star wife is a bit sweet

Chapter 211 Making Tools

Chapter 211 Making Tools
Shen Zhixin patiently made all the preparations, as if all these things were under her control, but the sweat on her forehead had already proved her anxiety.

She didn't have much time, and Shen Zhixin didn't know whether those kidnappers would suddenly come over to check again in the middle of the night, so she had to quickly rescue herself from this predicament.

Thinking of Zhou Liqian's warm shoulders and calm words when Zhou Liqian carried her away from the warehouse, Shen Zhixin's eyes under the blindfold gradually became moist.

In such a desperate situation, she actually once again realized her feelings for Zhou Liqian, which is indeed very ridiculous.

But so what?The relationship between the two of them has reached that point, is it possible to continue?Shen Zhixin didn't believe that Zhou Liqian would be willing to give her this chance to continue, after all the other party hated her so much.

Shen Zhixin was thinking about something in her mind, but she was still mechanically sharpening the blade in her hand.

Finally, Shen Zhixin felt the force of restraint on her wrist disappear, and she realized that the original rope had been cut, and she could find a way to escape.

After completely removing the rope from his wrist, Shen Zhixin picked up the wrapping paper covering the blade from the ground, wrapped it up and stuffed it at the cuff of his shirt.

When she ran away for a while, she didn't know if she would use this blade. Anyway, it was not scrapped, so it was better to carry it with her.

Slowly taking off the blindfold on her eyes, and adapting to the surrounding light, Shen Zhixin found that her cautiousness seemed a bit ridiculous, because she didn't see any light source around her at all, if it wasn't for a window not far away, through which Seeing the moonlight outside, she probably thought she was locked in a basement, it was really scary here.

Shen Zhixin observed the surroundings carefully, it was a dilapidated house built with bricks and cement, there was no other door to go out, the only door was the one that the kidnappers locked her just now, and Shen Zhixin could also foresee that , the two kidnappers must be guarding the door to prevent her from escaping from here.

Turning her gaze to the only window, Shen Zhixin frowned, not knowing what to choose, if she wanted to break through the window, the sound would definitely attract the attention of the kidnappers, and she was completely unfamiliar with this place, so if she escaped After going there, not only failed to find the right direction, but turned back into the hands of the kidnappers because of getting lost, which would be really troublesome.

Shen Zhixin took off her shoes, and walked lightly to the window, fearing that any of her actions would attract the attention of the kidnappers outside the house.

She observed carefully and found that there was a ravine behind it. The ravine didn't look deep, and the direction of the ravine was in the mountains not far away. If you follow this ravine, you will definitely break into the dense forest.

Thinking of these things, Shen Zhixin felt a little nervous, after all, she didn't want to be lost in the jungle with hunger and cold.

But looking at the pitch-black house behind her, Shen Zhixin was still unable to make up her mind to continue to stay, because she knew very well in her heart that staying here would be worse than fleeing to the unfamiliar mountain, and those two men absolutely did not intend to let go. She passed her, and everything she said before was just perfunctory.

Frowning and looking out into the deep ravine, Shen Zhixin's eyes flashed with hesitation, she really couldn't make up her mind, but now she has no other choice.

"So decide!"

After saying this, Shen Zhixin took out the blade from the cuff of his shirt again, and then cut his coat into rags.

The quality of her coat is very good, and it took a lot of effort to cut it. Shen Zhixin didn't dare to tear it too hard, for fear that the sound of the fabric being torn would attract the attention of the kidnappers, so she could only cut it bit by bit. Then, the time has slowly passed the middle of the night, and arrived at around 02:30 in the morning.

The kidnappers obviously underestimated Shen Zhixin's ability and believed in their own defense ability, so they didn't think that Shen Zhixin would make any escape movements in the house.

Shen Zhixin used this time to successfully make a rope out of her jacket, and she would tie the rope to the wooden boards of the window in a while, then break the window and get out from the biggest gap.

Fortunately for Shen Zhixin, this gap is relatively small. She is a thin woman, and it is just right to get out from here, while the other two kidnappers are tall and strong men, no matter what they think, they can only go around from the outside. look for her.

This also bought her a little time to escape.

Shen Zhixin planned to observe for a while before escaping from here, because she was very worried that the kidnappers outside were looking at what she was doing through the crack of the door, and rushed in to catch her the moment she tried to escape.

Walking lightly to the wooden door, looking out through a thin crack, Shen Zhixin saw a muscular man dozing off boredly, while another man had already fallen asleep deeply.

