Chapter 394 Love You Forever

Lu family.

Lu Xue was sitting in front of the computer, watching the live broadcast without missing a minute.

After a while, she picked up the phone with a livid face, and as soon as the phone was connected, she immediately reprimanded: "What do you do for trash!"

The face of the aggressive reporter just now was dark, "Miss Lu, take people's money and do things for others. I have tried my best, and I can only blame you for lack of evidence."

In the final analysis, your own derailment before marriage, this stain can't be washed away no matter what.

Lu Xue angrily smashed the phone on the spot.

She originally wanted to take a gamble and use the Internet public opinion to slander Shen Zhixin, but this is a good thing, and she also involved herself.

Just then, a woman in a red dress suddenly walked in.

"Miss Lu." Hu Hui smiled slightly.

Lu Xue was furious, and she didn't look good when she saw her.

"Speak up if you have something to say." If it wasn't for bringing down Shen Zhixin, this kind of seductive woman, I wouldn't bother to talk to her.

Hu Hui knew that Lu Xue had always looked down on her, so after swallowing her anger reluctantly, she sneered and said, "How did you think about the plan I mentioned last time?"

The woman on the sofa was slightly taken aback, then picked up the red wine at the table and drank it down in one gulp.

After a while, Lu Xue rubbed the center of her brows, "Let me think about it again."

"Okay." Hu Hui picked up her handbag and walked out slowly. Before she took it to the door, a strange smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Then wait for the good news from Miss Lu."

After finishing speaking, the sound of Hu Hui's footsteps gradually faded away in the corridor...

The next day, the content of yesterday's press conference had already been posted on the entertainment pages of major media.

Leaving aside the introduction of HOFAR's new products, the emotional entanglement between the three is even more confusing.

Forget it, Shen Zhixin took a deep breath, and risked his life to achieve success, thinking it was for the popularity of the Victoria series.

In the office on the 26th floor, Qin Fengling joked with a smile on his face: "I finished watching all the press conferences yesterday, where is your usual arrogance at me? At the critical moment, this handsome guy will be pulled out to block the robbery. I really feel distressed." Myself."

The man at the table kept turning a deaf ear, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Zhou Liqian looked at the screen intently, raised his head slightly for a while, and asked, "How about the thing I asked you to check last time?"

Speaking of this, Qin Fengling narrowed his narrow eagle eyes slightly, "Li Qian, this little assistant's friend is really not simple."

"How sure?" A complex emotion flashed in the man's eyes, if it was what he imagined, Shen Zhixin would never see Mo Ye again.

Qin Fengling took a sip of the coffee at the table, and suddenly said in a deep voice, "Ten."


Just as he was about to speak, the internal phone in the office rang suddenly.

"Mr. Zhou." Shen Zhixin flipped through the email just sent by the advertising department, "Victoria jewelry will be released on major e-commerce platforms tomorrow, and the person in charge has sent out the meaning and name of the follow-up jewelry. I would like to ask you to do a final review." .”

"You can figure it out." Zhou Liqian said lightly: "These are minor problems, if you are not sure, go to Secretary Lin to discuss."

Shen Zhixin shrugged her shoulders, and said in an unusually cheerful tone: "Okay."

Devil Zhou at work is really good at picking things up, so I don't need to see him now, it's my own wish.

Shen Zhixin scrolled through the document boredly, and when she saw Victoria1320, she suddenly became interested.

This thing is so expensive, how valuable is the name.

She curled her lips and glanced down.

I love you all my life.

What kind of miserable introduction is this.

After lunch, Shen Zhixin looked up at the wall clock, it was fourteen o'clock.

She yawned drowsily, and it was indeed her usual nap time.

At this time, the computer suddenly rang with a "ding dong".

Opening the window in a daze, Shen Zhixin's hazy eyes suddenly became clear.

A very short video was played on it. After compression, the picture quality was far from clear, but she could still tell at a glance that it was Mo Ye's figure.

