Chapter 36
Of course, maybe Shen Hong still has her own ideas, but she has to admit that Shen Zhixin has benefited the most from this matter.

"Ms. Shen Hong is also in a girl group, so she may have her own ideas. I am very grateful that she can speak for me, but let's practice quickly!"

As soon as Shen Zhixin changed the topic, she transferred what she wanted to say to practice. After all, they still had to go to shoot, and there were still many things to practice.

It takes two and a half days to learn a song and the dance of the whole song. The most important thing is that these two and a half days also include a rest period. If you don’t work hard, the song and the dance will not match at all in the end. .

"It's hard to get this A. I don't want my grades to drop because of my lack of effort. I'm afraid I'll be ridiculed even more!"

When talking about these, Shen Zhixin still had a wry smile on his face.

What she said was right. If she was downgraded to another level in the case of A level, those people would definitely seize the previous gossip and say that she really has no strength, but relies on the sponsor.

After hearing this, Xiao Yuting also knew Shen Zhi's headache, so she didn't say anything else, and practiced with her.

Lin Meiling was naturally very angry after hearing what Teacher Shen Hong said.

She managed to let the person with the black spot who could become the opponent be excluded by others, but now Teacher Shen Hong's words knocked her arrangement to the ground, how could this make her feel at peace ?But no matter what to do now, it must be too late, and the next shoot will be done. If she wastes too much time on Shen Zhixin, the level of this shoot will definitely drop.

Although Lin Meiling's ability is very ordinary, she doesn't want to make a fool of herself in front of everyone, so she can only practice while calculating in her heart how to fix Shen Zhixin, it is best to make her unlucky, only in this way can she be able to Be more at ease.

Looking at the players practicing inside, Xia Lei couldn't help but said to Shen Hong who was beside him: "I didn't realize that you care so much about that trainee named Shen Zhixin."

Shen Hong had previously filmed a movie across borders, and the box office and ratings were not bad. At that time, she was cooperating with Xia Lei, and the two became familiar with each other because of this.

It was precisely because of this that Xia Lei was a little curious, why did Shen Hong suddenly speak for an unknown little girl? "At the time when the group was developing rapidly, I was said to have a financial backer. If it weren't for the slow spread of information at that time, and the fact that there were noble people to help, I am afraid that I would not be where I am now."

When Shen Hong talked about these things, she felt quite empathetic. The noble person who helped her at that time was the boss of the company who admired her all the time. Also a woman.

After hearing this, Xia Lei nodded. He still had some impressions about Shen Hong's past, but he didn't expect Shen Hong to think of Shen Zhixin because of this past event.

"However, I advise you to be more careful. The young people nowadays are full of twists and turns. It would be bad if we old seniors are tricked at that time."

Xia Lei seems to be gentle and easy to get along with, but in fact he is the most guarded person among these mentors. It is because of his gentle and easy to get along with that some ambitious people try to get more benefits from him. Xia Lei has long been accustomed to such things.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's just a matter of one or two sentences. Could it be possible that she can still make friends with me because of this?"

Shen Hong said these things to enable those trainees to practice well. If she really wanted to fight for Shen Zhixin, she should have said it more clearly and more harshly.

After the two teachers finished chatting, they went to do their own things and stopped paying attention to these trainees.

And before the shooting of the theme song started, all the trainees practiced day and night, in order to get a good ranking on the day of the shooting of the theme song.

Some people were practicing hard, while others were naturally distracted. Lin Meiling was thinking in her heart how to make trouble for Shen Zhixin.

After taking a nap at noon the day before the shooting, Lin Meiling, who got up and put on her shoes and accidentally got stuck on her feet by a small stone inside, suddenly thought of a good way.

They are now wearing practice clothes every day when they practice, but on the day of the official shooting, they will be given uniform clothes for shooting to evaluate their grades.

So if she can get her hands and feet in Shen Zhixin's clothes or shoes, wouldn't she make a fool of herself in front of the teacher?Thinking of this, Lin Meiling was very happy in her heart, but she still needed to consider how to do it, because she hadn't decided what to put in the opponent's shoes yet.

