star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 251 Attempt to Terminate the Contract

Chapter 251 Attempt to Terminate the Contract
"You sent her away, do you have anything to discuss with us?"

After Xiao Yuting left, Zhao Mo looked at Shen Zhixin with a trace of scrutiny in his eyes. He didn't doubt who Shen Zhixin was talking to, because Shen Zhixin's attention was not on Aoki at all.

"I want to ask you to do me a favor. I don't know if you will do it."

There was a hint of request in Shen Zhixin's tone, Zhao Mo frowned, but he didn't refuse at all, but just watched the other party's eyes, as if he wanted to know what Shen Zhixin wanted.

"Tell me, I'll see what I can do to help you then."

Hearing this, Shen Zhi smiled heartily, but did not reject the other party's tone, but said directly: "I hope you can help me terminate the contract."

Unexpectedly, Shen Zhixin would say this, Zhao Mo was stunned, he never thought that Shen Zhixin would make such a shocking request.

"Terminate the contract? Why do you want to terminate the contract? If you have the current contract, at least during the period of your injury, Tiancheng Entertainment will provide you with some guaranteed living expenses every month, and wait until you fully recover. Is it okay to continue doing this and then consider terminating the contract later?"

Of course, Zhao Mo didn't help Shen Zhixin to scam Zhao Mo's money, but because he knew very well that after the contract was terminated, there would be no relationship between Shen Zhixin and Zhou Liqian, and no matter what Zhou Liqian wanted to do , the relationship between the two is in jeopardy, it is better to let this contract go, at least there can be a bondage.

Aoki frowned and glanced at Zhao Mo, and probably understood why the other party said this, but she was a little dissatisfied.

She and Shen Zhixin are friends, but Zhao Mo is exploiting her friend for the benefit of Zhou Liqian, which will naturally cause displeasure in Aoki's heart.

But Zhao Mo can't take care of so many things right now, in order to be able to persuade Shen Zhixin, even if it caused his girlfriend's dissatisfaction, he at least had to try.

"If I don't terminate the contract, what am I going to do here? Taking advantage of the company because I'm an injured person? I don't want to do that."

Of course, Shen Zhixin would not tell others the news that she was going to escape, she just used such an excuse to cover up what she was about to do.

"You don't have to think about it too much. If the company is not willing to pay you even this little money, then the benefits you got from you before are enough for you to live on."

Zhao Mo tried hard to persuade Shen Zhixin, hoping that she could accept the company's help with peace of mind.

But Shen Zhixin seemed to be bewitched, and her emotions were very firm. She completely disagreed with what Zhao Mo said, and she didn't even intend to continue to compromise on this matter.

"You don't need to continue talking, I know what to do is the best, the relationship between me and Zhou Liqian is too deep, and now I have lost my previous appearance, become a complete waste, and even disfigured , I don’t want to get too involved with this matter.”

Shen Zhixin could see the rejection in Zhao Mo's eyes, and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Shen Zhixin really wants to admit that the relationship between Zhao Mo and Zhou Liqian is stronger than she imagined, even if there will be some competition between the two in certain industries in the future, Zhao Mo still follows Zhou Liqian wholeheartedly.

"Please think about it, instead of replying to me now, tell me the answer before tomorrow, okay?"

Looking at Shen Zhixin's resolute eyes, Zhao Mo couldn't help frowning. He didn't expect the other party's emotions to be so firm. Could it be that he really couldn't persuade him?

"Don't be in a hurry for now. He will think about this matter carefully after he goes back. I will bring him over tomorrow and give you a specific reply."

Aoki couldn't bear to let Shen Zhixin look at Zhao Mo with such pitiful eyes, so he directly stopped Zhao Mo from speaking and made a decision for him.

After saying this, Aoki turned around and pulled Zhao Mo away, while Xiao Yuting also entered the ward with a bowl of white porridge and a small dish of boiled cabbage.

Watching Zhao Mo leave, Xiao Yuting didn't look away, but after Zhao Mo completely walked out of the ward, Xiao Yuting showed a worried expression.

"What did you say to Zhao Mo just now? I see his expression seems a bit reluctant."

There was a hint of worry in Xiao Yuting's tone, she really wanted to know what kind of thing Shen Zhixin had done to make Zhao Mo show such an expression.

"I want to terminate the contract with Tiancheng Entertainment."

After Shen Zhixin said this, she managed to see the surprise on her friend's face, she smiled embarrassedly, and looked at her friend with a trace of guilt.

"What stupid things are you talking about? Why did you terminate your contract from Tiancheng Entertainment?"

Xiao Yuting obviously didn't expect that Shen Zhixin would make such a decision, she really felt surprised and unbelievable, because she never thought that Shen Zhixin's desire to separate from Zhou Liqian would be to such an extent.

"You can also see Zhou Liqian's attitude when he came over that day. If I don't terminate the contract with Tiancheng Entertainment Company, I'm afraid he will use the fact that I eat the company's meals and take the company's money for nothing in the future. I I don't want to be insulted by him again."

Shen Zhixin opened her eyes and uttered these deceiving words. At this time, a strange emotion arose in her heart. She never thought that one day she would use such a method to deceive her. friend.

The hand hidden under the quilt lightly stroked his chest, Shen Zhixin had to admit that lying would really have side effects.

At the beginning, when she lied to Xiao Yuting, she felt a little embarrassed and felt apologetic, but now she no longer has any such emotions.

Xiao Yuting couldn't understand the reason why Shen Zhixin did this, she just looked into Shen Zhixin's eyes emotionally, as if she wanted to know why the other party did such a thing that harmed herself and benefited others.

