star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 213 What Happened

Chapter 213 What Happened
Xiao Yuting was really anxious, and arrived here almost at the same time as the police. When Xiao Yuting got out of the car, because a group of serious and burly men were behind her, the police who came here were almost taken as accomplices of the kidnappers.

And Shen Zhixin came out to wait because he just heard the sound of a police car, but found that Xiao Yuting had just arrived, but was stopped by those policemen. The woman who came over was not a villain, but a friend of the victim.

"Why are your feet hurt like this?"

Because there are all kinds of potions on the feet, and there is no gauze to use, so Shen Zhixin can only temporarily roll up the trouser legs and dare not put them down, lest these will be rubbed on the trousers, which will make the wound worse. subject to friction.

Shen Zhixin's shoes were thrown aside in that dilapidated courtyard, so now she is wearing a pair of men's slippers found by the toll booth staff.

"I couldn't wear high heels when I ran away, so I ran barefoot."

At the beginning, she still had socks, but she had been running for too long and the distance was too long. The socks could not withstand the friction for a long time, and they were already torn. Shen Zhixin stopped for a moment during the running process, took off the socks and threw them away. in place.

"Let's go back quickly, you sit there and tell me what happened just now."

It just so happened that the police also came over to inquire about what happened today, Shen Zhixin thought for a while, and said to Xiao Yuting who was beside him: "Don't worry, I'll go and talk to the police, and I'll come and tell you after I'm done."

Seeing Xiao Yuting nod her head, Shen Zhi smiled heartily, turned around and walked aside, she was a little nervous now, although she was a victim in this matter, she still had a little bit of a trace when facing the police directly, no.

"Can you tell us what happened today and what happened?"

Because Shen Zhixin seemed to be in a good state of mind, and he didn't look like he had been illegally violated, but the wounds on his legs and feet looked really serious, so the police asked this way, otherwise they would only be more careful in their wording.

"After today's filming, I got in the car arranged by the company to go home, but the man started the car as soon as he saw me in the car. He didn't bring my assistant with him at all. I was chatting with others at the time, so I didn't Notice."

When she said this, there was a hint of embarrassment in Shen Zhixin's eyes, while the policeman at the side signaled her to continue talking and not to hide anything about this matter.

Shen Zhixin nodded, and obediently continued to state what happened before.

"When I realized it, I found that the direction she was going was not the way back, but a completely unfamiliar road, and then I threw my phone out of the window to try to ask for help, but because he didn't know what was in the car , Then I fell into a coma, and when I woke up again, I found that they had tied me up to a strange place, and I had been put on a blindfold."

Shen Zhixin said all this patiently, without any confusion or logical error in her tone, she spoke seriously about everything she came into contact with.

"After the two kidnappers locked me inside, I made up some lies to deceive them, telling them to mainly extort my money and not to hurt me. At night, they completely let go of their guard against me, so I secretly knocked on the window and ran away. .”

Shen Zhixin described the whole process in detail, and the policemen couldn't help but admire after hearing it. Shen Zhixin is indeed very good in this aspect. At least when she was saving herself, she did every action well.

If there is any error in any place, Shen Zhixin is very likely to be hurt in this self-rescue.

"Then may I ask, what kind of lies did you use to deceive those kidnappers?"

Shen Zhixin smiled embarrassedly, and then said: "Those kidnappers may have believed the news in the gossip and thought I was President Zhou's little lover, so they wanted to kidnap me and ask for more money, so I will tell them that I am It’s not a little lover, it just so happens that I have pinched marks on my body during filming to feel the pain, so I said that I was actually the one who was abused by him, that Mr. Zhou threatened me with my mother or something.”

After the policeman heard this, he suddenly felt very strange. It was not a big problem to use gossip and gossip to save himself, but how could it involve his mother, and most importantly, how could Shen Zhixin be 100% sure that these people would Believe it?

After hearing the police's question, Shen Zhixin smiled and answered the latter question first.

"They haven't met people in high society, so they naturally don't know whether what I say is true or not, and they are very cynical. According to their character, they will definitely believe what I say."

