Chapter 315

Thinking that Xiao Yuting's actions were all for her own sake, Shen Zhixin couldn't help but sighed, looking at Xiao Yuting with gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you for helping me so much in this matter."

Hearing Shen Zhixin's thanks, Xiao Yuting was a little embarrassed. Xiao Yuting, who was majestic in front of others, was always a good friend who was easy to get along with and gentle in front of Shen Zhixin.

"It's right to be nice to you. What's the relationship between us? Who are they? If you don't target them, you think we are easy to bully!"

On the other hand, after Ge Xiao returned home, he was also extremely angry.

She really did not expect that Shen Zhixin could escape her attack. She had been in that reading room for so long, and even hid her whereabouts on purpose. When the photographer was about to catch up with her, she revisited from another angle. He entered that reading room just to erase the hands and feet he had moved in the middle, but he did not expect that woman Shen Zhixin to be able to escape. This is really infuriating.

She couldn't help but took a deep breath, Ge Xiao's eyes were full of sternness, she would never allow that woman to continue jumping in front of her, if she shoots next time, she will definitely find a suitable opportunity to teach her a lesson.

Of course Ge Xiao knew that her actions would arouse Zhou Liqian's anger, but at this moment she couldn't care about so many things anymore.

If Shen Zhixin cannot be resolved, there will always be a trace of negative emotions in her heart, which will definitely affect her future development.

It's a good idea to let Shen Zhixin learn a lesson and erase her negative thoughts.

Of course, Shen Zhixin didn't know what Ge Xiao was thinking at this moment. After she got off the plane, she went directly to the hospital with Xiao Yuting.

The fans who were guarding felt a little strange when they saw that Shen Zhixin was heading in the direction of the hospital.

They silently followed behind Shen Zhixin's car, just to see Shen Zhixin say hello to them, and then go back to the direction of the company.

But Shen Zhixin's direction is not as they imagined, is there something wrong with Shen Zhixin?

When they thought of these people, they were filled with worry, and they didn't start to worry until they saw Shen Zhixin getting off the car and being helped by Xiao Yuting into the hospital.

If they only cared about Shen Zhixin at the beginning, they might feel a little uncomfortable, but now seeing Shen Zhixin's weak state while being supported, those fans couldn't sit still anymore.

Of course, Xiao Yuting knew that those fans were following, so she planned to arrange for these fans so that they would not make trouble at this time.

She has no way to stop those fans from following them, but she has a way to make those fans not do any impulsive behavior for the time being.

After Shen Zhixin entered the hospital with Xiao Yuting, Shen Zhixin's assistant got out of the car and stood in front of these fans, watching them look a little angry, smiled and handed the gift Shen Zhixin had prepared in advance to the fans.

The fan pick-up here was arranged by the support club, about 20 people came, so Shen Zhixin prepared 50 gifts in advance, fearing that if there were more people coming, there was no way to give them some small surprises .

After distributing the gifts to the fans, the assistant smiled and said, "Please go back quickly after you have taken the gifts, otherwise sister Xinxin will definitely be worried when it gets late."

After the assistant finished speaking, he heard a fan excitedly ask why Shen Zhixin went to the hospital.

The assistant had thought of this a long time ago, so she didn't have too much anger about the fans' questions, because her anger was slowly suppressed after learning some news from Xiao Yuting this morning .

And what she has to do now is to help Shen Zhixin deal with these fans who may be a little emotional.

"Sister Xinxin was injured because she accidentally encountered a specific situation during the filming process. The program team will give a more official explanation at that time. It is not convenient for us to disclose too many things. After all, it has something to do with the content of the shooting, and we all have to keep it secret.”

When the assistant talked about these topics, he still had a soothing expression on his face, as if he wanted the fans to calm down temporarily.

Fans also know that this assistant has always taken care of Shen Zhixin very, very well, and even everything will be considered first for Shen Zhixin, so they don't think that the company will have the intention to abuse Shen Zhixin.

