star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 257 The Last Gentleness

Chapter 257 The Last Gentleness
Shen Zhixin was startled by this action, she really did not expect that the other party would make such an intimate action, which made her a little uncomfortable.

But Shen Zhixin still hid those experiences in her heart very well, didn't say much, just lay there quietly.

"I did do some wrong things before and caused you some harm. I have to admit that."

Hearing this, Shen Zhixin was surprised and almost couldn't control his eyes.

But she still restrained the feeling of not knowing what to say, and quietly listened to Zhou Liqian's talk about the past and the past.

"But the reason why I did that, I don't think it needs to be said, you and I are both clear, and now I don't want to pursue those things anymore."

Hearing this, Shen Zhi smiled heartily, as if she had completely forgotten about that incident, but she would never forget those humiliations in her heart.

Seeing the smile on Shen Zhixin's face, Zhou Liqian mistakenly thought that the other party was the same as him, and didn't want to pursue those matters any more.

He immediately let go of a trace of worry, and even heaved a sigh of relief for some reason.

Seeing Zhou Liqian's state, Shen Zhi smiled heartily and didn't say much, she didn't care about these things anymore, so no matter what the other party did, it didn't seem to have much connection with her.

"I was a little surprised to pick up Xiao Yuting and go out suddenly just now. She had been reluctant to see me before, but she was willing to make room for me when I came."

Zhou Liqian said this, but before he could finish, Xiao Yuting pushed the door open again.

Seeing Xiao Yuting, Zhou Liqian's expression was a bit ugly, Xiao Yuting stared at Zhou Liqian seriously, sighed deeply before saying: "The reason why I am willing to leave is that I hope that you and Shen Zhixin can explain clearly what problems you have. .”

She couldn't help but glanced at Zhou Liqian again, she didn't say anything more, but put down the things in her hand, turned around and went out again.

Of course, she didn't just push the door open to interrupt other people's conversations, it's just that she just happened to deliver the medicine that Shen Zhixin was about to take.

Taking the warm water that had been dried aside, and taking all the medicine, Shen Zhixin looked up and saw Zhou Liqian's surprised eyes.

"What's wrong? I'm just taking a medicine, you don't have to look like you're looking at a monster!"

There was a trace of helplessness in Shen Zhixin's eyes, and when he looked at Zhou Liqian, there was finally a trace of inexplicable emotion.

"You have to take so much medicine every day."

There was a hint of disbelief in Zhou Liqian's tone, he had never been in contact with these things, so it was hard for him to imagine how much hardship Shen Zhixin had to suffer.

"Three meals a day are like this. There is no way to cure the disease."

Shen Zhixin spoke very calmly, without any painful emotion on her face, she was used to these things.

For the past month, her life has been like this. Even if she felt disgusted at first, she doesn't feel so much now.

"This is really too uncomfortable! Are you okay?"

There was a trace of concern in Zhou Liqian's eyes, and after seeing the soft eyes of the other party, Shen Zhixin suddenly felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

It's hard for her to imagine, after she and Zhou Liqian have been strangers for so long, the other party still looks at her like this, what kind of thoughts does he have?
Shen Zhixin had to admit that the other party's gentle eyes made her feel a little shaken in her heart.

Suppressing this vacillation secretly, Shen Zhixin looked calmly at Zhou Liqian in front of him, without any entanglement.

She has already understood that no matter how much she tosses and turns in her heart, there are not so many possibilities between her and Zhou Liqian, why should she leave this day to be affectionate.

Zhou Liqian really didn't know what to say to Shen Zhixin, he had been in conflict with Shen Zhixin for too long, so long that he didn't even know how he should chat with Shen Zhixin.

"I, I have some other things to go first. If you need anything, you can ask your assistant to contact me."

Zhou Liqian's words seemed to point out the relationship between Xiaofang and him to Shen Zhixin, but Shen Zhixin did not seem to understand the meaning of the words, but Xinxin nodded and agreed to the matter.

Zhou Liqian got up and left, with a hint of disappointment in his expression, but Shen Zhixin didn't care about it at all.

She is about to escape from all these shackles, and there is no need to continue to worry about too many things at this time.