Shen Zhixin breathed a sigh of relief, and quietly put her shoes at the door, making sure that the two people would not accidentally step on their high heels when they came in, then picked up the bricks from the corner of the wall, and went to the window to be cruel, Just smash the window.

The sound of the broken window caught the attention of the kidnappers outside, but it was almost three o'clock now, and everyone was already sleepy. Even if they heard the sound of the broken window, they didn't realize where the sound was coming from.

Shen Zhixin took advantage of this time to nimbly climbed out of the window, then used the cloth in his hand to hang it to the ground, and quickly ran towards the ravine.

The ravine looked relatively deep, but luckily there were no big bushes on either side. Shen Zhixin gritted her teeth and rolled her body curled up from the top of the ravine to the bottom of the slope.

The kidnappers finally realized what the loud noise was. Brother Qiang and Da Zhuang glanced at each other, and then quickly opened the door, only to find that Shen Zhixin inside had disappeared, and there was a long long hair tied to the window. The cloth strips, the length of the cloth strips just reach the ground.

The reason why they chose this room was because the windows in this room were relatively high, and there were also wooden kites strewn all over the place. It was expected that Shen Zhixin would not be able to escape, but they did not expect that she would slip out through the gap exposed by the wooden slats. .

It would be an exaggeration if it was a gap. The hole that Shen Zhixin escaped from was quite big, but in the eyes of the muscular kidnapper, it was indeed a gap.

After Shen Zhixin rolled to the bottom of the slope, she didn't dare to stand still, so she ran directly to the direction she had observed before.

She has roughly identified the direction, and there should be a highway intersection in that direction. If she can run there, she can successfully avoid the pursuit of the two kidnappers with the help of the staff at the highway intersection.

It's just that this journey requires her to keep running forward, so Shen Zhixin regrets that she was wearing high heels when recording the program instead of the more convenient flat shoes.

But it's useless to regret it now, she can only run to fight for it at the bottom of the ditch wearing socks, and she can get rid of those people's pursuit at the fork in a while.

Brother Qiang and Da Zhuang came out to chase Shen Zhixin immediately after they found out that Shen Zhixin was missing, but because they lost the best time, they couldn't tell from which direction Shen Zhixin escaped for a while.

After seeing the traces of Shen Zhixin rolling down, Brother Qiang frowned Xinxin, and then said to Da Zhuang: "The two of us are now divided into two groups, chasing while chasing, and there is still no result after eight o'clock in the morning. Let's go again." Figure out a way."

They had put in so much effort before, but they couldn't leave without the [-] million yuan, so even if Shen Zhixin was running away, they would never let each other go.

"No problem, I'm going to find someone now."

Da Zhuang chose the opposite direction to search for people, while Brother Qiang chased after Shen Zhixin in the direction he left.

Fortunately, Shen Zhixin had such a little time lag, coupled with the power that erupted at the critical moment of life and death, she unexpectedly hid her figure in the shadows of trees on both sides and in the dark night sky.

Seeing the moon in the sky gradually covered by dark clouds, Shen Zhixin was greatly relieved.

The moon was too big just now, and she was worried that she would be seen by others when she was running, but now... she can finally feel relieved.

No matter how hard Shen Zhixin tried, he avoided the pursuit, while Xiao Yuting continued to urge the technicians to analyze where Shen Zhixin was.

They were taking pictures of the route of the car before, inferring where they might transport the people. Xiao Yuting was also anxiously waiting for the result.

Once she got the result, she would immediately arrange for someone to rescue Shen Zhixin. Of course, the [-] million was just a backup option. If she couldn't rescue Shen Zhixin in this way, then she could only take out the money calmly.

Xiao Yuting was actually a little anxious, because she didn't know when the other party would find out, so she kept urging.

As for the technicians, they patiently searched for the direction where Shen Zhixin disappeared, and did not show any discomfort because of Xiao Yuting's urging.

They all knew Xiao Yuting's anxiety in their hearts. After all, a large living person was kidnapped. As the friend of the other party, it is understandable to be anxious, but this is not the reason why they, technicians, can operate at will.

Xiao Fang on the side heard it, and after Xiao Yuting kept urging her, she gritted her teeth and said words of persuasion.

"Miss Xiao, don't be too anxious. These technicians are very reliable. They will definitely be able to find out. Where is Sister Xinxin? If you urge them like this, it is easy for them to make mistakes in their analysis."

After hearing this, Xiao Yuting closed her mouth dumbly, as if she realized her problem.

But the anxiety in her eyes was not fake, as if she was still having a headache because of this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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