star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 306 Filming is over

Chapter 306 Filming is over
"When will the filming start? I haven't finished filming "Passing Through Your World" here, so I'm afraid we need to adjust the time a little bit."

The filming of "Passing Through Your World" has become the most important thing in Shen Zhixin's heart.

Not to mention the relationship between her and the director and Aoki, but the fact that the director, after finding out that the role selection was inappropriate, went against the odds and assumed the responsibility of the entire crew together with Aoki, and then left the role to her, has made Shen Zhixin felt very grateful, so she must repay her kindness.

"Don't worry, I've already allocated the time for that variety show for you. It will definitely be filmed when you are more relaxed, and it will not take up the time for filming TV dramas."

What's more, "Passing Through Your World" will be filming for a maximum of two weeks, and the second film will be finished soon. Shen Zhixin will be able to concentrate on other tasks and not be bound to this film anymore. on TV.

Xiao Yuting must admit that "Passing Through Your World" has indeed helped Shen Zhixin a lot, and it has also brought good traffic for her comeback, but Shen Zhixin cannot rely on this drama forever to make a living , that would only make her develop slower and slower.

"The director has already communicated with me for the past two weeks, so I will cancel the rest time of that day, and let you hurry up and try to finish filming this movie within half a month. After all, after you come back, there is another If traffic is lost, other jobs will soon come to the door, and the director does not want to delay the filming of the TV series."

After Xiao Yuting explained all these, Shen Zhixin let out a long sigh of relief, and finally felt much more relaxed.

She didn't want to hurt her dedication to the things she loves because of other people's behavior. Now it seems that she is a little worried too much. Xiao Yuting will obviously arrange everything very well.

"Okay, I don't need to say anything more, I hope you can take a good look at Lin Xinxin during the filming, don't I arrange for you to be together, but you are still bullied by the other party .”

When Xiao Yuting said these words, her face was very serious, and she didn't mean to be joking at all.

After Shen Zhixin heard it, she just nodded her head and didn't say anything more.

She knew very well in her heart that the reason why Xiao Yuting emphasized these things was precisely because of her disgust for that person in her heart.

It happened that she and Xiao Yuting were enemies, and she also hated Lin Xinxin very much, so this little bit of targeting was not a troublesome thing to her.

Seeing that Shen Zhixin accepted her request calmly, Xiao Yuting felt a lot more relaxed.

Just as she thought before, when dealing with the enemy, Shen Zhixin's attitude is still very firm.

In a blink of an eye, the filming of the drama "Passing Through Your World" has also been completed, and the half-month rush to work has made everyone feel very tired.

But fortunately, the whole drama was filmed very satisfactorily, and there is no need for everyone to worry about anything. This can be regarded as a very good result.

When celebrating the finale banquet at night, the director was already drunk, and other people also toasted to the director, Shen Zhixin and Aoki one after another.

Xiao Yuting on the side sat there and guarded Shen Zhixin tightly, not wanting her to get too drunk, so as to prevent any danger at that time.

But Shen Zhixin was happy, she really couldn't restrain her desire to drink, obviously she drank a little too much.

When Xiao Yuting supported Shen Zhixin to walk home, she was filled with a celestial atmosphere, feeling as if she would become a fairy in the next second, and her footsteps were also crooked, as if to The look of trying to walk in a straight line but always failing.

Seeing Shen Zhixin like this, Xiao Yuting found it very interesting.

She was a little thankful that Shen Zhixin didn't mess around when he was drunk, otherwise she would definitely feel very troublesome. After all, Shen Zhixin's drunken appearance is quite strong.

After dragging Shen Zhixin into the back seat of the car, Xiao Yuting greeted the driver to drive away, only to find that there was actually another person sitting in the co-pilot.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she looked closely, only to realize that the person sitting in the co-pilot was Zhao Mo.

Taking a long breath of relief, Xiao Yuting placed Shen Zhixin in a relatively comfortable position, and then said to Zhao Mo, "Why did you come here suddenly? It really shocked me."

The first time she saw Zhao Mo but didn't recognize him, Xiao Yuting thought that someone deliberately attacked the driver beside her, and then drove the driver aside, sitting here trying to attack the two women.