"After you recover from your illness, go back to Zhou's house to live in. Those things before are over."

After saying these words, Zhou Liqian opened the door and left without staying in the ward, while Shen Zhixin lowered his eyes and did not give Zhou Liqian any reply.

The other party has already left anyway, and it doesn't have much to do with her.

Shen Zhixin took a deep breath, not knowing what else she could say, these inexplicable emotions she is feeling now are, in the final analysis, just old feelings at work.

When Xiao Yuting came in, Zhou Liqian had already left completely. She sighed deeply, and looked at Shen Zhixin with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"I'm a little curious. You said he suddenly appeared like this and then left suddenly. What's the matter?"

Sitting next to Shen Zhixin, Xiao Yuting looked at her with doubts in her eyes.

Xiao Yuting knew that Shen Zhixin was leaving tonight, so she hoped that Shen Zhixin could make up her mind and not look back.

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. The important thing is are you ready for tonight? If not, I need to be more careful."

There was a hint of worry and questioning in Shen Zhixin's eyes. After all, what she left tonight was very important, and there must be no mistakes, otherwise, based on her Zhou Liqian's understanding, she would definitely not get any benefits.

"Don't worry, I've prepared it long ago. If you can't even do this little thing well, then you are really useless."

Xiao Yuting's tone was full of confidence and she looked at Shen Zhixin with affirmative eyes. Shen Zhixin was relieved immediately and did not continue to entangle in this matter.

Xiao Yuting actually said this, which proves that there will be no problems, and there is no need for her to worry too much at this time.

As long as this matter can be passed smoothly, there is nothing else to worry about.

Shen Zhixin knew that her long-winded appearance looked a little funny, but to Shen Zhixin, it was just a normal thing.

She must be careful to guard against possible crises.

"After leaving today, I may never have the chance to see you again in my life."

As soon as Xiao Yuting said this, Shen Zhixin suddenly felt a pain in her heart, and she didn't feel this way when Zhou Liqian turned around to leave just now.

"Don't talk nonsense, why don't you have a chance to see me? When the things here subside, Zhou Liqian will be completely forgotten, and I will contact you."

Zhou Liqian is just the scenery on her road of love, but Xiao Yuting is a friend who has helped her so many, no matter how much Shen Zhixin does not want to mention the past, she will not leave this close friend aside.

"I know you will definitely contact me, and you will definitely want to talk to me, but when you are not safe, please forget me."

What Xiao Yuting said was very serious, and she didn't have the slightest desire to be perfunctory.

She knew very well in her heart that once Shen Zhixin escaped from here, if he could succeed, Zhou Liqian would be furious, and Xiao Yuting had no time to take care of what kind of bloody storm would be caused by that time. To save himself and Shen Zhixin's mother from the bloody storm on the scene.

So at this time, Shen Zhixin can only rely on her own strength to escape round after round of searching. As long as Shen Zhixin is lucky enough, Zhou Liqian may let it go.

"Don't worry, I won't contact you impulsively until I calm down completely, because I'm afraid that my impulsiveness will cause you trouble."

If it wasn't for worrying about this, Shen Zhixin wouldn't have tried to hide the fact that she was going to escape from the beginning.

"You should take a rest! You will leave at night, and you won't have so much time to sleep well. If we waste energy together, it's better to take a rest now."

Xiao Yuting really wanted to chat with Shen Zhixin again, after all, after Shen Zhixin left today, she didn't know when they would meet next time.

But their escape at night was a very big project, and if there were any mistakes in any link, there might be safety hazards. Therefore, Xiao Yuting could only let Shen Zhixin rest quickly, so that he could get enough energy to deal with the night's affairs.

Shen Zhixin nodded, feeling drowsy, finished the afternoon treatment, and waited until around six o'clock in the evening, when Xiao Yuting bought some dinner and came back.

Usually she also buys a lot of food, so her actions tonight did not attract anyone's attention.

"You are leaving tonight, so naturally you can't support those porridge and other foods. I specially asked my family to make you a bowl of chicken noodle soup. You can put the noodle in the soup now and eat it quickly!"

