star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 33 On-Site Shooting

Chapter 33 On-Site Shooting
Walking with Daliu, after arriving at the dormitory, put the suitcase there, and the girls are ready to go to the shooting location.

The shooting location is in the building next door, so they still need to move quickly.

At this moment, a girl beside Shen Zhixin patted her on the shoulder in a friendly manner, and said to her, "Hello, my name is Xiao Yuting, what's your name?" The girl's attitude was quite friendly, and Shen Zhixin smiled. He smiled, introduced himself, and then started chatting with her.

This time, when Shen Zhixin came to participate in the program, there were also other people in the company, but because everyone was under different managers, they were not familiar with each other.

In addition, Shen Zhixin didn't spend much time with them on weekdays, so she didn't know them well.

But it doesn't matter, Shen Zhixin won't have too much to do with them in this performance, so even if they are not familiar, there is no other problem.

And most importantly, after being transferred to Zhao Mo as an artist, her management contract was automatically transferred from the company to Zhao Mo's studio.

Although this studio is affiliated with the name of Tiancheng Entertainment, it has its own independent operation method. Zhou Liqian also wanted to let Shen Zhixin enjoy more freedom, which was also a surprise for her.

Perhaps it was because of nervousness, Shen Zhixin's thoughts about these things kept replaying in her mind, so nervous that she sat on her seat, and looked a little distracted.

Coincidentally, the person sitting next to Shen Zhixin was Xiao Yuting who had just talked to her on the way here. Seeing that Shen Zhixin seemed to be distracted, she quickly patted her on the shoulder to call her attention back to the program in front of her. middle.

Filming is going on now, if some bad actions are filmed, it will indeed affect the subsequent development.

After realizing that she was a little distracted, Shen Zhixin smiled at Xiao Yuting who was beside her, and she was really grateful in her heart.

The other party's contact with her was only a few words, but it was indeed not easy to recall her state under so many cameras.

The whole shooting can be said to be very boring, far more boring than Shen Zhixin imagined. There are about a hundred contestants, and each of them has to enter the arena one by one.

The camera wanted to record this scene, and Shen Zhixin came out relatively early, sitting on the chair and feeling like she was about to fall asleep.

Because of her injuries, she didn't have a good rest yesterday, and today she got up early to do styling, and there was no room to sleep at all, so that now after calming down those complicated emotions, her calm state of mind made her a little sleepy .

Trying to keep her eyes wide open, Shen Zhixin could only try her best to focus her attention on the shooting, not daring to be distracted in the slightest.

After all the contestants sat down in their seats, Shen Zhixin breathed a sigh of relief.

After the instructor came, they were about to start performing, and they shouldn't be so sleepy as before that they couldn't open their eyes.

It's a pity that Shen Zhi's thoughts are still a little simple. She has put in a lot of effort to seize this opportunity, but it doesn't mean that everyone will put in the effort.

Seeing the poor performance of the second girl on stage, Shen Zhixin couldn't help being a little surprised, but she didn't say much.

The other party's performance has nothing to do with her, she still remembers what Zhao Mo said to her before.

Shen Zhixin, from the same company, didn't pay too much attention, her performance was about to start, and she was working hard to prepare backstage, for fear that some other minor problems would arise soon.

A bright-looking and domineering girl at the side couldn't help but sneer after seeing this scene, and then said loudly: "Look at some people, it's just that I don't work hard, and it's ridiculous to still hold my feet here temporarily."

Shen Zhixin was taken aback for a moment, looked left and right, and found that there seemed to be no one else here except herself and that group, so she looked strangely at the girl who was standing there just talking.

I don't blame her for making such an expression, but she really didn't understand that there was no intersection between herself and them, why did the other party suddenly say something to mock her?But this doubt can't stay in her heart for too long, because she is going to go on stage now.

The prepared song is a song composed by Shen Zhixin himself, and the difficulty is not low, so he must treat it with all his heart.