Hesitating like this, until it was time for dinner in the afternoon, everyone went to the logistics department of the program group to collect clothes according to the instructor's request.

When picking up clothes from the logistics department, she happened to hear Shen Zhixin's shoe size. Lin Meiling smiled and received a pair of shoes of the same size as Shen Zhixin.

Her feet are the same size as Shen Zhixin, so there is no need to worry about whether this move will arouse other people's suspicion.

Because there will be practice after picking up the clothes, everyone will temporarily store the clothes in the dressing room at the side. Lin Meiling also plans to use this opportunity to put the nails she prepared in Shen Zhixin's shoes.

However, she cleverly fixed the nails in her shoes, trying to find a chance to exchange the two pairs of shoes.

While everyone was going to practice, Lin Meiling deliberately found an opportunity to secretly go to the place where everyone stored shoes and clothes and exchanged the two pairs of shoes, and then went to the practice room with peace of mind.

Shen Zhixin returned to the dormitory at night with the clothes for tomorrow's assessment, unaware that someone had tampered with her shoes.

Because of tomorrow's shooting, Shen Zhixin didn't dare to stay up too late the night before, lest the shooting effect would be bad, so today he went to bed early.

When she got up the next morning and was about to practice wearing the clothes she was going to wear for shooting, Shen Zhixin suddenly felt a tingling pain in the soles of her feet.

After taking off the shoes, Shen Zhixin realized that the sole of her foot had been cut. It didn't look very serious, but it was still oozing blood.

Her slight exclamation also caught Xiao Yuting's attention, and when Xiao Yuting turned around, she saw Shen Zhixin's bloody soles.

"How is this going?"

Originally planning to stay in bed for a while and get up again, Xiao Yuting immediately got up from the bed after seeing this scene, then took out the medicine box, and helped Shen Zhixin to sit on the chair in front of the table.

The wound was not very serious, but it was difficult to deal with the blood stains. Seeing this, Xiao Yuting helped Shen Zhixin drag the socks and threw them into the trash can.

"Fortunately, when you put on your shoes just now, you didn't step on them directly, otherwise your whole foot might be pierced."

Xiao Yuting's words were a bit exaggerated, the nails that can be put into shoes naturally wouldn't grow to such an extent, but the tip of the nail was extra sharp for some reason, otherwise it wouldn't have made such a hole in the foot.

After smearing some hydrogen peroxide on Shen Zhixin's feet for disinfection, sprinkled with anti-inflammatory drugs, and then wrapped her feet with white gauze, Xiao Yuting said: "The theme song assessment and shooting will begin today, you Say your feet look like this, can you still participate in the competition?"

As soon as Shen Zhixin heard this, an inspiration flashed in his mind, and he knew why he was being plotted against today.

"You said, does the person who did this just not want me to participate in the competition?"

Stretching out his hand to call Xiao Yuting to her side, Shen Zhixin leaned against her ear and said these words softly.

Although the voice was soft, Xiao Yuting felt like a big stone was pressing on her heart, "If this is the case, the person who can do this is not..." Xiao Yuting didn't finish her words, but her eyes had already Expressed her doubts about the matter.

"Yes, I can't think of anyone else but her."

Sighing slightly, Shen Zhixin had to admit that although the two hadn't known each other for long, there was still some tacit understanding.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Looking at the scars on Shen Zhixin's feet pointedly, Xiao Yuting couldn't help but said happily: "Fortunately, you were careful when you put on your shoes just now, and the scars are not very serious, otherwise I'm afraid you will be sent to the hospital directly today." gone."

While talking, Xiao Yuting took out the nails that were taped to the edge of the shoe from the shoe.

Xiao Yuting had to admit that if anyone dared to say it was an accident after seeing the nail, then this person might be blind.

Because the tip of the nail was obviously polished by sandpaper, it was very sharp. Xiao Yuting gently put her hand on it, and with a little force, she saw a small wound on her hand.

