star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 223 Ambiguous

Chapter 223 Ambiguous
While talking, Shen Zhixin threw herself on Zhou Liqian, as if she wanted to find her missing mobile phone from Zhou Liqian's body.

Zhou Liqian smelled the smell of wine on her body, trying to restrain his eagerness to move, and then comforted Shen Zhixin and said: "Don't worry, your mobile phone is not with me, it is still in your bag!" The bag is in the room now, don't worry, okay?"

Shen Zhixin was really drunk, and his unconscious mind was completely unable to judge whether what the person in front of him said was true or false.

But she really didn't touch her mobile phone on the other party, so she could only believe what he said.

"I heard that you hold the evidence about Zhou Liqian in your hand, do you hate him very much?"

Zhou Liqian was really trying to find out what he wanted to know the most, he wanted to see what kind of reaction Shen Zhixin would have, especially when hearing his name, what kind of reaction would Shen Zhixin have?
"I, I hate him, he changed me, without any dignity, like a doll at the mercy of others, I hate him, I hate him!"

There was endless hatred in Shen Zhixin's tone, as if the name Zhou Liqian mentioned just now was the person she hated the most in her life.

And Zhou Liqian also knew clearly that that name referred to himself.

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Liqian suppressed the anger that welled up in his heart. He still had some questions to ask, so he couldn't delay at this time.

"Then let me ask you, have you hidden any evidence related to him? If so, I can help you deal with him."

"You help me deal with him, who are you? Why do you help me deal with him?"

Although Shen Zhixin was a little drunk, but listening to the words of the man in front of him, he always felt that something was not quite right, and there was always a sense of ambiguity, as if he was tempting something, feeling like he was harboring something. Kind look.

"Yes, I can help you deal with him. He and I are also enemies. He robbed our company and almost sent someone to kill me. If it wasn't for my fast running, I'm afraid I'm already a corpse now." Okay, let me help you deal with him together, okay?"

In order to know the specific situation, it is not easy for Zhou Liqian to try so hard to hack himself.

"I don't want to tell you! You, you are a bad person, I can't trust you, I don't want to tell you."

Shen Zhixin glanced at Zhou Liqian, but in a blink of an eye he rejected his request, and didn't intend to tell him those things, as if he had some scruples, he refused to say a word.

"Well, it's okay if you don't want me to help you, at least tell me if you have those things in your hand, so that I can wait for you to deal with him with peace of mind, and then take revenge on me, you see okay?"

Listening to the man in front of him talking, Shen Zhixin always felt that the man's voice was very familiar, like the person in his dream, but these words made him feel shuddering, he didn't know why he felt this way , but he is really repulsive.

"I don't believe you, you go away, you go away, you don't come near me, you are a bad person, I can't trust you, I won't tell you I have it! Absolutely not!"

Shen Zhixin said these words in an excited tone, as if she had seen something unbelievable, she didn't want the man in front of her to haunt her, she repelled him very much, and hoped to drive him away quickly.

"Just tell me, please, I am also a victim, I just want to know if you can deal with him, why don't you even give me this chance!"

Zhou Liqian is still pretending to be pitiful, hoping to get a chance to win the trust of Shen Zhixin.

It's just that Shen Zhixin is not what he thought, even when he is drunk, Shen Zhixin seems to have his own theory.

"Go away. If you come closer to me again, I'll call the security to arrest you. You're not qualified to come here! Right? You must have come in secretly, you're a liar."

Shen Zhixin seemed to know the identity of the person in front of her, and she was very excited. She was determined to drive this person out, so when she spoke, her hands moved unconsciously, even with a hint of roughness. Zhou Liqian felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, Shen Zhixin is now driving away the intruders, so his strength will naturally be stronger, and a drunk person has no sense at all, so he naturally feels that the opponent's attack is getting stronger and stronger, as if he is going to knock him out here.

Zhou Liqian couldn't help frowning, but Shen Zhixin seemed to be ignorant, and continued to attack the intruder in front of him.

She felt that since the person in front of her asked those things, she must have malicious intentions, and Zhou Liqian couldn't admit his identity at this time, otherwise even the drunk Shen Zhixin would know that he had other thoughts.

