star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 416 Too Unreal

Chapter 416
Zhou Liqian pulled, and Shen Zhixin fell into his arms directly.

After the kiss, Zhou Liqian let her go.

Two grown men in their twenties kissing me on the street is outrageous.

Oh, no, Devil Zhou is thirty, he is not an adult, but an uncle.

"Don't think about it in the future." Zhou Liqian whispered in her ear.

Thinking of the stupid question she asked at noon, Shen Zhixin was a little embarrassed, she looked away, and suddenly saw a child playing with a lantern on the opposite side.

It was a lantern in the shape of a rabbit.

Shen Zhixin suddenly remembered something, she turned her head confidently, "Where's my Mid-Autumn Festival gift?"

Zhou Liqian pursed his lips, "Why do you give gifts during the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

"Wow, you..." Shen Zhixin curled her lips and pointed, "My parents would buy me lanterns for festivals when I was young."

Someone had black lines all over his face, "How old are you now?"

"Three years old." Shen Zhixin smiled sweetly, "Don't change the subject, hurry up, where is my gift?"

Sima Zhao's heart is well known to passers-by.

Zhou Liqian knew that she liked that lantern, but he just didn't mention it.

"Well... There are mooncakes sent by major partners in the office. There are all kinds of flavors. You can choose whatever you want when you go to work the day after tomorrow."

Shen Zhixin glared at him, then patted his arm, "You really plan carefully."

Zhou Liqian was noncommittal.

On the way back, I happened to pass by a small stall, and two lanterns were placed in front of the old man.One is in the shape of a rabbit and the other is Chang'e.

Zhou Liqian directly paid for it, and under Shen Zhixin's astonished gaze, he stuffed the thing into her arms.

"give you."

Shen Zhixin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she was really just joking just now.

Such an adult, holding these lanterns is really against the law.

Still, it's pretty.

Ms. Shen was very proud. On the way back, she gave Zhou Liqian the Jade Rabbit's lantern, "Looking at you like this, you must have no childhood. Come on, I will lend you my sister's lantern for you to play with for a while."

After returning to the apartment, Shen Zhixin went to cook porridge for Zhou Liqian.

Halfway through, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Shen Zhixin walked over suspiciously, who would call him so late.

Swiping across the screen, her pupils shrank slightly.

This prompt tone is neither a phone call nor a text message, but just a note.

It said, take Shen Zhixin to the hospital for reexamination tomorrow.

Only then did the dazed Ms. Shen remember that more than half a month had passed since her heroic jump from the building.

At that time, the hospital diagnosed it as a mild concussion, so she should go back and have a good checkup.

At this time, Zhou Liqian came out suddenly wiping the water drops from his hair.

Seeing Shen Zhixin staring blankly at his phone, he frowned, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just remind me to go to the hospital tomorrow."

"En." Zhou Liqian nodded lightly.

Shen Zhixin entered the kitchen again.

She was a little lost.

It turned out that Zhou Liqian had already cared so much about his affairs.

When did he pay so much attention to himself?

Shen Zhixin was suddenly puzzled.

If it was just the first meeting at the wedding, wouldn't Zhou Liqian be too abnormal, to catch someone for no reason and start showing love?

Is it too abrupt, too weird?

Or, is it really because of her beauty?

Ms. Shen quickly shook her head, she has always had an AC number in her heart about her looks.

She began to make wild guesses again.

During this interval, the porridge in the pot started to bubble wildly because it was covered for too long.

Shen Zhixin hurriedly pulled the switch.

She took a sip and frowned slightly. Well, it's ripe, but the taste is a bit strange.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Liqian repeated this expression again.

"Why does it smell like mush?"

"En, is that so?" Shen Zhi looked away guiltily, "No, I just tasted it, it must be your taste problem."

In the end, Zhou Liqian actually got the disc.

When Shen Zhixin went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion, she really wasn't suitable for cooking.

The next day, Zhou Liqian and Shen Zhixin came to the hospital.

According to regulations, today is still the Mid-Autumn Festival, but the hospital is overcrowded.

Zhou Liqian spoke directly to the front desk, and took the elevator up to the third floor.