Fortunately, she recognized who that person was, otherwise she would have pulled out the self-defense tools from the side of the sofa seat to attack.

"I wanted to go on a date with you in the past two days, but there were a lot of things happening in the studio, so since the last date, we haven't had time to get together!"

When Zhao Mo said this, there was obviously a trace of depression in his tone.

Finally, the confession was successful. I thought I would be able to live a sweet life, but I didn't expect that because of work, the time for the two of them to meet was constantly decreasing. Zhao Mo really resented this matter.

"Okay, okay, you can come to me anytime when you're free after you're done working. I've already made arrangements for Xinxin's work. If you want to go on a date with me, there's no problem."

Since she is Zhao Mo's girlfriend, of course Xiao Yuting will not let go of the responsibilities she should bear. When talking about these topics with Zhao Mo, her tone is very gentle.

"Then let's go out on a date tomorrow, shall we?"

Since Shen Zhixin's work has been arranged, Zhao Mo asked Xiao Yuting to come out, so naturally he was not worried that the other party would refuse.

What's more, Shen Zhixin's production team has just finished filming, and there will definitely be no work tomorrow. He can just ask Xiao Yuting to go out on a date. After all, he hasn't tried to live a two-person world with Xiao Yuting yet!

"Okay, but I'm afraid it's too early tomorrow. It's too late to go back tonight. I want to sleep well. Why don't we go out to have lunch at around 11:00 tomorrow, and then go on a date?"

Xiao Yuting thought about the time she would go back tonight, but she still felt that it would be better to set the appointment time at noon, so as not to get sleepy in the morning, which would delay the date between the two of them.

"Okay, I have no opinion, just follow what you said."

Zhao Mo smiled heartily, and agreed to Xiao Yuting's request without hesitation.

Of course, he would not object to Xiao Yuting's arrangement on this kind of matter. After all, this was a date between the two of them. Xiao Yuting's initiative to participate in it proved that she also attached great importance to this date. This is a good thing.

"Well, it's good that you come to pick me up when the time comes, and you will be the one to arrange the appointment."

When Shen Zhixin woke up early the next morning and found out that her friend was going on a date with Zhao Mo, she didn't have much reaction.

After all, the other party is a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, and dating seems to be a normal thing, so there is no need to be too surprised.

Naturally, Shen Zhixin didn't need to worry about Xiao Yuting's dating situation. After all, it was impossible for Zhao Mo to do something to hurt her after finally catching up with Xiao Yuting. No matter how I thought about it, I thought it was a very stupid act.

So she didn't worry about the whole dating process, what she cared about was the shooting afterward.

She has a variety show to film next, but she can't just rely on a variety show to make ends meet.

After all, as an actor, choosing a script that suits you is the most important thing.

So Shen Zhizhi decided to add another TV series during the filming of variety shows, so that she could get back to the feeling she had when filming as soon as possible.

Shen Zhixin planned this in her heart, but she has not taken any action yet. She needs to discuss this matter with Xiao Yuting, and then make a final decision.

Her current manager is Xiao Yuting. In any case, it is best not to decide these matters by herself, in order to prevent someone from messing with her. If she is not prepared in time, she will be framed by others instead.

Shen Zhixin thought that Xiao Yuting should be very happy after going out on a date for a day, but when she saw her sullen expression when she came home, Shen Zhixin sat beside her in surprise.

Shen Zhixin didn't know what happened, so she was very curious, why did Xiao Yuting's expression look like this now?

"What's wrong with you?"

Shen Zhixin looked at Xiao Yuting worriedly, as if she wanted to know the reason for her expression.

"Could it be that she made you angry on purpose when she went out on a date today? Or do you two have some dispute?"

Shen Zhixin was a little worried whether the reason for Xiao Yuting's bad mood was because of some conflicts between her and Zhao Mo.

"No, the call I just received said that Lin Xinxin in the variety show was replaced."


Shen Zhixin looked at Xiao Yuting in surprise, obviously she didn't know anything about this matter, so she would be surprised by this result.

"At that time, I was sitting in Zhao Mo's car, and I was planning to come back, and I was in a good mood, but after hearing the news, my mood suddenly changed."