After greeting several judges and teachers, Xia Lei, the most experienced singer sitting in the middle, asked Shen Zhixin's thoughts in this song with great interest, because he could see It turns out that this song is not very popular.

Shen Zhixin smiled embarrassingly, and then explained: "Actually, I suddenly had an idea when I was reading fairy tales. After all, fairy tales are so beautiful, but real life is far from that, so I just bear with it." I can’t help but want to write a little bit of rebellious stuff.”

Shen Zhixin's outfit today looks like a witch, and with the totem drawn on her body, Xia Lei has to admit that this opening scene is quite interesting.

Standing on the stage, holding the microphone, looking at the surrounding cameras and flashlights, the events of that year came to mind again, and Shen Zhixin's nervous body was trembling.

Trying to calm down my emotions, the ethereal singing sounded.

"A forest full of thorns, my princess, come quickly, and see how wonderful it will be with your blood on the branches..." The lyrics seem to be very simple, but because the tune is difficult, it is difficult to sing. It wasn't easy, but fortunately, Shen Zhixin's basic skills were relatively solid, so when she finished this song, she was relatively perfect, both in terms of emotion and singing skills.

What reassured Shen Zhixin was that after she finished singing, the teachers sitting opposite looked at her with rather appreciative eyes, which made Shen Zhixin relax a little.

Regardless of the final evaluation result, at least she did not have any problems in terms of performance.

"Apart from that, do you have any other talents?"

Shen Hong on the side looked at Shen Zhixin in front of him with appreciation, and asked this sentence kindly.

Shen Hong is a member of the No. [-] women's celestial group in China. Although the group was established ten years ago, its popularity has remained high, which is enough to show the strength of this person in front of her.

"Get ready for a talent show!"

Shen Zhixin smiled, and immediately felt relieved. She had done some small designs when she came here before, so she would not have any worries or fears about the talent show.

There is a layer of robes on the outside of the witch's attire. After Shen Zhixin took off the gorgeous robe on the outside, there is a beautiful tutu skirt on the inside.

After putting on her dancing shoes, Shen Zhixin danced ballet on the spot.

In fact, Shen Zhixin's ballet level is not very high, but because of her adequate preparation, the proficiency of this dance has also been better reflected.

Seeing the reactions of the teachers facing her after dancing, Shen Zhixin was relieved.

The appreciation in Teacher Shen Hong's eyes was obvious, and Shen Zhixin felt that she should have nothing to worry about.

Sure enough, after discussing with several judges, they gave Shen Zhixin an A grade, which made her very happy.

In fact, Shen Zhixin has been worried before, if she is relatively backward in the evaluation level, how can she learn better and display her strength, now it seems that as long as she works hard, she will still gain a lot.

After getting an A, Shen Zhixin was very happy, and watched the next program with great energy and vitality.

It's a pity that no matter how energetic you are, even after 12 hours of continuous filming with only an hour of rest in between, you will still feel very tired.

Fortunately, the shooting time for these [-] people ended before [-]:[-] am the next day, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

To stay up until five in the morning is quite a feat, and with so many people.

After the instructors said some words of encouragement, the program team arranged for them to go to rest quickly. Before that, they just temporarily stored their suitcases in the dormitory. Now that the dormitory has been rearranged, they naturally have to move their suitcases back to the dormitory as soon as possible.

Shen Zhixin was injured, so she didn't want to be crowded with others when she left, and she was a bit slower. When she arrived at the dormitory where the suitcases were stored before, some trainees had already moved over.

While greeting those people and saying sorry, Shen Zhixin finally managed to push the suitcase out of the dormitory, but before she left, the ridicule from behind suddenly came again.

"The song just now is obviously terrible. Ballet is just a simple skill. I really don't know how some people get A's. It's really annoying. When I come to this show, I have to watch people who go through the back door perform here."

When Shen Zhixin turned her head, she found that it was the girl who taunted her before. She remembered that this girl was called Lin Meiling.

