Chapter 397
"What?" Shen Zhixin's face turned pale instantly, "Isn't she locked up in a detention center? How could..."

Qin Fengling shook his head, and said with emotion: "This woman is so ruthless, she used mental problems as an excuse to force Hu Hui into the hospital."

Zhou Liqian frowned imperceptibly, "Have you sent someone to watch?"

Qin Fengling nodded, "Looking at the current situation, it should be within two days."

Shen Zhi's heart became cold again, she never expected that Lu Xue would be so cruel.

Although Hu Hui is not a good person, but when it comes to future cases, this person must be saved.

"Keep her first." Zhou Liqian turned over a page of the document, "Shen Zhixin's case must be investigated to the end, and the police should not rush to file the case." Then, he suddenly turned his head and said: "Remember carefully, Is there anything else that can prove that Lu Xue was at the crime scene?"

Shen Zhixin began to lower her head and meditate, from when she was caught to when she finally jumped off the building, all the things flew through her mind like snowflakes.

Suddenly, something broke her thoughts.

Shen Zhixin's pupils shrank suddenly, "A necklace!"

Qin Fengling became even more confused, "What's it like?"

He also visited the scene of the crime later, but there was nothing left.

Shen Zhixin rubbed the center of her brows with a headache, "At that time, Lu Xue wanted someone to rape me, so she specially bought a Victoria 1320, and replaced the diamond in the middle with a miniature camera, which was always thrown in the corner."

"Damn it, this woman is a pervert among perverts." Qin Fengling said indignantly.

Zhou Liqian narrowed his eyes slightly. In this case, he had to find something from the big data in the background of the network.

"Retell me what she said."

Shen Zhixin looked a little embarrassed.

After a while, she let out a long breath, now she is here to investigate the case, and Zhou Liqian and Qin Fengling are not considered outsiders, so there is nothing to be hypocritical about.

"Lu Xue said that as soon as those two people start raping me, the camera will automatically start shooting, and then it will be packaged and sent to your mailbox."

"She is really thoughtful." Zhou Liqian sneered slightly.

Qin Fengling's eyes suddenly brightened up again. Since this is the case, there must be traces to follow.

Just as he was talking, Zhou Liqian typed quickly on the keyboard.

Two minutes later, he placed the opened webpage in front of the two of them.

"This is……"

"I overcame the wall." He said calmly: "The search engine shows that there is a technology company in country M that makes this kind of product. The sound source is used to control the switch. If it does not exceed the decibel value after 3 minutes, it will automatically turn off. "

Shen Zhixin was secretly surprised, domestic search engines blocked many things, no wonder he had never heard of them.

Zhou Liqian packaged the information on the webpage directly to Qin Fengling, "Go and check their database, as long as the camera starts shooting, there will definitely be evidence left."

At that time, even if Lu Xue deletes everything in all places, she still cannot escape the equipment company's database backup.

Although Qin Fengling doesn't seem to be doing a proper job, his technology is half a hacker's level, breaking a company's firewall is still a piece of cake.

Shen Zhixin was speechless secretly, she didn't know how many things there were between these two people.

Looking at the progress bar of the mail transmission, Zhou Liqian suddenly came up with the inspiration that tomorrow he can also take a bracelet for someone to modify.

It's best to make a locator and place it on Shen Zhixin.

After Qin Fengling left, the ward became quiet again.

After Zhou Liqian finished processing the documents, he saw Shen Zhixin reading an entertainment magazine with great interest.

Sure enough, women are gossip creatures.

He put down the laptop in his hand, turned around and picked up the fruit plate on the table to wash the fruit for her.

The doctor said that in addition to supplementing a certain amount of protein, Shen Zhixin also needed vitamins.

Zhou Liqian was a person who followed the doctor's orders very much. He washed an apple, two oranges and some grapes, and then used absorbent paper to absorb the raw water on them before serving them out.

At some point, Shen Zhixin turned on the TV, and "Doraemon" was playing on it.The corner of Zhou Liqian's mouth twitched, and he stuffed the fruit plate into her arms.

"have eaten."

Shen Zhixin lowered her head and burst into tears.

God knows how much she hates eating apples.

Most of the TV was watched, and most of the fruit was dried, but the apple on one side was disgusted, and a piece of it remained untouched.

Zhou Liqian frowned, "Don't be picky."

Ever since Shen Zhi had a heart attack, he realized how serious this woman's picky eating was.She always only eats lettuce for green vegetables, and only eats chicken and fish for meat. As for the rice served every day, she almost counts the rice grains and throws it away intact every time.

