Chapter 249
These words successfully angered Lin Xinxin, Lin Xinxin couldn't help frowning, and angrily said to Ge Xiao on the other end of the phone: "Don't think you are too innocent, don't forget, you are the mastermind of these things , I can clean myself up as an undercover agent."

As soon as Lin Xinxin said this, Ge Xiao narrowed her eyes. She severely suppressed the anger in her heart, and did not intend to turn against Lin Xinxin at this time.

She and Lin Xinxin still have a lot of things to cooperate with each other, and turning their faces at this time will only make themselves more embarrassed.Anyway, this woman will only be her backer in the end.

After thinking about this, Ge Xiao felt much more comfortable, and his tone of voice when talking to Lin Xinxin was much gentler.

"Don't worry, although there is no great friendship between the two of us, we have a common enemy anyway. I will not deny the things I promised you."

With these words, Lin Xinxin just smiled heartily, but did not immediately affirm or deny, but turned to talk to her about some other things.

On the other side, Xiao Yuting and Shen Zhixin in the hospital had already started discussing about aborting the child.

"Are you going to have an operation now? Will it be bad for your body?"

When talking about these words, Xiao Yuting couldn't help frowning, with a hint of worry in her eyes.

These scars on Shen Zhixin's body are still in a relatively serious state. If the child is aborted at this time, will it cause great harm to her body?
Shen Zhixin shook her head with a smile, and then said to her: "The child can't stay any longer. If she stays in my body for a day, I will have more feelings for her. Then I'm afraid that I won't be able to bear her heart. She removes."

But the problem is that what the doctor said is correct. The medicines she used in the first aid have a high chance of affecting the child. She can't let a little life come to this world like this, and bear the burden of this world. All malice.

What's more, her current body is simply unable to support her to give birth to this child.

"Then I'll discuss it with the doctor, and when the time comes, I'll tell you which day I decide to have the operation."

After saying this, Xiao Yuting brought over a cup filled with warm water, inserted a straw, and then turned to the doctor to discuss abortion.

As for Shen Zhixin, after Xiao Yuting left, she took out her mobile phone and contacted Wen Bin cautiously.

The reason why she wanted to contact Wen Bin at this time was because only when Xiao Yuting was away, she dared to say that she was leaving. If Xiao Yuting was here, she was afraid that these things would implicate Xiao Yuting.

"It's a decision already made, isn't it?"

Wen Bin asked this again, a question he had asked many times before, and now he just wanted a final answer.

Shen Zhixin sighed and affirmed the matter without hesitation.Seeing this, Wen Bin had no choice but to agree to the other party.

"I may have a minor operation in the next two days. Only after this operation is completed can I leave with peace of mind. As for some scars on the outside of my body, I hope Brother Wen can think of a way for me."

Seeing Shen Zhixin's words, Wen Bin said seriously: "Don't worry, everything is ready, visa, passport, everything is ready, and I will send you abroad for treatment at that time The wounds on your body."

Seeing the message from Wen Bin, Shen Zhixin couldn't help it, covered her face and burst into tears. She was about to leave this place that made her despair, but a trace of reluctance suddenly surged in her heart.

Shen Zhixin didn't know whether this reluctance was aimed at Xiao Yuting or the real Zhou Liqian, but she didn't want to continue in this chaos.

She hoped that Xiao Yuting would not be involved in this matter after she left, so she was ready. At that time, even if Xiao Yuting hated her, at least she would not be retaliated by Zhou Liqian.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Zhixin typed out the word "thank you", and then put the phone aside.

She lay there with her head sideways, and only when Xiao Yuting came in did she regain her emotions.

"I went to ask the doctor just now. The doctor said that I can probably perform an operation on you tomorrow. You have recovered well recently. It seems that the fire did not leave you with too serious sequelae."

Hearing this, the smile on Shen Zhixin's face relaxed a little, and then she looked at Xiao Yuting and said, "Did the doctor say that you can walk around a little in a few days after the child is aborted? It's so comfortable, I want to take a good walk."

