star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 293 Start the Hype

Chapter 293 Start the Hype

"When you are cooperating with Xiao Yuting to manage CP, you are absolutely not allowed to pour dirty water on Xinxin's body, do you understand?"

The people who set up the studio with Wen Bin are all trustworthy people, so when he talked about these topics, he was very frank, and he never thought of hiding his relationship.

The people who opened the studio with him are all his confidantes. It would be too ridiculous if he still can't trust the other party at this time. If there is any problem at that time, it may cause his stardom to be completely destroyed .

"Don't worry, Boss, that's your girlfriend after all. How could we plot against her behind the scenes, and we'll cause trouble for you."

Hearing this sentence, Wen Bin was relieved a lot, and did not continue to entangle in this matter.

"When you are choosing a dress, remember to discuss it with Xiao Yuting a little bit, and try not to cause too many problems with the dress."

Hearing this, the employees of Wenbin Studio nodded, and the matter passed like this.

Sure enough, the next day, the Internet began to release the news that the so-called insiders had learned, saying that when Shen Zhixin was receiving medical treatment abroad, Wen Bin went abroad to see Shen Zhixin several times, and everyone’s comments were obviously very interested in it. of.

Of course, some of Wen Bin's fans still have some prejudices against Shen Zhixin, let's not say that she has been rumored to have something to do with Zhou Liqian. , is enough, fans are very dissatisfied.

But the information that has come out now is quite ingenious. At least in their view, it was Wen Bin who took the initiative to visit Shen Zhixin. Shen Zhixin didn't make any overly intimate actions at all.

Xiao Yuting had originally planned to do this. After all, in her opinion, Wen Bin and Shen Zhixin were in free love. Even if she didn't want to announce the relationship between the two, she wouldn't mess with Wen Bin in this matter.

But after serious thinking, Wen Bin asked Xiao Yuting to cooperate with her studio, making him more active in the whole process of CP speculation, while Shen Zhixin seemed a little passive.

Xiao Yuting was really puzzled, so she called Wen Bin directly, wanting to know why Wen Bin made such a decision.

But when she knew from Wen Bin that Wen Bin was worried that her girlfriend fans and sister fans would turn against Shen Zhixin, so she made this decision, Xiao Yuting had to affirm that Wen Bin was more sincere to Shen Zhixin than she was. It is more realistic than imagined.

Although Shen Zhixin had objections to this, she couldn't stand Wen Bin's request, so she had to be forced to agree, so that the public opinion on the Internet is now in a "one-sided" state, and everyone generally thinks that Wen Bin is pursuing Shen Zhixin.

Zhou Liqian was discussing the future development of the studio with Zhao Mo in his office, when he saw that Zhao Mo picked up his phone and looked at the content for some reason, his expression suddenly changed.

After putting down the phone, Zhao Mo's attitude became even more strange, not only hesitating when talking about things, even when he looked at Zhou Liqian, he had a strange look in his eyes.

Zhou Liqian could clearly feel that the other party's vision was unusual.

"What's wrong with you?"

Zhou Liqian couldn't help frowning, looking at Zhao Mo with a hint of puzzlement in his eyes.


Zhao Mo realized that he seemed to have exposed something, he quickly retracted his gaze, and stopped looking at Zhou Liqian's reaction.

But it was too late at this time, Zhou Liqian took out his mobile phone and started to search for the latest information on the Internet, he believed that what Zhao Mo was looking at must be the latest news.

When Zhou Liqian found out about Wen Bin and Shen Zhixin's news on the Internet, his expression immediately changed.

Zhao Mo sat on the side, covering his forehead helplessly.

He originally didn't want the other party to know about this matter, but he didn't expect that Zhou Liqian would learn about Shen Zhixin more quickly because of his careless actions.

"what on earth is it?"

The news revealed that Wen Bin was pursuing Shen Zhixin, and according to the information in the report, when Shen Zhixin was abroad, Wen Bin was indeed taking care of him.

To Zhou Liqian, this was tantamount to a huge thunderstorm, which made him feel distressed, and he didn't even know what attitude he should use to face the next plan to pursue Shen Zhixin.

"Don't be so anxious, haven't we already been able to confirm that the reason why Shen Zhixin is abroad is because of Wen Bin's help?"

