star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 356 No objection

Chapter 356 No objection
"A press conference will be held tomorrow. In addition to clarifying the previous matters, I also want to make a decision."

Shen Zhixin had actually considered this matter in her heart for a long time, but she had never discussed it with her friends, but now...she didn't want to wait any longer.

"What decision?"

Xiao Yuting was a little curious about the specific content of the matter, because she found that Shen Zhixin was obviously dodging when he said these words, as if he was guilty.

Xiao Yuting didn't know how to describe this feeling, but she could feel that Shen Zhixin who said these words was not as relaxed as she appeared on the surface.

"I, I actually... I don't want to be an actor anymore."


Xiao Yuting's eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she heard.

Shen Zhixin doesn't want to be an actor anymore, so what does she want to do?Could it be that because of this incident, she has given up on this industry?

"What are you talking about? You are not an actor, what else do you want to do? Maybe you have other ways... Maybe you have other ideas?"

Xiao Yuting didn't have much dislike for these things, she just wanted to know whether Shen Zhixin was sincere or false when she said these words, and whether there were other arrangements.

"I always feel that continuing to be an actor will make me feel a little uncomfortable. I want to be an agent. Do you think this is okay?"

When Shen Zhixin was in the industry before, although she didn't act in many scenes, most of the people she filmed with had a good relationship with her, so Shen Zhixin thought of such a way.

It might be easier to be a broker.

"If this is what you expect, I have no problem."

It's not that Xiao Yuting didn't have other thoughts in her heart, but seeing the expectation in Shen Zhixin's eyes, she was reluctant to say those words that hurt Shen Zhixin.

After all, Shen Zhixin has encountered many difficulties this time. If she continues to speak against her at this time, is she really going to force Shen Zhixin into a corner?
Unexpectedly, her friend would agree to her request so easily, Shen Zhixin's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe what the other party said.

"When you hesitated for the past two days and kept looking at me secretly, I had a hunch that you had something very important to tell me, so I was already prepared."

After hearing this, Shen Zhixin couldn't help but smile, not knowing what to say.

"Actually, after going through this incident, I also feel a little distressed. You always have to face such turmoil. Instead of staying in the showbiz and letting yourself suffer all kinds of grievances, it is really better to find a job that can work hard for you." A job that calms you down, an agent, may be more suitable for you."

Seeing the surprise in Shen Zhixin's eyes, Xiao Yuting smiled and said something very considerate.

"You can give it a try. If it doesn't suit us, we can try other professions. Anyway, you are still young."

Xiao Yuting patiently said this to Shen Zhixin, without any perfunctory emotions at all. Shen Zhixin is her best friend, and of course she hopes that he can live well.

When attending the press conference the next day, Shen Zhixin didn't feel any uncomfortable emotions in her heart with the confidence she had when she talked with Xiao Yuting yesterday.

Although this incident caused her to face many, many setbacks and embarrassments, but with the support of her friends, she can always move forward.

Sitting in the backstage of the press conference, listening to the noisy voices outside, Shen Zhixin was very calm, not as nervous as the previous few times.

Xiao Yuting sat beside her, holding her hand tightly with both hands, so it seemed that Xiao Yuting was more nervous.

Shen Zhixin smiled and patted Xiao Yuting's arms, telling her not to exert so much force and not to be nervous, her hands could already see red marks, which was enough to prove how nervous Xiao Yuting was.

Feeling that she seemed to be holding Shen Zhixin in pain, Xiao Yuting quickly pulled her hands away, with a hint of guilt in her eyes.

"Sorry, I'm just a little nervous. For a while, I don't know how the people below will react after you say those words."

As soon as Xiao Yuting finished speaking, the assistant ran to the backstage to inform them.

The press conference is about to start, and it will be broadcast live, so let them check their attire a little bit, and then they will go on stage to accept reporters' interviews.

After arranging their clothes, makeup and hairstyle in front of the mirror, the two of them looked at each other and smiled.The assistant led the way, and Shen Zhixin whispered to Xiao Yuting from behind: "Don't worry."

Xiao Yuting was taken aback for a moment, and then she understood what Shen Zhixin meant by saying this. Shen Zhixin's words were obviously answering the question she just asked.

Seeing the composure in Shen Zhixin's eyes, Xiao Yuting suddenly calmed down miraculously, and had to admit that the words the other party said were still very deceptive.

Sitting on the table that had already been set up, Shen Zhixin looked at the groups of reporters below, feeling a little surprised. Although she knew that this incident was actually quite a big one, she never expected that so many reporters would be interested in This thing is curious.

The host on the side announced: "The press conference begins!" After that, Xiao Yuting, as her manager, first stated what happened recently, and then explained the purpose of their holding this press conference. My focus today.

"In response to the recent online violence against Shen Zhixin and various defamatory and insulting words on the Internet, after the press conference, we will sort out relevant documents as evidence, and in addition to issuing the lawyer's letter, we will directly report it to the court. The program never fails."

Anyway, Shen Zhixin already planned not to be an actor, so they naturally had more confidence when they talked about this topic.

"May I ask why you made this decision? Isn't Ms. Xiao afraid that this Ms. Shen next to you has really killed someone, and instead threatened the reputation of the entire Aimeng entertainment company?"

These words are very provocative, Xiao Yuting has to admit, if it is not because she knows Shen Zhixin very well, if it is not because she and Shen Zhixin are close friends, she may really be deceived by these words.

"The reason why we did this is because we absolutely believe that Shen Zhixin will not do these things. I have been with her for so long, and I know her character very well. The most important thing is that on the day of the incident, I'm with Shen Zhixin, so I have enough reasons to trust her."