"What's going on?"

Shen Zhixin really wanted to know who replaced Lin Xinxin, and how Lin Xinxin would easily let go of the conflicts with her.

This is really an unbelievable thing.

"It was Ge Xiao who was transferred to the program group and filmed the variety show with you."


Shen Zhixin felt surprised again, she really did not expect that Lin Xinxin and Ge Xiao could exchange resources with each other at this time.

Could it be that Lin Xinxin is crazy?Is she willing to surrender this resource to Ge Xiao?
"What's going on? Is there any deal between the two of them?"

"I don't know this yet. I haven't investigated it yet, so I can't give you a specific answer."

Xiao Yuting sighed heartily, and shook her head helplessly, temporarily not knowing what answer she should give Shen Zhixin on this matter.

Seeing Xiao Yuting's slightly embarrassed expression, Shen Zhixin didn't ask her too much to give an answer now, but just told Xiao Yuting to investigate to see if there was any conspiracy behind this matter.

If there is really a problem, then they also need to make some other preparations at this time, but they can't just participate in that variety show aimlessly.

"Now Ge Xiao is participating in the show as a guest of the show. When you shoot later, you have to be more careful."

If it was Lin Xinxin's case, Shen Zhixin wanted to target her. The two should be evenly matched. With her behind her back, Shen Zhixin would not suffer.

But on Ge Xiao's side, Xiao Yuting couldn't guarantee 100% that she could compete with her. That woman was far more ruthless than they imagined.

"Don't worry, I know, I will protect myself no matter what."

Shen Zhixin's understanding of this point is relatively clear, and she is also very clear in her heart that under such an environment, she was able to shoot the TV series and variety shows she wanted to shoot here safely and soundly, all because of luck and someone's help.

If she still doubted her luck at this time, it would be a bit too exaggerated.

"I won't say anything superfluous, no matter what the situation is, you must protect yourself well, and don't let yourself encounter danger."

After Xiao Yuting finished speaking, she began to investigate the matter.

Shen Zhixin saw that after Xiao Yuting gave those orders, he discussed with her about taking over the filming of a new TV series.

Unexpectedly, Shen Zhixin would be so active in wanting to work hard, Xiao Yuting's eyes were full of surprise.

After all, it is indeed a good thing for them that Shen Zhixin can work so hard, but if the contractions are very tiring, it may also make Shen Zhixin's body not good.

As a friend, Xiao Yuting naturally hopes that Shen Zhixin can participate in the filming of TV dramas as she likes, but the reality is that she must consider Shen Zhixin's personal safety to avoid the threat of injury to Shen Zhixin's body.

"Why do you suddenly want to shoot TV dramas while shooting variety shows? It takes about half a year before and after the shooting of this variety show, and there are probably two episodes in a month. You are sure, you will use the rest of the time Are you filming a TV show?"

Xiao Yuting knew what was going on in Shen Zhixin's mind, so when discussing with her, naturally she would not force orders or demands, but persuaded her in a friendly voice, hoping that Shen Zhixin could make a decision after full consideration.

"I have already thought about it. If I don't continue to shoot, I feel that it is a waste of my life, so I hope to be able to devote myself to new shoots."

Shen Zhixin likes filming TV dramas very much. Apart from making music, TV dramas are something she looks forward to and yearns for very much.

So she hopes that through her own efforts, she can make up for the rust that has occurred during the past two years bit by bit.

Seeing that Shen Zhixin's attitude was so firm, Xiao Yuting stopped refusing, but started to get the company to contact her for a new script.

After all, Shen Zhixin's script should be carefully reviewed before deciding whether to participate in it, so as not to drag Shen Zhixin down.

Regarding the sudden change of roles in the crew of the variety show, Xiao Yuting soon received a reply.

Of course, Xiao Yuting hasn't investigated the result of this matter yet, the reason why she knows the whole story is mainly because Zhao Mo also gave some help.

After seeing the above information, Xiao Yuting couldn't help frowning, really not knowing what to say.

It seems that these years, Lin Xinxin's treatment is indeed worse than she imagined, otherwise it is impossible to sell such a high-income variety show just for a script.

(End of this chapter)

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