star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 336 Quietly

Chapter 336 Quietly
Brother Wang really did not expect that Shen Zhixin would speak so clearly, so transparently that he felt a little scared. The woman in front of him was indeed not a simple woman.

But even so, Shen Zhixin's overly marketable performances still successfully deceived him. Although he had doubts about Shen Zhixin in his heart, he still didn't think that the other party was someone who could deceive him.

The old Liu Xinxin on the side frowned, and kept looking at Shen Zhixin, as if he wanted to know if there was anything else that could be analyzed about what this woman said just now.

But Shen Zhixin's performance was too calm, they didn't catch any flaws in Shen Zhixin at all, which made Shen Zhixin feel relieved.

Shen Zhixin knew very well that these people in front of her were not good people. The reason why they kept communicating with her was just to find her weakness, it should be said that they were looking for a direction to attack.

So now she has to show an attitude of invulnerability, and throw any possible life threats to other angles. Only in this way can she be guaranteed to survive. That's right, survival is Shen Zhixin's greatest wish now. .

"The voice just now was really inappropriate, should we change the place?"

Lao Liu frowned, still tentatively decided to take the whole team to a safer place to stay, because he couldn't believe that the loud noise just now was an accident, he preferred to believe that someone had tampered with it, Try to fool them for more benefits.

The reason why he said this was to see how Shen Zhixin would react when he wanted to take the people in the team to change direction and leave this place as soon as possible.

He also really wanted to leave. He felt that this place was no longer safe, and maybe he could get more benefits for them.

When talking about this, Lao Liu kept staring at Shen Zhixin, wanting to see more emotions from her face.

But what disappointed him was that Shen Zhixin still looked at him very calmly, not much different from before, as if the suggestion he just made had no effect on Shen Zhixin.

This made Lao Liu couldn't help frowning, as if he was thinking about what method to use to arouse Shen Zhixin's emotions.

It's no wonder that he was so vigilant, it's because Shen Zhixin is a bit evil, he doesn't know how to describe this feeling, but he has to admit this, that woman is indeed not as easy to deal with as he imagined.

Hearing the news that these people were going to change positions, although Shen Zhixin had thousands of reluctances in her heart, the expression on her face was still very flat, as if the request made by the other party had nothing to do with her. .

Shen Zhixin knew very well that that old Liu had always doubted her, never believed her, and other people would relax towards her more or less, but that old Liu was like a tension from the beginning to the end. Like a tight steel wire, always focus on her body.

Therefore, no matter what, she can't show any flaws in front of that person, because that will definitely make her fall into a catastrophe.

So when talking about these topics, Shen Zhixin is very calm, there is no possibility that she will be exposed, even if it is acting, she has to act every detail in the most real and appropriate way, and she will never let others doubt Degree.

Seeing Shen Zhixin's calm expression, Brother Wang who knew Lao Liu made this decision began to feel a little worried.

He wasn't worried that Shen Zhixin would do some other troublesome things, what he was worried about was that Lao Liu's judgment was wrong, and once they left this place, it would cause some troubles.

"It's better not to leave for the time being. We are more familiar with this place. If there is any problem, we can retreat in time. If we leave, I don't know if the replacement place will be more suitable."

Brother Wang said such things, even if Lao Liu had thousands of thoughts in his mind, he couldn't put them into practice at this moment, so he could only nod his head and agree with Brother Wang's words.

Shen Zhixin still had no expression on her face, but in fact, her heart was already filled with joy.

She really did not expect that the first person who objected to leaving here would be Brother Wang.

After all, in her opinion, that Brother Wang should not have the intention to refute. After all, Lao Liu is Brother Wang's confidant, but it turned out that the two of them could not be 100% sure of each other's opinions. It's really interesting.

After confirming Shen Zhixin's situation, the bodyguard immediately called Zhou Liqian and the others.

The bodyguards didn't dare to stay nearby for too long, so they notified Zhou Liqian and the others of this matter after a little distance.