In order to prevent the soup from spoiling the noodles, Xiao Yuting asked the chef at home to separate the soup from the noodles. Shen Zhixin mixed the two together, and while eating, tears flowed down unconsciously.

"The bowl of noodles I ate was poorly crafted."

Shen Zhixin didn't believe it at all. What Xiao Yuting said, how could this bowl of noodles be made by the cook at home? It's not like she hasn't tried it before. How could such unpalatable noodles be made by the Xiao family? Made in the kitchen.

"Is it so unpalatable? Then don't eat it."

Xiao Yuting's eyes were also slightly red, she wanted to take the thermos bucket containing soup from Shen Zhixin's hand, but Shen Zhixin gently pushed her hand away, and she refused her request.

"It's okay, I'm just joking, this noodle is delicious, this is the best chicken noodle soup I've ever had."

Shen Zhixin's eye sockets could no longer contain the tears that were about to gush out, and the crystal clear teardrops slid down her cheeks, falling into the noodle soup bit by bit.

Shen Zhixin lived on her own tears, and ate up that portion of chicken noodle soup.

"You have to take good care of yourself in the future, and even signed a contract with Zhao Mo's studio, so don't be angry with him. The reason why he is pampering you now is because of the Xiao family relationship, but you have to think about your future. development of."

Shen Zhixin said these words very seriously, and looked at Xiao Yuting's voice full of worry. After she left, she didn't know when the next time she would meet Xiao Yuting?So she hopes to explain all this clearly.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of myself and there won't be any problems."

She is already an adult. She was the one who took care of Shen Zhixin when Shen Zhixin was framed and drank drugs and lost her voice, but now there seems to be a disconnect between the two of them.

"I'll go get ready, you wait a little bit, Wen Bin will come and pick you up later."

After saying this, Xiao Yuting got up and left. From the day she knew that Shen Zhixin was going to escape, she had secretly moved the bodyguards sent by Zhou Liqian to a farther place. Today, Shen Zhixin was leaving, and those bodyguards would definitely It cannot appear on Shen Zhixin's only way.

At night, around eight o'clock, Wen Bin came to the hospital suddenly. He avoided the eyeliner of the bodyguards arranged by Zhou Liqian, and slowly lurked into Shen Zhixin's ward.

"Let's not leave in a hurry. My friend's ship will only start at 02:30 in the evening. We leave at twelve o'clock, just to avoid when they are awake."

Wen Bin made a special excuse today that he wanted to rest at home. He pretended to be a different look, climbed out of the balcony, secretly took a taxi to the hospital, so now no one knows where he is.

"I'm a little nervous..."

Shen Zhixin couldn't help but took a deep breath, the packed luggage was placed under the hospital bed, no one noticed at all, this was just Xiao Yuting, after finishing everything, went back to the ward to pack for Shen Zhixin.

"Don't be nervous, I'll help you leave."

Xiao Yuting who just opened the door and walked in heard these words, and quickly replied firmly. Shen Zhixin couldn't help smiling, and her eyes were full of meeting when she looked at Xiao Yuting.

"After I leave, senior, if possible, I hope you can take care of Xiao Yuting."

Shen Zhixin suddenly called Wen Bin "Senior", this was not just telling him something that could be perfunctory at will, the thing just said was very important to Shen Zhixin.

"Don't worry, if there is a chance, I will help her."

After all, Xiao Yuting is a girl, and there is no overlap in resources between her and him, so even helping Wen Bin is not a troublesome thing.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, the doctor came for the last round. Wen Bin hid in the bathroom and did not come out until the doctor finished the round.

"I'm leaving, you take care of yourself."

It's almost twelve o'clock, and it's time to prepare to leave. Shen Zhixin got up from the hospital bed. Although the tearing wounds on her body still made her feel a little pain, the feeling of being free made her whole People radiate a different kind of vitality and vitality.

"Safe journey!"

Xiao Yuting watched Shen Zhixin walk out of the ward, and she also slowly fell asleep.

At around twelve o'clock in the evening, when the night was dark and dark clouds covered the sky and the moon was closed, Wen Bin sneaked out of the ward with Shen Zhixin.

(End of this chapter)

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