Seeing that Zhou Liqian seemed to be affected by this incident and didn't know what to do, Zhao Mo quickly stopped his movements, hoping that Zhou Liqian could be more sober and not ruin the previous plan at this time.

"You want to pursue Shen Zhixin. If you wantonly attack your rival at this time, and you are still a person who has been kind to Shen Zhixin, you can imagine Shen Zhixin's attitude when he sees you."

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Mo said these words, Zhou Liqian's face immediately calmed down, unlike at the beginning, his emotions were too obvious.

After all, he has been in the mall for so many years, so it is not difficult to hide his emotions, but Zhao Mo still sees infinite anger from his calm face.

"It's time to meet this man."

Zhou Liqian couldn't help squinting his eyes, no matter how much he restrained his emotions, when he saw Wen Bin's photo on his phone, he still had the urge to do something.

"It's okay to meet, but I must accompany you there."

Zhao Mo knew that this meeting was inevitable, but at least he had to control what might happen within his allowable range.

"You want to come with me, what are you going to do?"

There was a trace of doubt in Zhou Liqian's eyes, and he frowned when he looked at Zhao Mo, as if he disliked Zhao Mo as a superfluous person and wanted to spoil his good deeds.

"Of course I want to go over and watch you! In case you make any impulsive actions, want to hit the other party or have some quarrels, at least I can help you."

Of course, Zhao Mo's words were just talking about his main purpose in the past, which was to keep Zhou Liqian in check and not let him do anything to Wen Bin, otherwise it would be more difficult for Shen Zhixin to explain. Zhou Liqian wanted to reconcile with Shen Zhixin. Completely useless.

"I don't need you to go with me, do I still need your protection?"

Of course Zhou Liqian didn't want anyone to stand by and get in the way at this time, this was a matter between him and Wen Bin, and she didn't want to intervene in a third party to handle it.

"Do you think I'm here to protect you? I'm here to protect Wen Bin. I'm afraid that if you act impulsively at that time, you will end up in a life lawsuit."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

After hearing Zhao Mo's words, Zhou Liqian's tone was displeased, and he looked at Zhao Mo with critical eyes.

He disliked what the other party just said, which described him like a irrational beast.

"I'm going to talk to him about this matter, not to fight with her. You seem to be thinking too much."

"It's really not that I think too much, but that you are acting too scary."

For Zhao Mo, it couldn't be easier to know what kind of mood Zhou Liqian is feeling at this moment.

This is the brother he grew up with. If he can't even do this little thing, then his brother is really in vain.

"Either the two of us go together, or you go, I'll tell you about it, Shen Zhixin, you can figure it out."

"You are threatening me."

Seeing Zhao Mo sitting there looking sure of winning after saying that sentence, Zhou Liqian really felt a trace of impatience.

But he knew better in his heart that what Zhao Mo said was for her sake.

Zhao Mo was very worried from the very beginning that Zhou Liqian would do something to Wen Bin, no matter whether the other party was good or not, at least Zhao Mo's heart was toward him.

"How about it? You have made a decision whether you want to take me there with you, or whether you want me to tip off the news."

"go together."

Zhou Liqian didn't want to get too entangled in this matter, after all for him.Wen Bin was the one he wanted to target, while Zhao Mo was just his friend, a man who didn't need to worry too much about him.

Seeing that Zhou Liqian agreed to his request, Zhao Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect to make some criminal cases, but it would affect many people, including Tiancheng Entertainment Company and his studio.

Of course, Zhou Liqian's safety is the most important, other interests are put second by Zhao Mo.

"The annual Hundred Flowers Awards will be held soon. Do you plan to meet him before the award ceremony, or after the award ceremony?"

Zhao Mo asked Zhou Liqian what he meant about this matter, wanting to tell how urgent the man in front of him was.

"Of course we will meet as soon as possible."

Zhou Liqian didn't want to delay this matter until a long time later, it would only make his irritability continue to pile up, and it might affect his work at that time, and he might even force her to rush directly in front of Shen Zhixin to get an answer Degree.

So she must control all this as soon as possible to ensure that the entire development of the matter is finally under control.

"Well, make an appointment as soon as possible, and settle this matter before the Hundred Flowers Awards. Don't delay it until after you work. Remember not to be impulsive."