After all, Shen Zhixin's safety is the most important thing, and they all knew this in their hearts, so when they informed Zhou Liqian, they unconsciously brought a little excitement in their hearts.

When Zhou Liqian heard that they had found Shen Zhixin and went downstairs, he was already so excited that he didn't know what expression to make.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yuting who was on the side staring at her cell phone, he would very likely have made some overly excited moves.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Give me an answer!"

Xiao Yuting stared anxiously at Zhou Liqian, as if she wanted to get more news from him.

After Zhou Liqian hung up the phone, he told the few people in front of him the information he had just heard.

"The bodyguards called me just now. They said they had found Shen Zhixin's whereabouts, and they also informed her that they would rescue her, so that she could feel at ease."

Hearing this, Xiao Yuting showed an excited expression on her face, and Zhao Mo who was beside her also let out a long sigh of relief.

In any case, Shen Zhixin was able to be rescued, which was something to be thankful for them.

"What we have to do now is to quickly arrange manpower to respond to those bodyguards, and then rescue them..."

While talking, Xiao Yuting took out her mobile phone, as if she wanted to call the Xiao family and ask her bodyguards to come and cooperate to rescue Shen Zhixin.

But as soon as she took out her mobile phone, Zhou Liqian on the side directly picked up her phone and put it aside, showing that she didn't want her to call to notify her family.

"What are you doing? Is it possible that you are worried that after I bring people to rescue Shen Zhixin, I will not give you any benefits. Don't worry, I will make it clear to Shen Zhixin how much you helped her in this matter. "

Xiao Yuting thought that Zhou Liqian didn't want her to share the credit, so she made such an action.

But Zhou Liqian shook his head, denying Xiao Yuting's judgment without hesitation.

"It's not that I don't want you to share the credit, I just hope that you don't send people."

After hearing this, Xiao Yuting's eyes revealed a hint of doubt.

Can't there be an equal sign between not wanting her to share the credit and not wanting her to send people?How come Zhou Liqian's words are so strange, it always feels like he is deliberately misinterpreting the meaning of what she said.

"That's good. Give me an explanation. If you can convince me, I won't let the Xiao family go."

When rescuing Shen Zhixin, no matter how many problems there were, Xiao Yuting could bear those grievances, but now that Shen Zhixin has been found, she doesn't need to continue to clean up these messy things at this time.

Seeing Xiao Yuting's reaction, it was like this, Zhou Liqian sighed, and then said: "The bodyguards of the Xiao family have never cooperated with the bodyguards of the Zhou family before, are you sure that it is a matter of letting them come over to rescue Shen Zhixin together?" Is it the right thing?"

Unexpectedly, Zhou Liqian would consider this direction, Xiao Yuting was taken aback for a moment, and then understood the true meaning of the other party's words.

To put it bluntly, Zhou Liqian was worried that the inexperienced cooperation would affect Shen Zhixin's safety, so he hoped that she would not cooperate to avoid threatening Shen Zhixin's personal safety.

After figuring this out, when discussing this issue, Xiao Yuting will be able to be more objective and take Zhou Liqian's attitude more seriously, instead of being tit-for-tat like in the beginning.

"So how do you want to do it?"

Seeing that Xiao Yuting had calmed down, Zhou Liqian breathed a sigh of relief. He and Xiao Yuting had cooperated well these two days, so he didn't want any big problems to arise when Shen Zhixin could be rescued immediately.

Because that will definitely make him very embarrassed, and it will also make the people on the side very embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Zhou Liqian glanced at Zhao Mo who was sitting there, and then said: "Actually, the matter is very simple, you don't need to intervene, you just need to wait for the result here, after all, you can't leave people here, you have to help me Keep an eye on Lin Xinxin, don't let that woman do anything wrong."

After Zhou Liqian said this, Xiao Yuting was taken aback for a moment, and then understood the meaning of the other party's words.

She widened her eyes, looked at Zhou Liqian in disbelief, and then said: "You mean, let me stay here, you are going to rescue Shen Zhixin, right?"