Therefore, under Zhou Liqian's silent bearing, Shen Zhixin's strength became stronger and stronger, as if he wanted to take Zhou Liqian down in one fell swoop.

In the end, Zhou Liqian couldn't take it anymore, and directly knocked Shen Zhixin unconscious and hugged her in his arms.

Seeing Shen Zhixin lying softly in his arms, without the slightest resistance, Zhou Liqian's eyes were tainted with tenderness.The other party's so well-behaved appearance seems to have returned to the time when the two of them had not completely broken up...

Just thinking of this, Zhou Liqian's heart ignited raging anger again. No matter how well-behaved Shen Zhixin is now, it is an indisputable fact that the other party has contact with Wen Bin. No matter how much he thinks about it, it is impossible for him to ignore this point.

Not wanting to think about those things anymore, Zhou Liqian frowned deeply, tried his best to ignore these things, and then threw Shen Zhixin to the maids who came to clean up, and asked them to send Shen Zhixin back to the room.

Seeing how Zhou Liqian turned and left, the maid took another sneak peek at Shen Zhixin, then held Shen Zhixin in her arms, asked several others to help her, and sent Shen Zhixin to the bedroom together.

If it weren't for the fact that Shen Zhixin took good care of these maids before, she might have to spend the whole night in this gazebo with the cold wind.

Sitting in the living room, watching Shen Zhixin being sent back to the bedroom by those maids, Zhou Liqian didn't say anything, but silently called his secretary.

Although he didn't seem to have asked any specific things from Shen Zhixin just now, but in fact he has almost inquired about it, and Shen Zhixin should really have that thing in his hand.

"You don't need to make any more excuses, continue to investigate! She definitely has something in her hands, so go and investigate Xiao Yuting by the way, Xiao Yuting is her friend, and she will definitely cooperate with her."

After hearing this, the secretary felt a little strange, but after all, it was Zhou Liqian who brought the clues, and he had no way to deny the information the other party got, so he could only accept it like this.

But the secretary himself was also very helpless. In his opinion, what he had investigated before was already the truth, but Zhou Liqian seemed to want to find a better reason for him, and he refused to believe it all the time. Naturally, the secretary felt very uncomfortable. at a loss.

But Zhou Liqian didn't care about these, after all, he had seen Shen Zhixin's performance just now, so he would naturally think that Shen Zhixin was definitely hiding something in this matter, otherwise it would be impossible to be so unscrupulous.

Zhou Liqian never thought that he would be deceived by Shen Zhixin's acting skills once, twice, or even three times or four times.

After ordering the secretary, Zhou Liqian didn't know what he thought of. He looked up upstairs with deep eyes, as if thinking about something.

In the end, as if he had made up his mind, he got up from the sofa and walked up.

The maids had already sent Shen Zhixin to the house, and when they saw Zhou Liqian coming up, they all bowed to him, Zhou Liqian waved his hands, and walked straight to Shen Zhixin's bedroom regardless of the eyes of these people.

And those maids glanced at each other, then sighed and walked downstairs.

They naturally knew about the entanglement between Shen Zhixin and the young master of the Zhou family, and they actually felt a little uncomfortable seeing Shen Zhixin like this.

Pushing open the door and walking in, Shen Zhixin was lying on the bed with a flushed face, as attractive and delicious as a freshly picked apple.

Zhou Liqian stared deeply at Shen Zhixin, as if he wanted to get more information from him.

Thinking of the conversations he had with Shen Zhixin just now, Zhou Liqian's eyes became deeper and deeper.

"Are you ok?"

Zhou Liqian greeted Shen Zhixin with a gentle tone. He knew that if he was harsh, Shen Zhixin would definitely think of something, so he used this method to try to make Shen Zhixin relax his vigilance.

It's just that he didn't expect that his technique was so easy to use. Shen Zhixin suddenly opened her eyes wide after hearing his words.

"Why are you here?"

Shen Zhixin's tone contained a trace of innocence that was ignorant of the world. She tilted her head and looked at Zhou Liqian, as if surprised that the other party would appear here.

"Why? I just want to see you, can't you?"

Trying to restrain the evil thoughts that blurted out, Zhou Liqian spoke to Shen Zhixin in a gentle tone, as if what he said was the truth.