"Leaves..." Shen Zhixin murmured.

In the picture, Mo Ye was forcibly dragged into a van, struggling with his feet, and after five seconds, he was completely submerged.

Looking at the signature again, her heart suddenly became cold.

This email is sent entirely anonymously.

Shen Zhixin didn't care about that much anymore, she looked at the vague shop name and started searching directly on the phone map.

MK Cafe.

Shen Zhixin turned on the real scene mode, and immediately locked the position.

right here!

Layers of cold sweat broke out on her forehead, she grabbed her bag and rushed to the elevator, "Yangyang! I'll go out for a while, and when Mr. Zhou comes back, remember to give him the documents on the table! Call me if you need anything!"

After going downstairs, Shen Zhi Xinfei also stopped a taxi, "Master, go to the China World Trade Center."

Along the way, her hand holding the doorknob trembled slightly.Mo Ye has disappeared for so long and there is no news, now he suddenly catches some rumors, it must be...

Thinking of this, her tears could no longer be stopped, and Xu Xu fell down.

If the best time to save her was delayed because of the nap just now, Shen Zhixin would definitely hate herself to death.

The International Trade Building arrived soon, she paid the money in a hurry, and just got out of the car when she collided with a little girl unexpectedly.

"Ah, it hurts so much!" The little girl on the ground exclaimed, Shen Zhixin hurriedly helped her up, while patting the dust on her body, she said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Auntie didn't do it on purpose."

The little girl shook her head obediently, and just took a step or two before falling back into her arms again.

"Auntie, Xixi's feet hurt so much, can I trouble you to take me home." Her small face wrinkled instantly.

Shen Zhixin was suddenly a little embarrassed, the MK cafe was just around the corner, and Ye Zi was still waiting for her...

At this moment, the little girl beside her touched her hand, and said pitifully, "Auntie, does she hate Xixi very much? Mom always said that Xixi is a monster, and no one would like me..."

When the words fell, she cried again.

Shen Zhi's heart softened, no matter what, she couldn't leave such a small child on the road, not to mention that she accidentally hurt her.

"Okay." Shen Zhixin nodded, and opened her hands accordingly, "Come on, I'll carry you away."

Xixi began to show the way, "Go forward... yes, then turn left, cross a road, it's just ahead, and we'll be there soon."

Five minutes later, Shen Zhixin stopped at the entrance of a deep alley.

"Is it here?" she asked in a low voice.

Sisi nodded.

Shen Zhixin took a few steps forward, and suddenly, the shadow of a third person appeared in front of her eyes.

Just as Shen Zhixin was about to turn her head, a strong smell of medicine suddenly rushed into her nostrils, and her eyes widened.

At some point, Xixi jumped off her body.Shen Zhixin's hands were empty, and he began to slap the hands that bound his body desperately. After a while, he felt dizzy in front of his eyes, and passed out immediately...

An hour later, Shen Zhixin gradually woke up from the darkness.

She felt dizzy and extremely uncomfortable.

With a slight movement, she accidentally scratched the wound on her knee, Shen Zhixin let out a "hiss", and immediately gasped.

The sound of the woman's high-heeled shoes was getting closer and closer, and Shen Zhixin suddenly raised her head. She was so familiar with this frequency!
After the iron gate was kicked open with a "bang", she saw Hu Hui and Lu Xue at a glance.

"So it's you!" Shen Zhixin's eyes gradually turned cold.

Seeing her embarrassed look, Hu Hui seemed relieved, she smiled and said to Lu Xue, "How about it, my efficiency is not bad."

The woman on the side nodded in satisfaction.

Shen Zhixin's heart almost sank to the bottom of the valley, her lips trembled and said: "So... so the mail, Xixi, all these things are arranged by you?"

"Of course." Lu Xue clapped her hands, "Didn't you always claim to be the most caring? If I don't take advantage of your weakness, how can I avenge myself?"