These words were what Zhou Liqian would say in the past, and Zhao Mo listened to them, but now the people he confides to seem to be reversed, which makes Zhou Liqian feel a little embarrassed
On the third day after the news of CP speculation came out, Wen Bin received a call from Zhou Liqian. Zhou Liqian's secretary said that Zhou Liqian wanted to meet Wen Bin, and asked Wen Bin to arrange the time by himself. It would be best to end the meeting today.

After hearing this request, Wen Bin was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he probably knew the reason why Zhou Liqian wanted to meet him.

Apart from Shen Zhixin, Wen Bin really couldn't imagine what else could be involved between the two of them.So Wen Bin directly told Zhou Liqian's secretary the meeting time on the phone.

Since it is said that it should be resolved as soon as possible today, let's start now.

Wen Bin is a little thankful that he doesn't have any job right now, otherwise he would have to allocate more time to see Zhou Liqian, which would be a waste of his itinerary.

Hearing that the time requested by Wen Bin was so tight, Zhou Liqian frowned and dragged the upcoming meeting into the afternoon, then picked up his coat and drove away from the company.

Looking at the empty office in a blink of an eye, the secretary couldn't help sighing, then picked up the phone and called the company's high-level auspicious personnel who were going to attend the meeting in the afternoon, informing them that the meeting had been moved to the afternoon and asked them to arrange another time.

When they came to the coffee shop Wen Bin mentioned, the two men didn't sit outside in a big way.

After all, one is a popular star, and the other is the president of Tiancheng Entertainment Company. If other people saw the two of them contacting each other, they might think that Wen Bin was planning to join Tiancheng Entertainment Company!

"What's the matter with you back?"

After Zhou Liqian sat down, Wen Bin directly asked about this topic, straight to the point, without procrastinating, he didn't want to have the aura of losing before going to work, so when he asked these words, Wen Bin's expression was very serious.

"You are a smart man, I don't think I need to say much about the reason why I came to you!"

Zhou Liqian frowned, looking at Wen Bin with a hint of scrutiny and playfulness in his eyes, he really wanted to know why this man in front of him beat him.

"Why did you come to me? I really don't know very well. After all, for me, people I don't know very well are out of my life."

When Wen Bin said these words, he was not afraid of Zhou Liqian's powerful aura at this moment.

He is very clear that the two of them are rivals in love, and it is almost impossible for me to get along peacefully, so the emotional struggle must be sharp and firm.

"Well, I'll tell you frankly, leave Shen Zhixin and don't pester her again."

Since Wen Bin is so ignorant, Zhou Liqian will not continue to leave him any leeway in this kind of matter.

"You asked me to leave Shen Zhixin? Why do you say that?"

Wen Bin smiled coldly, and looked at Zhou Liqian with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

He really underestimated every word this man said just now. At this point, Zhou Liqian still doesn't understand how Karma should treat Shen Zhixin, which is really too ridiculous.

If Wen Bin could calm down a bit, he would know that every word he just said was giving Shen Zhixin back and forth as an object, not as a living person.

"The reason why I let you leave her is because you are not suitable for her at all, and you can't protect her."

Zhou Liqian knew very well that if Ge Xiao and Lin Xinxin were not eliminated for a day, all kinds of troubles would surely happen to Shen Zhixin.

But now is a legal society, he can't just find a few killers and kill those two women like in the old society, so he is still trying to find a way to exclude those two women from Shen Zhixin's life.

And at this time, Zhou Liqian didn't want someone behind her back to take the opportunity to snatch away the person she likes.

"I don't need to tell you that you should know that Ge Xiao, the eldest daughter of the Ge family, and Lin Xinxin, the former female star of Tiancheng Entertainment Company, have a deep hostility towards Shen Zhixin. You are just an ordinary actor, even if your current family background No matter how rich the background record is, it cannot be compared with the Zhou family, under the influence of the Ge family, are you sure you can protect Shen Zhixin?"

In order to compete for Shen Zhixin, Zhou Liqian also spent a lot of effort to state the gap between the two of them, especially belittling Wen Bin's self-confidence.

"Since I'm with her, I won't be afraid of these things. You think I don't understand why you said these words? It's nothing more than wanting me to leave him! I tell you it's impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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