"After about two weeks of recuperation, the wounds on your body will start to heal. With the addition of the drips and medicines infused these days, I believe you can walk around slowly, but if you want to fully recover, In addition to the rest time for the operation, I need to lie down for at least another two months."

Hearing these words, Shen Zhixin kept nodding her head again, two weeks, she couldn't bear it even for two weeks.

"Well, I just hope that my skin graft can be done as soon as possible, otherwise I am really worried about my health."

When speaking of these words, there was a trace of helplessness in Shen Zhixin's tone.

And Xiao Yuting smiled, took the apple on the side and laughed seriously, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the doctor's side is ready, although some people are really disgusting, but he is here It’s still a good thing to do.”

Xiao Yuting had to admit that Zhou Liqian did provide a lot of help in Shen Zhixin's operation.

If it wasn't for him, Shen Zhixin might not be able to complete the operation completely.

Shen Zhixin smiled heartily, and didn't get too entangled in these matters, she didn't want to mention the person who caused her pain anymore.

Early the next morning, after Shen Zhixin woke up, the doctor told her in detail about the operation, and checked Shen Zhixin's physical condition, and found that she could indeed withstand the abortion operation. Yes, in the operating room.

The moment before the chief surgeon entered, Xiao Yuting grabbed the other's hand and said, "I haven't given anesthesia yet, so I'll ask you one last time, can the child really not be kept?"

"I can't keep it."

The chief surgeon looked at Xiao Yuting with certainty, and gave such a reply directly.

He has no way to lie about this kind of thing. As a doctor, everything he said about the patient is the truth.

"Actually, in addition to some medical effects, the previous shock in the fire also had a great impact on the children. We only discovered this when we were filming the film. That is to say, even if you I don't want to lose this child, this child will only become confident in the end, disappear, and will not be born into this world safely."

"In other words, that guy still gave her a fatal blow."

Xiao Yuting couldn't bear to say this, but the doctor nodded decisively and agreed with the judgment without hesitation.

After hearing this, Xiao Yuting closed her eyes heartily, and really didn't know what else she could continue to say.

At this point, no matter how much she said, it would be of no use.

"Thank you doctor. When she comes out from the operation, she will probably need some nutritional supplements. I hope you can list them for me. I will take good care of her body."

Heartbroken and helpless, Xiao Yuting could only make such a decision. The child could not be kept, but the adult must be kept.

"Don't worry, these are all ours. I will definitely help you with my job."

After saying this, the leading doctor went directly into the operating room, while Xiao Yuting waited quietly outside. In the operating room was Shen Zhixin who was undergoing abortion.

She had indeed been anesthetized and took the medicine given by the doctor. She lay there obediently, but felt a pain in her body.

Her face was miserable, she didn't know what was going on with the pain, she had already been anesthetized, but the pain was so clear, as if a piece of flesh had been ripped out of her belly.

"Doctor, doctor, didn't you give me anesthesia? Why didn't you give me anesthesia?"

Hearing this, the doctor looked up at Shen Zhixin, and found that the other person's face was pale and painful, and even bit his lip, so he looked at the anesthetist at the side with some hesitation.

But the anesthesiologist also spread his hands and shook his head innocently. The patient lying on the bed is suffering from severe burns. She is going to have a miscarriage now, so how could she not be anesthetized?
Knowing this, the doctor could only sigh helplessly, and then explained to Xiao Yuting: "This is psychogenic pain, don't think about it anymore, it will be over soon."

After hearing this term, Xiao Yuting's mind was full of doubts. Her mind was already so confused that she couldn't react at all. What is this psychogenic pain?
The doctors didn't start until she slowly fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she had already returned to the VIP ward where she was waiting.

Xiao Yuting sitting on the side dozed off non-stop, Shen Zhixin looked outside, the sky was getting dark, it was probably noon, she had the operation after lunch, unexpectedly, when she opened her eyes again, it was already night
Shen Zhixin took a deep breath, but she didn't expect her movement to wake up Xiao Yuting who was in a daze.

Xiao Yuting opened her eyes and found that Shen Zhixin couldn't wake up, so she rushed over and let out a sigh of relief.