I really don't know how I survived all these years.

Shen Zhixin pretended not to hear what he said, still going in one ear and out the other, eating other fruits in his own way.

After a while, Zhou Liqian put an apple in her mouth and put it in her mouth, "I've never seen you so picky about food."

Shen Zhixin burst into tears.

Due to the despotic power of Zhou Demon, the little girl had no choice but to obey.

She chewed without saying a word, barely swallowing.

But once he didn't feed her, Shen Zhixin stopped eating.

Zhou Liqian shook his head, and started a steady stream of feeding tasks.

Finally, Shen Zhixin was so supported that he couldn't speak, and the man in front of him stopped.

Zhou Liqian suddenly felt a little funny, how he became like an old mother whose heart was broken.

Thinking of the kidnapping a few days ago, he asked again, "Why did you go out that day?"

It is impossible for Lu Xue to get Shen Zhixin away from the SS downstairs.

And according to Yang Yang's later description, it was Shen Zhixin who received the message and ran out in a hurry.

The person on the bed suddenly stopped, and after a long time, she slowly said: "Someone anonymously sent me an email, and it was a short video of Ye Zi being tied to a van."

"So you went?" Zhou Liqian was angry, and he said indifferently: "Can you please use your brains in the future, if you encounter such a thing, you should call the police first."

Otherwise, do you think that you are a Transformer, with three heads and six arms, and if you hit it casually, others can directly fall to the ground and die?
Besides, with Mo Ye's identity, no one in the entire C city dared to touch her.

Shen Zhixin refuted him dissatisfied, "I am also concerned about chaos, okay? Think about it differently, if Qin Fengling was arrested today, I don't believe you can still be so calm!"

"Of course I'm calm." Zhou Liqian glanced at her, "He doesn't need me to save him at all."

This person is a monkey and a monkey, and it is already very good not to tie others up to plot death.

In case of entering the enemy's camp, it is possible to instigate all the people below.

He was worried about Qin Fengling, fearing that it would happen in his next life.

At that time, the man who was blocking the viaduct in downtown C sneezed suddenly.Qin Fengling touched his nose, "Strange, do I have a cold..."

By the time Zhou Liqian finished dealing with the matter at hand, it was already ten past three.

He turned his head slightly, the remote control in Shen Zhixin's hand fell to the ground at some point, and the sound of steady breathing came from the bed.

She has fallen asleep.

Zhou Liqian frowned, if she hadn't found out by herself, how long would she have to sleep with the quilt lifted like this.

He walked over to help Shen Zhixin tuck the quilt lightly, and just about to get up, the person under him suddenly opened his eyes.

It was only for a second, and it was closed in an instant.

Shen Zhixin fell asleep in a daze, feeling that someone was touching her, but when she opened her eyes and saw Zhou Liqian's enlarged face, she quickly returned to the lying corpse state.

At the critical moment, Zhou Liqian's phone rang like a reminder.

The man stood up slightly, quickly opened the door and walked out.

The room suddenly fell silent again.

"what's up?"

The manager of the production department on the other end of the phone trembled, uh... Is this call inappropriate.

"Mr. Zhou, Kang Xu called just now. He still has questions about our new products."

Zhou Liqian frowned, "Everything was finalized when the contract was signed, what else does he have to do?"

Wu Yue's hand holding the phone shook again, "Kang Xu wants to ask about the first launch of the robot."

Although the copyright and production are all done by SS, as an e-commerce platform, Kang Xu naturally hopes to be the only one in the early stage, and can also make good adjustments in terms of price and profit.

Although the Internet is very convenient now, Zhou Liqian is also planning to distribute some real objects to various toy or children's product stores.

Kang Xu's request is too ignorant now.

This question is a bit tricky.

He flipped through the document contract that Lin Xiaojing had just sent over, and the column about the starting lineup was indeed quite controversial.

The contract must have been tampered with by people from the Ministry of Justice, Zhou Liqian's eyes darkened, and he went straight downstairs.

At that time, the elevator on the other side suddenly opened. Mother Zhou was wearing a long lavender dress with a new Prada shawl on top. With a cold expression, she raised her hand and knocked on the door of the ward.

Shen Zhixin was about to have a date with Zhou Ding when she was suddenly woken up.

"Come in." She replied lightly, rubbed her sleepy eyes and sat up on the bed.

