where are you taking me?"

Zhou Liqian even habitually bent his face expressionlessly, his whole body was graceful and indifferent.

Shen Zhixin glanced over directly, "Don't talk."

When did she have such courage?
Zhou Liqian simply kept silent and let her lead him forward.

Maybe it's because of the environment, his usual indifferent eyes softened abnormally, with a hint of harmony shining, Shen Zhixin suddenly turned around, just as he was about to remind him that there was a ditch in front of him, but inadvertently caught someone's slight hook. The corners of her lips curled up, and that moment made her heart skip a beat.

In the next second, Miss Shen almost stepped into the ditch so bloody.

Masculinity misleads others, Shen Zhixin shook his head, confirming this wise saying once again.

After finally climbing to the top of the mountain, the scenery of the entire city C gradually came into view.

Zhou Liqian narrowed his eyes, but before he could speak, Shen Zhixin suddenly turned around and said with a smile: "It looks good, hurry up, if you are not happy, just yell twice, it is very useful."

She had a serious face, and Zhou Liqian almost believed her words with certainty.

After a while, Shen Zhixin only waited for Demon Zhou's two-word evaluation.


"Me?" Shen Zhixin pointed to herself in disbelief.

Zhou Liqian raised his eyebrows, "Is there anyone else here besides you?"

wow, this man...

Shen Zhixin glared at him, "Mr. Zhou, I just want you to release your nature properly. If you keep holding back like this, I'm really afraid that there will be one more autistic patient in City C in a few days."

"Where did you learn this trick?" Zhou Liqian frowned.

"A TV series." Shen Zhixin replied nonchalantly, "Did Mr. Zhou watch the classic episode at eight o'clock?"

Zhou Liqian had a look of extreme disgust on his face.

In addition to watching the news, he usually looks for a few American dramas at most. There is no such thing as an eight o'clock file in his life.

"Stop watching this kind of stuff." Zhou Liqian said in a cold and low voice with sarcasm, "It will affect IQ."

Shen Zhixin suffocated directly in his heart.

"The dog bit Lu Dongbin..."

Before the second half of the sentence could be uttered, Shen Zhixin's lips and tongue were suddenly blocked.

Zhou Liqian leaned over and kissed her, he pried open Shen Zhixin's teeth, and kissed her together.

a long time.

After the kiss, Shen Zhixin's face was almost flushed to the neck.Looking at it this way, it really has the feeling of a person in a peach blossom painting with a human face.

In the barren mountains and wild mountains, it is inexplicably shameful.

The two stood side by side on the top of the mountain. After a moment of silence, Shen Zhixin suddenly said, "So you and Mrs. Zhou have never had a good relationship, have you?"

She had already discovered this.

Zhou Liqian is respectful and polite to Zhou's mother, but anyone with eyes can see the alienation between them.

If there are people who eat melons who don't understand the situation, they might think that Lu Xue is Mother Zhou's own daughter.

Zhou Liqian nodded lightly, last time at the beach, he only spoke half of many things.

Unexpectedly, his cold eyes drifted to the distance, and the smile on his lips seemed to permeate a trace of cold unknown to outsiders.

"When I went abroad to study, I found out that Dad was actually still with that woman."

Shen Zhixin took a breath, "Including now?"


Zhou Liqian withdrew his gaze and turned to Shen Zhixin, "Zhou's family still has business overseas. Although Dad has not cared about domestic affairs in recent years, he has always been watching the progress abroad."

On the surface, it seems to let go, but in fact it is still operating secretly.

In terms of technology, the domestic market is limited after all. If you want to be unique, you must have strong confidentiality work. Abroad is undoubtedly the best nest.

Zhou's mother and Zhou's father, in fact, have long been separated from each other.

In the past few years, her menopause has become more and more serious, and sometimes she needs to see a psychiatrist when she is irritable, which is arranged silently by Zhou Liqian.

When he spoke deeply, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The two were so engrossed in the conversation that they didn't even notice the phone in the bag. There were more than a dozen unanswered calls on the screen. In the end, because they ran out of battery, they simply turned off the phone and took a rest.

Shen Zhixin heard the general idea intermittently, and the stone in his heart became heavier and heavier.

Because of domestic violence, Zhou Liqian has always been very cold. In the final analysis, he is actually autistic at all.