"As for my mother, it was because my mother worked too hard and hurt her body, and I didn't know any better nursing home, so I asked my agent to help me find it, and he recommended Qingshan Sanatorium to me. The dean of the nursing home and Mr. Zhou are friends, and to reassure me, the manager specially introduced it to me, hoping to take care of my mother more."

After hearing this, the police felt that there was no problem. Shen Zhixin explained it very clearly, and the whole logic was very logical, and there was absolutely no intention of hiding anything, so the police were very satisfied.

Seeing the satisfaction in the other party's expression, Shen Zhixin heaved a sigh of relief, and said with an embarrassed smile: "I hope that there will be no rumors and gossips. As for the gossip about me, you can Don't believe it, after all, people are in critical situations! There will always be some nonsense."

Of course, Shen Zhixin couldn't let any definite gossip news come out of these policemen, so she was still telling them seriously.

As for the policemen, they nodded in understanding. After all, this person in front of him is a recently popular female star. If she is really related to those rumors, her future development may be hindered.

Of course they would not do this kind of thing, this kind of thing will only offend people, they are the police, not the assassins.

"Don't worry! We know what should be said and what should not be said. You just need to cooperate with the investigation."

Shen Zhixin nodded, and thought of another kidnapper who had fled outside, and quickly said to the police: "There is another person who is his accomplice. I don't know whether that person is his younger brother or the mastermind."

While talking, Shen Zhixin tried hard to think about the information she could recall. She had never met the newcomer, so she couldn't describe the specific appearance, but when she listened to the conversation between the two before she ran away, she vaguely heard That person's name seems to be Da Zhuang.

Shen Zhixin told the news, she looked at the policeman with a hint of pleading in her eyes.

"I hope you can arrest this Da Zhuang as soon as possible, otherwise I'm really nervous."

Under interrogation by the police just now, the captured kidnapper had already admitted that he was Brother Qiang, so Shen Zhixin decisively judged that the other person was Da Zhuang.

"Don't worry, that person can't run very far."

After hearing this, Shen Zhixin nodded and left this matter to his assistant to communicate with the police, while Shen Zhixin was sitting in Xiao Yuting's car, ready to go back to Xiao's house.

It's not suitable to go back to Zhou's house now, it's more convenient to go back to Xiao's house.

"Is your dad all right?"

Shen Zhixin originally wanted to go back to Zhou's house, she didn't want to cause trouble for Xiao Yuting, but Xiao Yuting firmly refused.

As long as she thought of Zhou Liqian's appearance of not caring about other people's lives in the office just now, she would feel very angry, and she was not willing to let Shen Zhixin go back to suffer at this time.

"Just go to my house. My father happens to be working out of town, and he won't be back until two days later."

She called her father just now to help calculate the transfer funds because the other party is now out of the province, otherwise she would go home and ask.

"All right!"

Sitting in Xiao Yuting's car, Shen Zhixin repeated what he had just told the police.

It's just that what she said this time was more truthful, and there were no such messy lies.

"You mean, someone hired the two of them to kidnap you on purpose, who would do such a thing?"

Xiao Yuting frowned, seriously thinking about who might do this, but she didn't have any doubts about what Shen Zhixin said.

Of course Xiao Yuting would not think these words were wrong, because she believed in her heart that Shen Zhixin would not lie about such matters.

So she just needs to be patient and listen to the other party's thoughts, and give some suggestions by the way, without questioning too much.

"You also know that I don't deal with those people. I can't accurately judge who they are, Ge Xiao, Lin Xinxin, or Fang Yarou. They are all possible."

Even Shen Zhixin couldn't help sighing at this point, not knowing what to say.

I always feel that counting it this way, her enemies seem to be many!
"Don't worry too much, just stay at home for a while today. I will truthfully ask for a leave of absence from the director's place. This time we won't pretend to be sick. It's scary enough to take a picture of those wounds on your leg for the director. .”