"But now there is no proof, I can't do anything..." Shen Zhixin closed her eyes, with a burst of anger in her mind.

It's not that she didn't know that someone in this program had malicious intentions towards her, but she never thought that the maliciousness would be so deep that it almost cost her a foot.

"Let's do this first. I'll go to the infirmary to deal with it after I participate in the filming of the program today."

Just like what Xiao Yuting said, Shen Zhixin felt a little thankful that the wound wasn't very deep. Although it was bleeding, it didn't prevent her from participating in the competition.

"Don't you have any scruples at all? If that person sees you and you go to the competition after hurting your foot, she will follow up."

Xiao Yuting knew very well in her heart that some people's actions would not be stopped just once, and they would not eliminate those malicious intentions invisible just because they were in a collective environment.

"I just want to see what else she can do next!"

Shen Zhixin usually has a mild temper when getting along with Xiao Yuting, but this time she rarely showed her stubbornness in front of her, and it seems that she was very angry.

"Okay then, I'll help you go there when you go to practice later. If there's nothing wrong, you can sit aside and have a good rest. I will also bring gauze, anti-inflammatory drugs and hydrogen peroxide with me to help you treat the wound at any time."

With hydrogen peroxide to help disinfect, plus anti-inflammatory drugs and gauze, the wound on the foot should heal a little faster.

Glancing at Xiao Yuting gratefully, Shen Zhixin had to admit that without Xiao Yuting, she would be even more helpless.

Today Shen Zhixin did not avoid the practice room where Lin Meiling was, because of her foot injury, when she arrived in the practice room, there were already other people there.

Looking at Lin Meiling standing there, Shen Zhixin had an indifferent smile on her face, which was a little different from her usual appearance.

Seeing this, Xiao Yuting quickly stroked her back, fearing that the momentary anger would make her feel uncomfortable.

"Don't think that if a teacher speaks for you, I will have nothing to do with you."

As soon as she saw Shen Zhixin coming in, Lin Meiling's anger gushed out quickly, as if it was like a deep well, and when she saw Shen Zhixin, she felt a little restless. "

Then what do you want to do with me? "It's rare for Shen Zhixin to get tough in front of her. If it was yesterday, Shen Zhixin might still be thinking of calming things down and not embarrassing everyone.

But today, when she felt the tingling pain when her left foot stepped on the ground, Shen Zhi knew that there was no way for her to dodge, the person in front of her was malicious towards her.

When Shen Zhixin said these words, Lin Meiling also fell into a daze.

She didn't expect that Shen Zhixin, who was as soft as a lamb that could be handled at will in front of her yesterday, turned into a thorny hedgehog now.

"I didn't expect you to come to practice, it's shameless!"

But even so, Lin Meiling did not give up any possibility of attacking Shen Zhixin, after all, this is the only opponent she can deal with now.

"Yes, so what if I can still practice? The teacher advises you to practice more and stop gossiping. Didn't you understand?"

With a sarcastic smile on his face, Shen Zhixin's uncharacteristic appearance also attracted the attention of the surrounding trainees, and even pointed them out.

Because they didn't expect that Shen Zhixin, who was able to keep smiling under the stimulation of those ugly words yesterday, would be like a firecracker today, which is indeed a bit strange.

"By the way, your height is about the same as mine, and our shoe sizes should be about the same."

Shen Zhixin knew very well that before they came to this program group, the program group had already collected their body data, which naturally included shoe sizes.

Even after participating in the show, everyone's physical data will change to some extent, but the shoe size will not change.

In other words, all the people who come here have exactly one pair of shoes, and there will be no extras, and the other party can figure out what to put in her shoes, it is nothing more than the same size as hers, and then exchanged shoes ?Only in this way, the speed is the fastest.

Lin Meiling didn't expect that Shen Zhixin would be able to guess all her actions based on the facts and circumstances. However, because the other party had no evidence, she could only suffer a loss like this and dare not speak up.

(End of this chapter)

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