The ridicule again made Shen Zhixin even more curious, what kind of dispute did this woman have with her?Why do you keep targeting her like this?It's no wonder Shen Zhixin's reaction is so sensitive, it's because the other party's malice is too obvious, she can't understand why this happened?However, Shen Zhixin just shook her head helplessly, pretending to be tolerant, and then left quickly. It wasn't that she wasn't angry, it was just that she couldn't be angry now.

After arriving at the dormitory, she found that Xiao Yuting was in the same dormitory with her, which surprised her a bit. After all, all the other people in their dormitory were A-level, but Xiao Yuting got a B-level. Why did she live with them?After learning that it was because of the arrangement of the dormitory that the number of people had deviated, which led to such a thing, Shen Zhixin didn't say much.

After all, she felt pretty good when she chatted with this Xiao Yuting just now, so living together should make it easier to get along.

After she finished packing the things in the suitcase, everyone went to bed, and when they woke up, it was already afternoon.

Seeing Shen Zhixin waking up, Xiao Yuting asked her to go buy some food together, after all the practice might be very late, sometimes when she came back in the middle of the night, she might need to eat something.

For this invitation, Shen Zhixin did not refuse. When she came, Zhao Mo had already given her some cash to use here, so there was no need to worry about the money issue.

Walking on the road, after making sure that there was no one around, Shen Zhixin said, "Do you know that Lin Meiling? Who is she?"

"You mean Lin Meiling?"

Xiao Yuting froze for a moment, but asked a little strangely, "Why did you suddenly ask me this question?"

"Because I saw you talking to someone from the same company as Lin Meiling just now? So I want to ask you, when I went to pick up my luggage, she suddenly said something unpleasant, so I'm curious, what offended me she?"

Shen Zhixin was very sure that he had never met her before, so he was very puzzled by this matter.

Hearing this, Xiao Yuting nodded, and then said helplessly: "You don't need to worry about her, she is always like that in the team, even I heard from my friend that she is like that in the company. If you are powerful or better than her, you have to go up and make a few sarcastic remarks, either to say that he has a backer, or that he has a financial backer behind him."

After Xiao Yuting said this, Shen Zhixin was completely shocked. She never thought that such a thing would happen. How could it sound so unspeakable.

"Isn't she afraid of offending someone? Does she feel uncomfortable? "

If she is as arrogant as she is, she will definitely offend some people. After all, there are so many people in the company, it is impossible for her to escape the responsibility of slandering others successfully every time.

"I heard that her father seems to be the president of some association or something. Anyway, the family is quite rich, so maybe he doesn't care about it!"

With a helpless sigh, Shen Zhixin finally understood that she hadn't offended the other party at all, but the other party had been picking on her all the year round, and now it was only on her head.

"But when I was preparing backstage, she had already said some nonsense. At that time, I hadn't performed a show yet. Did she already think that I was better than her?"

When it came to this, Shen Zhixin was a little helpless.

Only then did Xiao Yuting realize that the people around her were not as cold as she had seen them at first, and they even had some sense of humor, so she immediately felt relieved and spoke more relaxedly.

"Because you were very conspicuously dressed yesterday. You can tell that it was carefully designed at a glance. Whether you are capable or not, at least you will be remembered in the first issue."

After saying this conjecture, Shen Zhixin was a little stunned.

She didn't expect it to be for this reason. It seems that impressing people in the first issue is a good thing, but it is also a troublesome thing.

"But their dormitory is quite far from ours, so you don't have to worry too much, as long as you don't meet her, it's fine. She's not in class A, so you don't have to worry."

Shen Zhixin is very capable, so she doesn't have to worry about how those people who are not as capable as her will slander her behind her back, at least in Xiao Yuting's view.

"I hope, I just hope that I won't be performing in the same group as her in the future, otherwise it will not only delay my progress, but may also produce some kind of moth."

Speaking of this, Shen Zhixin was really helpless. The sudden appearance of such a person in the program group made the cordon in her heart tense.

It seems that she needs to inform Zhao Mo about this matter. Although she doesn't know if the other party will do anything, it's better to prepare in advance. It's always better to plan ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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