Xiao Yuting is not a fool, of course she could understand what the other person meant, but she never thought that Zhou Liqian would make such a decision.

"Yes, isn't this a very normal thing? I am the master of the Zhou family, and those bodyguards are naturally more familiar with me, so it will be easier for me to cooperate with them. Lin Xinxin cannot lack guards here. With you here, you will definitely not let go of the person who might hurt Shen Zhixin, right?"

After hearing these words, Xiao Yuting didn't know what to say in order to refute.

She stared blankly at Zhou Liqian, as if she wanted to know what other reasons this man could find to let her do these jobs.

"I also think this is more appropriate."

Seeing that Zhou Liqian seemed to have made up his mind, Zhao Mo, who was ready to move, directly expressed his own opinion.

Xiao Yuting didn't expect that her lover would turn to Zhou Liqian, which made her a little bit at a loss for a while.

"You are also facing him, and I just want to save Xinxin. What's the matter? If one or two of you stop me like this, will I still hurt Xinxin?"

Xiao Yuting really didn't know what kind of mistake she made in trying to rescue Shen Zhixin, so that all these people opened their mouths to stop her.

"This is really ridiculous! Isn't it the most important thing to rescue Shen Zhixin now?"

The reason why Zhao Mo dissuaded him was because he didn't want Xiao Yuting to be involved in a dangerous situation. Even if Xiao Yuting had good physical fitness, she couldn't compare with those professional bodyguards, let alone Zhou Liqian who had been specially trained.

So after she passes by, the biggest possibility is that she will be delayed, if it is normal, it will be fine, but this time, if she delays in order to save people, it will cause endless troubles.

That's why Zhao Mo was unwilling to let Xiao Yuting go out to take this risk at this time, because she didn't know how much she would go through. If Shen Zhixin was rescued by then, but Xiao Yuting was injured, this would be the biggest blow to him.

"You also said that rescuing Shen Zhixin is the most important thing. Shouldn't you listen to the arrangement at this time?"

No matter what kind of excuses Xiao Yuting made, Zhou Liqian's words completely left her no room to resist, because she knew very well in her heart that what Zhou Liqian said was correct.

She just wanted to save Shen Zhixin, not to show off, so as long as she could save Shen Zhixin, other things were acceptable to her.

"Well, I will keep an eye on Lin Xinxin in the villa and never let her have a chance to escape. Please also save Xinxin and don't let her get hurt."

After hearing Xiao Yuting's entrustment, Zhou Liqian just nodded, without showing too much emotion, but directly called Zhou's bodyguard, and then called Zhao Mo to discuss how to rescue Shen Zhixin.

Xiao Yuting sat on the side and listened to all this calmly. She was very excited and wanted to intervene, but she knew that staying here and waiting was the most correct choice.

She can't endanger Shen Zhixin's life just because of her momentary bravery.

Seeing that the two people gradually perfected the rescue plan while communicating with the bodyguards, Xiao Yuting no longer worried any longer.

None of these men are easy-going, so there's no need for her to worry so much at this moment.

Shen Zhixin felt a lot more relaxed after seeing that person's movements during the day, although she couldn't see any big difference from the previous two days, but she really relaxed a lot in her heart.

It was a very, very happy thing for someone to come to rescue her. She was finally able to isolate the possible danger and escaped from here smoothly.

Thinking of these, Shen Zhixin was very, very excited.

Of course, she still didn't dare to show any emotions on the surface, and would only maintain a similar state as before, not too high or too depressed, because that would attract the attention of the kidnappers.

At about 10:00 in the evening, Zhou Liqian brought people and Zhao Mo came together, and the warehouse where Shen Zhixin was being held, which they found, seemed to be waiting for the best opportunity.

The bodyguards had already figured out the route of action and the specific number of these kidnappers, so naturally there would not be too many problems in solving them.

Zhou Liqian also didn't have the idea of ​​charging forward, he wanted to save Shen Zhixin, so he hoped that the whole plan would go smoothly, and the most correct choice would be not to act indiscriminately.

(End of this chapter)

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