You know, this Aimeng Entertainment Company is Xiao Yuting's property, and the relationship between Xiao Yuting and Shen Zhixin is so close, how could there be a problem?
After thinking about it, Shen Zhixin would be hurt only if the program team calculated all of this!
If Xiao Yuting knew that the life-and-death confidant image she had established with Shen Zhixin before would make fans put all the blame on the show crew, she would have laughed very happily.

"Please rest assured, with me and Sister Tingting taking care of her, there will be no problems with Sister Xinxin. Sister Xinxin will go to film a TV series in two days. If there is a problem, we will not let her schedule So compact!"

After hearing the assistant's words, those fans really calmed down slowly, and were no longer as excited as they were at the beginning.

They all knew in their hearts that it was Shen Zhixin's best choice to choose Aimeng Entertainment Company. The owner of Aimeng Entertainment Company was Xiao Yuting, and Xiao Yuting would definitely take care of Shen Zhixin.

After evacuating those overly excited fans, the assistant breathed a sigh of relief, and turned back to the hospital to inquire about the current situation.

After the inspection results came out, the assistant felt a lot more relaxed when he saw the results on the report.

It seemed that things were much better than she had imagined. At least the scars on Shen Zhixin's body were not too important, nor would they cause too many problems, nor would they cause any harm to her internal body.

"I told you it's all right?"

The assistant obediently followed behind, listening to the bickering between Xiao Yuting and Shen Zhixin, with a relaxed smile on his face.

After returning home, Shen Zhixin directly reported the news that she was very safe to everyone on Weibo, and then sent a selfie to those fans who were very worried.

After seeing Shen Zhixin's selfie and news, fans also relaxed a lot. Although some people may question whether Shen Zhixin is forced to open business now, most people still believe the news released by Shen Zhixin.

Early the next morning, after Shen Zhixin woke up, before he had time to eat breakfast, there was a knock on the door of Xiao's house.

After the housekeeper went to open the door, he found that it was Wen Bin, so after asking Xiao Yuting for instructions, he welcomed Wen Bin in.

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

Seeing Wen Bin appearing here, Shen Zhixin was indeed a little surprised, because she didn't expect that the other party would put down the scene he was filming and come to find her.

Shen Zhixin has been busy filming variety shows these days, and of course Wen Bin will not be idle at this time.

He took care of Shen Zhixin and put down a lot of good scripts in the past two years, and now he has finally returned to the entertainment circle to continue filming. Naturally, his agent accepted a very important drama that tested his acting skills for him.

"It happens that I don't have a role today, so I talked to the director team and came out to see you. How are you doing now?"

"Actually it's fine..."

Shen Zhixin smiled and told Wen Bin everything that happened during the shooting the night before yesterday, and then said: "That bookshelf just formed a triangle with the bookshelf in front of me, and it didn't directly press on it. The scars on my body and behind me are mainly caused by heavy newspapers."

While speaking, Shen Zhixin gently lifted up the clothes on her back, and let Wen Bin take a look at the situation.

Seeing the pale bruises, Wen Bin relaxed a lot.

"I heard that Lin Xinxin will be in the scene you're going to shoot next."

When Wen Bin said this, Shen Zhixin's face turned ugly. Of course, she was not targeting Wen Bin, but Lin Xinxin.

That woman was so disgusting, she didn't want to, nor did she want to be angry because of that woman, but she couldn't control her emotions.

"I can't help it either. It's actually the director's team. I've discussed it with Lin Xinxin in advance. I made the decision at the end. Of course I can't refuse the other party's request."

In fact, if Xiao Yuting forces the crew to expel Lin Xinxin, that would be a feasible solution, but the problem is how the rest of the crew will treat Shen Zhixin after Lin Xinxin is driven away. This is something Xiao Yuting needs to consider .

After all, Shen Zhixin is an artist, and she will continue to survive in the entertainment industry. If people think that Shen Zhixin is a bully, it will not benefit her future development at all.

So no matter how angry they were, they could only swallow this bitter fruit secretly.

"I'll help you find a way to replace her from the crew!"

Wen Bin does have this right, he is developing well, and he is also friends with the director of the crew that Shen Zhixin is about to shoot, but these few words, Lin Xinxin is playing a supporting role, so it shouldn't cause too much conflict .

"No, you don't have to worry about this matter for me, I will handle it myself."