"When I invested for you, it wasn't just Zhao Mo's studio, it also included Zhou Liqian, who also made a lot of money from you, why did you terminate the contract with Tiancheng Entertainment at this time? "

Xiao Yuting is not a person to be fooled easily, she will not believe what Shen Zhixin said just now, what she believes is only what she has observed.

Shen Zhixin obviously likes this industry very much, and obviously has a chance to recover, why should he get out of this industry?

"You have to think about it before you answer me. You have been in a very bad state for the past two days. You should understand that I have seen all this. If you think about it, tell me what your answer is?"

Xiao Yuting's tone was very firm. She had already seen that something was wrong with Shen Zhixin, so at this moment, she just hoped that Shen Zhixin could give her an accurate answer instead of just perfunctory her.

After hearing Xiao Yuting's words, Shen Zhixin glanced at Xiao Yuting hesitantly, with a touch of surprise in his expression.

Then she withdrew her eyes and lowered her eyes, as if she didn't know what to say.

After being silent for a while, Shen Zhixin hesitated to say the main reason for her recent actions.

"I just want to leave the environment with Zhou Liqian completely, and I don't want him to harass me anymore. You know, those things... I don't want to endure it any longer."

These words seemed to be able to convince Xiao Yuting, but she always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with these words, she always felt that Shen Zhixin was hiding something, and she was unwilling to tell the truth.

"Is that really the case? Or what you just said to me was just an excuse for you to try to hide yourself."

"Why should I lie to you about such a thing?"

Seeing Xiao Yuting's vigilant eyes, Shen Zhi smiled heartily, as if she had found a suitable reason to explain her recent actions.

"You have always been so honest with me and treated me very well. Why should I lie to you and hurt you about this kind of thing?"

Shen Zhixin's eyes were full of sincerity, as if every word she said came from her heart.

Xiao Yuting couldn't bear to doubt her friend anymore. After all, Shen Zhixin has experienced so many things recently, and it is not easy to be in the current state.

If she still wants to question Shen Zhixin at this time, it may make Shen Zhixin fall into a painful state of mind.

She sighed deeply, then looked at Shen Zhixin and said: "I believe every word you say, and I also believe that you are sincere to me and will not deceive you, so I don't care about this matter." I will continue to ask questions, don't worry!"

Xiao Yuting's frank eyes made Shen Zhixin feel a bit of pain, she Xinxin withdrew her eyes, and refused to look at Xiao Yuting anymore, because she felt that it was a crime to deceive such a good friend who believed in her.

Because Zhou Liqian reprimanded him after meeting Wen Bin that day, Shen Zhixin didn't plan to continue meeting Wen Bin in front of everyone, that would definitely attract Zhou Liqian's attention.

So for the past few days, Shen Zhixin has been discussing with Wen Bin on her mobile phone that she will leave at that time. Of course, Shen Zhixin is also very careful to hide all the evidence, not daring to let others find out that she is already planning this matter up.

Once other people find out about this, it will definitely cause an uproar. It will be a luxury to leave safely at that time, and even those who are involved in it may encounter Danger.

I don't know whether Shen Zhixin hid it too well, or Xiao Yuting trusted Shen Zhixin too much. Anyway, Xiao Yuting didn't have any doubts about what Shen Zhixin said recently. On the contrary, Xiao Yuting agreed with what Shen Zhixin wanted to do. Providing her with some help made Shen Zhixin even more uncomfortable.

Shen Zhixin knew very well that after she left, Xiao Yuting would be the first person Zhou Liqian suspected, so she would never involve Xiao Yuting in this matter.

She specially arranged for Xiao Yuting to rescue her mother, because once Zhou Liqian found out that Xiao Yuting was only related to her mother, he would not pursue this matter any further, and Xiao Yuting could also escape Zhou Liqian's revenge smoothly.

As for Zhao Mo, Shen Zhixin once thought about asking him to take care of Xiao Yuting, but Zhao Mo is Zhou Liqian's friend after all, if she talks too much, Zhao Mo will tell Zhou Liqian once he finds out.

So after serious consideration, Shen Zhixin decided to give up on this matter. Anyway, Xiao Yuting was the daughter of the Xiao family, and Uncle Xiao would not let her encounter any danger.

After making up her mind, Shen Zhixin didn't continue to say anything more about her departure, and also resumed her old attitude when talking to Xiao Yuting, and stopped making seemingly vague entrustments.

Xiao Yuting is a smart person, if she continues to talk like that a few days ago, Xiao Yuting will definitely get off her guard.

After Zhao Mo met last time, he finally gave Shen Zhixin a negative reply, because it was impossible for him to cooperate with this matter, and he hoped that Shen Zhixin could continue to stay by Zhou Liqian's side.

He could see that Shen Zhixin was a very important person to Zhou Liqian, and Zhao Mo couldn't guarantee 100% what would happen if Shen Zhixin left, so he still rejected Shen Zhixin.

For this matter, Shen Zhixin was already mentally prepared, but when she heard the other party's words of rejection, she would still be a little disappointed.

However, this does not affect her next actions, because she has already discussed with Wen Bin when she will leave.

After resting in the hospital for about half a month, it's time for her to leave. She's done everything she can, and she's been in the hospital for almost a month now.

That night, Wen Bin suddenly sent a message to Shen Zhixin, saying that he wanted to see her.

With the lessons learned from the past, Xiao Yuting deliberately set up a cover with the bodyguards, concealed the people arranged by Zhou Liqian, and sent Wen Bin to Shen Zhixin's ward.

(End of this chapter)

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