Xiao Yuting spoke very calmly, and did not show any panic or anger because of what the other party said, which was enough to show how sure she was of her answer.

And Xiao Yuting's words also made Shen Zhixin smile slightly.

"Miss Shen, may I ask why you are laughing now because everything Miss Xiao said is true, or because you are confident that you have deceived her, so you are laughing?"

Shen Zhixin couldn't help being comforted just because of her friend's trust, but she didn't expect that the expression on her face would be clearly seen by the reporters below.

And the live broadcast screen at the side was obviously agitated because of the reporter's words. Shen Zhixin didn't look at the live broadcast screen, because she knew very well in her heart that besides the normal netizens, there were many, many trolls bought by real murderers behind the scenes. and sunspots.

She didn't need to pay attention to what those people were saying, because what those people said would definitely not be good.

"The reason why I laugh is because I am very grateful to my friends who believe in me so much. When all the comments on the Internet think that I am a murderer, there are still people who are willing to support me and trust me. People feel very happy.”

Shen Zhixin's answer was very frank, she didn't mean to justify her behavior at all, she was just explaining why she laughed.

"Afterwards, if you have any questions, you can ask me directly. I think I, the client, should interest you more than interviewing my friends!"

Shen Zhixin changed from her mild and gentle communication attitude in the past, and immediately became sharper because she knew very well in her heart that the reporters in front of her would not let her go because of her gentleness.

"What? Don't you have any questions? We held a press conference and specially invited the police over. Don't you want to ask anything?"

Shen Zhixin looked at the silence of the reporters below because of what she said, and couldn't help asking them to ask questions quickly.

Shen Zhixin knew in her heart that these quiet appearances were just probing. These people actually hoped that others would get the result first, so she wanted to know how they planned to speak.

"Miss Shen, I have a question."

Sure enough, when no one around was making any movement, a reporter stood up unbearably lonely, looking at Shen Zhixin sharply, as if he wanted to use his own words to force Shen Zhixin to confess his guilt.

After the reporter attracted Shen Zhixin's attention, he directly asked his question.

"May I ask Miss Shen what you were doing on the day of the incident? Although Miss Xiao said that you were with her on the day of the incident, do you have any evidence to prove that you have nothing to do with the murderer? Maybe you paid for the murder? maybe."

After the reporter finished speaking, he stared at Shen Zhixin with burning eyes, as if he wanted to force the other party to confess the crime quickly.

Shen Zhixin looked at the other party calmly, without any guilt at all, because she knew very well in her heart that the reason why these people spoke so badly was that they hoped to annoy her.

"I think what you said makes sense."

The way Shen Zhixin affirmed this point without hesitation made the others a little surprised. They really did not expect that Shen Zhixin would directly affirm what kind of operation this is. Could it be that Shen Zhixin is crazy?

And her affirmative reply made the barrage completely crazy. Apart from those sailors and sunspots, netizens really wanted to know the reason why Shen Zhixin gave this answer.

"Excuse me, Ms. Shen, you are the murderer, right? Otherwise, why would you..."

"Can you listen to others before talking, is your upbringing just to interrupt casually?"

The reporter obviously thought he had caught Shen Zhixin's trick, and became emotional when he spoke.

But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Shen Zhixin.

Shen Zhixin's words also successfully changed the reporter's face, but the other party did not fight back immediately, but looked at Shen Zhixin coldly, as if to see what other reasons Shen Zhixin had.

"The reason why I think you are right is that I have no way to prove that the murderer has nothing to do with me, because no matter what evidence I present, if you think I am a murderer, you will think that I am a murderer." It's perjury, isn't it?"

As soon as Shen Zhixin said this, the big screen really started laughing. Although the content of Shen Zhixin's press conference sounded serious, in fact, what Shen Zhixin said was very interesting.

At least that reporter's face was flushed like a red tomato, and there was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

"What I have to do now is not to prove that the murderer has nothing to do with me, because this matter itself has nothing to do with me."

Shen Zhixin said this very calmly, without any change at all because of the eyes or words of the reporters below.

And her firm emotion also began to make those vacillating netizens on the Internet believe what she said. After all, seeing Shen Zhixin's reaction with his own eyes is still very convincing.

"The reason why I want to hold this press conference is just to explain to you what happened that day. If you still think that I paid for the murder, please show evidence instead of me providing my own innocence. prove."

"Then Miss Shen..."

The reporter obviously had other things to say, but Shen Zhixin directly invited the other reporter to stand up and ask her questions.

The reporter who asked the question at the beginning kept pestering him, as if he wanted to continue to embarrass Shen Zhixin.

But Shen Zhixin looked at her with a condensed expression, and said in a cold tone: "One person only has one question. I believe the host has already told you about this at the beginning. I have already answered your question completely. If you If you have any doubts, please continue to be brave when you ask the police for a while."

After saying this, another reporter stood up and asked about Shen Zhixin being taken to the police station.

Shen Zhixin had discussed these matters with the police in advance, so she told all the information that could be revealed, and she didn't seem to hide anything.

"The news posted on the Internet that I was arrested and taken to the police station, and the news that I wanted to plead guilty to the law is actually false. I was just one of the suspects and was taken to the police station for routine questioning. Besides me, many people related to Lin Xinxin were taken away."

Seeing Shen Zhixin deal with all this calmly, Xiao Yuting also relaxed a lot, they are only answering the reporter's questions now, after a while, after Shen Zhixin's bombshell is dropped, it will be those reporters who regret that they wasted asking questions. when the opportunity arises.

(End of this chapter)

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