After hearing Wen Bin's words, Shen Zhixin shook her head, but still rejected the other party's request.

She didn't want to embarrass Xiao Yuting or Wen Bin at this time, so she was willing to deal with these problems by herself.

"You have to believe me, I can't even solve this little thing, can I?"

Shen Zhixin's eyes were full of sincerity, and Xiao Yuting didn't know what to say after seeing it, so she could only silently close her mouth, showing a deep look.

"What? Do you think I'm going to lie to you about this?"

Shen Zhixin's eyes were full of smiles, and she was very gentle when she looked at Wen Bin.

Wen Bin shook his head helplessly, and said with a touch of pity in his tone: "I just love you."

Hearing this, a blush appeared on Shen Zhixin's face.

Looking at the way these two get along, Xiao Yuting finally sensed that there was something wrong with the two of them.

Wen Bin is too kind to Shen Zhixin, it's not bad, it's just that this kind of kindness has a kind of flattery and a strong desire to tie the other party to his side, it's not like a boyfriend who is naturally kind to his girlfriend .

And Shen Zhixin's performance towards Wen Binshi is also a bit formatted. The other party blushes a little when he says something nice, happy when the other party is willing to get close, and grateful when the other party is worried. This is just like a computer setting Same procedure.

If it wasn't for the fact that Shen Zhixin's behavior was so vivid when she got along with Shen Zhixin, she would have wondered if Shen Zhixin was possessed by something.

"Are you guys going on a date today?"

Wen Bin finally had time to come out to gather with the clan, Shen Zhixin happened to be fine today, and Xiao Yuting would not stop these two couples from going out on a date.

But after hearing Xiao Yuting's words, Wen Bin subconsciously glanced at Shen Zhixin first, and found that the other party was hesitating and didn't agree immediately, so he said: "I have some other things to do in the afternoon. Just make an appointment another day if you have time!"

After Wen Bin said this, Shen Zhixin sighed heartily, and nodded in agreement with the other party's request, then Wen Bin got up and left, not staying here any longer.

After Wen Bin left, Xiao Yuting looked helplessly at Shen Zhixin, and said in surprise, "I also discovered that you two really don't look like boyfriend and girlfriend when you get along."

It's no wonder Xiao Yuting said that, it's really pitiful that the two of them are so unfamiliar.

Wen Bin was so serious and wholeheartedly maintaining Shen Zhixin's emotions, but Shen Zhixin's reaction was always like a machine.

"If you don't like him, don't have any more emotional entanglements with him, or you're hurting him."

Xiao Yuting looked at Shen Zhixin earnestly. She could feel that Shen Zhixin actually had a little affection for Wen Bin, but these affections were not enough to make Shen Zhixin completely change for him. This was the most serious thing.

If Shen Zhixin is still unable to completely change for the other party, then no matter who the person around Shen Zhixin is, it is impossible to have a good result.

"Let me think about it again..."

In terms of feelings, Shen Zhixin has always been indecisive, otherwise she would not have been entangled with Zhou Liqian for so long and have not completely separated. Shen Zhixin knew this, so she felt more distressed.

Not only did she feel sorry for Shen Zhixin, but also Wen Bin a little bit.

Wen Bin didn't pay much attention to Shen Zhixin. She, an outsider, could see it most clearly. In the end, maybe she really didn't have a fate, that's why there were so many twists and turns!
"You don't have to worry, I will think it through quickly, and if I decide not to be with him, I will give him a result soon."

Seeing the worry in Xiao Yuting's eyes, Shen Zhixin knew that it was inappropriate for him to keep getting along with the other party like this, but still being unable to treat the other party as a real boyfriend.

So she has secretly made up her mind to give a result.

After hearing Shen Zhixin's words, Xiao Yuting sighed helplessly.

The person in front of her was her friend, of course she wouldn't criticize too much, it was just because of Wen Bin's aggrieved appearance that she couldn't help but think of herself who once liked Zhao Mo but couldn't be with him.

Especially since she is still so happy now, thinking of Wen Bin's miserable appearance, she is even more in touch with this passionate man.

(End of this chapter)

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