"But this is someone else's house! You will be treated as a thief if you suddenly appear here, you go, you go!"

There was a hint of worry in Shen Zhixin's tone, she sat up from the bed vigorously, got rid of the soft quilt, pushed Zhou Liqian to let him leave from the door quickly.

Zhou Liqian felt a little strange when he saw his actions.

"But I don't want to go, I want to be with you."

There was a trace of temptation in Zhou Liqian's words, he just wanted to know whether Shen Zhixin was in a sober state or in a drunk state, he had some doubts whether the other party was acting in front of him just now.

"This is a private house, you can't sneak in."

There was a hint of seriousness in Shen Zhixin's tone, and she looked at the other party with persistent eyes.

Seeing this, Zhou Liqian hesitated for a while before asking: "Do you know who I am?"

Hearing this question, Shen Zhixin sat there blankly, with a hint of confusion and a hint of bewilderment in her tone.

"Who are you? Who are you? I, I don't know, what's wrong?"

Zhou Liqian sighed heartily, and then said: "I am your husband."

He wanted to see if Shen Zhixin would believe what he said in this drunken state.

"You are my husband, I, I don't know about this, what's going on? Why hasn't anyone told me about it?"

There was a hint of grievance in Shen Zhixin's tone, as if there was some important matter that she hadn't discussed with her.

Zhou Liqian frowned, and said with a hint of displeasure in his tone: "What? Don't you want to admit my husband?"

"Of course not!" Shen Zhixin shook her head seriously, and looked at Zhou Liqian with gentle eyes.

"It's not that I don't want to admit you, it's just that no one has ever told me about these things before. They... don't they want you to be with me! So they deliberately blocked us!"

The drunken Shen Zhixin looked extremely innocent, no matter what Zhou Liqian said, she would immediately believe it without the slightest doubt.

Zhou Liqian seemed to be addicted to the game, gradually dispelling those gloomy thoughts of getting along with Shen Zhixin in the past, and slowly showing a trace of tenderness in the eyes looking at Shen Zhixin.

"Yes, they just want to stop me and you, they are too bad, aren't they?"

"Yes, they are really bad!"

Shen Zhixin was like a child, sitting on her hands and patting the bed below her with both hands, as if she wanted to vent her anger for Zhou Liqian.

Zhou Liqian just sat next to him, put his arms around her shoulders, and realized that Shen Zhixin did not refuse, Zhou Liqian then asked: "Then do you have any evidence for the owner, if there is something against him evidence, we can bring him down, and we can be together forever."

Until now, Zhou Liqian is still probing this matter, because he knows very well that Shen Zhixin is definitely hiding something.

"Evidence, evidence, of course I have evidence, but I can't show it now, but don't worry, I will definitely do this, and then I will be with you forever."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Liqian was even more sure of what Shen Zhixin said just now, he had already fully agreed with the existence of this evidence, and since this was the case, there was no need to probe further.

"Then I'll wait for you to save me!"

Zhou Liqian turned over and pressed Shen Zhixin on the bed, looked at the other party's confused and ignorant eyes, and then kissed Shen Zhixin's lips.

Shen Zhixin actively responded, as if she wanted to hug the other person into her body.

Early the next morning, when Shen Zhixin woke up, Zhou Liqian had already disappeared into the room, obviously he got what he needed, so he didn't care about the person who provided it.

Shen Zhixin breathed a sigh of relief, and pressed her aching temple. She was a little fortunate that her acting skills still managed to fool Zhou Liqian.

"Fortunately, I was prepared, otherwise, I might have been caught by that man."

After Wuzi finished speaking, Shen Zhixin picked up the phone and hurriedly notified Xiao Yuting of the matter.

This matter can no longer be delayed any longer. If Xiao Yuting doesn't handle it well, Zhou Liqian may really get some news.

"You mean he was already playing with your secret last night?"

After Xiao Yuting received the call, her tone was obviously worried. She was very concerned about this matter because she was afraid that Shen Zhixin would be hurt in it.

"Don't worry, I've covered this matter perfunctorily. I'll tell you the details when I get to the set later. How is your evidence preparation?"

"It's almost there."

(End of this chapter)

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