"It really scared me to death. You don't know. You almost bleed a lot after the operation. Thanks to the doctor's timely treatment, it didn't cause serious consequences. Does it hurt? Is there any discomfort?"

After Xiao Yuting said these questions, she looked up at Shen Zhixin, only to find that Shen Zhixin's expression seemed to be unresponsive, just lying there blankly, like a soulless doll.

"Shen Zhixin, Shen Zhixin, are you okay? Shen Zhixin, Shen Zhixin, are you okay?"

Xiao Yuting was a little scared and wanted to shake Shen Zhixin's body to wake her up, but she didn't dare to make too much movement on him, because she was afraid that she would shake Shen Zhixin, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

Shen Zhixin hesitated to say this, as if her eyes had completely lost their luster.

"When the child was taken from my stomach, I actually felt pain."

Shen Zhixin wanted to say these words, Xiao Yuting was taken aback immediately, she frowned tightly and looked at Shen Zhixin with a hint of worry in her eyes.

"Is no one giving you anesthesia? No, I have already made an appointment with the anesthesiologist, so there will be no problem."

Shen Zhixin shook his head with a wry smile, and then said to Xiao Yuting: "It's not that he didn't give me anesthesia, he said that I have some kind of psychogenic pain.

Hearing this explanation, Xiao Yuting nodded and said in a relaxed manner: "Psychopathic pain is not because you can really feel the pain, but because you feel uncomfortable in your heart, and you think there should be special pain in your body. That's what causes the pain in that place."

Since she hadn't forgotten to take the anesthetic, Xiao Yuting felt much more relaxed.

Originally, miscarriage was a very painful thing, if she couldn't take anesthesia, Shen Zhixin would really suffer.

"The child left me in the end, did you tell the doctor to help me..."

"Don't worry, I've collected them all. You asked me to ask the bodyguards to buy the swaddles and small toys yesterday and burn them together to make a small urn."

"I remember asking you to help me buy things before. I put about 5 yuan in your place, right?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yuting nodded. It was Shen Zhixin asking her to help find some beautiful paintings for Zhou Liqian's birthday. The 5 yuan was just a deposit.

It's a pity that she and Zhou Liqian had already broken up before this suitable painting was found.

"For the 5 yuan, please help me light an ever-burning lamp for this child!"

Seeing the pain in Shen Zhixin's eyes, Xiao Yuting hesitated, but finally agreed to the other party's request.

She had no way to refuse these requests from Shen Zhixin, because she could tell that Shen Zhixin was really in pain.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be an eternal lamp, but what should be written on the tablet, you can't let this child not even have a name, just accept the blessing of the everlasting lamp!"

Xiao Yuting looked at Shen Zhixin hesitantly, and really didn't want to say this, but if this child really had a soul, she must also hope that her mother could give her a name.

"Let's call it Ping An. She has followed me in this life. I have suffered a crime. She has left my body before she has become a concrete form. I hope she will be safe in her next life."

This is probably Shen Zhixin's deepest and most shallow blessing. Apart from peace, she really doesn't know what else she can beg for this child.

Seeing the pain in Shen Zhixin's eyes, Xiao Yuting stopped mentioning these things, but walked to the door and waved to the bodyguard holding the urn, asking him to talk about the urn going to the countryside first.

The urns of their grandfather, grandmother, and her mother are all at home, and it doesn't matter if there is one more child. When the time comes to find a suitable temple and light the ever-burning lamp, Shen Zhixin can feel more at ease.

"These things are up to you. If you don't have enough money, you can use your bank card."

Shen Zhixin may not care about this matter, she directly handed over the password of the bank card and told you Xiao Yuting.

Xiao Yuting sighed helplessly, and then said to her: "Don't worry, if you don't have enough money, I won't be polite to you."

If it was something else, she would be afraid to help out a little, but Xiao Yuting didn't want to use her own money for this matter about the child.

Because she felt that both the child and Shen Zhixin must hope that their involvement would be deeper.

"She finally left."

(End of this chapter)

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