He has an appointment, so there is no need to wait in line.

As soon as he went out, he bumped into someone unexpectedly.

"Doctor Jiang." Shen Zhixin smiled slightly, "What a coincidence, do you work overtime?"

Jiang Xu raised his head blankly from the medical records. Many pregnant women have come to the hospital in the past two days, and she is here for rounds today.

"Miss Shen, long time no see."

Jiang Xu replied with a polite smile, and when he glanced at Zhou Liqian, he nodded politely.

"Today is a holiday, don't you take turns?"

"It's time." Jiang Xu closed the medical record in his hand, "It's fine at home anyway, and the hospital is short of staff, so I'll be back."

"So that's the case." Shen Zhixin nodded, looked at Qingdai in her eyes, and said with concern: "But you still have to pay attention to your body, don't get too tired."

"Thank you, are you here for a review?"

Jiang Xu hooked the corner of his mouth and couldn't help asking a few more questions.

Shen Zhixin scratched her head in embarrassment. She couldn't count the number of disturbances caused by her falling from the building.

"Well, come check it out, I'm afraid you'll be fooled." She stuck out her tongue playfully.

Jiang Xu flipped through the schedule in his hand, and frowned, "All departments are full, do you have an appointment, if not, I'll arrange it for you."

"Yes." Shen Zhixin quickly waved her hand, not to trouble her, "A few days ago, I agreed with Dr. Chen on the time, just go there at 09:30."

There are still 10 minutes left, it's not too late to wait.

Jiang Xu nodded, "That's good."

At this time, a nurse hurried over, "Doctor Jiang, the amniotic fluid of the women in Ward 3206 has broken, look..."

"Send it to the waiting room first, and inform the doctors to prepare for the cesarean section."

Jiang Xu gave orders in an orderly manner, and when she finished speaking, she smiled apologetically at Shen Zhixin, "Miss Shen, excuse me."

"It's okay, it's okay, go get busy." Shen Zhixin smiled brightly.

Seeing Jiang Xu's leaving figure, she couldn't help but sighed, "Tsk, the imperial concubine doesn't know how to cherish such a good girl, she's really blind."

This sentence fell into Zhou Liqian's ears, and he couldn't help frowning.

Sensing the slight change in his mood, Shen Zhixin suddenly turned her head, "Why, am I wrong?"

How should I put it, this is an old matter between Qin Fengling and Jiang Xu after all.As outsiders, they are not qualified to judge anything.

Zhou Liqian glanced at her indifferently, "If you have time, you should worry about yourself first."


Shen Zhixin curled her lips, she felt that her head was fine and there was nothing wrong with it.

After a routine examination, Dr. Chen dragged her to watch her for a while, and finally let Shen Zhixin go.

"It's nothing serious."

Dr. Chen signed the checklist with a smile, "Miss Shen is really lucky. She only hurt her pelvis when she fell from the third floor, which is considered a blessing among misfortunes."

"However, I still can't do too much exercise for my waist in the near future. It will hurt my muscles and bones for a hundred days, cough, cough, cough..."

Speaking of this, Dr. Chen couldn't help coughing twice, "Especially when you have intercourse, you have to be more careful."

Shen Zhi felt embarrassed, and covered her face in embarrassment.

Fortunately, Devil Zhou has been sober-minded lately. If his animalistic behavior becomes violent, there is really no way to stop him.

"Okay, we will pay attention, thank you Dr. Chen." Zhou Liqian replied very calmly.

After finally signing all the documents, Shen Zhixin and Zhou Liqian walked out one after the other.

Dr. Chen looked at the backs of the two people, and said with sincere emotion: "It's good to be young."

After getting off the elevator, the two went straight to the garage to pick up the car.

Just as Shen Zhixin sat on it, she suddenly found that her cell phone rang.

kindness?Strange call?

Shen Zhixin frowned, and swiped to the answer button.

"Hello, Longhui Real Estate in C City, Miss, have you considered buying a house recently? Our coordinates are located in the center of C, with the verdant Lingshan on the left and Bailong Primary School in C City on the right. The location is unique..."