"Lu Xue, last time in Huayuan you clearly said..." As long as she invites Zhou Liqian out, the two of them will return to the bridge and return to the road.

"Oh, you'd better not mention this to me." Lu Xue slapped Shen Zhixin directly on the face.

"Zhou Liqian has never read my project proposal, and he has signed a contract with Xingchen this morning, what else do you have to say!"

"As you said, as long as I..."

"Slap!" Another loud slap.

Lu Xue said condescendingly: "What I said at the time was that if you help me get this order, I will consider letting you go." She paused, then continued to sneer: "Of course, it's just for consideration."

SS26 floor.

Zhou Liqian just came back from the outside, when he saw that Shen Zhixin's desk was empty, he couldn't help frowning.

"Where did she go?"

Yangyang was cleaning the table, and turned her head when she heard the sound, "Sister Xinxin just went out in a hurry, as if she was in a hurry."

The wound on her knee has just healed, and she can't move much at all.

Zhou Liqian's eyes sank slightly, and he took out his mobile phone and entered the office.

Here, the phone's notification tone rang at the right time.

Before Shen Zhixin could take it out, Hu Hui snatched it away.

She glanced at the screen, couldn't help but smiled and said, "Look, your old friend is calling."

Hu Hui walked up to her on high heels, and suddenly stretched her leg and kicked it.

Shen Zhixin covered his arms in pain.

"If it wasn't for you, Hongfeng Group wouldn't have come to this point, and Tianci wouldn't have gone to prison." After Hu Hui said these words, she didn't care about the astonishment on Shen Zhixin's face, and slapped her down. .

"What do you mean?" Lu Xue suddenly turned her head and asked.

Hu Hui shook her hands, and suddenly tightened Shen Zhixin's chin, and she almost went crazy: "You should ask this bitch about these things."

Shen Zhixin smiled wryly, she probably guessed what was the reason.

The Zhou Group has always followed the route of scientific research, and no matter how bad it is, it has its own real estate company.To buy Hongfeng, she thought that Zhou Liqian didn't have that much charm to make such a choice, but the incident of the class reunion might be the trigger.

In the office, Zhou Liqian's entire face darkened.

Two hours passed, Shen Zhixin didn't answer the phone, and she didn't come back.

After a while, he resolutely turned on the GPS of his mobile phone.

At this time, a small dot on the screen was dancing at the other end of City C.

Pingshan Road?
It's a freeway, and it's near the airport, what is she doing there?
Zhou Liqian frowned, thinking of this, he called Shen Zhixin again.

The beep sounded again.

In this quiet wilderness, the ringing of the bell suddenly sounded like a soul-snatching sound.

Hu Huigang explained the matter of Hongfeng to Lu Xue clearly, she was almost furious to the extreme, and picked up the phone with red eyes.

Zhou Liqian, Zhou Liqian again!
This time Lu Xue mercilessly pushed her against the wall, and her attack became more and more serious.

The heel of the high-heeled shoes kicked Shen Zhixin, she collapsed in pain, but she still clenched her teeth, not letting herself make a sound.

"Shen Zhixin, you are so charming. You not only robbed my man, but also ruined other people's property. What kind of medicine did you give Li Qian to make him treat you so heartily!"

After a while, after she let out her breath, she stopped again.

Hu Hui urged at the right time: "If you don't do one thing, you can just drag it to the yacht."

Throwing corpses in the deep sea is indeed a good choice.

A gleam flashed in Lu Xue's eyes. She didn't really know what the woman next to her was thinking.

Shen Zhixin knew that she couldn't escape today.

No matter how much guilt she felt for being cruelly beaten by Lu Xue so many times, it was almost offset by now.

Speaking of this, Shen Zhixin's mouth twitched into a broken smile, "So, that car accident was also planned by you, right?"

"Of course." Lu Xue fiddled with her newly made nails, she laughed and said, "Who else would hate you so much except us?"

"You must have missed one..."

Shen Zhixin suddenly laughed softly.

(End of this chapter)

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