Shen Zhixin had too many wounds on her legs and feet. If she really sent photos to the director, she would be able to take a week's vacation, let alone a day off.

But Shen Zhixin was unwilling to do this, she said that she only needed a day to recover a little bit, in desperation, Xiao Yuting could only give in.

Back at Xiao's house, Xiao Yuting ordered the maid to help Shen Zhixin wash her body, and then helped Shen Zhixin to sleep, then Xiao Yuting called the maid who helped Shen Zhixin aside, and asked her if there was anything special about Shen Zhixin. wounds and marks.

After hearing the maid said no, Xiao Yuting was relieved. She was afraid that Shen Zhixin would not tell about the illegal infringement because of shame and anger, but now it seems that there is no such thing, so she can rest assured up.

And Shen Zhixin was lying on the bed in Xiao's guest room, thinking about something, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

She was really hesitant, she really wanted to call Zhou Liqian, but she didn't know whether she should make the call.

If it was really broadcast, Zhou Liqian would also receive the information that she was safe and sound, but she was not willing to reveal her information like this.

Thinking of Zhou Liqian's current relationship with her, a trace of deep helplessness flashed across Shen Zhixin's eyes. She didn't know how to describe such a relationship, but after all, the other party helped her a lot, but also hurt her too deeply.

After hesitating for a while, Shen Zhixin still dialed the phone.

Zhou Liqian seemed to be very quick to answer the phone, but when hearing the other party's tone, Shen Zhixin was not sure of such a judgment.

"What's the matter with you calling me, why? You think of me when you want to ask for help, don't you?"

Zhou Liqian's tone seemed to have thorns, he didn't want to make Shen Zhixin feel better, so he used such words to hurt her.

Shen Zhixin sighed helplessly, and then said to Zhou Liqian: "I just want to tell you that I am at Xiao's house now, and I am safe."

Shen Zhixin's plain words made Zhou Liqian on the other side seem to feel the illusion that the two were together at the beginning.

But in an instant, Zhou Liqian put this feeling aside, because he knew very well his attitude towards Shen Zhixin now, and the other party would never talk to him so easily with such a gentle voice.

"What? Do you have anything else to do?"

Zhou Liqian's tone was full of disdain, as if talking to Shen Zhixin for an extra minute would insult his ears.

Shen Zhixin closed her eyes and said to Zhou Liqian: "I just want to ask you, why didn't you save me just now?"

There was a tremor in Shen Zhixin's tone, as if he was very concerned about this matter, while Zhou Liqian shut his mouth all of a sudden, not knowing what to say.

Shen Zhixin's reaction really made people feel distressed, but Zhou Liqian didn't want to give the other party any reply at this time.

"If you don't want to save you, it's as simple as that. Why can't you even think about this kind of thing?"

Zhou Liqian's tone was full of boredom, as if he had no patience for this matter, and when Shen Zhixin was about to say something, she hung up the phone directly.

Looking at the phone in his hand, Shen Zhixin sighed deeply, and was even a little dazed at that moment.

She thought that the other party would not answer her call, but the other party did.

She thought that what happened next meant that the relationship between the two would ease a little bit, but Zhou Liqian's reaction was still so bad.

Shen Zhixin always has the illusion that she is in a dead end, and she always feels that there is no way to escape these things between her and Zhou Liqian.

It's really embarrassing.

On the other side, after Zhou Liqian put down the phone, a gleam of relief suddenly flashed across his nervous eyes, and then he put his attention on the work on the side.

Looking at the time, he found that it was early in the morning. Only then did Zhou Liqian realize that he had stayed in the company for so long.

"I'm not worried about Shen Zhixin, am I?"

As soon as this thought came up, Zhou Liqian felt like he was being shocked by electricity, and there was always an embarrassing illusion of being peeped into his heart.

He quickly put aside the documents in his hand, opened the door of the lounge and walked in.

His office happened to have a lounge, and since Shen Zhixin was at Xiao's house today, he didn't have to go back.

Looking at the hung up phone in his hand, Shen Zhixin sighed and threw the phone aside.

(End of this chapter)

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