After he went abroad to study, he inadvertently found out about Zhou's father.

The family has not been peaceful, so he simply turned a blind eye.

Until one day when he fell ill, all the rigid principles in his heart suddenly changed drastically.

The smog and evil wind in the United States are not inferior to those in China. One month after the start of school, Zhou Liqian fell ill gloriously due to acclimatization and sudden appendicitis.

At that time, Qin Fengling was busy with all kinds of friendships and flirting with girls, and it was rare to see anyone almost once a week.

"A flamboyant scumbag." Speaking of this, Shen Zhixin couldn't help but spit at him.

The corner of Zhou Liqian's mouth hooked slightly.

Well, this look is inexplicably cute.

It wasn't until the woman entered his ward that Zhou Liqian understood something in a daze.

Make soup, cook, and even buy clothes.

She almost did what Zhou's mother seldom did.

Although the intention is obvious, for Zhou Liqian who is ill, having someone to take care of him in a foreign country is undoubtedly the best consolation.

Later, Zhou's father asked him to go to their house for dinner, but Zhou Liqian did not refuse.

The long-lost care made him become Father Zhou's accomplice.

Shen Zhixin felt a little distressed when she heard this, and she sighed, "Sure enough, 90.00% of the problems of children in this world come from their parents."

The later story was almost the same as what she had guessed, and the Dong Chuang incident revealed that the gap between Zhou's mother and him deepened.

Shen Zhixin almost didn't dare to think about how Zhou Liqian got here, from indifference since childhood to harsh words when he grew up.

"Don't be too sad."

Shen Zhi's heart softened, and he suddenly held his hand, "Everyone who has left their original family still has their own small family..."

While talking, the topic suddenly changed.

Shen Zhixin stopped the car at the right time, didn't Zhou Liqian's family include himself?
God, what did she do, she felt that half of what she said just now seemed like an old minister expressing his loyalty to the emperor.

The corners of Zhou Liqian's mouth hooked slightly, and the haze in his heart gradually dissipated...

He lowered his head, and a deep voice sounded in Shen Zhixin's ears, slowly pouring out like a cello, the sound was pleasant.

He said, "Indeed, and you."

Shen Zhixin's face turned red again.

When they came down, the sun had already slanted westward, and the two of them skipped noon except for a breakfast.

When Su Peiqin found out, she hurriedly set up a pot to cook. After a while, the stone table in the yard was already full.

Aunt Su was very hospitable and kept bringing them homemade snacks.

Shen Zhixin was not idle either, after sitting for 5 minutes, he went into the kitchen to help serve the dishes, and Zhou Liqian had time to take out his mobile phone.

out of battery.

He frowned, and as soon as he connected the data cable, Shen Zhixin's voice came from the yard calling for dinner.

The whole eating process was very simple and relaxed. Although Zhou Liqian was aloof, he was not bored. He still had double standards.

This is Miss Shen's conclusion after careful observation.

Although Zhou Motou doesn't talk much, he is still a very talkative person.

When everyone was in a good mood, Shen Zhixin served Zhou Liqian a bowl of soup, but before handing it over, the cell phone in the living room suddenly screamed.

Zhou Liqian twitched the corners of his mouth apologetically, "Sorry, I'm going to answer the phone."

As soon as his figure entered the door, Su Peiqin chatted enthusiastically with Shen Zhixin, "Why don't you hurry up and explain clearly to your Aunt Su?"

"Explain what?" Shen Zhixin asked with a smile, and took another piece of chicken from the plate.

This kind of wild game is really delicious. I guess I will gain weight again tonight.

"The one inside..." Su Peiqin gave her a meaningful look, "When did it happen?"

Two red clouds instantly appeared on Shen Zhixin's face, "Aunt Su, he is really my friend, if you are willing, I will introduce him to Xuanxuan tomorrow."

Xuanxuan is Su Peiqin's niece, she always comes to the manor to help during winter and summer vacations, Shen Zhixin comes and goes, and gets to know people very well.

Su Peiqin was used to her lawless jokes, so she took a look at her immediately, "Come on, you won't have to work hard with Xuanxuan then."

"Come on, what's the relationship? You ate auntie's pheasant today, how can it be possible if you don't exchange something interesting?"

(End of this chapter)

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