The opposite person talked a lot, half a minute later, Shen Zhixin couldn't help interrupting: "Miss, I'm very interested in your house."

"Ma'am, you are really discerning. During the holidays, the company does activities, and the price is as low as 23 per square meter..."

Shen Zhixin gasped, 23 flat is still the lowest price, shit, rob the bank!
She didn't have so much time to listen to the brainwashing package this time, so she interrupted again: "But there is a very serious question ahead."

"Huh? What's the problem?" The salesman was full of enthusiasm.

"I don't have any money." Shen Zhixin sighed helplessly.

The other side was stunned for a moment, and after five seconds, "That's bothering you, goodbye."

"Tsk tsk, this customer service is not good. Others 10086 will wish me a happy life every time."

"Childish." Zhou Liqian listened to the entire conversation verbatim, and made official complaints.

Shen Zhixin stuck out her tongue, hey, you care about me?

In less than a minute, the phone rang again, and Shen Zhixin glanced down.

Why is it a strange call again?

This time she was decisive and swiped directly to the right.

When another real estate agent comes, she will simply collapse.

After answering so many customer service calls, Shen Zhixin figured out some routines.

These people seem to have all come from a training company, and the set of templates they talked about has remained unchanged for almost ten thousand years.

In the city center, green hills on the left, green water on the right, and housing in the school district.

The corner of Shen Zhixin's mouth twitched. According to this theory, there were no commercial buildings in the city center for a long time, and there should be residential areas and various primary schools everywhere.

Moreover, bragging does not draft.What are the green mountains and green waters? Why didn't she say Zuo Qinglong and Right White Tiger? It looks so domineering.

Within 1 minute, the phone rang again.

Shen Zhixin continued to hang up expressionlessly.

She was playing match [-] and she was just one step away.

After searching and searching, Ms. Shen finally found a breakthrough.

Well, as long as the little yellow chicken is pulled down, colorful owls will definitely fall out.

Then it will all be removed.

She has been through this level for almost a week, and she is also tired.

As soon as she touched the screen, the call came in again.

Moreover, this position happened to be the answer button, and Shen Zhixin connected the phone directly.

Wow, this coquettish really unbelievable.

"What are you doing!" Qin Feng on the other side of the receiver almost exploded in anger.

He first called Zhou Liqian, but no one answered.After finally calling Shen Zhixin, he was hung up twice. Really, he couldn't stand this grievance.

"Huh?" Shen Zhixin was stunned for a moment, thanks to her good hearing, "Imperial Concubine... Your Majesty?"

"It's me!" Qin Fengling no longer had the heart to deny the nickname, so he simply agreed.

Shen Zhixin couldn't help being happy, "What's the matter, what can I do to find the younger one?"

"Give the phone to Li Qian." Qin Fengling was overwhelmed and breathless when speaking.

Zhou Liqian was driving, so it was impossible to hold a mobile phone.Moreover, his voice was so loud just now, and he could hear it all over the place.

"Turn on the hands-free." The man in the driver's seat lowered his eyes, "What's wrong?"

"A buddy of mine who works in the court just called me and said that he saw Lu Xue submitting the appeal materials."

"Well, I guessed it."

She left Zhou's house in a huff yesterday, and she will definitely take action today.

"What do you think?" Qin Fengling leaned against the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, lighted a cigarette lightly, narrowed his eyes dangerously, "When will the last hole card be shown?"

"It's almost there." Zhou Liqian sneered, "You go to Xingguang and wait for me now. In half an hour, we will go to Licheng together."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Zhi panicked, "Are you looking for Hu Hui?"

"En." Zhou Liqian nodded lightly.

The car just reached a fork in the road, he turned the steering wheel directly, and turned back from another road.

After waiting for so long, the Lu family can finally be cornered.

Starlight is a clear bar, there are no people during the day.

When Zhou Liqian pushed the door and went in, the boss greeted him tactfully.

"Mr. Zhou, Young Master Qin is already waiting for you inside."

"okay, I get it."

The two of them just walked to the door of the box, and the people inside seemed to have a telepathy, and the door was suddenly opened...

(End of this chapter)

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