Mother Zhou pushed open the door, and the pointed high-heeled shoes made a crisp sound on the floor.

The person on the bed was stunned for a moment, "Mrs. Zhou."

How did she come?

Shen Zhixin frowned, it's true that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

Now Mother Zhou can't wait to pull some more of her braids, so that Zhou Liqian can dump her directly.

"How's your stay?"

She reached out and took the paper towel on the table, and wiped the stool that Zhou Liqian sat on from top to bottom.

The disgust is beyond words.

Needless to say, Shen Zhixin could probably guess why she came.She heard a lot of sarcasm, and she could only lick her lips with a wry smile when it came to Zhou's mother.

"Very good, thank you madam for your concern."

Mother Zhou glanced at her with a gloomy expression, "You are naturally comfortable. It's just a pity, Aqian, with such a busy job, I have to wipe your ass for the bad things you have done."

As she spoke, she threw a stack of photos directly onto Shen Zhixin's quilt.

The photos are clearer in sunlight.The woman above is half-naked, and she is having sex with a man. The expression on her face is both painful and charming.

Shen Zhixin's heart trembled, why is it her face?

Zhou's mother looked at Shen Zhixin with gloomy eyes, she stood up, and approached Shen Zhixin slyly, step by step, the sound of high heels sounded extremely harsh.

Shen Zhixin was completely stunned, she couldn't help leaning back, not daring to glance over the pile of photos.

The pain in her body reminded her that she couldn't move at all, Shen Zhixin had no choice but to lean back on the pillow in the end.

Shen Zhixin's voice was a little trembling, "I don't, I haven't taken this kind of photo before!"

"No?" Zhou's mother sneered: "Now these dirty things have been spread all over the Internet, even the beggars on the roadside know that the spokesperson of HOFAR is a promiscuous slut!"

"I don't care how much you mess around with Ah Qian, but now it has affected his reputation. I absolutely don't allow him to indulge you like this. Shen Zhixin, you usually pretend to be so pure, but you didn't expect it to be so dirty. It's Zhou The group can't satisfy you, it's because A-Qian treats you badly, so he's in such a hurry to find another family!"

What Zhou's mother said made Shen Zhixin's face turn blue and white, and she finally understood why Zhou Liqian refused to give her the phone these two days, and why he kept preventing her from touching electronic devices.

This explosive scandal must have been broadcast all over the Internet.

Tears rolled in her eyes, and the scene in front of her became blurred.

She thought that if she survived a catastrophe, there would be future blessings, but it seemed that everything was wrong, and there were often only ups and downs and another ups and downs.

Shen Zhixin finally realized that she was wrong.

Meeting Zhou Liqian was the biggest mistake in her life.

Because of his appearance, he almost ruined all his peace.

Shen Zhixin can bear how Zhou's mother usually satirizes and ridicules her.

But facing her unwarranted accusations, it was like being slapped on the face several times, and it was burning hot.

Don't cry, Shen Zhixin, as she wiped the corners of her eyes, the tears flowed harder and harder.

Salty tears accidentally seeped into the wound on her face, and the pain was even more painful for her to tear her heart apart.

Mother Zhou's eyes were gloomy, and she turned a blind eye to everything she did.

"Here is 200 million and the divorce agreement. You know what to do."

In the end, she threw a file bag in front of Shen Zhixin, and walked away.

Shen Zhixin slowly leaned against the wall along the bed, tears kept falling.

a long time.

Only then did she slowly wipe away her tears, and took out the contents of the file bag.

The five big characters "divorce agreement" simply stood on the top, and at the end was a check.

Exactly 200.

Without even thinking about it, she tore the check into pieces, picked up the pen on the bedside table, and signed her name at the end of the agreement without hesitation.

It's over, it's all over.

Shen Zhixin's face turned pale and her hands trembled.

She had just received the brace, so she put on a piece of clothing and walked to the elevator in a wheelchair.

As soon as Fu Rui came up, the door closed suddenly before he could press the key.

Finally, he saw clearly Shen Zhixin's face in the wheelchair, and the tears that hadn't dried yet.

not good!

Fu Rui was startled, he was here to see his grandfather, but the stairs on the ground floor were broken, so he had to go to the third floor to use another one.

Regarding the photos of Shen Zhixin, he also wrote the analysis post, and now he somewhat understands what happened.

Watching the rising numbers of the elevator, it finally stopped on the top floor.

Fu Rui couldn't wait any longer, so he opened the door of the safe passage and ran up...

(End of this chapter)

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